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Types of light

For light planning, we must distinguish between three basic types of light.

Unshielded light

Unshielded light is emitted by a light source

and spreads unhindered in all directions. For
human beings, unshielded light has its most
pleasant effect when it is distributed softly in
the room. This is why luminaires are equipped
with luminaire glass made of opal glass or
light-refracting covers made of synthetic
material. The stronger the distributed light,
the larger the area of the luminaire glass
should be to avoid glare. Unshielded light is
ideal as general illumination. The arrangement
of the luminaires in the picture shows how
unshielded luminaires define the environment
and make dimensions ascertainable.

1.01 Light planning · Types of light

Directed light Shielded light

This type of light is often used with luminaires which Depending on the intended purpose, it may be advisable
illuminate ground surfaces, even from a great height. to shield luminaires. Particularly with wall luminaires, for
Outdoors, this is the case with street and pathway example in house entrances or in corridors where one
luminaires, or the illumination of areas requiring increased would like to use soft light, it is considered to be more
attention, for example stairs. Every floodlight produces pleasant when some of the light is shielded. Shielded
directed light. This can be effected from all positions luminaires are characterised by their light graphics, which
– from a pole or from the ground. Directed light is appear on the installation surface. They are suitable for
frequently used in the field of functional illumination. placing light accents.

Types of illumination
All light planning tasks can be solved with three types of illumination.

General illumination Functional illumination

Lighting accents illuminate highlights and set the stage

General information about illumination for objects and architecture. This lighting should be
In the 1950s, a basic classification of types of illumination significantly brighter than the general illumination in order
was defined by the light planner Richard Kelly (1910 –1977): to attract the attention of the viewer. However, this only
works when the lighting accents are only used sparingly
in the room, for example with objects, architectural
General illumination — “Ambient luminescence” details or individual wall surfaces.
Functional illumination — “Focal glow”
Lighting accents — “Play of brilliants” The three types of illumination cannot be treated
independently of each other. On the contrary, it is the
balanced proportion of interplay and interaction that
General illumination defines the environment and clarifies makes good illumination.
room situations. The light is soft and uniform. There are
no hard shadows or contrasts. Outdoors, this type of But what is considered to be good light?
illumination can be found in car parks, pathways and People feel well and safe in a well-illuminated environment.
streets. According to the standard, a certain degree The spatial dimension can be grasped easily. What is
of illuminance must be reached here. Indoors, general needed here is gradations of light and dark, whereby
illumination represents the background light, to be able there must not be any dazzling brightness or light
to grasp the dimensions of a room. overspill, or complete darkness. Deliberately planned
illumination allows the presence of dark areas, thus
Useful areas are illuminated with functional illumination. underlining its effect.
The light focuses on certain areas where increased
attention is required by the user, for example on working Particularly with architectural lighting, details show
surfaces, stairs and road junctions with pedestrian themselves to their best advantage with this illumination
crossings. principle. Indoor and outdoor spaces can be structured
For functional illumination, formal requirements apply using light zones. These illuminated areas model the
in most cases. spaces and create an arc of tension for the viewer.

1.02 Light planning · Types of illumination

Even more specific use of light is possible through

control electronics. Depending on requirements, for
example events in urban environments, the intensity
or the colour of the light can easily be changed.
Façades, objects and structures become stage
backgrounds, or parks sparkle and shine and attract
Lighting accents visitors with an increased degree of illuminance. Light
marks special features and sends distinct signals. The
ability of the light to change increases the attractiveness
of the room.
Assuming that, in an area to be illuminated, there are
enough light sources to be able to cover the sum of
general lighting, functional lighting and lighting accents,
This principle is comparable with daylight. Illuminated an enormous effect can be achieved by changing the
and shaded areas in our environment help us to find degree of illuminance of one of the elements of the
our bearings and allow us to assess spatial dimensions sum. The lighting atmosphere can thus be changed,
quickly. We need this interplay of light and shade to favourably as well as unfavourably.
provide orientation. Here it is important to ensure that the differences in
perceived light are not too great. For the eye, strong
Modern LED luminaires allow us to handle light like contrasts can mean adaptation work, and this can
virtuosos. Precise reflectors, exactly calculated light lead to fatigue.
emission and output classes to match the task in
question offer many different design options. Nevertheless, it should be possible to make a clear
Specific areas can be illuminated and remodelled distinction between the three types of illumination,
with light. Light is increasingly being used as a mood- for only the interplay between brightness and dark zones
forming element. Light can be used to place the focus puts us in a position to find our way in an environment.
on distinctive points in architecture or on landscape A concrete numerical definition of the relationships
elements. Cityscapes, for example, can benefit from between the types of illumination is only possible under
this. They can be given an unmistakable appearance. laboratory conditions. In practice, many factors play
The important point here is to establish a visual a role, and this can change
connection between more strongly illuminated zones the effect of the room considerably. The nature of
and their surroundings. The contrast here must not be the illuminated surfaces and their colour influence the
too strong, in order to create a harmonious picture. reflection characteristics. Outdoors, weather conditions
This illumination method applies for outdoors as well as also have to be taken into consideration. Another
for indoors. Depending on the importance of landscape aspect is that each person perceives light differently
elements, structures or rooms, a differentiation in the and therefore also reacts differently. Subjective feelings
degree of illuminance used is advisable. The light thus also play a role in the interplay between the individual
suggests visual axes for the viewer and defines his types of illumination. When lighting is being installed, an
surroundings. The clarification of the spatial situation on-site test should be carried out of what was previously
creates a feeling of safety. planned through theoretical calculation.

