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i don't know why but

i never noticed how beautiful cherry

blossoms were

not until that day at least

i guess

i didn't pay attention to them

they were easy to ignore

maybe it's because

before that day

i always held my head low


somewhere inside

i felt deeply isolated from the rest of

the world


that day was different

that day

i felt like anything was possible

like i could become someone else


there's a rumor going around something

about the new first years

hell yeah i heard that they got a few

bad asses

like to tomorrow minowa and konparutaka

they used to own middle school sure

they're tough but they might as well be

preschoolers compared to the other guy

yeah no joke name's onigashima you

thinking what i'm thinking


if this is a miracle

then we should make good use of it

i know

you'll go to shishiku's entrance

ceremony and join the class in my place

hold up khan haru

hey i'm talking to you

put em


fight you

screw that

you clowns aren't even worth the effort

coward say that to my face run while you

can it'll happen sooner or later

the top spot's ours you got that

fine saw yours i don't give a damn

let's bounce yeah

what the heck did i get myself into

i stared at the brawl for the longest

time he still couldn't believe it was


oh sorry excuse me so what exactly is

going on here

what kind of question is that

we're dueling one-on-one to see who

becomes the boss

what about the entrance ceremony this is

the entrance ceremony dumbass

want to get in on the action short stuff

don't talk a big game if you ain't got

the guts to take on a real challenge

i'm a first-year student in the violet


names to tomorrow minoa

that ring of bell if not you'll learn it

i'm gonna be the boss of this sorry

bunch if anybody's got a problem they

can complain to my fists thanks for the



after that i learned

shishiku academy is home to lowlifes and

scumbags punks who duke it out daily to

decide who'll be the boss of the school

the entrance ceremony was just one

example of this

what a freaking joke if any of those

whims think they could be boss after

that beating they're even dumber than

they look

though i shouldn't brag too much

considering my two biggest competitors

didn't even bother to show up who are


for real did you sign up for this school

by accident or something the place is a

wolf's den yeah i've noticed guess i'm

pretty clueless
no kidding dude i thought you seemed

kind of spacey before but you're a total

airhead they'll eat you alive here oh


why don't you stick with me for the time



i just hate seeing guys like you get

picked on grinds my gears

if you need help say the word wow thanks

to tomorrow

that reminds me i never got your name


sorry i meant

hikaru hikaru onigashima

he said you're in violet class right

i'm in there too

you're hikaru onikashima


that's a nasty trick acting all week so

others will fight your battles for you

now i'm really pissed off

you brought this on yourself


quit dodging and fight me for real let's

see who gets to reach the top of this


you understand

you'll go to shishiku academy in my

place and you'll aim for the top spot

super simple

but i can't

i mean i'm a girl


and just like that

i realized how beautiful cherry blossoms


and with it came an incredible feeling

in that moment

i felt as if i really could become a

different person entirely


that was the day

oh no are you okay


i'm a doctor conveniently passing by

gracious this is a compound fracture


and you call 119 for him wait

i was heading to my school's entrance

ceremony i don't think you should worry

about that

you don't understand my school is

shishiku academy




you know

this is a miracle

that's right

since i'm clearly too injured to make it

you'll go to the shishiku academy

entrance ceremony in my place


are you serious


yes not a bad idea it could actually


the shishaku academy he's talking about

his unique boys school if he misses the

ceremony it's grounds for immediate


but if you were to attend class in this

place for a little while attend class

there's no way that would work i'd miss

out on my own classes that won't be a

problem i'll be going to your school

instead huh

so don't sweat it

just go to shishiku


i can't

i'm a girl and you're think this through

if your actions get him expelled then

you'll be financially responsible for

his enormous medical bills more like

guess it's settled for now you'll go to

shishiku academy as a boy and you'll

rise to the top of the school

simple as pie you just added a condition

my name's hikaru onigashima by the way

but starting today that's the name

you'll be going by

turns out that little accident was

actually staged to get me to attend

shishiku academy

but that wasn't the half of it


when the young boss gets an idea he

stops listening

i do

young boss

the surprises didn't stop there

this is uh-huh we had everything in the

orphanage shipped to this apartment

get comfy this is where you're living

from now on you must be joking

don't freak out we smoothed it over with

that suzuka day place you were staying

in it's fine

huh it was so easy all i had to tell

them was that we were long-lost twins

and presto

i mean look at us i don't think there's

anyone alive who wouldn't think we were

siblings no way yep

you and i are practically family now


as the second son of the onigashima

