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For me, this workshop was especialy amazing and healing dus to the extraordinary information that the AMCC-MCEO Beloveds progressively provided tous over the course of this workshop event. This information, andthe corresponding Planetary Grid-work events with which wo were all invited fo participate during our Dec. workshop, not only represonts the culmination of 12 years of my public works with the MCEO and AMCC, and the ligent Grid-work of the Aquafersion Shield, but also represents the Birth of @ Whole New Probabiliy of Krystar Ascension for out Beloved Planet Earth and much more ofits quantum Wie-eld (a prababiliy that | had not ‘even known was technicallylenergetically possible uni the end of our Dec-2012 Conclave; 80 as usual, we all leamed together), I hope that those of you whom attended our Dec-2012 event ware also able to experience the joy, amazement, rele, release ane excitement thatthe ANICC-MCEO's now information and Grid-acivations Graced our planot with during this hstorc period, which the Beloveds affectionatoly refer to. the "13 Days of Kryst-Mass and the Planetary Siver-Seed Awakening” | will now share with you an overview ofthe new information the AMCC-MCEO provided to us during the Dec.2012 Conclave, pis some ‘ackitional information that the Beloveds have provided as | worked wih them 1230-31/20'2 to assemble this AMC e-group posting. Please bbe “forewamed” tha the fllowing information, which is diract vansmission from the AMCC-MICEO, is quite "technically dense’, and if you have not attended the Dec.2012 Conclave, or had to leave early, and thus have not yet viewed the graphology that makes up the Dec-2012 Chart Pack, itmay be dificult o visualize the energetic activations of which the Beloveds here-within speak. Even so, the AMCC-MCEO have ‘added some basic descriptions of terms and technicals' that can help you to at least "get the gst of the monumental Planetary Templar ‘Activations that are now occurring. As | mentioned inthe Dec.2012 workshop, we are intending to create a ‘Live Stream’ online audio ot Video meditation on 1/8/2013 or 1/4/2013 (as the Beloveds spec), that al from the AMC e-group can join in on if desired. Our IT-Team is still working on ths, and we wll Keep you posted. For Now, Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrust and Kryst-Lavas, EvAsha Ashayana Aneayhea Kananda Melchizedek, Speaker-1 AMCC-MCEO “The following is verbatim translation from the AMCC-MCEO through AMCC-MCEO Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana Aneayhea Kananda Melchizedek: all materials are (C) 12/2012 E'Asha Ashayana (AKA: Diane K. Deane) and are Trademarked under the "Tar-Tri-AnUra ‘Teachings-The Path of Bio-Spirtul Artistry" (TM 7-12/2012 ARhvAyas Productions). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “AMCC-MCEO 13 Days of Kryst-Mass and the Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening” : Ger 1212112012-1/3/2013, ral Overview of Planetary Grid Activations (Includes: AMCC-MCEO Prelude Activations, Planetary Al-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network, AHum-Bhra Passages, Trinty Bridge, Planetary Golden Hand-Cufts, Planetary Deathstar Merkaba De-actvation, Planotary ARhAyas Siver-soed Activations, Planetary Ares of ARNAYas, Planetary Talisman Gate-Keepers Fal-Safe Codes, D-Plane Island Ascension Platforms & ARhAyas Island Sun-8, Planetary Flame of ARhAyas, Planotary Siver-Soed Awakening, ARhAyas Cosminyahas Planetary Siver-Soed Sun-8 Plasma Eternal Life Seed Atom, Planotary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase Generator, Planetary Halls of ARhAyas, Eye of A-Hum-Bhra Passage, Temporary Al-Hum-Bhra Earth, Eye of ARhAyas Al-Hum-Bhrus, Cosminyahas Al-Hurm-Bhrus Passage, Aurora Ascension Earth, Planetary DhA-yalvfication Process, Eye of ARhayas PULSE