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Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

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Insights into security and privacy issues in smart healthcare systems based on
medical images
Fei Yan a , Nianqiao Li a , Abdullah M. Iliyasu b,c ,∗, Ahmed S. Salama d , Kaoru Hirota c,e
School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia
School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt, Cairo 11835, Egypt
School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China


Keywords: The advent of the fourth industrial revolution along with developments in other emerging technologies, such as
Smart healthcare security Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence as well as cloud and quantum computing, smart healthcare
Medical image analysis systems (SHS) are becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives. Meanwhile, patients, doctors, and other medical
Privacy protection
personnel rely on the safe and efficient storage, transmission, and analysis of medical images and electronic
Artificial intelligence
health records for successful diagnosis, treatment, and management of different ailments. Moreover since, for
Internet of things
Information security
various reasons, medical images are always the target of different illicit criminal activities, studies to utilise
advanced information technologies to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data
have become a major priority in all SHS platforms. Our study evaluates recent efforts to deploy emerging
technologies to design, secure, and enhance the efficiency of SHS that are based on medical images. It is
hoped that this work will stimulate further interest aimed at the pursuit of more advanced algorithms and
frameworks covering all aspects of security and privacy in emerging and future smart healthcare applications.

1. Introduction other criminal activities. Consequently, since medical images are essen-
tial for efficient patient care, efforts to safeguard their confidentiality,
Recent advances in information technology and engineering have integrity, and availability (CIA) deserve every support [1].
birthed numerous intelligent systems that are used across different More recently, developments in cloud computing and information
scientific disciplines, professions, entertainment, etc. Smart healthcare technologies have motivated cloud-based storage and analysis of medi-
is a new context-aware medical paradigm that integrates classical cal images. This has encouraged the development of the digital imaging
sciences, such as medicine and computer science, with emerging tech- and communication medicine (DICOM) [2] standards by the national
nologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning (DL), big electrical manufactures association (NEMA) that are becoming the
data, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. Unsurprisingly, default frameworks for medical images and are considered as the most
such smart healthcare systems (SHS) are experiencing wide ranging important data points in SHS. Nowadays, the DICOM standard is used
interests because of their potential to transform traditional face to to store and transmit medical images thereby further supporting the
face (F2F) expert-centred medicare to patient-centred, distributed, and
integration of medical imaging devices with picture archiving and
remote modes. This entails leveraging on advances in internet and com-
communication systems (PACS) provided by different manufacturers. A
munication infrastructure including big data technologies to provide
typical DICOM file includes format definition and network communi-
telemedical patient-centred care.
cation protocols required for TCP/IP communication between systems
An important part of medical and health services is the use of
with the aim of guaranteeing safe and efficient transmission of medical
medical images at different stages of disease diagnosis, treatment, and
images between two or more entities.
management. In the process, medical images are stored, transmitted,
To provide better, safer, and more efficient services for patients,
and analysed to support clinicians and other experts in distinct aspects
of patient care. This utility has made medical images and other elec- most hospitals have developed different medical information manage-
tronic health records (EHR) the target of abuse, illicit tampering, and ment systems. Recently, as part of daily clinical practices, medical

∗ Corresponding author at: College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail addresses: yanfei@cust.edu.cn (F. Yan), nianqiaoli@yeah.net (N. Li), a.iliyasu@psau.edu.sa (A.M. Iliyasu), a.salama@fue.edu.eg (A.S. Salama),
hirota@bit.edu.cn (K. Hirota).


Available online 11 October 2023

2214-2126/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

Fig. 1. Organisational outline of this review. Full names of abbreviations in the figure can be found in the text.

research, and education, many medical image data have been captured incorrect diagnoses and create serious health issues for individuals.
and stored in digital formats for use in future diagnosis, research, ML/DL models in CAD systems and medical images as training data are
and long-distance transmission. However, the advances recorded in similarly susceptible to security and privacy issues, with three forms of
technologies for digital multimedia processing have propelled illicit adversarial attacks posing the greatest threat. This survey is primarily
efforts aimed at the illegal acquisition and modification of medical aimed at providing readers with an apercu highlighting the earlier
images. Meanwhile, the use of IoT in different stages of healthcare enumerated advances. In doing so, we present a concise yet compre-
to collect, store, transmit and process medical image data is on the hensive overview of recent studies in medical image security. This is
increase. This makes any type of vulnerability for such platforms very motivated by the prominent place of medical imaging technologies in
decisive since the most sensitive information of patients will be exposed state-of-the-art SHS. Moreover, we note that this area has not been
to criminals. Consequently, safeguarding the CIA of medical images extensively covered in terms of their role in securing SHS. Furthermore,
alongside other EHRs is an important aspect of smart healthcare in- our review probes into the role of secure medical image sharing on
frastructure. Moreover, due to their sensitive nature, even miniscule safeguarding SHS as well as strategies for protecting ML/DL models
alterations to the content of a medical image could have implications in CAD systems and medical image training data for efficient medical
on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a disease. image analysis, especially in the context of emerging technologies. This
In terms of securing medical images, various combinations of tradi- copious background provides us with the perspicacity to ruminate over
tional image security technologies, such as encryption, watermarking potential technologies and infrastructure that will shape future SHS.
and steganography are explored together with modern information Other contributions of our review include:
technology paradigms for smart medical image sharing. Meanwhile,
in the closely related area of medical image analysis, attention is • Insights into architectures for smart healthcare security, including
focused on the process of obtaining diagnostic results of patients by the security required for medical-image sharing and CAD security.
interpreting the information in medical images. In addition to the • Overview on the roles of recent intelligent technologies, such as
lengthy period that it takes to train and specialise in radiology, as with artificial intelligence, Cloud of Things, and quantum computing
most human endeavours, it is error-prone, time consuming, and costly. improving security issues in medical image based SHS.
Moreover, errors in radiological interpretations could be fatal. In re- • Analysis of types and risks to adversarial attacks that ML/DL mod-
sponse, computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) utilises computer technology els and medical image training data in CAD systems for medical
to analyse medical data such as medical images, providing assistance image analysis are susceptible to and strategies to mitigate them.
to medical professionals in diagnosing diseases by offering information • Discussions on immense potential of many emerging technologies
and results [3]. As a specific application of CAD technology, CAD for safe, robust, and efficient SHS. With this, several insights into
systems improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnosis. the current problems and future directions for SHS technology are
Meanwhile, AI, particularly deep learning models (DLM), has been also enumerated.
revolutionary across numerous domains and applications. Its potency
has been exploited in technologies for disease detection, diagnoses, We start by highlighting differences and similarities between our
and treatment [4]. Integrating cloud computing into DLM-based med- study and similar ones. Table 1 enumerates literature on smart health-
ical image analysis offers immense capabilities in smart healthcare, care security for the period from 2018 to 2022 (i.e., recent 5 years).
telemedicine, etc. However, despite the potential benefits of applying We especially note that unlike the majority of the surveyed literature,
cloud computing and AI to SHS, the complex communication networks our review focuses on exploring security technologies based on medical
result in an exponential growth of sensitive medical data collected images (as opposed to general medical data) in SHSs. In addition, our
by medical IoT devices, which are highly vulnerable to exposure [5]. review is not limited to any particular type of security technology; this
Additionally, Szegedy et al.’s research demonstrates that DLMs are ex- study discusses not only smart security technologies based on cloud,
tremely fragile when facing carefully crafted adversarial examples [6]. IoT, and other technologies, but also security strategies for ML/DL
Therefore, safeguarding the integrity and security of sensitive medical models and prospects for the application of emerging technologies in
data [7], particularly medical images, emanating from cloud computing SHS security.
and AI is crucial in SHS systems. As noted earlier, this impedes the In order to deliver the outlined objectives of our study, the re-
CIA properties of medical images and patient data, increases chances mainder of the paper consists of an overview of the motivations for
of misdiagnosis, and so on. Consequently, advanced infrastructure to our study in terms of the significance of medical images in SHS as
safeguard these SHS are necessary. well as their architecture as introduced in Section 2. Following that,
Patients, doctors, and other medical personal rely on the safe and in Section 3, we highlight recent secure SHS protocols that are based
efficient storage, transmission, and analysis of EHRs, particularly med- on medical image sharing. Section 4 focuses on the prominent tasks in
ical images, for successful diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical image analysis as well as the challenges and potential solutions
different ailments. The integrity of these documents is necessary be- offered by machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) tools with
cause when modified, altered, or corrupted medical data can lead to regards to the security of CAD systems. Section 5 discusses emerging