Different types of luminaires will be presented in the following. For all models, numerous sizes and outputs
are available. With this variety, practically all lighting tasks in public and private architecture can be solved.

Recessed ceiling Ceiling luminaires


Recessed ceiling luminaires are Ceiling luminaires and recessed

suitable for general illumination. ceiling luminaires differ mainly in
Their light ranges from wide beam to the work involved in installation.
very narrow beam. With their downlight The installation of recessed housings
characteristics, they are also suitable in a concrete ceiling requires work
for accentuating distinctive areas, for at the early planning stage.
example entrances, points of sale or The luminaires must be chosen as
for focusing on works of art. early as the construction phase.
These luminaires are ideal for large, Whether for ceiling luminaires or
high rooms. They are mounted directly recessed ceiling luminaires,
in suspended ceilings. With concrete the illumination characteristics and
ceilings, cast recessed housings are the integration in control systems
used. In conjunction with light and are identical.
building control systems, recessed
ceiling luminaires can develop their full
potential. Thanks to high protection
classes and modern LED technology,
maintenance intervals are reduced
to a minimum.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

Recessed wall luminaires

Just like recessed ceiling luminaires,
recessed wall luminaires are part of
the long-term structural details.
For installation in brick or concrete
walls, the installation of recessed
housings must be planned as early as
the construction phase. For plastered
walls, we recommend the use of
plaster frames. Light from the walls
can vary enormously. Wide beam
luminaires help you to find your way.
These can be dimensioned on the
small side. Luminaires with directed
light are used for illuminating pathways
and surfaces, for the ground area as
well as for the ceiling. As inherent
parts of architecture, recessed wall
luminaires provide structure and
define the room. They provide safety
in areas where increased attention
is required. Since the body of the
luminaire is fully installed within the
wall, this luminaire causes no risk of
accident. It is therefore suitable for Wall luminaires
use in subways, entrances, stairs and
corridors. It is ideal for integration in Wall luminaires can be found both
light and building control systems. indoors and outdoors. Their light can
be unshielded, shielded or directed.
They illuminate areas in front of
buildings, pathways in and around
buildings, entrance areas, corridors
and staircases. Wall luminaires provide
structure and accentuate wall surfaces.
They can be arranged individually or
in rows or as a group. This type of
luminaire is ideal for use as emergency
lighting. The work involved in installing
wall luminaires is significantly less than
for recessed luminaires.

Pendant luminaires
The possible applications of pendant luminaires are
extensive. They can be found, for example, in halls or
in religious buildings for general illumination, often with
unshielded light. With very high ceilings in which the
illumination of the ceiling areas does not play a role,
pendant luminaires with downlight characteristics are
used. Arranging smaller pendant luminaires in groups
or rows gives structure to the room, creating clear
zones. Here, the light is frequently directed downwards
and used as functional illumination. Pendant luminaires
are design elements. Their form and nature frequently
go far beyond pure functionality.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

In-ground luminaires
These luminaires can be used for many different applications.
On account of their robust design, in-ground luminaires are
frequently found in public areas. Light from the ground is
possible with all light characteristics – from location lights
to adjustable floodlights. A very high protection class, IP}68,
offers the option of exposing the luminaires to flooding
permanently. A water column of up to 10 m is possible.
The luminaire construction of stainless steel and cast
stainless steel is so robust that the luminaires can be driven
over with air-filled tyres. The pressure load can be as much
as 5000 kg. Thanks to the use of modern LED technology,
maintenance intervals can be reduced to a minimum.