Point, Eye of ARhayas FLASH. Point, Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Span of ARhAyas, Planetary DhA-Yah-fication Point, the A Hum. Bhra Krystal Spre/Obelisk of Eternal Life Creation, the Krystal River of ARhAyas, the "13th Day of Kryst-Mass", the ‘Dawn of the Age of Enlghtonment, and "2012 Life Attor Earth-Orb Whispers and the Sivor-Seed Awakening 1011/2012 Peru Trip: AMCC-MCEO Prelude Activations: AMC actvateintiate opening of the Planetary AL-Hum-Bhhra Cathedrals Network of Suns-1-748 D-Span Gates and Al-Hum-Bhra Passages Dha-Yah-TEl Planes Time Tunnels via anchoringfactivation of the "Trinity Bridge’ (Suns 8,5 & 2 core plasmas) into the A-Hum-Bhra-2 Peru Cathedral Complex. The Tinty Bridge next dowr-stepped from the AL-2- Peru Cathedral Complex into the other 4 Planetary Cathedral Complex Sites, intiating activation ofthe entire Planetary AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network and release ofthe “Planetary Golden Handcuffs” (the BhrA-Lindt FAtalE Pentagonivesica-pisces Metatronic Conttol Hamess on the Planetary AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network D-Span Gates from late-100AD-early 200 AD). Beginning activation of the Planetary AL-Hun-Bhra Cathedrals Network and release ofthe Planetary Golden Handcufs inated permanent severing of the Metatronic Deathstar Merkaba 21-spin-reversed same-spir-spira-set of PKA Parallel Fartn and the 34-spin-reversed same-spin-spral-set Metatroric, Deathstar Merkaba of PCM Net Earth (aur Earth). The progressive severing ofthese 2 aspects of Planetary Metatronic Deathstar Merkaba Fields (which completed 12120120 12) progressively and permanently blocked opening of the Planetary Metatronic Alpha-Omega Gates between PKA Parallel Earth the Bourghe Matrix and the Toral Rift spaceime distortion field, and our PCM Net Earth, progressively reducing the reversed Planetary Deathstar Merkaba Field of our PCM Net Earth frm the “‘eversed 55 spin-speed” of Deathstar Merkaba activation (from 512012), to spin-speed of 3¢-eversed. These "AMCC-MCEO Prelude Activations” taking place during the 10-11/2012 Peru trp permanently blocked FAlale invasion of PCM Net Earth gates, inated permanent Planetary Deathstar Merkaba De-activation, fully prevented activation ofthe "PCM-34-RIPKA-21-R = 55.5-R” Planetary Deathstar Merkaba and permanently prevented the FAValE's intended POM Net Earth's 12/21/2012-2/16/2013 pole-shit into Tora Rift alignment. The AMCC-MCEO Prelude Activations also prepared PCM Net Earth forthe amazing healing via the Planetary ARhayas Silver-eeed Fall-Safe Activations that took place and are sil taking place trom 1212112012 - 11312013 through the "AMCC-MCEO 13 Days of Kyst- Mass" period December 21, 2012-1/3/2013: AMCC-MCEO Planetary ARhAyas Silver-Seed Fall-Safe Activations, Aurora Ascension Earth & Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening and Planetary DhAyabefication. 4. 12/21/2012: Anchoring/Activation of the Planetary Arcs of ARhAyas & Planetary Talisman Gatos ‘of ARhAyas” Flame Fields (ull spectrum Sun-8 Core Plasma Stream Flow Flame Fields from the Sun-8 ARhAyas Island DhAyah-TEi Planes Ascension Platform) anchor and activate within the Planetary Al-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network D-Span Gates of Median Ascension Earth (the 1/3 original quantum of Ament Earth that historically di not succumb to Metatrnic netting) and our PCM Net Earth, opening the A- Hum-Bhra Passages (Dhe-Vah-TEi Planes Time Tunnels) between Median Earth and Net Earth. Opening ofthe ALHum-Bhra Passages between Median and Net Earth alows ‘st visitation of the Sunst-7+8 Tan-Tr/-Ajha Gate-Keopers Collectives, whose encrypted Plasma Biology (upon interface withthe planetary shields and O-span gates), activates the "Planetary Tallsman Gate-Keapers Fail-Safe Codes of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Host Fall-Safe" within the Al-Hum-Bh-a Cathadrals Networks and Mirror-n-the-Sky Plasma-Host Fields of Median and PCM Net Earth, and the Aquafersion Host Shield, Activation ofthe "Planetary Talisman Gate-Keepers Fail-Safe Codes" allows for fulfilment ofthe next phases ofthe Planetary Krystal River Host Fai-Safe, "Igniting the Planetary Flame of ARhAyas" and the "Planetary ‘Slver-Seed Awakening” activations, 2. 