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

Table 1
Overview of differences between our review and similar literatures.
Reference Title Year Research focus Contributions
Nguyen et al. [8] Federated learning for smart healthcare: A 2022 Federated learning for SHS. Discusses the recent advances and security
survey solutions of federated learning applied in SHS.
Quy et al. [9] Smart healthcare IoT applications based on fog 2021 Fog computing for SHS. Investigates the applications and future research
computing: Architecture, applications and directions of IoT-based fog computing in SHS.
Ullah et al. [10] Secure healthcare data aggregation and 2021 Medical data transmission Investigates security challenges in aggregating
transmission in IoT-A survey security and transmitting medical data to fog servers.
Hathaliya et al. [11] An exhaustive survey on security and privacy 2020 Medical data security in Explores advantages and limitations of various
issues in healthcare 4.0 Healthcare 4.0. security and privacy techniques in healthcare
Tariq et al. [12] Blockchain and smart healthcare security: A 2020 Medical data security Highlights blockchain technology for security
survey based on blockchain. solutions to invulnerable SHS.
Panchatcharam et al. [13] IoT in healthcare-smart health and surveillance, 2019 Medical data security Summarises security frameworks for
architectures, security analysis and data based on IoT. administration and application of IoT in smart
transfer: A review healthcare services.
Algarni et al. [14] A survey and classification of security and 2019 Medical data transmission Investigates important security attacks and
privacy research in smart healthcare systems security. countermeasures in smart healthcare security.
Masood et al. [15] Towards smart healthcare: Patient data privacy 2018 Medical data security in Discusses security technologies used to protect
and security in sensor-cloud infrastructure sensor-cloud infrastructure. the medical data in sensor-cloud infrastructure.
He et al. [16] Privacy in the Internet of Things for smart 2018 Medical data security Investigates security threats in healthcare IoT
healthcare based on IoT. frameworks and cryptographic vulnerabilities.

technologies for smart healthcare security based on medical images.

Finally, in Section 6, we reflect on the advances highlighted in pre-
ceding sections and offer a few insights and concluding remarks. This
outline is further presented in Fig. 1 and it is our hope that the review
will invigorate efforts towards the pursuit of more advanced algorithms
and frameworks for security and privacy issues in medical image based
smart healthcare applications.

2. Architecture and requirements for smart healthcare security

based on medical images

Considering its important role as a medical data carrier, this sec-

tion explores the architecture and requirements of intelligent medical
security based on medical images. Today, medical imaging entails the
use of advanced equipment, techniques, and processes to probe the
interior parts of a body for clinical analysis, medical intervention, and
visual access to otherwise inhibited organs and tissues. Depending on Fig. 2. Security mechanisms applied in the field of smart healthcare security based on
the equipment and methods used, medical images can be categorised medical images.

as one of the following types.

• Radiography. Radiography is an imaging technique that uses X-

Other medical imaging methods include elastography, photoacoustic
rays, gamma rays or similar ionising and nonionising radiation to
imaging, magnetic particle imaging and so on [17].
view the internal details of an object. Applications of radiography
As important carriers of medical information, digital medical images
include medical radiography (diagnostic and therapeutic) and
are endowed with the function of information sharing. However, in the
industrial radiography. Advanced techniques such as backscatter
process of medical image transmission, eavesdropping and tampering
X-ray are used in airport security to scan the body for dangerous
that result in unauthorised access to patients’ private information or
alterations impugning the quality of the received medical image need
• Computed Tomography (CT). CT is a medical imaging tech- to be avoided. At the same time, another important role of medical
nique that uses computer-processed combinations of multiple images arises during medical image analysis in diagnostics, which must
X-ray measurements taken from different angles to produce cross- be secured to safeguard the trio of CIA of the medical image contents.
sectional tomographic images (i.e., virtual ‘‘slices’’) of a body, The security mechanisms applied in the field of smart healthcare
thus allowing the user to see inside the body without cutting any security based on medical images are presented in Fig. 2. From the
part of it. figure, it can be seen that the process of securing an SHS platform is
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI is a medical imaging divided into medical image sharing security (MISS) and CAD security
technique used in radiology to unravel the anatomy and the (CADS). The requirements of the MISS architecture are based on the
physiological processes of the body. MRI scanners use strong medical image itself as well as robustness of the IoT and cloud platform
magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to to support medical image transmission. Specific security requirements
generate images of the organs in the body. in MISS include:
• Medical Ultrasound. Medical ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging
technique or therapeutic application used to create an image of • Confidentiality. This is the set of rules that limit access to
internal body structures such as tendons, muscles, joints, blood information. In the medical image scenario of SHS, confidentiality
vessels, and internal organs. Its aim is often to find the source of could be realised via securing nodes that include services, devices,
a disease or to exclude pathology. managements systems, etc. from unauthorised access.

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

• Integrity. Integrity is the assurance that information is trustwor-

thy and accurate. In SHS, integrity is validated by proof that the
images and other EHRs are untampered. Integrity is an important
feature in securing SHS since, as observed earlier, any tampering
potentially results in misdiagnosis and other avoidable mishaps.
• Availability (or reliability). This security feature is aimed at
guaranteeing reliable access to information. In the context of
IoT and cloud platforms, this entails improving the reliability of
infrastructure, such as power, internet, etc. required for secure
and efficient information sharing. This conforms with standard
definitions that availability is a warranty that information will
be available to authenticated users whenever requested, even in
times of the systems’ failures.
Fig. 3. Illustration of embedding, extraction, and evaluation of digital watermarking
• Privacy. As a sub-concept of confidentiality, privacy is more fo- of medical images.
cused on the protection of patients’ personal information. Medical
images are usually annotated with patient identifiers and history.
Therefore, in the hands of unauthorised persons, access to such
parameters are compared. This serves to establish if the image
images leads to leakage and misuse of such data. A secure SHS
is genuine (authenticity), and that it has not been compromised
should have safeguards to forestall this from happening.
(integrity) [18].
On the other hand, the SHS platform requires secure intelligent • Digital steganography. Digital steganography is the art and
diagnosis based on medical images, and the diagnostic tasks related to science of imperceptibly hiding information in a host (or carrier)
medical image analysis are at the core of CAD systems. Noting this, our media, typically, an image audio, video, etc. Unlike watermark-
review of medical image analysis technologies is divided into four parts: ing, the primary objective of steganography is to conceal the
medical image retrieval, classification, segmentation, and registration. existence of the hidden information. In medical image steganog-
The envisioned security requirements of CAD systems ensure that the raphy (MIS), safeguarding patient details (such as name, ID,
confidentiality of medical information will not be violated nor will it and other EHR) is accorded top priority because access to such
impugn the integrity of the ML/DL techniques employed in medical information is restricted to doctors only, while other staff are
image analysis so that accurate diagnosis is guaranteed. Therefore, this granted access on a need-to-know basis.
treatise summarises six security strategies for CAD system as outlined • Encryption. Medical image encryption (MIE) provides end-to-end
in Fig. 2. protection for images from storage to transmission. Therefore, en-
Meanwhile, since using medical image sharing to secure SHS re- cryption is the process of scrambling data so that only authorised
quires the combination of classical image security and modern infor- parties can understand the information therein. MIE converts
mation technologies, recent advances in these areas are reviewed in the the pristine images into a ciphertext that is decodable using a
next section. Similarly, the challenges and solutions for using ML/DL secret key whose access is confined to those with the required
tools to secure CAD systems are presented in Section 4. privileges. Good encryption schemes prevent access to such media
by unauthorised third parties.
3. Classical and smart technologies for MISS
In a recent MIW scheme, Aparna et al. proposed an efficient strategy
In conforming with the CIA principles of information security, for use in E-healthcare applications using biometrics (specifically, fin-
various security techniques are employed. For example, in applications gerprints) for identity authentication [19]. Specifically, they separated
where premium is attached to confining information access to selected the regions of interest (ROI) of the medical image using the region
people, confidentiality takes centre stage. In such a scenario, from growing technique and encrypted it using the SHA-265 algorithm.
the viewpoint of users, confidentiality is focused on authenticating Additionally, the elliptic curve cryptography algorithm is utilised to
the credentials of users to ensure they are authorised to access such encrypt EHR data. After the two encryption methods above, the minu-
content. Consequently, in this sense, [1] argues that confidentiality tiae point binary information extracted from the fingerprint image is
loosely equates to privacy. This section will explore MISS from the combined with the medical image information and EHR information
perspective of classical and smart security strategies for medical image to generate a binary data stream, which is then embedded within the
sharing as well as the security of IoT and cloud platforms that facilitate carrier image. In their contribution, Alshanbari et al. [20] embedded
medical image transmission. multiple watermarks in a host medical image and used insertion of
principal component (PC) to forestall ownership attacks, and, using the
3.1. Classical security for medical image sharing Lempel–Ziv-Welch (LZW) fragile watermarking technique, intentional
tampering attacks targeting ROI in an image can also be prevented.
• Digital watermarking. Digital watermarking is the process of Recently, Yan et al. proposed a multi-watermarking technique [21] that
embedding a message onto a host (or carrier) media, which can verifies the authenticity and integrity of medical images. In contrast
be an image, video, audio, or other multimedia. In good water- to [19], they manually segment medical images, embed the watermark
marking strategies, the messages are well concealed, difficult to logo encrypted using a quantum random walk scheme confined within
retrieve, and impossible to modify. As presented in Fig. 3, in ROI, and subsequently embed medical text data within the RONI.
medical image watermarking (MIW), a common strategy is to Concurrently, the brain storm optimisation (BSO) process is utilised to
embed a fragile watermark in the spatial domain and a robust balance the watermark’s imperceptibility and robustness. The SHA-256
one in the frequency domain. The former serves to verify the algorithm that is used to encrypt key information in studies [19,20]
integrity of the image whilst the latter is used to establish the is a standard hash function algorithm issued by the National Institute
authenticity of the image. Furthermore, to safeguard the contents of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It generates a 256-bit
of the image, the watermarks are embedded in regions of no hash value for messages of any length, and this hash value is extremely
or least interest, often referred to as RONI. At the receiver end, sensitive to the original message, thereby providing a high level of
the extracted and original watermarks as well as their evaluation security. With the advent of the quantum information era, studies such