In-ground luminaires
The properties and applications of rectangular in-ground
luminaires are comparable with those of round in-ground
luminaires. Depending on the design, pressure loads of
up to 5000}kg are also possible here. The linear form
of the luminaires is ideal for the wide-area illumination of
façades or advertising spaces. The rectangular design
offers the option of producing the luminaires in larger sizes
as well. This means that sizes of up to 1000 x 1000 mm
can be designed, with a load-bearing capacity of 1000 kg.
Their protection class of IP}68 withstands brief flooding
with a water column of up to 10 m. Such luminaires can
divide up and structure pathways and squares. Arranging
them in groups and rows creates spectacular light scenarios.
It goes without saying that integration in a light control
system is feasible.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires


Floodlights are available in numerous
outputs and sizes. This type of
luminaire is flexible in installation
and is highly versatile. Floodlights
are ideal for placing the focus on
architecture and landscape elements.
Subsequent installation is easy as
a supplement to an existing lighting
system. On account of the many
different mounting options, floodlights
can be used on poles, on façades,
on roofs or on the ground. The light
can be adapted to individual needs
through diffuser disks, louvres, shields
and coloured discs. These luminaires
can also be integrated in a light and
building management system.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

Underwater luminaires
These luminaires are exposed to
extreme conditions. Temperature
fluctuations and long-term operation
under water place special demands
on design and material. Underwater
luminaires are used in swimming pools,
water features and ponds. Modern
LED technology results in very little
maintenance of theses luminaires.
Colour effects, which are particularly
popular in spas and health areas, are
possible using a light control system.
The light output of some models is
sufficient to illuminate sculptures,
façade elements and buildings from
below the water.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

Bollards Garden and

pathway luminaires
These luminaires accompany path- Garden and pathway luminaires round
ways and defined areas. Areas are off garden architecture. You can select
structured. Their light ranges from from various light distributions to suit
unshielded to directed flat beam. your purpose. They provide orientation
The light graphics on the ground in walking zones and they accentuate
surface are often used as a design flowerbeds and terraces. They can be
element. In public areas, this type of permanent or portable, depending on
luminaire has to be particularly robust. the required installation site.
With bollards, a graphic and clear
form language that harmonises with
the surrounding architecture is ideal.
Integration in a light and building
control system is recommended for
these luminaires. Additional floodlights,
sockets as well as passive infrared
sensors and emergency lighting can
be integrated into bollards.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

Light building elements

In architecture, these luminaires are design tools. Their graphic
form can be integrated in the architecture and can even support
the architecture. Light building elements are particularly suitable
for structuring surfaces. Their characteristics range from
unshielded to asymmetrical flat beam light distribution.
Light building elements meet the standards for illuminating
roads, pathways and squares.
To complement light building elements, bollards have
comparable design characteristics to allow a harmonious
ensemble of architectural lighting. Integration in a light and
building control system is recommended.

1.03 Light planning · Types of luminaires

Pole-top luminaires
Pole-top luminaires have a wide range
of outputs. They are particularly
suitable for illuminating streets and
squares. This type of luminaire is
suitable for dividing up and structuring
outdoor spaces. The light distribution
is symmetrical or asymmetrical, and
often also adjustable.
Pole-top luminaires can be found
most frequently in streets and path-
ways. With these luminaires, the light
distribution is flat-beam in order to
guarantee optimum illumination of
the useful areas.
The safety aspect plays a large part
in road lighting. Standards with
respect to the degree of illuminance
and uniformity therefore apply here.
Pole-top luminaires are usually
arranged in rows or in groups. Cost-
effective operation can be ensured by
means of a light control unit. Modern
LED technology cuts maintenance
to a minimum and ensures that such
lighting systems can operate for
many years.

The effect of varying illumination
With the help of façades and pathways, their change in appearance
is illustrated by different types of illumination.

The first example shows a glazed

structure whose projecting flat roof
is supported by pillars. Six lighting
scenarios are shown here.

Scenario 1: The most obvious form

of lighting for a glazed building is
that of the illumination of the interior.
The illuminated cube is surrounded
by pillars, which create a striking
architectural image as black lines.

In the following examples, the cube

has a closed façade.

