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This is of most of the only real foods left on our planet.

It is not a perfect list and it probably will

be updated at times. But this is a great General list to go off of if you want to get off of toxins and
out of The Food Matrix. I also will be making a list of other Foods for those who are unable to
make a transition this drastic. There are foods in between being on toxic foods and going to this
extreme of eating Whole Foods. There are many other alternatives to eating a lot of the higher
glycemic refined Foods. But a lot of them are not long-term choices in my opinion.

Organic berries, (wild preferred) blue, rasp, black and ELDERBERRY.
Apples, (local, small, older the better) crab type with fiber. If they're super sweet you can bet it's
Bred for sugar, so moderate. Organic, no fiji, gala, pink lady or braeburn varieties no Granny
Smith no honeycrisp (we're looking for earth apples) others are man made acid. Hit up local
farmers make calls if you can. Go to farmers markets or health food Markets ask for crab apples.
The smaller and the more tart they are the better for you.
Oranges ONLY the Seville or Valencia These are closest to what nature provided. (Almost gone)

Baby bananas, seeded. Smaller better. Greener the better.
Seeded grapes
Figs, dates. Preferably fresh not dried
Pear, prickly wild preferred (organic always)
Cherries, (no sweet) old school Tart is best
Mango (wilder better)
Coconut, jelly is best
Plumb (moderation)
Peach (moderation)

Bell peppers organic
Organic onion red is great.
Avocado smaller the better. (this one is bred for size)
Zucchini small and organic as possible.
Cucumber although this one is altered.
Organic baby heirloom if possible cherry or grape tomatoes.
Lettuce orgainic all but iICEBER (Spinach is fake)
Amaranth greens
Arugula wild preferred
Mexican squash Chayote
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
Dandelion greens!
Cactus izote
Nopales cactus
Okra, Seaweed, Kale, Olives, Squash
My fav is organic monk fruit POWDER not the erythritol stuff it's poison. Organic Stevia leaf
extract. Allulous. Maple syrup. Coconut sugar in moderation. Date sugar in moderation. Organic
agave in moderation. No honey most is hybrid man altered

SEAMOSS is best IMO. High quality sea salt, Celtic Sea salt, ETC. I use a high quality sea salt filtered
for microplastics, very low lead and mercury. (Jacobsen) on Amazon. I Do NOT use table salt or
anything in ingredients saying SALT. It MUST Specify. NO sodium chloride! Best minerals is
seamoss! is best! Link also in my bio

OILS (very important) specifics

Avocado oil high heat (chosen foods brand)
Olive oil, low to no HEAT!!
Walnut oil Med high heat no more
Sesame seed oil medium heat only
Grape seed (moderate) high heat!
Coconut! Med max heat (I use for baking)
Hemp seed oil


ANY approved oil of choice,
Simply add dill or preferred approved spice
Quality approved salt! To taste
Organic Hemp hearts
GET creative here


Bay Leaf
Savory Sweet basil
Thyme, Cheyenne, Onion powder, Achiote, Sage, Habanero

Spelt, Tef, WILD rice (HARD to find)
Spring in glass is always preferred. Local spring is even better. Next best is bottled spring. I like
Crystal Geyser and Arrowhead if it's cold. Otherwise do not drink tap do not drink purified do not
drink store brand make sure there's no ingredients in your water. Very simple Crystal Geyser is
even sold at Walmart if you need it cheap. Gotta survive. Only drink if you are thirsty if you're not
on toxic foods your body will not require as much water. Definitely hydrate but we do not need
insane amounts of water.

Nuts and seeds:

Tahini sesame butter
Seasame seeds

Alkaline water (sea salt /spring)
Healthy electrolyte powder no sugar
Zevia SODA if you are on soda do not recommend drinking for life
Coconut water pink
Teccino to get off coffee
There's much more

Nut milks:
Coconut organic unsweetened, watch for "gums"
Hemp milk organic unsweetened
Make your own Chia milk
Make your own hemp seed milk with spring water maple syrup and hemp seed
Eating Windows, fasting, intermittent fasting:
If you are dealing with any type of ailment fast as much as possible. Go off how you feel if you
start to feel depleted load up on minerals drink some quality salt and spring water. If you are
transitioning practice intermittent fasting and try to eat smaller meals. Best minerals is seamoss! is best! If you are losing weight the more you fast the more you burn the fat
you have. Try not to eat too early but also do not eat too late. Eat foods that digest smoothly and
quickly if possible. Prolonged fasting is going to be by far the most powerful weapon against

disease and any other ailment as well as weight. Your body and energy and mind will thank you

● Last notes in regards to overall General Health. Healthy Mind equals a healthy body. Get
out in nature as much as possible. Get as much sun as possible even if it's a cloudy day
be outside in the sun. Try to practice grounding each day there is proven benefits to it. I
also believe in some sun gazing at the right times. I believe in saunas and strengthening
our cardiovascular system as well as detoxifying. Take cooler showers if at all possible.

Play have fun enjoy our experience that's why we're here go out be a kid love your life
and love everyone as much as yourself.


Seamoss is one of the most important

supplements that I take. It gives you 92 of the
102 minerals necessary to survive as a human.
Also we take a false form of iodine which is
synthetic in table salt. This form of iodine is not
significant and can be dangerous. Nonetheless
getting real iodine from sources such as
seamoss or seaweed is the best possible form.
I only take doctor truth's seamoss. For those
asking for the seamoss I take I have Doctor
truth's store in my link tree.

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