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

as [21,22], etc. focus on quantum-based medical image encryption ap-

proaches to overcome the hidden risk that classical encryption methods
will be rendered insecure by quantum computing resources.
Other recent contributions in MIS include [23], wherein Jeevitha
et al. used a Hidden Markov Tree (HMT) contourlet transform to
embed a secret message onto a medical carrier image. This method
uses a Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm to select the
optimal embedding position for the secret message, so that the carrier
image has a higher payload capacity. The PSO algorithm relies on
a group of random solutions whose optimal solution is obtained by
iteration, and its evaluation is based on its fitness. In 2004, Sun et al. Fig. 4. Smart security mechanisms applied in the field of medical image sharing.
developed a quantum version of PSO, the quantum particle swarm
optimisation (QPSO) [24], which has superior global convergence and
search capabilities. This is attributed to its quantum property that
strong correlation in such images. For instance, a genetic algorithm
permits particles to be searched throughout the entire possible solution
(GA) is a metaheuristic that is often used to generate high-quality
space. In addition to the BSO algorithm employed in [21], QPSO
solutions to optimisation and search problems by employing biologi-
is a potential method for balancing a watermark’s invisibility and
cally inspired operators such as mutation, crossover, and selection. As
robustness in actual applications [25]. More recently, Stoyanov et al.
far back as 2005, in [29], Shih et al. proposed the use of a GA to
proposed an MIS scheme that they named ‘‘BOOST’’ in [26], which uses
embed watermarks in the frequency domain of RONI areas of medical
a pseudorandom byte generation algorithm that is based on the nuclear
images. In this method, the GA is used to reduce rounding errors in
spin function. They reported excellent peak signal-to-noise ratio, strong
the conversion process between the spatial and frequency domains.
collision resistance, and desirable security properties that can withstand
Similarly, in [30], Pareek et al. proposed the use of GA in greyscale MIE
most of the common theoretical and statistical attacks.
encryption. This method uses the principle of crossover and mutation
Strategies for efficient MIE could be designed based on protocols
in GAs to improve the robustness of the MIE strategy so that medical
targeting content in the spatial or frequency domain of the image.
images can be secured during real-time transmission. The differential
In spatial domain MIE, pixel level details focused on either or both
evolution (DE) algorithm, which is an improved GA, was used by Lei
location and colour details of the image are used to modify the images.
et al. to control the strength of the embedded watermark in [31]. In
In [27], Nazeer et al. proposed an MIE method based on Fresnel
contrast to the binary encoding method utilised by GA, DE employs real
transform and Arnold scrambling, followed by the use of digital holog-
number encoding. Therefore, population iteration does not require the
raphy to quickly reconstruct the medical image. They claimed that this
parent generation to generate offspring, but rather relies on the parent
encryption method can preserve the true resolution of medical imaging
generation’s self-evolution and extinction. Consequently, DE is superior
systems and effectively improve the assessment of size and morphology
to GA in terms of robustness, convergence speed, and search capability
of organs. Frequency domain MIE use DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform),
for global optimisation.
DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and DFT (Discrete Fourier Trans-
Meanwhile, as described in Section 3.1, recent MIW techniques are
form) algorithms to encrypt medical images. In [28], Zhang et al. used
focused on embedding watermarks in RONI areas of medical images.
DWT and DCT in a homomorphic encryption algorithm. Furthermore,
For example, Rai et al. proposed an MIW method that can be applied
since the frequency domain of a medical image is considered stable,
they claim that this approach leads to high resistance to interference, in LTE (long-term evolution) networks [32]. To eliminate errors in the
and because of the characteristics of homomorphic encryption algo- watermark embedding, they used a support vector machine (SVM) to
rithm, the method could also be used for medical image retrieval, classify ROI and RONI of images. SVM is a supervised learning model
similarity comparison and other operations without decryption. used to analyse data for classification and regression. It maps each
example in a particular training set to a point in space such that the
3.2. Smart security technology of medical image sharing distance between the two categories is maximised. Subsequently, new
examples are mapped to the same space with anticipation of which side
Smart security technologies for medical image sharing leverage the of the gap they fall on. In a similar application in [33], a trained SVM
effectiveness of medical image sharing and the potency of AI, IoT, cloud model was used to classify medical image blocks (natural class and
computing and big data. In this section, we review such technologies encrypted class) and then the correct decrypted version of the image
from the perspective of modern information technology as mapped in block were identified in order to decrypt the encrypted medical image.
Fig. 4. For their part, Ma et al. utilised ML to develop a reversible data
hiding strategy for medical images in [34]. Their method uses inte-
3.2.1. Machine learning algorithms for medical image security ger wavelet transform to convert the image to the frequency domain
AI encompasses numerous technologies that imitate cognitive and and then embed the secret image in medium frequency sub-bands.
intelligent behaviours of humans. In machine learning (ML), algorithms Subsequently, neural networks are employed to optimise the choice
to model complex characteristics and patterns of empirical data are of embedding coefficients, which the authors claim leads to improved
understood and exploited across wide ranging applications. Within ML, embedding capacity.
neural networks, and their many variants (convolutional, deep, recur-
rent, etc.) have proven revolutionary in the landscape of intelligent 3.2.2. Security of medical image sharing based on cloud of things
systems engineering [4]. In particular, the immense adeptness of con- Cloud of Things (CoT) refers to the complementary integration of
volutional neural networks (CNN) is harnessed in the transformational cloud computing technology into IoT infrastructure which is credited
DL paradigm whose utility and potency have been exploited in almost to Aazam et al. in [35]. Cloud computing and IoT are new information
every field of science and engineering and new emerging applications technologies born as part of the march towards the fourth industrial
in almost every other area of our lives. Furthermore, ML and DLMs revolution (4iR or Industry 4.0). Separately, whereas cloud computing
have emerged as veritable tools to enhance and improve technologies provides users with improvement in computing, storage, and network
in disease prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. resources on the Internet, it does not require active management of
In medical imaging, ML and particularly DLM have proven lifesav- users and is oftentimes available in the form of a central server or as
ing in their use to circumvent issues of data capacity, redundancy, and the data centre of the Internet. In contrast, IoT technology refers to the