group i have an obligation to take the

top spot at shishiku for my family wait

are you


jeez are you gonna freak out about



it's onigashima family policy every son

has to attend shishiku academy

take it over and make it a breeding

ground for future gangsters

but i've suffered from illness ever

since i was a child

and i doubt i could manage it on the

other hand you've been healthy and

studying various martial arts all this


conquering shishiku should be a breeze

when i was growing up

i didn't have anyone i was pretty much


he was the first family that i'd ever


and before i realized it i'd agreed to

help him
hey did you hear the rumor apparently to

tomorrow friends from jimmy got his ass

handed to him hell yeah he did

that's what happens when you take on an

onigashima mano amano

well i think he lost on purpose out of

respect hikaru didn't look like much of

a fighter for real

if that's true it means hikaru's status

as number one is a lie

damn it i thought i was past this

i molded over a thousand times yesterday

but i still can't face the music talk

about lame huh i'm not sure i follow


really dude i'm trying to say you beat

me fair and square

no other way to slice it

i accept it no bull it's the truth

i respect your strength and your skill

as a fighter not to mention your family


there's no turning back at this point

by beating me you're now the acting boss

of the first years i'll be your right

hand if anyone challenges you i'll back

you up with everything i've got

hold on minoa i didn't mean to do that

don't call me that

to tomorrow will do just fine really

isn't that kind of

overly familiar huh

i don't think it's a big deal i mean

we're bros now bros

that means friend right

well yeah you punch it out with a guy

and you're bros


that means a lot to me

sure whatever

you know

i used to dream about taking over

shishiku academy


until that fight anyway

it's frustrating but he's the real deal

so i can't really complain

hikaru nigashima is a badass i respect

the hell out of him

you're unnaturally thin

makes me wonder


are you really who you say you are


your big brother goes to shishiku

doesn't he

you know the punks at that glorified

roach motel make life suck pretty hard

for us
i think we'll take some reparations out

of your sorry little hide sound fair but

that's my lunch money

what do you think you're doing

what's it look like pinky i'm shaking

the kid down do you mind

shake down


you do that to a child

hold on check out the uniform this

punk's from shishaku too guess the place

isn't all it's cracked up to be

run kid




he got away what a shame oh well

guess you'll pay our reparations how

about it boys should we get to work








jackass out of my

way fine sold yours i don't give a damn

thank you
he almost got the job on me


he was in my way so i moved him

i wasn't trying to help

so right now the top two first years are

you and this guy

who's he


don't the headphones give it away


he was in my way so i moved him

i wasn't trying to help

the second years have two bosses too

utah mitiko

and rintaro kira

you're so thin it makes me wonder

are you really who you say you are

yeah kira and i have met

so then

who is this

your big brother numbskull who else

boss of the third years

a living legend who took over shishiku

one month after enrolling

listen to me telling you about your own




if you want to rule the school you're

going to have to take each of them down

one-on-one no ifs ands or buts about it

you'll start with kompanu

he's a first year in the wisteria class

there ain't a punk in shishaku that

hasn't heard of him after 153 fights and

zero losses he's considered invincible

wow he sounds incredibly strong

hey you beat me right don't sweat it i

know you got what it takes to win this

but konkara already said he wouldn't be

fighting because he thinks it's


when two dudes square off nobody wins by

default either you beat him one-on-one

or you let any hope of ruling shishaku

die right here



hey bro

one of the boys from your school saved

me from a gang of bullies this morning

huh the three of them were gonna steal

my lunch money but he totally stopped

them he was cute looking but really cool

well if you see him again be sure to

thank him

big brother

is dinner almost ready

we're hungry
yep it's my special yucky soba

even though i was unofficially at the

top of shishiku's first years at the

time i could definitely feel the

pressure to win

from tatomaru don't get me wrong i got

nothing personal against kanparu

but if you want people to think you've

taken over the first year's class you

gotta fight him if you don't face him

now you'll never move forward

get what i'm saying bro your only choice

is to fight him

if you don't you can't call yourself a

man i thought i'd get a break after i

got home but it wasn't much better

don't just sit around you should be

planning your takeover

aim for the very top of shishiku and

rule it for the glory of me fight like

there's no tomorrow miss couldn't avoid

fighting computer if i wanted to

so i went ahead and challenged him but

every time i did he gave me the same


i'm not interested in fighting it's


i may as well have been challenging a

broken record try as i might i couldn't

get a different answer out of him


i think this situation calls for drastic


what's that supposed to mean

isn't it obvious you get out there and

jump his ass it's brawling 101.