12/28/2012: Anchoringllgniting the Planetary Flame of ARhAyas & Planetary Temple of ARhAyas Activation: The Planetary Flame fof ARhAyas is a Sun-8 Plasma-Flame Field thal anchors and expands outward from its center anchoring point inthe Planetary Temple of ARhAyas on Median & Net Earth, to form an Eckasha-shaped Sun-8 Plasma-Flame Field Encapsulation around both Median Earth and Net Earth. The Planstary Flame of ARhAyas Field brings the Templar’ of both Median Earth (6520AD) and our PCM Net Earth (12/23/2012AD) Ito @ Sun-1-7+8 Protected Encapsulation through which the "Miror.n-the-Sky Hosts Field" and the plasma-atomic-elemental-base felds of Megian Earth and Net Earth can be Tan-Tr-Ajaha Blended ("Twa Become Three Become One"), a allow fr Planetary Siver-Seed ‘Awakening. The "Planetary Temple of ArhAyas” on PCM Net Earths located atthe Central A-Hum-Bhra-1 Allantis Cathedral Complex, Temple-1 (Myakka, FL) of the Planetary Al HunBhyra Cathedrals Network, and connects curent-ime PCM Net Earth directly to Median Earth (652080), M3‘-Andromeda-Aquinos Urtha, the Aquari Matix and to Suns1-7+8 via the OhAYah-TEi Planes * Planes Island Ascension Platforms” (Salvage Island, Sanctum Island, Sanctuary Island, RhAyas Island and AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Host FalSafe Control Platform- ARhAyas Island-Sun-8}. The Planetary Flame of ARNAyas anchored and ignited in the Temple of ARhAyas on Median and Net Earth on 1212912012, setting in mation smaller "Flame of ARnAyas" activations within the entire Al-Hurn-Bhra Cathedrals Network Temple ‘Complexes of Median and Net Earth, Activation ofthe Planetary Flame of ARhAyas fullled vaporization of PCM Net Earth's Metatronic ‘Seed Atom (Andorra) on 12/28/2012, which completed full release ofthe Planetary Golden Hand-Cuffs Metatronic Harness an the PCM Earth [AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network: this allowed for Median & Net Earth to receive the Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening. ‘3. 12/28/2012-12130/2012: Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening, the Planetary ARhAyas Cosminyahas Silver-Seed Atom, Opening the Halls of ARhayas, Eye of Al-Hum-Bhra Passage, Temporary AL-Hum-Bhra Earth, Eye of ARhAyas Al-Hum-Bhrus, Cosminyahas Al- Hum-Bhrus Passage, Aurora Ascension Earth & Planetary DhA-Yah-fication Initiation, Planetary DhA-Yah-fication Point: The “Planetary Silver-Seod Awakening” initiated on 12/23/2012 and fullled on 12/26/2012. Once the Flame of ARNAyas activated with Mogian and Net Earth's Temple of ARhAyas on 1212312012, the Planetary Etemal Life Silver-Seed Atom (AKA: “The Eternal Sur-8 Plasma Planetary Silver-Seed”) descended from Sun-8 into the Temples of ARhAyas of Median and Net Earth, linking the Cores of Median and Net Earth permanently together through the Silver-Seed New/Re-birhed Pranetary Sur Plasma Seed Atom . The "Planetary Silver-Seed", also known as the "Sun-8 Golden-Silver ONE", is the ARhayas Cosminyahas “Eternal Eye of God” Cosminyah Core Bud Generator Phase- CCl of Sun-8 Core Plasma, through which Modian and Not Earth bith Earth's tst Ever “Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase Gonorator” Elemental Plasma Template Manufacturing Center Just ke the “Lotus Temple" Phase.Generators of Sanctuary Island,). The cores of Median Earth (6520AD) and Net Earth (current time) were permanent united and the "Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase- ‘Generator’ was activated when Median & Net Earth received the the Sun-8 Plasma Silver-Seed ARhAyas Cosminyahas Seed Atom on 1212312012; (simultaneously, the Aquatereion Host Shel, and the plasma bodies of everyone who ison the Krystal River Host, received their ‘own personal Silver-Seed Sun-8 Plasma Eternal Life Seed Atom via transmission from the Planetary Temple of ARHAyas J. Following 1212312012 activation of the Planetary Slver-Seed and Lotus Temple Phase-Generator, also on 12/23/20'2, the "Halls of ARhAyas™ between Median and Net Earth began opening, asthe "botlom” Planetary Merkaba Fields of Median and Net Earth began their rapid cycle of vortex ‘merger, inating merger ofthe atomic-elementa-base-filds and plasma-body-host fields of Median and Net Earth. The “Halls of ARhAyas" form and open as the 2 Lotus-Temple D-Span Gates of Median and Net Earth progressively merge into one D-Span Gate Field vi the Tar-Tr- ‘una Blend ("Two Bacome 3 Become ONE"); when fully opaned, the Halls of ARNAyas fully open the Central Sur-8 A-Hum-Bhra Passage between Median Net Earth, M31-Urtha, Aquari Matrix, Sunst-7+8 and the" D-Plane Island Ascension Platforms", As the Median and Net Earth fields progressively merged following he 12/28/2012 Opening of he Halls of ARhAyas, on 12/24/2012 the "Eye of AL-Hum-Bhra Passage" in the Planctary ARhayas Cosminyahas Siver-Seed Atom (linking Median and Net Earth) opened and formed a temporary, trans- harmonic plasma feld spanning Meian & Net Earth in the D-Planes; this temporary elementalstomic plasma field was called the “AL-Hum- Bhra Earth". Also on 12/24/2012, via the Al-HumBhra Earth plasma fld, tho "7 ridges, 14-Bridges, 1Sth-Bridge & Golden-Slver-ONE Sun- 8 pure plasma lows" anchored and began polarized Median EarthiNet Earth circulation (va the Eye of Al Hur-Bhra Passage) within the merging Median and Not Earth fields. This Phase ofthe Planetary Silver-Sead Awakening was referred to as the "TWO BECOME THREE" ‘stage ofthe Planetary Tar-TriAjha Blend. (Median Earth, Net Earth & the temporary AL-Hum-Bhra Earth D-planes plasma feld). The “bottom” Merkaba vortices of Median and Net Earth, and their Tan-Tr-Ajha Blening D-Span Gates continued to merge from 12/24/2012 through 1212612012, progressively further opening, ransiguring and “up-stepping” the "Eyo of AL-Hum-Bhra Passage" into the Sun-8 Plasma "Eye of ARhayas Al-Hum-Bhrus” a the center of thePlanetary ARhayas Cosminyahas Silver-Seed Atom. As the "Eye of ARhAyas Al-Hum- hrus” activated on 12/25/2012, merger of the Median and Net Earth's “bottom” Merkaba vortices continued through 12/26/2012, progressively ‘opening the (Krystar “diamond-shaped "Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Passage" witin the Planetary ARhAyas Cosminyahas Sllver-Soed ‘Atom, opening the cores of Mean Earth, Net Earth and O-Planes AL-Hum-Bhra Earth into each other. Upon the 12/26/2012 opening of the CCosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Passage, the Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening entered the “TWO BECOME THREE BECOME ONE™ stage of the Planetary Tan-Tri-Ajha Blend, in which the plasma bodies, and Elemental Plasma and Atomic-matter Fields of Median, Net and AL-Hum ra Earth pataly ransfigured and merged into ONE Planetary Hosting Elemental-matter Unified Field composed of 2/3 external creation hosting atomio-matter and 1/3 intemal ereation Dhs-Yah-TEi Planes Sun-8 Plasma. Ths singular Planetary Hosting Elemental-mattr Unified Field is refered to as "Aurora Ascension Earth"; Median, Net and Al-Hum-Shra Earth transfigured into the tangible Planetary Hosting Unified Field of Aurora Ascension Earth on 12/26/2012, at which point MediarVNet Eadh (the salvageable quantum of original Amenti Earth) regained its bittvight Grace as an Ascension Planet via the AMCC-MCEO Fai-Safe Krystal