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

interconnection of embedding sensors, software, and other technologies

as nodes or ‘‘things’’ on the Internet as platforms for exchanging data
with other devices and systems through the Internet.
The schematic diagram in Fig. 5 illustrates the concept of CoT.
As the data centre of the Internet, cloud computing servers exchange
information with user terminals through Wi-Fi, 5G and other commu-
nication channels. At the same time, the cloud computing server also
serves as the hub for massive data processing for many IoTs.
As pointed out earlier, modern smart healthcare incorporates AI as
its core technology with CoT as the base of its architecture. The use
of CoT for the storage, transmission, and analysis of medical images
provides effective platforms for remote diagnostics as well as sharing
Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of a typical CoT network.
and scheduling of resources. For example, using the vital signs’ sensor
in an intelligent IoT-ready medical facility, the health status of patients
can be monitored remotely. Doctors and medical staff can monitor and
easily oversee the whole medical process remotely using large computer
monitors or even video clips on smartphone Apps.
Studies on MISS are often based on CoT (that have integrated cloud
computing and IoT), including those focused on securing medical im-
ages that are stored on cloud servers and transmitted on IoT platforms.
Some of the available studies analyse the security of medical images
in the framework of IoT from the perspective of digital watermark-
ing [36], digital steganography [37] and encryption [38]. Further,
in [39], using IoT, Rajagopalan et al. proposed a secure medical image
transmission scheme and developed a graphical user interface (GUI) for
it. They reported that this scheme is suitable for establishing a DICOM
medical image communication system in hospitals. Fig. 6. MISS components in a typical CoT network.
Meanwhile, from the CoT architecture perspective, security is ac-
corded top priority because a cloud computing server is not only
responsible for the storage and analysis of medical images, but it
sensors is large, the frequency of information transmission to the cloud
also controls access in terms of uploading and downloading medical
server increases, and the cloud-only medical architectures, including
images. However, MISS technology are found to mainly focus on the
CloudSec, will exhibit higher power consumption and associated costs.
frameworks of cloud computing environments. For instance, in [40],
This is counterproductive when real-time emergencies (such as sporadic
Ukis et al. built a cloud framework for advanced medical image visu-
monitoring of patients’ vital signs [46] or sudden falls by elderly
alisation that they claim encrypts and anonymises DICOM data, and
people [47]) where swift response times from medical professionals is
strictly controls the access to uploaded data to guarantee the security
required. These tasks require lower latency and higher computational
of patient health information. In [41], a service-oriented medical image
efficiency to allow for the timely arrival of emergency medical help.
processing cloud framework to ensure the security and stability of the
service by using the configuration files that perform normal security Meanwhile, the purple nodes in Fig. 5, depict network edges where
protocols or self-defined principles was implemented by Chiang et al. data can be processed (i.e., edge computing [48]) which have been
The multi-could architecture [42] is one of the most common cloud found to decrease network latency and improve energy efficiency. Com-
computing frameworks. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 6, MISS com- pared to cloud computing, edge computing offers location awareness
ponents in a typical CoT network would have a CloudSec core to and improved security. In secure medical image sharing, edge comput-
which clients upload their images using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ing can be used to process, transmit, and monitor real-time medical
connection. In such a scenario, the image is divided into several parts data such as electrocardiographs (ECG), electroencephalographs (EEG),
and sent to different clouds (in a multi-cloud architecture). The distinct electromyography (EMG), etc. [45]. In this regard, in [49], Alshehri
parts of the images are subsequently processed and results sent back to et al. assessed security of edge computing using real-time medical
the CloudSec. Since authorised clients can obtain simultaneous access image monitoring. Meanwhile, whereas deep learning necessitates a
to the different clouds, then it is possible for them to recover the large number of datasets and powerful computing resources, edge
complete image. In addition to securing different stages of processing computing devices are only provided with limited computing resources.
and transmitting the images, the outlined procedure also increases Deep migration learning can efficiently utilise the knowledge of the
the efficiency of the system since information is processed in parallel. learned model, since it requires fewer computing resources to retrain
Furthermore, using ML techniques, such as k-means clustering [43] and refine the current model for the current task. In [50], Susian
and GAs [44], the process of segmenting the image into multiple parts et al. integrated edge computing into deep migration learning as an
could be further optimised. Among the methods, k-means clustering architecture for secure and real-time monitoring of COVID-19 cases.
uses Euclidean distance to distinguish the object of interest from the In the evaluation metrics of the above medical image security shar-
background area. In that manner, [43] decomposes the medical image ing studies, the imperceptibility of watermarking and steganography
into a predefined number of parts using k-means clustering so that methods can be measured using peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) [26],
various sections can be processed on separate nodes to decrease the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) and mean square error
danger of sensitive data leakage. Similarly, [44] employs a genetic (MSE) [27]. The embedding capacity is often measured in bits per
method to establish the appropriate entropy threshold, which is then pixel (bpp) values [26]. Normalised cross correlation (NCC) [23] is
utilised to calculate the size of segmentation region of the medical frequently used to evaluate the robustness of medical images to var-
image. That study demonstrated the significant impact of segmentation ious attacks, such as rotation, cropping, histogram equalisation, salt
on the quality of distributed data encryption. & pepper, blurring, and resizing. Typically, the encryption effects of
While the paradigm of IoT is generally considered as a novel ap- medical images are measured by the correlation coefficient of adjacent
proach, it has been reported in [45] that when data generated by IoT pixels [27] and the information entropy [30].