sounds like a sultan battery

yeah well it's better than waiting for

him to change his mind until you pound

comperu into the pavement your road to

the top of shishaku is closed off

if he doesn't want to fight it won't

happen i can't force him

no uh

a letter of challenge

i'll be damned he's ready to rumble this

is your chance hikaru




it's pointless


give back

my brother


your brother

what are you talking about

i'm here because i got this letter of

challenge from you you're the one who

sent a letter you sorry son of a

this doesn't make any sense

don't play dumb you've tried to pick a

fight with me every day for weeks what

you resort to kidnapping when you don't

get your way bastard just how rotten are



kidnapping look man you're confused or

something hikuru doesn't roll like that

now are you gonna fight him or keep


hey boss

don't worry we picked up kompodu's

little brat of a brother like you said


i know that boy wait seriously

i i met him on the way to school the

other day but those other guys

whatever goes down here i got your back

bro i trust you wouldn't stoop to

pulling dirty tricks like that

don't worry minoru i'll get you out of

this out one more step and the breath

will have a permanent smile better cool


you sick demented psychopath what kind

of monster threatens a child just so

they can have a street fight this is a

misunderstanding i swear


if you want to fight you got one pal

you won't get away with this

i swear by the time i'm done with you

you'll be crippled

at the time

minoru was in danger so i just sort of

lost it

thinking back to that day hikaru was

just trying to talk some sense into me

so he was slow to react at first

all right guess i have to do this

yeah i realized if i wanted any hope of

getting through the cornball i'd have to

snap him out of it with a few punches





now will you listen konboru

i had nothing to do with the kidnapping

just the thought of doing something like

that turns my stomach i could never you

still acting innocent stop i don't buy



leave him


big bro
thank goodness

are you okay

i'm so sorry

i wasn't there

i can't breathe



that's him bro

he's the cute boy that helped me when

those bullies tried to take my lunch

money he was just as cool then too

isn't he awesome

that was you

thanks cute boy

i owe you no really



sorry about this

i was in the wrong here

i threw punches without thinking

i'm ashamed of myself

i was angry you didn't deserve any of


hey i get it

i mean i've been trying to pick a fight

with you for so long

i'm just sorry your brother got involved

i don't get it why would those guys do

this in the first place

who knows maybe they thought if you two

duked it out you destroy each other

freaking cowards


i learned a lot about you today

not only are you incredibly strong but

you've got a kind heart and look out for

the weak like you've done for my little


after all this

i think you'd make a great leader for

the first years

do you mean that

i do and you'll have my full support

hikaru onigashima

thank you


hell yeah all our problems just flew out

the window

he can use at the top of the first years

and headphones is a bonafide member of

the gang

i didn't agree to that


oh you're annoying


what's up



i had successfully gained control of

shishiku academy's first years then it

was time to move on

we set our sights on the second year

class crap i forgot midterms are coming

up soon aren't they never thought they'd

actually test us at this school

school being the operative word


for some reason we decided

the best thing to do was have a study








i give up

these questions

don't they seem stupid hard


this is all middle school level stuff


i thought they were easy but i had no

idea i figured they have to be pretty

lenient at shishaku where most of the

students would fail before the

semester's out wait a second you can

actually figure them out

but how uh

huh i guess it makes sense now i heard

when to tomorrow's homeroom teacher saw

his grades the first day they were moved

to tears they weren't worth crying over

really so that means

you're actually good at this crap just

goes to show you can't judge a book by

its cover my friend

look what he can do he's a prime example

you'd never think he's as strong as he


good point


so uh i've been wanting to ask this ever

since i got here what's up with that

you like a fan of his

those are my brothers

that's hohos

no way that's crazy

sorry sorry slip of the tongue i meant

they're my sisters huh you got a sister

brother what is this oh well

i forgot boss i mean miss the young miss

i mean boss had planned a study session

for today i heard i just forgot about it

besides doesn't look like studying more

like a social gathering for shady low

lives get out

i look after the boss and miss it's nice

to meet you boys

please get back to studying


if you decide to try anything funny with

