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MG8591 / Principles of Management  Safety needs: protection from threats, deprivation,

Class : IV CSE A Internal Test – III Answer Key and other dangers (e.g., health, secure
employment, and property)
Part – A (7x2 = 14 )  Social (belongingness and love) needs: the need
1. Define brainstorming. for association, affiliation, friendship, and so on.
Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas and  Self-esteem needs: the need for respect and
sharing knowledge to solve a particular recognition.
commercial or technical problem, in which  Self-actualization needs: the opportunity for
participants are encouraged to think without personal development, learning, and
interruption. fun/creative/challenging work. self-actualization
2. List out the advantages of democratic leadership is the highest-level need to which a human being
styles. can aspire.
Advantages of democratic leadership 2. Mcclelland’s theory of needs
Achievement: a need to accomplish and
1. Brings more viewpoints to the table. demonstrate own competence. People with a high
2. Allows for more efficient problem solving. need for achievement prefer tasks that provide for
3. Invites higher levels of commitment. personal responsibility and results based on their
4. Builds team relationships. own efforts. they also prefer quick
5. Increases morale and job satisfaction. acknowledgment of their progress.
6. Honesty is prioritised. Affiliation: a need for love, belonging and social
7. A strong and clear vision for the future is built. acceptance. People with a high need for affiliation
3. State job enrichment. are motivated by being liked and accepted by
Job enrichment is a strategy used to motivate others. they tend to participate in social gatherings
employees by giving them increased responsibility and may be uncomfortable with conflict.
and variety in their jobs. Power: a need for controlling own work or the
4. What is preventive control in management? work of others. People with a high need for power
Preventive controls attempt to prevent or deter desire situations in which they exercise power and
undesirable acts from occurring. They are influence over others. they aspire for positions
proactive controls, designed to prevent a loss, with status and authority and tend to be more
error, or omission. concerned about their level of influence than about
5. Why controlling is important? effective work performance.
Controlling detects any kind of deviation and Part – C
accordingly corrective actions are implemented. 10. identify the barriers in communication and
This helps in reducing the gap between expected explain how to overcome them. ( 15 marks )
and actual results and in this way helps in The seven barriers to communication
achieving the organisational objectives.
6. Mention any two requirements for effective 1. Physical barriers. 2. Perceptual barriers. 3. Emotional
control. barriers. 4. Cultural barriers. 5. Language barriers. 6.
1) feedback. 2) control must be objective. 3) Gender barriers. 7. Interpersonal barriers. 8. Break
prompt reporting of deviations. 4) control should through the barriers.
be forward-looking. 5) flexible controls. 6) Barriers to communication can be overcome by:
hierarchical suitability. 7) economical control.
7. Define performance appraisal. 1. Checking whether it is a good time and place to
Performance appraisal refers to the regular communicate with the person.
review of an employee's job performance and 2. Being clear and using language that the person
overall contribution to a company understands.
Part – B 3. Communicating one thing at a time.
8. Illustrate and explain the steps in the control
process. ( 13 marks ) 4. Respecting a person's desire to not communicate.
The control function can be viewed as a five-step 5. Checking that the person has understood you correctly.
process: (1) establish standards, (2) measure
performance, (3) compare actual performance with
standards and identify any deviations, (4)
determine the reason for deviations, and (5) take
corrective action, if needed.
9. Explain any two motivation theories of your
choice. (8)
1. Maslow’s theory of hierarchical needs
Abraham maslow postulated that a person will be
motivated when all his needs are fulfilled.
 Physiological needs: are basic needs for survival
such as air, sleep, food, water, clothing, sex, and

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