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

4. Medical image analysis and CADS classification, segmentation, and registration have been improved. For
example, in [54], Cao et al. used the deep Boltzmann machine based
As outlined earlier in our review, secure medical image sharing multimodal learning model to understand a joint probability density
allows users to send medical images to numerous locations and re- model from the visual and text information of multimodal medical
cipients without fear of impugning their confidentiality, integrity, and images required to bridge the semantic gap in medical image retrieval.
authenticity. Additionally, considering that in modern medical image In [55], a CNN classifier was used to classify chest X-rays according
analysis, the security of CAD systems cannot be overlooked. This sec- to the direction of lung in the chest image. In [56], Milletari et al.
tion highlights some prominent tasks in medical image analysis as well used 3-dimensional (3D) CNN to enhance segmentation of prostate MRI
as the challenges and solutions offered by ML/DL in securing CAD volumes. Similarly, in [57], Haskins et al. proposed a DLM to register
systems. transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and MRI images. They further designed
a CNN with skip connection and trained it to learn target registration
4.1. Prominent tasks of medical image analysis and security challenges of error (TRE) between the two images as the similarity evaluation score.
CAD systems Despite the successful application of ML/DL models in medical
image based disease diagnosis, the ML/DL systems are also susceptible
Medical image analysis is aimed at helping doctors in providing to challenges related to security and privacy. On the one hand, the ML
efficient diagnosis and prognosis of diseases [3]. In this subsection, we systems must prevent unauthorised users from accessing confidential
present an overview of some prominent tasks in medical image analysis, information, i.e., when the medical images are used as training data
and the ML/DL technologies widely used to support such tasks. in the CAD systems which involves safeguarding the CIA of contents
of the medical image as mentioned earlier in Section 2. On the other
• Medical image retrieval. PACS can realise the filmless of medi- hand, the discovery of the so-called ‘‘adversarial examples’’ has exposed
cal institutions, i.e., generate digital medical images that can be the vulnerability of most ML techniques. In their study, Szegedy et al.
shared through the network to improve the efficiency of medical demonstrated the sensitivity of modern ML/DL models to adversarial
operations. However, in order to process these massive medical attacks in the form of slightly perturbed images resembling original
image data effectively, an automatic medical image classification images [6]. In such vulnerable scenarios, attackers could gain access
and retrieval system is needed to help doctors make decisions to patients’ examination reports, which have been attributed among
on the prognosis and diagnosis of diseases. By using the disease causes of insurance fraud and misdiagnosis by clinicians.
stages from similar cases retrieved by the medical image retrieval In adversarial attacks [7], the target of hackers is to generate
system, doctors can make timely and accurate diagnosis of dis- adversarial examples by adding imperceptibly small disturbances to the
eases as well as get the needed help to determine the stages of a original input samples so as to evade the integrity of ML/DL techniques.
disease by comparing with retrieved cases. In general, there are three types of adversarial attacks.
• Medical image classification. Medical image classification is an
important application in CAD systems but its execution is also a • Evasion attacks. In this type of attack, criminals modify the
big challenge in image analysis. According to the selected image samples to evade detection so that the malicious data is passed on
classification features, medical image classification technology is as legitimate or spoofing attacks targeting healthcare biometric
used to classify images in a medical image dataset. The results systems [58]. Evasion attacks are particularly challenging for
can then be used to confirm doctors’ initial diagnosis and ideas ML/DL algorithms in CAD systems, because there are intelligent
and can also be used to develop CAD systems based on medical and adaptive adversaries who can carefully manipulate the in-
image data. put medical image data to circumvent the performance of the
• Medical image segmentation. Medical image segmentation is detection system and violate the medical image data [59].
aimed at dividing medical images into several non-overlapping re- • Poisoning attacks. These attacks manipulate training data and
gions for delineation into meaningful and background regions. By inject malicious samples to mislead the learning process of the
focusing the analysis and available resources on the meaningful ML/DL model, thus disrupting retraining efforts [60]. Compared
information, the search area in the image can be reduced, which with direct modifications to the original training datasets in CAD
impacts on the efficiency of medical image analysis. Common ap- systems, attackers prefer to add carefully crafted malicious sam-
proaches employed in medical image segmentation include those ples to the medical image datasets [7]. This class of poisoning
focused on the shape, volume, relative position, and abnormal attacks are difficult to detect and will lead to wrong diagnoses
conditions of organs. by CAD systems, thereby delaying and comprising treatment. For
• Medical image registration. Medical image registration is an example, hinderance of a hypothyroid diagnosis may have life-
important pre-processing step used in medical image analysis threatening consequences [61] or a false positive classification of
to enhance analysis, prognosis, and diagnosis. Multiple medical COVID-19 could cause unnecessary panic [62].
images of the same organ will produce slight dislocation due • Model stealing. In this type of attack, criminals reconstruct
to different imaging conditions during their image acquisition the confidential model or they extract sensitive training data by
which will affect the efficiency of monitoring changes in le- probing the black-box ML/DL system [63]. For example, in 2020,
sions. However, using medical image registration, two images can Zhang et al. cloned a CNN model for predicting lung cancer that is
be accurately aligned. In other applications, image registration complicated with pulmonary embolism using only a small number
could be used to measure similarity between a moving and fixed of labelled samples by the target CNN [64]. The success of the
image where an optimisation algorithm constantly updates the attack indicates that the trained ML/DL models in the CAD system
parameters required to maximise similarity [51]. as well as the patients’ private data are at risk.

Computer-aided diagnosis has long been an active area of study 4.2. Security defence strategies for CAD systems
in medical image analysis [52]. Since the early 1970s, developments
in CAD systems have attempted to improve the accuracy of medical In this section, we outline some security defence strategies to safe-
image analysis by providing ‘‘auxiliary opinions’’ to doctors [53], which guard CAD systems and ensure accuracy of medical image based di-
leads to reduced workload for doctors and medical costs for patients. By agnosis and privacy of patients’ training datasets. Table 2 summarises
exploiting the potency of ML/DL techniques, the efficiency and accu- some of the most advanced defence strategies that safeguard medical
racy of an array of tasks in medical image analysis including retrieval, images against adversarial attacks.

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

Table 2
Summary of security defence strategies for CAD systems.
Reference Security Methodology Applications Advantages Environment & parameters
Ohrimenko et al. [65] Encryption Controlling access to Implementing Significantly lower Quad-core Intel Skylake processor, 8
strategy ‘‘enclave’’ memory to privacy-preserving overhead than common GB RAM, 256 GB solid state drive,
protect ML/DL tasks multi-party machine cryptographic approaches and Windows 10 enterprise
Ziller et al. [66] Differential Protecting privacy by using Protecting medical image Better compatibility and GNU Linux on the 5.4.0-72 kernel,
privacy the 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑒 framework classification and rigorous privacy guarantees macOS 11.2, Backbone: VGG-11, and
segmentation tasks 𝛿-parameter: 10−5
Sun et al. [67] Differential Differential privacy, Preventing attackers from Improving the availability Platform: TensorFlow and PyTorch,
privacy decision tree, and a weight invading personal privacy of medical data and activation function: ReLU, and
calculation system with the training data ensuring the accuracy of normalisation parameters: batch size
the ML model = 20, dropout = 0.4, and learning
rate = 0.01
Kumar et al. [68] Federated Training a global model Recognising lung CT Protecting multi-party Dataset: CC-19 (self-made), case
learning using blockchain-based images of COVID-19 medical data sharing number: 182 Training/45 Testing
federated learning patients among hospitals (patients per hospital)
Sui et al. [69] Federated Training the central model Preventing privacy Decoupling ML model NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, BERT
learning utilising ensemble local disclosure in the process of training from privacy model parameters: batch size = 4,
models medical text sharing protection dropout = 0.1, epochs = 2 and
learning rate = 2.5𝑒−5
Celik et al. [70] Knowledge Privacy distillation method Predicting personalised Allowing patients to Dataset: IWPC [71], 1221 training
distillation using DNN warfarin dose participate in privacy and 656 validation samples
Li et al. [72] Adversarial Unsupervised learning Detecting adversarial Easy embedding onto White-box Attack:
attack approach attacks on X-ray datasets DLM-based CAD systems classifier: DenseNet-121, maximum
detection perturbation: 0.02 Black-box Attack:
classifier: ResNet-50, maximum
perturbation: 0.05
Watson et al. [73] Adversarial Explainable ML detection Detecting adversarial Easy to gain the trust of Train/Test split: 80/20, optimiser:
attack technique samples on EHRs and chest medical institutions Adam, and learning rate = 0.01
detection X-ray datasets
Lal et al. [74] Adversarial Adversarial training-based Protecting retinal fundus Fewer parameters and Dataset: 1000 instances from Kaggle,
training defencive model against image datasets higher robustness augment the dataset to 6497 images
adverse disruptions and resize them to 224 × 224 × 3
Xu et al. [75] Adversarial Misclassification-aware and Performing the single-label Improving the robustness GAP attack:
training multi-perturbations and multi-label of CAD systems 𝐿∞ norm of component 1: 7 and 11,
adversarial training classification tasks 𝐿∞ norm of component 2: 13