her him you'll have to answer to me

dude your sister makes a pretty powerful

impression yeah she's a better fit for

shishaku than you yeah

no joke you're a little lacking in the

manly department

if i didn't know you i'd have a hard

time telling you you were even a guy

no what i think it's time we brushed you

up on the art of the punk


forget it guess not everyone's cut out

for everything you know

that was the day i knew the real you

someone that i'd never know

you put up a front but there's a limit

to how far i'll let it go

i want to dream

take back the esteem and break away

i'm starting now i'm starting now before

it's too late

i'll wake up wake up wake up


it's too loud please you have to turn it

down do you want the neighbors to


sorry for the disturbance

geez relax bro you're gonna burst

what do you mean i'm fine

come on you're so tense i bet i could

beat you at wrestling

all right tough guy let's see you get

out of this you're too close



you look kind of red you okay

well you just sort of jumped on me out

of nowhere of course i turn red

don't make it sound weird i just put you

in a hole

help is on the way

how do you like that am i helping yet

i tried to warn you

but you just had to go and mess with the

little miss boss

now you're gonna pay

thanks so much for today huh

it's just

i've never had friends over at my house

like this before

it was a lot of fun uh

sure bro i mean it was just a study

session but what else next time i say we

ditch the books and do some training


next time


i was about to kick off my career as an

artist and my solo debut was set to be

at the school i attended

but shishiku isn't your run-of-the-mill


it's the wildest academy in the country


it was a totally transparent attempt to

generate some buffs


to be honest i couldn't have cared less



of it

that's how i felt at the time


and if it wasn't for who i met

i'd still feel that way


i need to get to class or i'll be late


the guy from the posters


you a fan of mine too babe

want an autograph no i'm good thanks why

are you here

you mean you don't know

that hurts

i'm a second year student in cherry

blossom class

names yuta miraco

you're quite the little cutie

you seem frail and naive it kind of

makes me want to take care of you

got a boyfriend i can replace no i am a


so you are

can't believe i missed the uniform

though i'm not sure i'm convinced

i don't make mistakes i pride myself on

having an especially keen eye and

no guy has wrists like yours

i get that a lot actually it's true i'm

pretty short and i don't have the most

muscular build but i really am a guy

well i'll actually be attending class

for a change today

i'll find you

you'll find me yep

maybe next time i can be a little more

thorough with you

then i'll know for sure whether you're

really a boy or not

hey handsy think you could give it a

rest you're bothering hikaru not to

mention being a total creep he might be

mild-mannered but he's the boss of the

first years back offer will make you


a scrawny thing like you

and you are

who again where is bros you got a

problem with that


what a load of crap

seriously guess the first years don't

amount to much

been a while rintaro didn't think you'd

be the one to reach out first

it's not like you at all

stop messing with the first years

understand ah yes

so you saw that he's quite interesting

isn't he

i thought he was a girl at first

maybe i'll

all right kill the scary look

i'll leave him be okay

besides he's got a couple of friends

with him what a loser

there's that pathetic attitude

you haven't changed at all yuta

you're still letting ancient history

tear you apart


hey did you hear the news

you know that guy medico rival to the

top of the second years he's putting on

a solo concert here hell yeah a punk in

an idol huh must be exhausting

i heard something else miriko was

messing with hikuru his lieutenants are

pissed that's right it won't be much

longer until

a power play


can't believe i missed the uniform

though i'm not sure i'm convinced i

don't make mistakes i pride myself on

having an especially keen eye and

you're so thin i can't help but wonder

are you actually who you say you are

he definitely looks like a girl from

this angle

you conquered the first year class


miraca what are you

no need to shout i'm right here

good morning

sleepyhead uh yeah good morning to

what am i saying get off me fine jeez

don't be embarrassed we're both guys

after all
unless of course you're admitting you're

actually a girl

you want me to prove i'm a guy

then quit messing around and fight me

you're one of the top second years right

well if i'm a girl it should be no


you've got fire and your punch is

nothing to scoff at

you sure you want to do this without

your bros here to help you

my friends have nothing to do with this

you're right it'd only get in the way

besides what's the point of friends

