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a ma me eo A hl ona se nn ee a Se Pa me a i ares rear aT TS TRS ETS TTT ees a aa PROJECT |Distrtimdun Transformers in Passi, Rupandehi, Rotpa amd Rajhang districts of Nepal-Package No. EUW [mache schncistenrs osu ee Seed a -———————— ne. pacinon vn i oes 1 ona ala Ee 1 (haneot ater i Manuf Corporation 7 [eam otorg i 3 ferretmnuacuing erence 3 7 roe and z a Gado a shine iimrsad, | outdo of nara, ope ei 6 [angie ‘Hof pie Two ae 7 [eons onawonar onanvonar = |ing oa Bed zr fous aR 3 #17 fowse we we 22 soda zi [ery we 3 #33 ics iw z 72 a 3m = zs oso wo] # 2 3 orto ir i Thee 20 fate Freaery =[—“"s = 1 Jai ae on ona a Beane pate on ona stg a a TE empecte es a Perpeere eer nce noi ame “qe [a = ning eT sae 5 Te, Menace owing ee een perature \esieator Equivalent is, ami oh errno cermanyor | votes mecnese/ cae cna Hottestspot temperature Voltoch/Procimessure Equivalent 122. | yeinding limited to v Egat Beamon gh Vota oat oa 1a ow ota ar oer 1a Neco Da Dya 75 [Tans 15.1 [Type of Tap Changer ure one 15.2 [Tap seps 1259 225% 153 [Tap ar 3/1058 w/-10% 154 [Not Tap ra a 16 — [Cooling Sytem 76.1 [Number of eonnacted Fane Nos NA 162 |Numbers of standby Fans Nos NA 163 [Rated Votage voir: | aoo/230v ac NA 6A [pause Contral Gear a7 _[oure Gear Maschinentab) ik felohausen ‘Manufacturer (mR) | NA(efFloed tapping swtich used Germany or ABD Sweden orequivatent a _[aatne 771i [Rates vonage Vors_| 350 nA 171? 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