4.2.1. Encryption strategy the extent of additional noise to the dataset that is required to balance
As training datasets supporting multi-party access, medical images protection strength and data availability.
in CAD systems are often stored directly on cloud computing servers.
Therefore, using image encryption to provide cloud to client protec- 4.2.3. Federated learning
tion for medical images from storage to transmission are the most Federated learning can train an algorithm across multiple decen-
direct security strategies of CAD systems. Earlier in Section 3, we tralised edge devices or servers holding local data samples [69]. Each
highlighted some MIE strategies that can resist poisoning attacks that device uses its local data to train the model, and then shares model
leak patients’ privacy. In addition to such strategies, sensitive data in parameters with the central model without sharing its actual data.
the memory can be further encrypted using hardware such as secure Building a data network among organisations based on federated mech-
processors. Recently, Intel developed a Software Guard Extension (SGX) anisms allows knowledge sharing without compromising the privacy
security processor [65] that adds a new set of instructions and changes of users in local data and thus establishes a united model so that
memory access in traditional Intel Architecture. This way, sensitive enterprises can work together on data security. In such a context,
data can only be dynamically decrypted in the CPU itself to prevent in [68], Kumar et al. proposed a framework to collaboratively train
unauthorised access irrespective of the user’s privilege level. a global model using federated learning with blockchain technology
while preserving privacy. The framework uses datasets from multiple
4.2.2. Differential privacy hospitals to establish an accurate collaborative model to recognise lung
Differential privacy refers to the mechanism of adding perturbation CT images from COVID-19 patients. As such, each hospital can keep its
to the datasets to protect classified data [76]. The idea behind differen- data private and share only weights and gradients of trained models.
tial privacy is that if the effect of any single substitution in the datasets
is small enough, the query results cannot be used to infer information 4.2.4. Knowledge distillation
about any single individual. Therefore, applying the differential privacy In ML, knowledge distillation transfers knowledge from a large
algorithm to ML/DL models in CAD systems can effectively prevent model to a small one without loss of validity. Since the small model
attackers from accessing private data by repeatedly querying the mod- uses a small dataset, it can be deployed even on CAD systems with
els [66]. While differential privacy provides strong privacy guarantees weak computing power, and it can also be used to prevent the risk of
for training medical image data, the added perturbation will reduce the losing patient privacy that is associated with large datasets. Motivated
availability of data and models. This motivated Sun et al. to propose by this intuition, Papernot et al. put forward the concept of defencive
a method that combines differential privacy and decision tree (DPDT) distillation where the knowledge training model is extracted from deep
to publish data in [67], where the decision tree is used to determine neural networks (DNN) to reduce the amplitude of network gradients

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

exploited by adversaries to craft adversarial samples, and significantly

reduce the success of adversarial sample crafting to rates with little
overhead. In addition, Celik et al. implemented privacy distillation
using DNN [70] wherein patients are allowed to control the type and
amount of information they wish to disclose to CAD systems. Accuracy
of the diagnosis reported was almost as good as having all the data of

4.2.5. Adversarial attack detection

Adversarial attack detection [77] was proposed by Metzen et al.
to detect adversarial samples by training a simple binary classifier.
Furthermore, Ma et al. applied this method to detect adversarial ex-
amples in medical image analysis in [78]. They reported that using
this method, adversarial attacks against CAD systems can be easily Fig. 7. Some general emerging technologies applied in medical image based SHS.
detected, and more than 98% of the detection AUC (area under curve)
can be achieved even in the most advanced attacks. Based on this, Li
et al. proposed an unsupervised learning approach to detect adversarial enhance the performance of traditional counterparts of many applica-
attacks on medical images in [72]. This method can be easily embedded tions, particularly, in the emerging sub-discipline of quantum machine
into any CAD system using ML/DL as a module without sacrificing clas- learning (QML). For example, the quantum particle swarm optimi-
sification performance. In addition, unsupervised learning can classify sation (QPSO) strategically sheds off the moving direction attribute
unlabelled training samples, allowing the scheme in [72] to detect a in its classical counterpart, i.e., the PSO algorithm [82]. Therefore,
variety of adversarial attacks without knowing the attacker. Addition- the update of particles is independent of the previous position of the
ally, Watson et al. used explainable ML/DL to detect adversarial attacks particle, which increases the randomness of the particle’s position.
in chest X-ray datasets [73]. Explainable ML/DL is considered vital On their part, the quantum evolutionary algorithms (QEA) [83] and
for ethical, trusted, and automated decision making, especially in CAD quantum GAs (QGAs) [81] (analogues of the EA and GA in the classical
systems. world) make use of qubit coding to represent chromosomes and qubit
gates to update them. This ensures strong search optimisation in both
4.2.6. Adversarial training quantum variants of the ML methods. Furthermore, the two algorithms
Adversarial training is one of the defences against adversarial at- exhibit good population dispersion, strong global search capability, fast
tacks where adversarial examples in each training loop are used to convergence, and easy integration with other algorithms.
augment training data. Therefore, the adversarially trained models per- Similar to ML, QML seems attractive for applications in SHS where
form more effectively when facing adversarial examples than standard the use of QPSO and QEA in MIW have been explored in [82,83],
trained models. Adversarial training is a min–max problem to find the respectively. Both schemes report good imperceptibility and high ro-
best solution in the worst case albeit at high computational cost. In their bustness. Similar uses for QPSO and QGA have also been reported to
contribution, Shafahi et al. reduced the overhead cost associated with improve efficiency of medical image segmentation in [80,81], respec-
generating adversarial examples by recycling the gradient information tively.
computed when updating model parameters [79]. In medical image Meanwhile, by integrating QINP into SHS, El-Latif et al. explored
analysis, Lal et al. proposed strategies including defencive adversarial ways to enhance security of MISS in [84] where they presented a
training and feature fusion against adversarial attacks [74], which quantum steganography algorithm for applications within a smart city
reportedly improved the robustness of CAD system on the retinal fundus context as depicted in Fig. 8. As seen from the figure, the framework is
images used in diabetic retinopathy recognition. designed to facilitate image sharing between different hospitals where
medical staff can encode secret information (including other medical
images) as quantum information and embed them onto the images
5. Application prospects for emerging medical image based smart
captured in the other hospitals (also encoded as quantum informa-
healthcare security technologies
tion). The scheme also proposed a quantum image processing-based
steganography scheme that uses the XOR operation targeted at the
This section showcases some emerging technologies with potential
least and most significant qubits as well as logistic chaotic mapping
applications in the field of medical image security. We cover paradigms
and a watermarking strategy to safeguard the image prior to sending
and technologies such as quantum information processing, blockchain,
it to the cloud server. At the other end, authorised medical staff of
and compressed sensing, as shown in Fig. 7. Furthermore, Table 3
the other hospital can recover the secret information using a quantum
presents an overview of these technologies and their emerging roles
extraction procedure. The framework utilises the parallelism inherent
in SHS. to quantum computing to improve the efficiency of steganographic
protection for medical images. Additionally, the no-cloning precept of
5.1. Smart healthcare security based on quantum technology the quantum states provides security for medical image sharing under
the framework. In yet another study, in [85], El-Latif et al. proposed
Quantum information processing (QINP) is a paradigm where the an encryption technique for quantum medical images. The highlighted
superposition of entangled states is harnessed to enhance speed, ver- studies indicate a growing interest in utilising QINP to enhance the
satility, and security [109]. Quantum hardware is reputed to exhibit security of SHS.
potentials and capabilities that rival their best-known classical (i.e., dig- Meanwhile the use of quantum computing in image reconstruction
ital) counterparts. Two areas that QINP outperforms digital information has also been reported in [111]. The need for image reconstruction
processing are those of security and efficiency, properties that make arises when different medical devices (such as CT, MRI, PET scanners)
it attractive in communication, computing, cryptography, and image are used to collect images. Specifically, Kiani et al. proposed a recon-
processing [110]. struction strategy for medical images [86], where the collated data
In efforts to utilise the huge potentials of QINP whilst circumventing are considered as input quantum states, which can be processed using
encumbrances related to information processing in the classical and quantum resources. This way, the exponential speedup could be gained
digital worlds, quantum-inspired frameworks have been deployed to compared to the classical algorithm. Moreover, due to the improvement

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

Table 3
Summary of emerging smart healthcare security technologies based on medical image.
Emerging technologies Classification References Applications Advantages
CAD system [80,81] Realising multi-objective segmentation of Improving the performance and
enhancement based on medical images and optimising protection of the training dataset using
QML parameters QML
information Medical image security [82,83] Determining optimal scaling factors for Providing good visual fidelity for the
processing based on QML embedding medical images using QML watermark scheme using QML
Encoding medical [84,85] [86] Protecting medical image data using Improving security and reconstruction
images into quantum QINP-based encryption and performance of the medical images
states steganography
Access control based on [87,88] Access management for medical data in Access control is reasonably
blockchains [89,90] CAD system using blockchain technology decentralised, and integrity of data is

Blockchain Medical image sharing [91,92] Tracking medical images during Reducing the network congestion in the
based on blockchains [93,94] transmission to guarantee privacy process of medical image sharing
Secure healthcare [95,96] [97] Secure and efficient medical data Ensuring efficient and secure data
blockchain for IoT sharing based on the IoT and blockchain communication while saving computing
medical devices resources of IoT devices
Optimised sampling [98,99] Combining intelligent technology to High decryption accuracy is maintained
matrix [100,101] realise full sampling with fewer in cases of large compression ratio
Compressive sampling points
Combined with other [102,103] Integrating other image security Reducing pressure on information
image security [104,105] technologies to expand functions and transmission channel and improved
technologies [106,107] improve security capacity in steganography

in efficiency of medical image reconstruction, patents could be exposed

to less radiation that would otherwise be needed to acquire new or
additional images.
It is worth noting that the highlighted studies on quantum tech-
nology are generally based on MATLAB platform to simulate quan-
tum operations. These simulations are based on linear algebra, where
complex vectors are used as quantum states and unitary matrices as
quantum transformations. Other commonly used quantum simulators
include Qiskit [112], PennyLane [113], etc.