they'll just let you down when you need


they really bother you what is it about

my friends that makes you so angry

you know what

you sound like rintaro when you talk

like that


damn it

everyone acts like they know things


six months nine days no challenge i'm

getting bored












friends huh

so much for that


i thought you might have the answer


you know him right

then tell me why does he hate friendship

so much

you know what

you sound like green taro when you talk

like that





i'll say this once

it's got nothing to do with you


it's just i feel like i should do

something he seems so sad

i want to help him

i think

i understand what he's feeling

the loneliness and the hurt

because for a time

i felt the same way that he does


i'm really glad i asked kiera what he

said after that was more than enough to

motivate me


sure i got nothing better to do you owe

me hikaru tomorrow we train for the

whole damn day my wonderfully accepting

friends were gracious enough to help me

when it came time for the concert we

volunteered as event staff





oh gorgeous

good evening thanks so much for coming

out to see me i'm flattered i'm gonna

make it hot tonight i hope you can keep

up with me


i've poured my soul into these songs the

first one of the night is one that's

particularly personal

i hope you enjoyed it

sorry fellas no autographs do we look

like your loser fans pretty boy don't

make me laugh the thought of a punk

pretending to be an idol makes me want

to puke it's pathetic

so uh is this part of the show doubt it

we know these guys

i get it now you're jealous of me

nothing's more pitiful than a man sick

with envy poor babies hey better watch

that mouth hear that boys the pop star

says we're pitiful

get him



what you gonna fight back or something

think about this

your little shows being broadcast

nationally could get ugly

stop right there

who are these chumps to be heroes

mind your own damn business

what is this

i couldn't just leave you to deal with

things on your own huh

what are you stupid or something

yeah a big stupid softie with great

friends who tolerate me the bus says

fight for you so that's what we'll do

end of story shishaku is our turf they

can't waltz in here like they own the


really let's go



miraco used to be a good natured guy he

cared a lot about his friends

in middle school he started to rise up

and he trusted them to back him

but then one day

his friends betrayed that trust

it taught him that camaraderie like

being top of the school met next to


after that

he saw friendship between guys in

fantasy a game of pretend that led to



i give up you have me beat

you're as light as a feather like a

little princess

come on

you can share your secrets i won't kiss

in town

i told you i'm a boy yeah about that

i've decided i don't care if you're a

boy or girl oh

then would you mind putting me down

hey that's enough we don't let go of him

or else

she doesn't even care about you but i'm

the one stuck out here with the ravel

damn boss


it's all right everyone

thanks to my powerful friends here those

creeps won't be bothering us again and

now just for you i'll share our bond

through my music


sorry about all this

seems like you've had to look after the

place while i was gone didn't mean to

dump that on you

with the yamada gone and miraco busy

with his little soloist that's fine

you never asked me to look after


i haven't done much along those lines


glad you haven't changed

by the way hikaru you want to hit the

arcade bet i could lick you uh-huh

forget it hikaru and i are training this

afternoon oh did we plan that we just

did doesn't count

sorry i can't today there's somewhere i

gotta be maybe next time


so uh you want to go to the okay don't

hikaru used to hate fighting so much i

was worried this place would eat him

alive looks like he's getting along fine

though glad i was wrong

take a closer look ho

are you sure that's really your brother

the hell's that supposed to mean


i had to finish the paperwork for

leaving the orphanage

so i went back to suzukaze one last time


seeing the director again felt great

his smile always gave me confidence

that night i went down memory lane with

him we talked about my previous life and

the new one

but little did i know our talk would

cause me so much trouble


i'm still in shock over it i think i was

more surprised to find out you had a

long-lost twin brother than you were to

be honest though don't get me wrong i am

happy for you

come on tell me about them are things in

the new home going as well as you'd


i guess

your brother certainly seemed like a

kind young fella

yeah kind enough to kidnap his own flesh

and blood

don't listen to me

you're happy and healthy that's all that


so how are things going at the new


you were so excited about being accepted

there is it fun


it's a great time i made some new


