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THE Ki@QIS TIMES wench} oh CEIEB RAVER. 02 Ue TAYLOR SWIFT NAMED 2023 PERSON OF THE YEAR ».7 OXFORD'S WORD OF THE YEAR pp. 2021 COUNTING DOWN TO THE NEW YEAR ». 22 THE kidls TIMES National News Thursday, December 28, 2023 CAEA | EXPANDS TO MORE GRADE LEVELS , TS From Feb. 20 to Apr. 30 next year, seven grades will take the Customized Assessment of Educational Achievement (CAEA). They are the third, fifth, and sixth grades of elementary school, the first and third grades of middle school, and the first and second grades of high school. Currenily, only three grades take the test. The CAEA measures students’ academic level. It then gives support to students who aren't performing well at school. Elementary third graders will only take the CAEA in Korean language and math. Other grades will take the CAEA in nearly all subjects. Serena Park. Staff Reporter grade 4 / take ¥tCt / sessment "Y7t / achievement “J4| / 219} currently 2H / measure Ast / support © / perform @yétct, Y4lotct / nearly 712| / subject 2+ Across the globe, people are i dy to enter the new year, one time zone after another. But two places are known for being the first and last to change years. Auckland, New Zealand, is one of the first places to celebrate New Year’s Eve, while American Samoa, a small group of islands in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, is one of the last places to count down to midnight. Though more than 3,000 km apart and celebrating under different clocks, both places share the same excitement for 2024. fe uis Apolo Staff Reporter 2024S PIBStHE A BAS ornlop Ba enter S047(C}, HHSCt / celebrate 7I'SStCt, SBrstct / midnight AY, Y SEAL / apart (A2-BZPAZHIOZ) BIA / share (W997 SS) SEALS Ft / excitement $8, Alt THE ki@s TIMES toner Spponeam 02-392-3800 EI TIMES CORE 4 tiekids times iene Thursday, December 28, 2023 SEOUL LAUNCHES NIGHTTIME SELF-DRIVING BUS In the late night of Dec. 4, people wait in line to get on a unique bus. It is the world’s first self-driving bus. The bus has started operating in Seoul. It allows comfortable nighttime travel for citizens. THE CHINSTRAP PENGUEN’S MICRO-SLEEP 1 Chinstrap penguins exhibit unusual sleep 1 1 patterns during their nesting season. ' They sleep 11 hours daily by taking four ' seconds of “micro-sleep” thousands of | times. It allows the parent penguins to \ keep alert and watch their eggs or chicks. 1 Amelia Moon Staff Reporter FYUAS 2 wait in line & MAL ICHICE / Ct / allow 7Hs-SHl StCt / comfortable Mort, BASE +S exhibit (29-52 S&) HOICt / unusual ) BASH | chick AW] At Thursday, December 28, 2023 eat ul _THe kids TIMES ANTONIO VivALD! 1678-1741 2D >> >a D> > aL >>> >> Antonio Vivaldi’s music is still beloved by many today! Vivaldi was a famous Italian composer who made great music during the Baroque period. He created well-known pieces like The Four Seasons and Stabat Mater. Vivaldi was also skilled at playing the violin. Besides making beautiful music, he was a teacher at a school for girls and composed music for a group of girls at an orphanage. ‘Sean Jung Director MEUS wel beloved 217] 22 / many Cl / composer 2t37t / period Alt / piece 43 / skilled 42451, 243k / besides ~0|9I0}| / orphanage Bore 6 wekids times LETT) Thursday, December 28, 2023 THE CATACOMBS OF PARIS Catacombs are underground tombs. The Catacombs of Paris contain the bones of over 6 million people. Paris built the Catacombs in the 18" century. The city’s overflowing cemeteries led to their construction. The Catacombs had many uses in the 19" century. People used the rooms for feasts, concerts, worship, and hiding. Today, the Catacombs are a spooky tourist attraction. Tourists walk down many steps to view human skeletons! Serena Par Staff Reportet underground 2|3t2I / tomb #5 / contain $04 Ic / built (742-2) 7183Ct (build2| 2)4) / century AI7| / overflowing ‘J S2E / cemeteries 22| (cemetery2| #4) / construction 244 / feast Al / worship tt, StH / hiding $2 / spooky 2AA$t / tourist attraction BEY YA / skeleton HE Thursday, December 28, 2023 wr THE kids 2023 Person Names of the Year TIME magazine named Taylor Swift the “Person of the Year” in 2023. Taylor Swift is a world-famous American singer- songwriter. TIME selected Swift for giving people hope through her songs. She also helped y improve the local economy through her concerts. Sales peaked in cities where, she held her concerts. Swift is the first person from the entertainment industry to receive hf this honor. Serena Park » Staff Reporter 9 Word Tips AGE, 20234 SH AS A magazine #3] / name AISISECE/ person 21S / world-famous MAAS 2°Y8t / singer-songwriter JHA ZW ABLAAHZE / select MEXSECH / hope 21% / through ~ SoH / improve 7HMBICE SAAIFICH / local 412] / economy Wil / sale O1&(&) / peak 8Y[2/72]o] SStCt / entertainment Wil / industry At / receive ¥ICt / honor Bt 2517] / =7| HAS SHIVO / Bers Zulsrt! es padre foc sss 5) | 6.15) |(pp.20-20) (44 AUB ee ae ayilew Times Cet phonetimes $2] 02)392-3800 (es) 8 THE Kid's TIMES TIME ZONES (/) New York ‘Thursday, December 28, 2023 Around the globe, different regions keep different times, and we call them time zones. There are 24 time zones, each covering a part of the world. When it’s breakfast time for you, it might be bedtime for someone far away. The starting point is the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). There’s also a special line called the International Date Line, where each new day begins. Crossing this line means you can “time travel” to a new day. So, when you celebrate the new year, remember that other kids on the other side of the world might still be in the past in (~) 2023! Luis Apolo Staff Reporter AlZECH globe 217 / region 2|2 / keep #@SICt / time zone AIZHH / cover (Z£! AlOl)) BAICH / far away Bel HojAl / special S44 / other AFI, BECHS| / still 4} / past 2474 Thursday, December 2% 2023, THE Kies TIMES | often go to the zoo with my family. | learn new things about the zoo animals every visit by watching their facial expressions or behaviors. And | noticed that their expressions do not seem to be very bright or happy but sad and gloomy. Zoo advocates say zoos are needed to preserve species and save animals from extinction. Additionally, interaction with animals is said to help children’s emotional development and provide a valuable educational experience. On the other hand, a zoo is an artificial space where humans confine animals due to their greed. Animals living in closed spaces to satisfy human curiosity often show abnormal symptoms due to stress. There have even been situations in the past where some could not endure it and attempted to escape. Humans should no longer treat wild animals as entertainment. It is time to take an interest in and make efforts to improve the welfare of animals in zoos. Dogokjungang Elementary School Sixth Grade Jeong, Tae-young (6H%) Word Tips SSA, AIA / preserve 2I7ICHSSICH / extinction BS / interaction AS AZ / artificial WS{UI2I / confine WSS SS FL PAUL ANE! ZOU) SCHAHECH / satisfy QSAIPICE / curiosity S714] / abnormal H/7J4}AI9I / symptom B4f / endure ZAC|Ct 9 Thursday, December 28, 2023 $. Exercise for Writing - National News (p. 2) |. Fill in the blanks atter you read the article. @) From Feb. 20 to Apr 30 next year, seven grades wil fake the Assessment of Educational Achievement (CAEA). b) The CAEA students’ academic level. jit then gives to students who arent performing well at school. How can you do well in school? Detach the ENIE popes e € Iho ENE pages S. Exercise for World News (p. 3) Choose the correct answer for each question after you read the article. |. Which city is one of the first to celebrate the new year? 9) New York b) Auckland ¢) London @) Seoul 2. Which of the following is the last place to welcome the new year? ) New Guinea b) Hawaii ¢) American Samoa ¢) New Britain 3. How far apart are the first and last places to celebrate the new year? a) More than 3,000 km apart ’) More than 300 km apart o) Less than 3,000 km apart d) Less than 300 km apart {elS TIMES 909 THE & A SJ Exercise for Aha! (p. 7) jor each question. (|~2) Give the right ar w to make a sentence. Ur ramble the words ) giving / people / selected / Switt / TIME / for / hope / songs / through / her (TMEM: ASIZENt S2Hz SoH MESON BOs KON] MAOH APYsLALICt) b) also / helped / she / improve / economy / the / through / local / her / concerts ue St AMES ge EE ME WYME oI SBE AoIELIC) 1 form as in the blank and draw a picture. Change the v entertainment magazine _—singer__—concert_—_—hope | OMe nc Rhn las teonesas LB Riolet cy AUC wex) Detach Ine ENTE pages —¢ GLOSSARY Zone is a noun that means “one of the sections of an area or territory created for a particular purpose.” According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of the word was in the IS" century. Synonyms include region, section, and space. Gather is a verb that means “to come together in a body or around a center of attraction.” According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of the word was before the I2” century. Synonyms include assemble, meet, and convene. BI rece ea we 2 @iiwe oyos Sumnaid pue Buineinas Aa am op WED nO aomsuy ajduves Bunn 2 oddns (9 semseou(g pozuoisno(e-1 sod Thursday, December 28, 2023 Think Toget! THE kids times 1 ICE CREAM Vs. HOT CHOCOLATE: WHAT’S YOUR WINTER CHOICE? Two students discuss whether ice cream or hot chocolate is better as a winter treat. Enjoying ice cream isn’t just for summertime. I'm sure it is a treat for all seasons! There are many flavors to pick from, and each bite feels like a delightful party for my taste buds. Also, we can even pair our ice cream with warm desserts like pies or cakes for