5.2. Smart healthcare security based on blockchain

In late 2019, the world faced an existential threat in COVID-19, Fig. 8. Framework for hiding medical quantum images proposed by El-Latif et al.
which exposed the inadequacies of medical facilities in even the most in [84].

advanced economies and nations. In all this, privacy of patients’ med-

ical data was exposed to different risks. Meanwhile, considered as
a network of centralised databases managed by peer-based networks They reported a semi-permanent data storage that grants access control
in compliance with clearly set protocols for inter-node communica- to patients themselves.
tion [114], the utility of blockchain technology was exploited to safe- More recently, applications for blockchain technology in medical
guard patient data in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. In blockchains, image sharing have been explored. Some of these techniques have
data blocks are efficiently linked and secured to resist unauthorised combined blockchains with AI (particularly, ML and DL techniques) to
access. This tamper-proof security offered by blockchains is among the enhance the capability of SHS in the fight against the COVID-19 pan-
many attractions for its use across different fields and applications. Its demic. For example, in [91], Nguyen et al. proposed a framework that
most popular application is Bitcoins, which is an online distributed combines blockchain with AI for contact tracing, privacy protection and
ledger for cryptocurrencies. medical supply chain management. In a slightly different contribution,
As an important type of EHR, research on blockchain-based secu- Sultana et al. proposed a medical image sharing system integrating
rity for medical images is also gaining traction. Moreover, as earlier zero trust principle and blockchain technology in [93]. Therein, the
reviewed, the data sharing mechanism employed in most IoT-based SHS blockchain is used to audit and track the medical image data trans-
are vulnerable to different types of attacks, such as privacy leakage, mission to determine whether the medical image is leaked and/or to
tampering, forgery, etc. Therefore, blockchain technology offers a safe log when the leakage occurs in the future. They argue that their use
and seamless platform to access these EHRs across different facilities. of the zero-trust principle is to ensure strict verification of users and
For example, studies in [89,90] focused specifically on MRI and X-ray devices trying to access the resources on the network, which is aimed
images where the underlying principle in both methods is that when at ensuring the security of medical image data during the transmission
a host requires access to the medical image, each co-host must first process. Similarly, in [94], Tang et al. proposed a secure medical image
sign-off on the request and then others that need the same resources sharing scheme based on blockchain and smart contract of credit scores.
undertake an integrity test to ascertain the authenticity of the data. Their scheme is built on the premise that by establishing a smart con-
Meanwhile, being at the centre of such blockchain frameworks, patients tract based on the credit scores of patients and medical institutions, the
are directly involved in signing-off before access to their data is given to process of medical image sharing can be trusted and supervised, which
any third party [87]. In [88], Kim et al. proposed a medical question- also improves the robustness of PACS system. Meanwhile, in [92], Fan
naire sharing method to safely collate patient data using blockchain. et al. proposed an information management system (called MedBlock)

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

to process patients’ EHR. They demonstrated that the use of blockchain image while also satisfying the requirements for security and robust-
enhanced the security of EHR and reduced network congestion that ness. In their contribution, Wang et al. proposed a medical image
usually accompanies the EHR retrieval process. acquisition and transmission solution based on CST in [103]. Applying
Applications of blockchains in the field of medical image analysis, this scheme, they reported that a medical image can be compressed to
specifically, medical image segmentation, have also been explored. 20%, which greatly alleviates pressure on the information transmission
However, most studies reported the need for substantial amounts of channel, while the encryption attribute of compressed sensing gives
resources for training and computing power. Motivated by the need to the medical image high security. More importantly, the scheme inte-
overcome this, Li et al. proposed a strategy to harness the computing grates homomorphic encryption technology and meets the aggregation
power of blockchain miners to perform medical image segmentation requirements, which makes it conducive for fusion and aggregation
and took the workload of miners to demonstrate Proof-of-Useful-Work of medical data, such as accurate collection of public medical signals
(PoUW) [115]. This method repurposes the computing power gener- through collaborative sensing. Furthermore, [105] presents an image
ated by miners, which the study reports led to improvement in social encryption technique based on two-dimensional CST that divides the
responsibility and efficiency of medical image segmentation. original image into non-overlapping blocks, compresses them using
Meanwhile, blockchain technology can be combined with IoT to CST, and then encrypts them using chaotic systems. It is outlined that
explore efficient and secure medical data sharing technology based on the scheme increases the transmission volume and efficiency of key
IoT devices. In this regard, Singh et al. proposed an IoT and blockchain distribution.
ledger technology based on improved zero-knowledge protocols [95]. In the highlighted applications of CST, the Gaussian distribution of
This technology allows multiple range-proofs to be aggregated into a the measurement matrix leads to the non-uniform distribution of the
single range-proof, thereby reducing verification size and improving the cryptographic image, which hackers could exploit. To mitigate this,
efficiency of range-proof. Similarly, Dhar et al. proposed a distributed in [117], Huang et al. used Arnold scrambling to hide the Gaussian
system framework for sharing and exchanging multimedia files on distribution of cipher images. They reported enhanced the robustness of
wireless IoT platforms [96]. The framework is based on blockchain medical image transmission against continuous packet loss or malicious
and InterPlanetary File System and uses a strong secure authentication
clipping attacks.
protocol based on zero-knowledge proofs, which provides high security
Meanwhile, parallel compressed sensing (PCS), which is an im-
without compromising latency. In their contribution, Srivastava et al.
proved version of the traditional CST, rearranges the one-dimensional
proposed a novel blockchain-based IoT model that comprises overlay
signals to be operated into a two-dimensional matrix and builds the
network, cloud storage, healthcare providers, smart contracts, and IoT-
measurement matrix on the initial values and control parameters of
equipped patients [97]. This model employs lightweight encryption
the chaotic system. Noting that PCS can lower the required stor-
technology to offer secure network data communication and cloud
age space and computational complexity in comparison to traditional
storage, while eliminating the concept of PoUW leading to conservation
CST, Wang et al. proposed two image encryption algorithms for se-
of computing resources for IoT devices.
cure communication [106,107] and demonstrated that PCS as a key
step substantially improves the efficiency of image encryption and
5.3. Medical image security based on compressive sensing
transmission. In another related study, Xiao et al. stated that the two-
dimensional Kronecker CST minimises the computational cost of the
Compressive sensing is an emerging technology that helps to com-
encoding end and is suitable for use in devices with limited computing
press data at rates higher than traditional methods [116]. Due to the
independent energy requirement of sensors, their computing power capabilities [108].
and information transmission capacity are often limited. As such, the
application of compressed sensing in wireless sensor networks (WSN) 6. Concluding remarks and overview of challenges facing SHS
can significantly reduce the power consumption and traffic demand
of each sensor. In healthcare, medical images often contain a lot of A confluence between developments in information technology and
visual information, which leads to the slow sampling speed in medical engineering on one hand and medicine on another have led to the
imaging, such as MRI. As a new signal sampling paradigm, compressed growth in the popularity of smart healthcare systems (SHS). Among
sensing technology (CST) can produce the same results as full sampling others, the main advantages of SHS include:
with fewer sampling points, that is, only a small fraction of the data
needs to be sampled to provide high fidelity reconstruction of the • Patient-centred care. Modern and progressive high-tech health-
original image [98]. care environments can meet the healthcare needs of patients
CST itself has the property of encryption because a sampling matrix and accord due respect to their autonomy, so that they can be
is required to reconstruct the original signal. As a result, many studies empowered to become active participants in their care process.
on medical image security focus on the compressive sensing algorithm • Medical informatisation. SHS uses a new generation of infor-
since it can compress and encrypt medical images synchronously [99]. mation technologies, such as IoT, big data, cloud computing, and
Moreover, the sampling matrix can be learned from the training image AI, to make healthcare delivery more efficient, convenient, and
using CNN, so that the measured value of compressed sensing can retain secure.
more information on the image structure and reconstruct the image • Personalised management. SHS can coordinate and integrate
better [100]. Accordingly, in [101], Wang et al. proposed an algorithm the medical systems to realise the personalised management for
based on tensor compressed sensing, which the authors claim is suitable patient care to ensure patients get the services they need most
for compressing and encrypting 3D medical images represented as ten- and facilitate the rational allocation of medical resources.
sors. They further asserted that their algorithm records high decryption • Preventive healthcare. SHS consists of multiple stakeholders
accuracy even at large compression ratios. comprising of doctors and patients, hospitals, and research in-
Due to its combination of security features and compression capa- stitutions. The health of patients can be monitored at any time
bility, CST is often used alongside other image security technologies. through wearable devices to reduce the likelihood and severity
For example, in [104], Zhang et al. proposed a MIE and compression of potentially life-threatening illnesses.
scheme based on CST and chaotic encryption. Similarly, in [102], • Potential for new tech integration. Emerging technologies such
Sreedhanya et al. embedded the encrypted image generated by CST as quantum information processing, blockchain, and compres-
into another image using steganography models. They further reported sive sensing demonstrate exciting prospects for more secure and
an increase in the capacity of the secret file embedded in the carrier efficient storage, sharing, and analysis of medical images in SHS.