and we fight a lot

live in the teenage dream you fight

no i mean martial arts i joined the

school club and got to practice every

day you know see nothing harmful it's

just sparring

it doesn't surprise me from the moment

we started teaching self-defense you

loved it

of all the kids we've had here you are

by far the most motivated

i was really yes it was his influence

that young boy you called big brother

and kept following around like a lost


i forgot about

that come on don't cry

it's okay

if anything happens i'll be there to

protect you

after all hinako

you two were practically inseparable

back in those days

man that really takes me back

that makes two of us

it's been so long i forgot what he

looked like

but i do remember how good he was at

fighting and how he protected others

i wanted to be as strong as he was

that's why i put everything i had into

learning martial arts


not long after that someone called me


i didn't know what to expect but what

ended up happening

was crazy

i didn't think you'd bring your posse


are you afraid to meet me alone

aside from miracle

killer vintado was the head of the

second years

coolant hotshot we're only here to see

how the fight plays out nothing more

he is our boss we go where he goes

yes of course i should have known you'd

take this as a challenge but that's not

my intent


i'll get straight to the point hikaru

how long do you intend to keep up this



come on

stop lying about who you are huh

what kind of game are you playing here

yeah you're not making any sense

it's simple

this is not hikashima


why so quiet suddenly

i can tell them everything myself if you


i don't mind believe me

why are you doing this

i'll have it your way


orphanage i don't know what your problem

is but i am hikaru onigashima what are

you basing all of this on


if anything happens

i'll be there to protect you

after all

well that was the biggest letdown of the


what a weirdo

hey hika do

you know what he was on about

he could

what's wrong


if anything happens i'll be there to

protect you

after all hinako you're my little sister


the moment we met i could feel something

was off

and as time went by

that feeling became total certainty


more than anything there was the


it was


at some point in time i had just

forgotten all about him

but i was little and it was years ago i

guess it shouldn't have surprised me

my protector he inspired me to become

strong on my own

so of course i would call him brother


you're so thin i can't help but wonder

are you actually who you say you are


i want to help him it's simple

this is not hiku onigashima

if anything happens

i'll be there to protect you

after all

after all hinako you're my little sister


the next time you ask someone to meet


show up on time

it's been a while hikaru

how are you

have we met before seriously do you

forget what your own brother looks like

so this

is onigashima



must be a cold day in hell i never

thought you'd call me big bro or

anything close to it

well can you blame me all i ever got

from you was buzz off or you're in my

way i hate your guts

what is wrong with you hikaru

so you gonna tell me why i'm here

thought i might beat some sense into

your ass

don't be ridiculous

well you've been getting on my nerves


watching you sulk about isn't all that


do me a solid and get over it

it's got nothing to do with you

there are two guys running shishiko's

second years

but i'm the one sitting at the top of

the dog pile


thanks to some trouble i ended up



must be rough

so word through the grapevine is you

already took over the first years is

that true

yeah i guess heard the fish were a

pretty rowdy bunch too you having

trouble keeping them in line

well at first to tomorrow and i didn't

really get along but now they're the

best friends i've ever had


found yourself some bros uh-huh so

tomorrow can be pretty straightforward

at times but he's the best student at

shishiku so much so the teachers

actually cried over his grades and

konparu is about as stubborn and moody

as they come but he's super sweet and

cares a lot for his siblings exactly

like an older brother should

not what i meant

you're great just the way you are

goofball look at you acting all grown up

that'll help here but let your guard

down for an instant and it's game over


if anything happens just come to me

i know i haven't been the best brother

to you over the years

but we're family no matter what you can

always count on me



if you can get used to this school's

atmosphere everything else will go

smoothly that's the problem

i don't know how

it's simple stick to what you believe in

and face every foe head on

whatever you care about fight for it

with every ounce of strength you can


do that and you'll be just fine


you think i haven't changed at all right

but i'm pretty sure you have

now which one of us is letting ancient

history tear him apart shut up i'm sick

