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Big Data Assigpment-t

1] What is, the term eia dota ?? whot is (nniqu e akcut

b do ta
Brg data;
1) The Big data rfers te large and ccmplez data Se
thal onnatb etectivek managed roce seo or analyzet
using trotátonal data processirq techiiue
Unió obout Big dota'
om onies haue seached, eB for daades to make he
bot use f informoticn' toimgucue thêir kusineSs (pat
4 Howeer, s the Stvuclure ond the sze of big dafa that
mokeç i So unlque
3J Bg data is alse.snecial lecause it represenl
both significant ntormattcn which can te onén
new, decrt and the way is infusInatton is analya
to hela pén fhore dcors?
rd Gnd
abl WitE di fercce tetueen struclurcd, unstructured
semishicturd data.
Digital Data
Structued Unstructurd Sern'Stuch
Stuctured Uns bucturtd Semi- Structued
Tedhoa1ed cn rtal Based on cha
data racter and based cn
tinany data XrML/RDE
Transott- Maturd trarsat No tarsaciçr Transochcn
cton and var münagement adonted
argen-0us ch(Ur
ent qnd Nc ccn from D&Ms.
Éncy technque (urTency Not.matred
Versico Verscining Uersained Vergen ing ovtr
cver tuples, tuples adl orank.
YOLOE, tables. whole is possitle
lexitt t is srerno Itis norkzile Iis, uery Alcil
denendeht ad. and Hhec is ran.strautured
ess lexit)e absence o data but less
Sche ma. flexiblehan
Robut veq rabust Neu techaolsgy
ness les Shrtaded
Wty icwlt to scale scalabte edsier thanstuct
DB Schemq. urd data
43] Explain Gv'sbig data
’vlume =Aounl af ala collected.
2)velocitSneed al'ich dota is bcessed
dvaricty)irucud. Ctables)
Senni-suclaved- (x rnL, JSON)
) Unstuchured (Text, images). of data
)Vracty Relkabilily + Tesstor lhiness and
considenig factors ihe accaracy
qnalytis ? Tyncs of analy tcc with exan
Qlhat is big caBa
Bi Data Anatytics
rfers_to th¢ work towords modelling.
1 Data ana lytics prdicing q icsult
the futuue O ncoverinq lrends, attrns,
dejnbs helare nrocess of räa data_to heln
(orrelatianin amounb of
make data intormed dexisions.
ast and rsent
has harnened hhe
what undershod
DThis tlls casily
acilu understandable form.
pata gatheedman, organized as
pie charts, et. caled
prsenBaten. is ofiten
ii) This form of data
tsenbng a dash board af acar.
Pre dictie Analy tc what
) avai able daa and tells
) Itex trapolates from in the nean futue.
is esnected to.hannen opnears when
adur isement_ on Socks that
ji Eomple the
you buy Shoes from e-shop.
3pleratory or Disevery Analyttsi
).7his 4inds unexpt
in. (lhechions ched re
of bi9 daBa
lasian shipt 60mcrg th paraincters
i) olechton c data trn vanety of Scurçet and
onouyzing hem provi des addiional oiportun tes
for insight and unexpected dsCerery
) Prescriptive, Araly tics:
This identties boced ca data gath.ertd prertuntes
to optimire soluion to exishng prctlems.
i). Tn cther or ds the arolysis te ll us wbat to do to
ochieve q gsal
QS] Exp'ain opnlicaticns t4 tiq caBa.
-) Data Araly sts cttan Gnd araly 2e infcrmatien frum
multiple surtes to qein iasc/ts
i) The mdltale GourtEs "are tlechnc rahient rtrerd.
2) Telecomm nicaten:
) Lou, aclcphicn f qetile Services ond churn managenot
t fey of he most cenimen (rctlems faced to ckile
Service rovideis
new custo ner is hiher than
rttaring thy eisthg cnes.
3). Financia Pshs
(umently, aptal ims ort uing advanced tech relsgy
t ster huge valumes ef dat.
ii) But net0sing dalo scurces ke internet and so
media_rtgurt them to a adet tig data storage
u Retail:=
Evoluton of e-commerce
erce, onlne purchasing, so cal meda
netweck onwersation and recntly locahonvoumé
Smactphone interactons contibute to the
and quality of data for data -diven Cuc tamgot
Ahalstics help the eta) companics to manage.their
S larkeiag
)Marketin Analytc helns the organizatans to eualuate
thein macketag" nector maace natteins to ana ly 2e tuthe
ConSUMert behauioar and their purchasihg-pattMs,
analyze he mgrketng tendc which wauld aid
in nodifying the maketing sbrategies like the
poi toningof advertsemenkt jn4 web nage,imple ment
eton of dynamit pnang qnd offeing pèes onali2ed.

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