an extra special winter treat. Hot chocolate is an ideal beverage for chilly days. Sipping on hot chocolate warms us up and makes us feel cozy. Furthermore, we can customize our hot chocolate with whipped cream or marshmallows to create our own tasty masterpiece. Lastly, hot chocolate brings everyone together. There’s nothing quite like sharing stories while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. Sean Jung Director Wenn treat 7H} or bite $F QI / taste bud | 0124712 / extra Sef81, 12/422 / ideal OYA! / beverage SF / chilly It, 22 / sip 2.8) BHAI | cozy HOPE / customize ele AI LECT / whipped ar LH / masterpiece 2/2t, "Y2t / share ZQSICt Thursday, December 28,2023 ane tnekidstimes 17 SPOT THE DIFFERENCE AND WRITE THE WORDS BELOW. This Week’s Expressi ‘Thursday, December 28, 2023, “ye ¢ Alex y 28 Jane, you look stressed out. Are @& you okay? Janev a 2 Alexy Oh, hasn't he borrowed money @ from you before? e Janev g e Alexv 25. Don’t get too angry with him. Maybe he has a reason for not paying you back. 1411 Have an axe to grind: To have a dispute with someone; to have a personal motive for doing something rrr Thursday, December 28, 2023 THE Make sentences ise} the words in this pictu sweater candle 1. A dog wearing a sweater rests on a fluffy white rug. (APIEIS SIS ZIOII7t SAIS! SIF QIEIAE SIO 411 StSLICH) 2. The lit fireplace and candles light up the living room. (B0] FRI HZ} PAE HAS gtslD BSLICL) Wisdom “No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” = Carrie Snow - sea 2 > gh = H21 AES hairpin / tape / marker / postcard / ruler Oxford 5 | 2023 Word of rit? the Year, iRizz THE WiGis TIMES au Thursday, December 28, 2023 : Oxford University Press selects the trendiest word every year as the “Word of the Year.” This year, the dictionary publisher chose the word “rizz!” This trending term is short for charisma, meaning charm and attractiveness. It represents a unique kind of magic that makes people like you. Some people even playfully call individuals who are particularly charming “rizzlers!” But there is more! The word “rizz” can also function as a verb! It means “to charm (a person).” For instance, you can say, “He is rizzing up a new girl in our class,” meaning that he is charming the new girl. “Rizz” is so popular that Merriam-Webster officially embraced the word last September. Celebrities like Tom Holland, Tom Hanks, and George Clooney have all used the term freely. In particular, Tom Holland mentioned he does not need “rizz” because he is happily in love with his girlfriend, Zendaya. So, if you’re eager to join the cool crowd, why don’t you try using the word “rizz” more in your conversations? Try to become a “rizzler” that everyone talks about! Sean Jung Director trendiest 7/4 5{2! (trendy2| of / attractiveness BO Y7I= Yl 218), O18 / represent LEILICE / unique 55% / particularly $81, $3861 / function 488 StCt / verb SAF / charm ¥rOHl SIC, OHSSICt / officially SAALS / embrace Ftc / celebrities FY At tcelebrity2t A) mention AstCt / eager Bt, 25] HAE / cool HAI, BLY AL / crowd ARES, 22 / conversation Cit aed ‘Thursday, December 28, 2023 The New Year’s Eve countdown is a worldwide tradition. It brings people together with excitement and joy. As the clock ticks towards midnight, families and friends gather to share the year’s final moments. When the clock strikes midnight, the year ends with people shouting, “Happy New Year!” The people of New York City watch a glittering ball drop in Times f ! Square. Some celebrate the countdown with colorful fireworks. The countdown is something everyone around the world celebrates to welcome the new year. Luis Apolo. Staff Reporter AHOH AFSECHS Sb) countdown #917], 7HZECHE / worldwide 1 NIAIACI / tradition AE / joy (B) 7H / tick MEST 7AAICt / toward ~S Bot} / midnight 21 / gather Bo|ct / final B4I242| / moment 2+ / strike (AIAI71) Q2ICt / shout 2IA/Cf / glittering #4! / firework SRS / welcome Sotct mus THE Kis TIMES The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) sends out emergency alerts for natural disasters like earthquakes and typhoons. These alerts reach every citizen in South Korea, regardless of location, and are instrumental in ensuring their safety. For those who live far from their families, these notifications serve as a lifeline, allowing them to check on their loved ones. Individuals can then quickly request assistance if someone they know is at risk. Amelia Moon Staff Reporter BuFe vit Beol S24 meteorological 71421, 714481421 / emergency ey le (YEH) / reach ~o O|2Cf, SCH / regardless of ~o| *fZGtOl / ct instrumental $28 / ensure H2Y8ICt / notification 2 / lifeline (APO) SIAISHE) YYAI / request Q4YStCt / assistance £3, 21 bases qos Nd a “TEE , . ktetes 2) # 02-392-3800 ews Snene wr egeuc wr su Ba! Mer awe amon 2 phoners's aan

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