of watching you brooding

quit running away from your feelings

it's pathetic and it's pissing me off

that's enough

since they saved me i haven't had the

right to call myself the top of the

second years

it's you now so get your act together or

we'll never keep them in line

got it

i never asked to be top of our class

i didn't want it

order have anything to do with them

that's your experience

i'll admit you have a point

these feelings

i can't run from them anymore

i'll fight
that's right

i need

to face my foe head on


it's time we set up this


oh little baby don't got no parents


must be lonely sucks to be you kid

better get used to it

cut it out

crap it's him again run for it

she's not alone got that i'm her big


and if you pick on her again i'll make

sure you pay

they're gone now

come on don't cry

it's okay

thanks big brother

if anything happens i'll be there to

protect you cause after all

you're my little sister

but you know

you should get strong too

that way

you can protect yourself








you don't belong here

i won't ask again

leave shishiku or i'll make you

where do you get off pretty boy for real


i don't know what led to these

assumptions kira but i'm sick of

listening to them i won't put up with it

and i sure as hell won't leave this


what's the point of this facade

there's no reason for you to fight stop

this and go back to living like a girl

you heard that too right

listen kira

for the last time

my name is hikaru onigashima

don't you get it

shishiku academy is where i met my


the fact that you're telling me to leave

means you don't know me at all

you were scary at first

but now i know they're really good


and truth be told

i'm happier than i've ever been

i don't want to lose that feeling i'm

staying and that's that

you think you can survive this place

back then all you did was cry


so i get a demonstration then you're

sure about this


and once i beat you

you'll have to admit that i'm a man


if that's what you want

challenge accepted

he's so determined i can actually feel



i can't let him win this fight


there's a reason for the top of the

second years

hikaru might be in trouble here


i only spent six short months with


back then

but i always wondered what happened to

this might be selfish of me but i

thought if she was the same person

i could still protect her

turns out i was wrong


you didn't hesitate


there was no doubt or fear behind your


you really are hikonigashima i see that



i can't possibly deny how strong you've


you've grown into one hell of a young



guess i lose


she's not alone got that if anything

happens i'll be there to protect you

you're my little sister you should get

strong too

that way

you could protect yourself

big brother thanks

holy crap

he won

whoa hold up
doesn't that mean

he could have just took over the second

years in one fell

swoop no what this was personal it had

nothing to do with they're right i lose

you earned it fair and square

you're the boss now


you're sure keita

hell yeah that was awesome he crew i

knew you were destined for greatness

side coming fess up you were holding

back on him sneaky


one more class and we rule the school

you're right look at that hey

you're not alone anymore

then you have all the strength you need

so i guess you don't need me

don't worry kita

i became strong because i looked up to

you my big

brother i wish i could have said that

out loud

maybe someday he'll know how much he did

for me

it had been 72 days since the entrance


in that short amount of time i took over

two classes
and made some of the best friends i

could ever hope to have









hey did you hear the rumor they're

saying hikaru onigashima check hell yeah

i did it's the biggest scandal in

shishiku's history


but could a girl really be that tough

if he is a chick she's still beat the

first and second years

whatever the case the flyers in internet

chatter of bad news

the whole school's on edge


there's a lot of talk going around

you okay

i think so

sorry for making you all worry

why are you apologizing dude you did

nothing wrong

what the hell is all this we're a

laughingstock explain yourself are you

really a chick we're waiting onigashima

guys chill out and think for a second

shishiku's a boys school why would a

girl even come here

what's up too embarrassed to choose what

a bunch of dumbasses if they'd cool

their jets they'd realize it was fake

do we have any idea who started the


it's my fault

care to explain

now it was some of my fans they started

it on my message board

they might have thought i was in a

relationship with hikaru

you were kind of creeping on him for a

bit there damn girls are terrifying

my bad sorry

come on please don't bow to me like that

miracle this is my responsibility i

should have just worked harder if i had

maybe things wouldn't have gotten out of

hand like this don't be stupid bro the