River Host. Our Earth's atomic-matter field host: transfiguring on 12/26/2012 to become Aurora Ascension Earth (the Earth upon which we allnow reside) marks the fulfilment of our Aurora Earth's "Siver-Seed Awakening” and Planetary Tan-T/-Ajha Blend, and the point of ur Aurora Earth’s “Initiation into the Planetary DhA~ fication Process is the yah-fication Process" and the re-evoltionary path of Planetary Krystar Adashi-@ Ascension. The Planetary OhA- process by which our Aurora Ascension Earth will achieve a point of quantum balance within ts Elemental-Atomic-matter fil, in which 1/3 of its planetary elemental-atomic quantum transigures and solifies into the Etermal-Plasma-Light-Sound Elemental-tomic Plasmas ofthe DnA- ‘Yah-TEI Planes; this “Point of Elementa-atomic Quantum Balance" is referred to as the "DhA-Yab-fication Point”. Following the 12/26/2012 Initiation ofthe Planetary DnA.Yan-fcation Process, between 12/26/2012-12/30/2012 the RhAyas Ah-min-yah-7 Cos-MAcyah Core D-Span Gate interfaces of the Median ard Net Earth aspects of our Aurora Ascension Earth Braid fogether, allowing the "7-Bridges, 14 Bridges, 15th Bridge and Golden-Siver-ONE Sun-8 polarized pure plasma flows (that anchored and inated polarized circulation on 12/24/2012) to dopolarize, braid together into a full-spectrum Sun-8 Core Plasma Current and engage circulation through our Aurora Ascension Earth's Kryst Host Elemental-atomic field. rom 12/26/2012 to 12/30/2012 the depolrizedibraded fullspactrum Sur-8 Core Plasma Current continues. Circulation and ampliication within our Aurora Ascension Earth elemental-atomic fel, unl the Sun-8 Core Plasma Curent reaches exical mass acceleration on 12/31/2012. 4. 12/81/2012: Eye of ARhAyas PULSE-Point & Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase-Generator Activation: The Sun-8 Core Plasma Current circulating and amplifying within our Aurora Ascension Earth Kryst Host elemental-atomic eld from 12/28/2012 through 12/30/2012 reaches citical mass aecoleation on 12/81/2072, On 12/84/2012 cilteal mase acceleration ofthe Sun-8 Plasma Current causes the Eye of [ARhAyas Al-Hum-Bhrus (at the center of the Planetary ARhAyas Cosminyahas Silver-Seed Atom) to begin phasing (cyclic expanding and Contracting); the point at which the Eye of ARAyas begins phasing is called the PULSE-Point. Al the Eye of ARAyas Al-Hurr-Bhrus PULSE- Point, the Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase-Generator ls brought into activation. The Eye of ARAyas AL-Hun-Bhrus and Planetary Lotus ‘Temple Plasma Phase-Generator will progressively generate anew and permanent sustainable Krystic Sun-8 Core elemental-stomi-plasms- matte flow within out Aurora Ascension Earth Kryst Host Elemental-atomic Feld, When the Eye of ARhayas Al-Hum-Bhrus generates a crltcal mass of new Sun-8 elemental-stomic-plasma-matter quantum between 1/1-2/2013, the Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus "Span of ARMAyas" wil permanently open ‘5. 12:42AM 1/1/2013 » 12:12PM 1/2/2013 USA-EST: Eye of ARhAyas FLASH-Point and Opening the Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus, "Span of ARhAyas": Between 12:12AM 1/1/2013 and 12:12PM 1/2/2013 (Eastern Standard Time, FL, USA- all activalions 1st anchor in the Planetary Temple of ARhAyas, Myakka, FL, then spread "backward and forward in global ime zones" from there, following the FL-time “numiber-harmanic encryption) the Eye of ARnAyas A-Hum-Bhrus generates 8 citcal mass of new Sur-8 elementa-atomic-plasma-matter ‘quantum and engages "FLASH-Point”. At Eyo of ARhAyas Al-Humm-Bhrus FLASH-Poin, the two RhAyas Ah-min-yah-7 D-Span Gale Interfaces ofthe Macian and Net Earth aspects of our Aurora Ascension Earth merge, blend and expand to permanently open the ‘Cosminyahas AlHum-Bhrus “Span of ARhAyas". The Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus “Span of