Lesson 21 - Travel

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Lesson 21: Travel

Many students confuse the words travel and trip. Travel is most often used as
a verb, and trip is a noun, a specific travel event:
• I like to travel.
• I'm traveling through Europe.
• It’s a two-week travel trip.
With a and the, use “trip”
• How was your travel trip?
With my, your, his, her, our, their, use “trip”
Let's go through the airport step by step. First you need to book a flight -
make a reservation to travel by airplane. One person who can help you do this
is a travel agent - that's a professional who makes travel plans and
arrangements for people. The company where a travel agent works is called a
travel agency, and sometimes they offer package deals including the flight
and hotel at a reduced price.
On the day of your trip, you need to pack - put all the things you need into
your suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack. The general word for the bags you
take while traveling is baggage or luggage.

suitcase duffel bag backpack

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

When you get to the airport, you need to check in - show your passport and
reservation confirmation to the agent, and receive your boarding pass - the
ticket that permits you to enter the airplane.

The agent at the check-in desk will ask if you are checking any bags (putting
them in the airplane's cargo compartment) - you'll put your checked bags on
the scale to see how heavy they are. The small bag you bring on the plane
with you is your carry-on.
Next, you'll need to go through security. You'll walk through a metal
detector, and put your carry-on bag through the X-ray. Use the bins for small
objects. After you get through security, you can go to the gate - the door to the
airplane - until it's time to board (enter the airplane).

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

The people who control the airplane are the pilot and co-pilot, and the people
who serve food and drinks are flight attendants. You and the other people
who are traveling are called passengers.

flight attendant
When you enter the plane, you can put your carry-on bag into the overhead
compartment and sit in your seat - a window seat or an aisle (corridor) seat.
The plane will drive to the runway and then take off - go up into the air.

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

Sometimes you need to take more than one flight to reach your destination -
and you'll have a stopover/layover in another city while you wait for your
connection (the next flight).
A long flight that leaves at night and arrives in the morning is called an
overnight flight. A slang word for this type of flight is a red-eye - probably
because you're so tired that your eyes are red when you arrive!
When you reach your destination, the plane will land (go down to the
ground). You can pick up your bags at the baggage claim. If you've entered
another country, you'll go through immigration (where they check your visa)
and customs (where they check what's inside your bags).

baggage claim

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

And if you’ve traveled to a different time zone, you’ll have jet lag – feeling
tired because your body’s time is different from that country’s time. Before
you leave the airport, don’t forget to exchange money so that you’ll have
money in the correct currency.
While traveling, you can stay at a hotel – or at a hostel (simple hotel, often
with dormitory rooms) or at a resort, a more expensive place with lots of
Now it’s time to explore your destination and go sightseeing (see the
interesting places)! Some people like to wander around – walk around slowly
with no special plan.
Others prefer going on a tour with a tour guide to show them the sights and
explain the history. Tours often have an itinerary – a plan and schedule for
where to go and when.
Finally, make sure to buy some souvenirs – small objects/gifts – to remember
your trip!


© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

Pronunciation Practice
travel, trip, book a flight, travel agent, package deal, pack, suitcase, duffel bag,
backpack, luggage, check in, boarding pass, checked bags, scale, carry-on,
security, metal detector, X-ray, bin, gate, board, pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant,
passenger, overhead compartment, aisle, runway, take off, stopover, layover,
connection, overnight flight, red-eye, land, baggage claim, immigration,
customs, jet lag, currency, hotel, hostel, resort, sightseeing, wander, tour
guide, itinerary, souvenirs

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

Quiz – Lesson 21
Match each phrase with the context or the person who said it:
a flight attendant at security exchanging money
a hotel receptionist at the check-in desk shopping for souvenirs
a tour guide at the travel agency the pilot
at customs during a stopover waiting at the gate
at immigration

1. “$500 will give you 366 Euros, and there's a 2% fee for the service.”
2. “Are you interested in any of our package deals? We have some great
trips to tropical islands, with the flight and 5 days at a resort included.”
3. “Attention passengers of United flight 1530 - this is the final boarding
4. “Everything on these shelves is on sale - you can get three T-shirts for
$15 or five key chains for $10.”
5. “For lunch we have beef or vegetarian lasagna, and your choice of soda,
juice, water, or alcoholic beverages.”
6. “Hurry up! We only have twenty minutes to catch our next flight!”
7. “Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be arriving at our destination shortly.
Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.”
8. “May I see your passport and confirmation number, please?”
9. “On your left is the parliament building, which was built in 1860.”
10. “Take off your shoes and take your laptop out of the bag. Put your
keys, cell phone, and any loose change in the bins.”
11. “What is the purpose of your visit to the U.S.?”
12. “Would you like a room with a double bed, or with two single
13. “You need to declare any animal products, alcohol, tobacco, or
items valued at over $1,000.”
The quiz answers are at the end of this lesson.

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

Vocabulary Practice
E-mail me your answers at homework@espressoenglish.net !
1. Describe the last trip you took. Where did you go and what did you do?

2. When you travel, do you usually take a suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack? Do
you tend to pack light (very little) or take a lot of stuff?

3. Do you prefer staying in hotels, hostels, or resorts - and why?

4. Have you ever taken a red-eye flight, or been jet-lagged?

5. Have you ever taken a tour? When and where was it?

6. Do you like having a tour guide, or do you prefer to wander around and plan
your own itinerary?

7. Describe some souvenirs you've bought while traveling.

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

8. What's one place you'd like to travel in the future, and why do you want to
go there?

1. exchanging money
2. at the travel agency
3. waiting at the gate
4. shopping for souvenirs
5. a flight attendant
6. during a stopover
7. the pilot
8. at the check-in desk
9. a tour guide
10. at security
11. at immigration
12. a hotel receptionist
13. at customs

© Shayna Oliveira 2014 - EspressoEnglish.net

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