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Grijan Primary Co-op Marketing Society Ltd


K Papa Rao

Rc.No. B/ /2023 Dt: -11-2023

The Divisional Manager,
TS Girian Co-op Corpn Ltd ,

Sub. ESTABLISHMENT- Sri K Jagannath Rao, Contract Basis Salesman DR Depot Thiryani-6-
A case booked against Sri K Jagannath Rao CSM by the DCSO, Asifabad on 19-05-2023-
Absconded duty from 19-05-2023 to till date-re port submitted-request to necessary action-Reg

Ref: 1 ‘6-A’ case filed against Sri K Jagannath Rao. CSM DR Depot Thiryani by the DCSO,

Asifabad on 19-05- 2023

2 This office letter even No D1 07 2023 addressed to the DCSO. Asifabad


Divisional Manager I invite kind attention to the reference cited, wherein the District Civil
Supply Officer, KB Asifabad has visited to DR Depot Thiryani on 18-05-2023 and conduct physical
venfication of the Depot and found 8 00 Qtls FSC Rice stocks shortage and filed '6-A case against Sri K
Jagannath Rao, CSM DR Depot Thiryani on 19-05-2023 and remaining seized stocks handed over to Sri D
Ramesh, Private FP Dealer Rallakannepally FP shop No 2413004

In this regard, it is to submit that, after 6-A case filed against him and seized stocks hand over to
Private Dealer he was absconded to duty from 19-05-2023 to till date and the under signed has called to
Sri K Jagannath Rao. CSM and orally instructed to attend office to assist in DRs Godown, but, he failed to
attend office and abscond to duty from 19-05-2023

This is submitted kind formation and take necessary action

Yours faithfully

Enci; As above Manager (FAC) GPCMS Asifabad

Copy submitted to the Project Officer, ITDA, Utnoor for kind information

Copy submitted to the General Manager, TS Girijan Co-op Corpn Hyderabad.

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