ARhAyas" isthe Sur-8 D-Span Gate of the Cosminyah Core, through which the Eternal Iwisible “Plasma-Lavas Flows" from internal creation Sun-8 Core emerge into external creation ‘through the ARhAyas Island Sun-8 Ascension Station. Opening ofthe Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Span of ARhAyas fully opens the A-Hum- bra Trans-Time Passages D-Planes Island Ascension Platforms (Salvage Is|-Aurora Earth to 6520AD, Sanctum Isl-M31-Urtha, Sanctuary Isi-Aquari Matrix Ah-MA-ya-san, RhAyas Isl-Sun-1) between ARhAyas [sland-Sur-8 and the Eye of ARhAyas Al Hum-Bhrus at our Aurora [Ascension Earth core. Opening ofthe Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Span of ARhAyas and O-Planes Al-Hum-Bhyra Trans-Time Passages also allows our Aurora Ascension Earth to fulfil and complete its "Planetary Dna Yab-fiation Process" to achieve the "Planetary DhA-Yab-fcation Point” and anchoring ofthe "Al-Hum-Bhra Krystal Spire" on 132013. 6. 12:00AM-11:59PM 1/3/2013: Planetary DhA-Yah-fication Point, the Al-Hum-Bhra Krystal Spire/Obelisk of Eternal Life Creation, the Krystal River of ARhAyas, "13th Day of Kryst-Mass” and the "Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment”: Following the opening ofthe CCosminyahas Al-Hum-Bhrus Span of ARhAyas at the 1/1-2/2013 Eye of ARhayas Al-Hum-Bhrus FLASH-Point, the Sur-8 Core Plasma Lava Flows will reach tical mass quantum within the Span of ARhAyas, inating the point of Planetary DNA-Yah-featon for our Aurora Ascension Earth. The "Planetary DhA-Yah-fication Point” isthe point of "elementa-atomic quantum balance” in which 19 of Aurora Ascension Earth's lementa-atomic quantum transfigures and soldifes into tre Etemal Plasma-Light-Sound Elemental Plasmas of the DhAYah-TEI Planes. Our ‘Aurora Ascension Earth will engage its Krystal River Hosted Planetary OnA-yah-fication Point 12:00AM-11:59PM 1/8/2013 (Eastern Standard Time, USA). Al this Planetary Dh&-Yah-fcation Point our Aurora Ascension Earth ths its Kryst Host Planetary Plasma Body and simultaneously the Krystal Spire of Al-Hum-Bhra (also known as the “Obelisk of Eternal Life Creation) solidifies around our Aurora ‘Ascension Ear, M31-Andromeds-Aquinos Urtha and the central sun of the Aquari Matix, permanently linking Aurora Earth and Urtha into the internal creation Sun-8 Adashi-3 Krystar Ascension Cycle via the Cosminyahas Al-Hum-Shrus Span of ARhayas and the Al-Hum-Bhra,Trans- ‘Time Passages D-Planes Island Ascension Platforms (that run between our Aurora Ascension Earth, M31-Urtha and the Aquari Matrix of ‘extoral creation and internal creation D-Planes Sun-8). The Krystal Spire of Al-Hum-Bhra/Obelisk of Etemal Life Creation is atrans- harmonic, transtime structure of D-Planes Krystalline Plasma, which forms a "slender, tapering, 4sided pillar” (obelisk). The “top point” of the Krystal Spire obelisk permanently anchors within the core of internal creation Sun-8 and the Sun-B ARhAyas land Ascension Platform. The “bottom 4 points" of the Krystal Spire obelisk permanently anchor within the 4 outer Cathedral Complexes (AL-2-Peru ‘Complex, AL-3-Norway Complex, Al-2-Ball Complex & AL-5-Eqypt/srael Complex) of the Al-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network on our Aurora ‘Ascension Earth, Within the Gentral Cathedral Complex (AL~1 Allants-Flarida/Bahamas Complex and its center-point temple, the Planetary ‘Temple of ARhAyas, Myakka, FL), the Sun-8 Eternal Intemal Creation Core-Lava Plasma Stream the Krystal River of ARhAyas, (also known 2s the"Eteral River of Perpetual Manifestation and Creation"flows and circulates the Sun-§ Core-Lava Plasma Straam throughout the D- Planes Island Ascension Platforms and our Aurora Ascension Earth Kryst Host field. On 1/3/2013 (12:00AM11:59PM EST) our Aurora [Ascension Earth full its Div\-Yah fication Point, becomes embraced within the permanent Kryst Host