fault is with the losers freaking out

over this bs

those trolls are just making noise

they'll get bored eventually

so keep your head up and ride this out


no matter what anyone says you're our

boss and we respect you right guys

you know it

thank you

if push comes to shove just strip

that'll do it real quick

only you would get naked in front of

people for no reason

whatever dude what do you expect he's

got no sense of decorum


oh i get it ganging up on old totomoru

we'll turnabout's fair play you know


the guys at shishiku are freaking pissed

this is too good just like we were

hoping good work of yamada

it was easy

they're punks but they still have their

own set of rules they stick to a



we just gotta push a little harder

it was naive of us to think everything

would just blow over the rumors kept

getting worse and tension at the school

was rising like mad

what are you going to do if they find

out your true identity huh

all of my efforts would have been for

nothing boss i brilliant

even as he could have said that

i wasn't sure what i could do to change

things so i kept quiet like i had since

the whole thing had started

and then finally the day i had dreaded


prove you're a man right now

you owe us that much at least yeah whip

it out

we want bro how stupid are you guys

you're gonna let gossip get you riled up

like this

everyone in here knows how strong he is

no way he's a girl

chicks aren't built that way

enough excuse me show us your job

invincible proof yeah visible take it

off then we'll know for sure take it off

if you're not a girl you won't mind

stripping that's the only way to prove

you're a man yeah prove it

take it off take it off take it up


you're kidding me


had a skirt running things but didn't

believe it looks like all the rumors had


hilarious if it weren't so sad don't

worry fellas we'll expose this fraud for

what she really is you just stand back

and enjoy the show



you ain't laying a finger on him unless

you get through us by all means try it














they want to play it green knights then

they'll bleed for their princess

how about a boy



you're the best bro a guy could want the

only thing stronger than your fist is

your heart

i'll be damned if i let you waste one

punch on these stacks of garbage hear

that you sort hooks

you're not getting past me or me

ever since i fought hikaru

i swore to get stronger so i could face

him again someday

i will not lose again

not until i beat him and he won't lose

either i'll make sure of it


i must be going soft here

i swore i'd never trust in friendship

again but despite that i still found a

place to belong

and hikaru is the one who showed me

as for me

i refused to see past my memories of her

of them i was so obsessed but

you set me free and i'll do whatever it

takes to repay you


everything had gone wrong

i knew i had to fix it but i had no idea


and the others

they'd put every ounce of their faith in


a lie i'd been telling them never felt

heavier than in that moment


i don't know what's got you so worried

that you're just standing there but if

you can't even handle this

there's no way you'll truly rise to the


and you sure as hell won't live up to

the faith your friends put in you

you know what you have to do

put up your fists and show them your





thank you

you guys okay

of course

sorry for the wait

i'm ready


everyone listen up this school's

important to me because it's the first

place i made friends

friends i could never bear to lose so

i'm staying let them say whatever they


one day i'll rise to the top

with you at my side


right guys why should we care what some

jerks in another school scene


don't underestimate our boss just cause

he's cute

yeah you'll be sorry

thank you

here goes


this is for my

friends hey did you hear

he could use status is on the rise after

what happened hell yeah in the end all

the guys in shishiku fell back in line

well he wiped the floor with those guys


who wouldn't no joke but he did go a bit


behold proof i'm a man

look close and that's all you'll get


no one cares dude thanks for the free



everyone calms down after that



my big brother explained it all the guy

behind the whole fiasco is named oyamada

he was the top of shishiku's second

years before him

when you think about it this was kind of

my fault

since i had to repeat a year oh yamada

chose to leave

and i don't think he ever got over that

poor bastard

he lost the moment he went after you to

get to me

so don't blame yourself for any of this



i still can't believe what hikaru did

stripping to protect me was just so


i didn't even want to do it in the first

place so thanks to this pushy idiot i

was humiliated true

and it was worth it i learned a lot from

this experience i know how truly lucky i


and now

i can get back to the life i've made


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