F. Yan et al. Journal of Information Security and Applications 78 (2023) 103621

As the world continues its march towards globalisation, where local moves privacy protection closer to the data source) need to be
facilities are expected to operate at international levels, it is pertinent enhanced [123]. Early studies mainly focus on integrating the
we look in the direction of intelligent and emerging technologies to watermark function on the sensor and embedding the watermark
safeguard privacy and enhance efficiency in all areas of healthcare onto the collected image data in real-time [124]. Meanwhile,
access and delivery. This study primarily focused on providing an with continuous improvement in performance, sensors can be
overview of current state-of-the-art in that regard. First, this study used to implement more complex security schemes. For example,
proposed an overall architecture for security in SHS comprising of Pittaluga et al. integrated the sensor with privacy preserving
MISS and CADS. Second, it elaborated on how the most advanced optics to filter or block sensitive information directly from the
intelligent technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of incident light-field [125]. In [126], Prabhu et al. secured the high
Things, and cloud computing, are used in the medical image based SHS. frequency video streams collected by using memory and computer
Third, the study enumerates the risk posed by adversarial attacks to constrained hardware security extensions.
the ML/DL model and medical image training data in the CAD system • Challenges of building a unified conceptual framework for
and highlights the security defense strategies aimed at reducing such explainable ML. Despite their promise and potential, ML models
risks. Finally, the study highlighted the significance of various emerging play the role of a ‘‘black box’’ in many applications in medical
technologies (including quantum information processing, blockchain,
image analysis as well as the larger SHS frameworks. With the
and compressed sensing) in the future medical image based SHS.
ever increasing application of ML models in clinical practice, the
While the technologies covered in this review have highlighted var-
trust of clinicians needs to be established. ‘Explainability’ or the
ious levels of success, our review indicates that the immense potentials
ability to justify its outcomes and assist clinicians in rationalising
of many emerging technologies have not been fully exploited in the
the model prediction, is often considered to be the key to building
long road to safe, robust, and efficient SHS. Consequently, in the sequel,
such trust. However, since everyone has different conditions for
we enumerate a few areas that would definitely help to expedite this
trust in ML, only a unified definition of a reliable ML system can
provide continuous usage and have a positive clinical impact. In
• Challenges in lack of standardised schemes for medical image the field of clinical healthcare, the general agreement regarding
security. Current research on secure medical image sharing have explainability is fairly low. Several studies have attempted to
overlooked the difference between classical and medical images. provide a basis for rigorous evaluation of explainability methods,
In many of the cases that classical image sharing techniques are including application types [127], user suggestions [128] and
directly applied to medical images, great security risks have been statistical methods [129]. However, there is still a lack of unified
encountered [118]. Whereas many are aware of the need for well- conceptual framework covering all kinds of ML to support the
designed security strategies to meet the security requirements of explainability needs of the medical and health infrastructure.
the medical environment, due to the lack of unified standards, • Challenges in other emerging technologies. In the field of
the required strategies cannot be applied in practice. In addition, quantum information, the realisation of physical quantum hard-
due to the requirement for high precision and computing time for ware is still a challenge in terms of qubit technology, control
medical image analysis, the smart technologies used to analyse electronics, microarchitecture for the execution of quantum cir-
classical images cannot be directly applied to medical images. In cuits, and efficient quantum error correction. Meanwhile, the
fact, Zhou [119] and Kumar [120] emphasised this peculiarity vulnerability of qubit to decoherance implies that, upon inter-
of medical images in the field of medical image segmentation action with environment, information stored in a qubit will be
and detection, respectively. Similarly, Zanty et al. [121] com- lost leading to gate error rates of around 10−2 [130]. However,
pared the performance and security of key classical and clustering if the gate error rates are below a certain threshold, the quantum
technology used for classical medical image segmentation and system can be protected and/or recovered from such errors by
determined three suitable segmentation technologies for medical using quantum error correction (QEC) and fault tolerant (FT)
images. Although the birth of the DICOM framework [2] signifies computations [131], but they will also greatly increase the num-
efforts towards unification of standards for medical image storage ber of qubits required for computation. Therefore, the challenge
and transmission, there is still a lack of standardised schemes for
for advanced SHS based on quantum technology comes from
security, which is very essential for the realisation of efficient of
increasing the fidelity of quantum operations and restricting the
number of qubits [132]. In blockchain technology, large blocks
• Challenges in securing information collection terminals. As
come with large storage space, but their network propagation
highlighted in Section 3.2.2, whereas IoT-based SHS use sensors
speed is slow, resulting in block centralisation, which potentially
to acquire several types of medical and health records, the in-
increases security risks. Therefore, the trade-off between block
formation collection methods for IoT frameworks often require a
size and security has become a challenge [133]. Another issue
variety of WSNs. These sensors use CoT architecture to transmit,
worth noting is that many blockchain specific solutions based on
and little consideration is given to the vulnerabilities both the
sensors and wireless networks are exposed to [122], particularly medical IoT are accompanied by high computational and band-
when the networks are designed for medical infrastructure. First, width costs, while many edge devices do not have the computing
the channel of the WSN is open to anyone with appropriate power required for blockchain functionality [134]. Therefore,
devices, so it is vulnerable to radio jamming, spoofing, eaves- implementing the original functionality of these solutions can
dropping, etc. Second, oftentimes, choice of the manufacturers of be very difficult. In addition, although compressive sensing can
WSN can often be predicted, which is guided by cost. Potential at- reduce the amount of data in medical images and also relieve
tackers can use real-world WSN hardware to prepare and develop the pressure on transmission channels, it may also lead to a
attacks in advance, so as to increase the chances of attackers’ decrease in medical image quality, which can affect diagnostic
success. Third, a large number of WSNs are easily damaged due results. Therefore, researchers need to maintain compromise be-
to the changes in environment and weather. Consequently, the tween medical image quality while pursuing a high compression
unpredictable sensor ‘‘death’’ will affect the network performance rate [135]. At the same time, many medical images are non-
and system reliability. Therefore, it is very important to design sparse in time domain and other transform domains, so designing
a secure network topology. Presently, studies on sensor-level more efficient schemes to recover compressed medical images is
security protection for information collection terminals (which a challenge for compressive sensing technologies [136].

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