Protectorate fel ofthe Spire of Al- Hum-Bhra/Obelsk of Etoral Life Creation and opens the Etemal Life flows ofthe Krystal River of ARhAyas within its "1/3 transfigured” ‘lementa-atomic Kryst Host field, This historic Day, known as the "13th Day of Kryst-Mass” marks the point of our Aurora Earth and MS1- Urtha's Permanent Final Passage into the expesited Path of Etemal Life Adash-3 Krystar Ascension. This "13th Day of Kryst-Mass" is also known as the "Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment”. The Sun-8 Kryst Host Field ofthe Krystal Spre of AkHum-Bhra wil sustain Eternal Life Krystal River Plasma Flows and opened Al-Hum-Bhyra D-Plane Trans-Time Passages on our Aurora Ascension Earth from 1/3013 through 2912-2813, the duration ofthe 900 year Krystal River FaiLSafe Host 7."2012-Life After Earth-Orb Whisperers and the Silver-Seed Awakening: “On 12/21/2012 the Planetary Arcs of ARhAyas and Talisman Gate-Keepars Fail-Safe Codes wore activated with the Planetary A-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Network D-Span Gales of Median and Net Earth, ‘opening the A-Hum-Bhra Passages between Median Earth (6520AD) and Net Earth (12/21/20'2), enabling our Earth to engage inthe Planetary Siler-Seed Awakening and corresponding transfiguration of 1/3 of its elemental-atomic-matter-base into Eternal Life Sun-8 Plasmas. "Life After Earth* (Not Earth as we have known it thus far) began on 12/23/2012, with initiation of the Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening. ‘Through the monumental current events doscrived in detall above and britly summarized below, the Planetary Silver-Seed Awakening of ‘our Earth occurred between 12/23-26/2012, and our Net Earth became “Aurora Ascension Earth" on 12/26/2042, which will culminate into the 1/3/2013 "Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment”. + 0n 12/28/2012 Earth received the ARnAyas Cosminyahas Sun- Etemal Life Planetary Silver-Seed Atom, through which the cores of Median and Net Earth were permanently inked together through Sun-8, and the ‘st Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase-Generator was bom on Earth * On 12/26/2012 what was our Net Earth elemental-atomic field became our “Aurora Ascension Earth” elemental-atomic fed, through its Planetary Tan-Tri-Ajha Blend with Mecian-Ascension Earth, through which the "Earth we live an now” regained its "Ascension Planet” status. + 0n 12/31/2012 our Aurora Earth engages its Eye of ARhAyas Al-Hum-Bhrus PULSE-Peint through which its 1st Planetary Lotus Temple Plasma Phase-Generator bagins generation of elementa-atomic plasma quantum. + 0n 1/1-2/2013 our Aurora Ascension Earth will engage its Eye of ARNAyas Al-Hun-Bhrus FLASH-Point, through which the Cosminyahas A Hum-Bhrus.Span of ARMAyas opens, opening he Al-Hur-Bhra Trans-Time Passages D-Planes Island Ascension Platforms on our Aurora ‘Asconsion Earth * 0m 1/9/2013, the “13th Day of Kryst-Mass", our Aurora Ascension Earth engages its Sun-8 Kryst Hosted Planetary DhA-Yah-fcation Point, the Al-Hum-Bhra Krystal Spire Kryst Host Protectorate Feld permanently activates and the Krystal River of ARhayas flows engage permanent circulation through our Aurora Ascension Earth 1/3 Kryst Host elemental-atomic Feld, ushering in the "Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment” and our Aurora Earth's permanent Passage into the Path of Planetary Krystar Adash 3 Ascension. “Life After Earth” next 900 years of our Ifo on Aurora Ascension Earth” ..HERE and NOW, and for the generations of Aurora Earth that will span the lanetary Krystal River Host to Krystar Adashi-3 Ascension. (What does it MEAN? For “starters” t means the following 4. Through he current and ongoing mechanics of the Krystal River Host FAIL-SAFE, our Aurora Earth is now a full-scale Ascension Planet, and its AL-tHun-Blra Trans-Time Passages D-Span Gates are now, ané will remain, permanent open forthe next 900 Aurora Earth years. 