Scenario 2: The structure is framed by

light from the ground. The building is
illuminated uniformly from the ground
to the roof. Since the pillars are
positioned in front of the building,
they cast shadows under the ceiling,
and this could be regarded as too

Scenario 3 shows light being emitted

from under the roof, directed straight
at the floor of the arcades. The floor
area is uniformly illuminated.
From a distance, this light appears
more restrained.

1.04 Light planning · The effect of varying illumination

Scenario 4 appears more spectacular.

The light is emitted from the ground
to the ceiling by long slim recessed
floodlights. These are installed in the
ground directly at the base of the pillars,
and at the same time also illuminate
the inward-facing sides. From a certain
distance, the ceiling of the building
appears detached from the glass cube.

Scenario 5: The position of the luminaires

has now been reversed. The light from
the recessed floodlights installed outside
in front of the pillars plays around the
pillars and partially illuminates the ceiling.
This type of illumination is very suitable
for focusing on exciting architecture.

Scenario 6: If the public is an additional

factor, it is possible to emphasise the
ground surfaces with light within the
arcades in addition to the illumination
from scenario 5.
This is done with recessed ceiling
luminaires. In this way, functionality is
combined with the exciting illumination
of buildings.

Modified mounting heights in pathway illumination
Comparison of the visual effect of different heights of bollards
with flat beam light distribution.

In pathways, the required minimum

degree of illuminance is 0.6 -1 lx.
This dictates the luminaire spacing.
The basis is the light at the darkest
place between the luminaires.
In this way, low mounting heights
lead to smaller distances between
luminaires and thus to a larger number
of luminaires. Higher mounting heights Example 1
have the opposite effect. With the large bollard, the mounting
height is 1 m. The pathway is illuminated
The luminaire spacing is 9 -10 m.

Example 2
Medium-sized bollards with a mounting
height of 50 cm. The light is somewhat
more accentuated. Here, the luminaire
spacing is 5 m.

Example 3
Small bollards with a low mounting
height (20 cm). On account of the low
mounting height, bright areas are created
in the direct vicinity of the luminaire. The
light is accentuated. Luminaire spacing
of 2.5 m is recommended.

1.04 Light planning · The effect of varying illumination

H 1,0 m Luminaire spacing 9 m

8 0,5 lx

0,1 lx
4 0,2
5 1 lx
2 20

m 0 2 4 6 8

From above, the light distribution of the three bollards shown can easily be compared.
The light distribution curve shown illustrates the degree of illuminance of 0.5 lx on
the ground surface. This value is important for determining the maximum luminaire
spacing. A slight overlapping of these light distribution curves is recommended, since
the light in the overlapping area is added together and results in 1 lx, the minimum
illuminance value required on cycle paths and footpaths.

H 0,5 m Luminaire spacing 5 m


0,1 lx
3 0,5 lx
2 1
1 15
1 lx

m 0 1 2 3 4

On public paths, uniform illumination is important on account of safety-relevant

aspects. The architectural environment in the public area is generously dimensioned.
Here, higher bollards have a harmonious effect.
Smaller bollards are more common in private environments.

H 0,2 m
Luminaire spacing 2.5 m

0,1 lx 0,5 lx
2 0,2
1 1
36 1 lx
m 0 1 2 3 4


On the basis of three examples, Example 1: The entrance area welcomes the guest
luminance values are compared with 6TXDUHLQIURQWRIDKLVWRULFDO with an arcade with pillars illuminated
each other in specific applications. IXQFWLRQEXLOGLQJ with in-ground floodlights. Unshielded
The examples are the square in front ceiling luminaires are used within this
of a historical function building, a train The visitor is received on a generously covered area. On the roof of the arca-
station concourse and a shop for dimensioned square, which one can des, surface washers emphasise the
exclusive accessories in a pedestrian reach through a small park. Vehicles upper areas of the building façade.
zone. In the description of the may only stop briefly in the access In the direction of the entrance, the
illumination, we shall proceed from road to pick up and drop off guests. level of illumination increases more and
the lowest luminance and define this The park is framed by unshielded more. Beginning with the lowest lumi-
as “1”. bollards, whose light allows good face nance with the bollards at the edge of
All other values are calculated recognition on the footpath. At the the park, the level rises to 1 : 2 towards
according to this, to illustrate the same time, the pedestrians are clearly the road, continuing on the square
ratios between the luminance values. visible for the drivers. The square in to 1 : 2 : 3 and towards the staircase
front of the historical building is illu- to 1 : 2 : 3 : 5. Directly at the entrance,
minated with light building elements. the 12-fold luminance level is reached
This gives the area a structure. compared to the starting position,
A generously dimensioned staircase, that is 1 : 2 : 3 : 5 : 15.
where recessed wall luminaires are
installed in the side walls, leads into
the building.