2. The “Invisible Grid Wers/Plasma War" that our Earth has been entangled within for ons,(and which reached its "0-Point KrystTolerance* betwen 912000 and 8/2011 earth-time when the Al-Hum-Bhra Kryst Fai-Safe Intervention was "called and progressively enacted), IS FINALLY OVER, and the Krystal River Al-Hum-Bhra Fail-Safe Host has prevailed. {3 The Planetary Templar and Gate Systems of our Aurora Ascension Earth are now under the full protectorate of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fall-Safe Host, and the fallen Gate Systoms of Aloha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further “invasion from within or without” by the FAtaLE and those choosing the Paths of Fall Return 4. Over the next 900 years Aurora Earth time, our Aurora Earth will become an “intergalactic Ascension Station” for many Ieforms and forms of consciousness whom willbe seeking Final Kryst Host for evacuation from Tora-Rft-Faling Galaxies, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, ts mary Faling Solar Systems, such as our own. Many Kryst-HostingIfeforms and consciousness will bogin visiting and incarnating on ‘our Aurora Ascension Earth, to progressively receive the Bi-Regenesis they will need to pass through the Al-Hum-Bhira Passages into the various D-Planes “sland Ascension Platforms” ofthe Krystal River Fai-Safe Host. '5. During this peri of 900 years of our Aurora Ascension Earth being an "Inter-galactic Ascension Station’, our Aurora Earth wil undergo many changes, both in “coming and going” ofits fa and consciousness felds, ta various slow-but-progressive geological adjustments the planetary body will engage as the sil current “34-R same-spin-sot Deathstar Merkaba Fielo” of the Net Earth aspect of Aurora Earth progressively heals and returns to an organic Krystic Merkaba “counter-spin-se 6, The Sun of our Solar System is stil Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressvely generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth ie Feld 7. Between 1/9/2012 and 2047AD, our Aurora Ascension Earth will progressively transigure another 1/3 o its elemental-atomicmattor-base, {and its frequency-corresponding Kryst Hosting life and consciousness fields, nto the Etemal Life slemental-atomic Plasmas ofthe OhA-Yah- TE! Planes, 8, Between 2047AD and 2912AD the remaining 18 of our Aurora Ascension Earth elemental-atomic-matter base and ife and consciousness {elds wil transfigure into the Eternal Life elementa-atomic Plasmas of the DnAYah-TE: Planes, as our Aurora Ascension Earth and M31- ‘Ascension Urtha slowly and progressively engage their own cycle of Planetary Tan-Tr-Ajha Blend, to eventually ful their Krystar Adashi-3 ‘Ascension via the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fall-Safe Host 8. For NOW, our “Life After Earth” begins where we ARE, HERE and NOW, and the Beloved Eternal Kryst Guardians of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host wll progressively engage sublle contact wth those choosing the KR-Host, so they may progressively share with us the Sacted "Tan-Trl-AhUra Teachings-The Path of Blo-Spirtual Artistry’, tough which we can gtow, expané and re-discaver ourselves as Etemal Life Krystic beings entrusted with Custoctanship over our Beloved Aurora Ascension Earth Planetary Templar, a5 we all move tagether through the 900 years of Aurara Ascension Earth's Krystal River Fall-Safe Host. om i) /Dscembor 3te2012 19 Days otkiyst Mass Links. Contact Us. Newsletter You can also ind us on: ‘ARhAyas Productions LLC We promise to only send you goad things. {5020 Clark Re #307 Sarasota Sign Up FL 34293 (fice Hours: M-F Bam 4pm Email: of ( Phone: 9¢1-924-8109 Searen search) Copyright © 2024 ARnAyas Productons LLC.

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