The visitors are guided to the building entrance by means of increasing illumination densities.

4 lx 8 lx 12 lx 20 lx 60 lx

1.05 Light planning · Luminance in proportion

IROG luminance

IROG luminance

Square area
IROG luminance

Access road
IROG luminance

Adjacent park
IROG luminance

The bird’s eye view illustrates the relationships

of the luminance values.
The lowest luminance value (4 lx) is defined as 1.
This means relationships of 1 : 2 : 3 : 5 : 15.

50 lx 200 lx 300 lx 150 lx 200 lx

Example 2:

Two massive structures are the station to the stairs leading to The illumination of the shop windows
connected with an arched roof. the platforms. The lowest luminance has not been taken into accounthere,
The front sides of this train station is at the covered area directly in since this may vary according to
concourse are glazed, and provide front of the station and is thus “1”. the time of day and is controlled
a clear view as far as the platforms. As we enter the entrance hall, the individually by the respective shop
On the right and on the left, business luminance increases threefold. owner. Compared to the entrance,
shops lead into the building. The The open information desk in the the passages have a luminance of
information desk is in the centre centre is emphasised with additional 1 : 4. The lighting towards the stairs
of the hall. In the extension of the light. This results in relationships of leading to the platforms becomes
hall, at the back, stairs lead to the 1 : 3 : 6. The lighting in front of the somewhat darker again. Here,
platforms. The luminance levels are business shops is slightly stronger the luminance is twice as high as in
considered from the entrance to than that of the station concourse. the entrance area, that is, 1 : 2.

1.05 Light planning · Luminance in proportion

Passages to the platforms

IROG luminance

Information desk
IROG luminance

Shop passages
IROG luminance

Station concourse
IROG luminance

IROG luminance

This view illustrates the relationships of

the luminance values. Here too, the lowest
luminance value (50 lx) is defined as 1.
The resulting relationships are 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 3.

1000 lx 50 lx 200 lx 1800 lx 500 lx

Example 3: to be pleasant. Why? Here too, the entire situation can be

6KRSZLWKH[FOXVLYHDFFHVVRULHVLQ In the function building (example 1), grasped quickly.
DSHGHVWULDQ]RQH the entrance represents the brightest Very strong light-dark contrasts appear
point. The luminance increases within the human field of vision.
The evaluation surface of the shop gradually for the visitors as they arrive. Apparently these contrasts are added
stretches from the pedestrian zone The entire situation can be grasped up to form an average value, for they
directly in front of the shop to the at a glance. These factors convey a do not cause the eyes to tire rapidly.
interior rear wall, where there is a feeling of safety. The spatial situation If the eyes were exposed to such
backlit presentation of goods. In this is clear, and is given a clear structure strong alternating contrasts, their
situation too, we proceed from the through light. The path towards the adjustmentwork would be enormous.
lowest luminance value directly in event is shown through the increase in If an illumination situation can be
front of the shop in the pedestrian luminance. Visitors can easily find their grasped at a glance, therefore, sharp
zone. The entrance is flanked by two way around, and get the feeling that differences in luminance distribution
shop windows whose illumination they are in good hands. can be used meaningfully. In this way,
is adjusted to the level of daylight an arc of tension can be built up with
using a light control unit. The figure In the station (example 2) soft light and persons can be guided and
measured at floor level is 200 lx. transitions between the various accompanied. If a room is uniformly
The 500 lx mark is reached at the cash luminance levels are important. illuminated with a certain luminance
desk. This means relationships Many travellers are in a hurry. and the dimensions of this room
of 1 : 4 : 10. The goods on the side The focus is on information about completely fill the human field of vision,
walls are presented with 20 times train connections. Highly contrasting the transition to a more strongly or less
the luminance compared with the lighting conditions would interfere. strongly illuminated area should only
entrance. Very high quality products Here, a build-up of tension in the be gradual. In this way, the eye has a
are to be found in the facing wall illumination has largely been dispensed good chance to adjust to the change
in integrated and backlit display with. Certain zones are emphasised in lighting conditions without becoming
cabinets. In front of these there are slightly, by increasing the luminance tired. Here, jumps between greatly
small tables for sales conversations. values at the information desk and in differing luminance levels would lead
Here a degree of illuminance of 1800 lx the shop passages. All in all, the light to glare and rapid fatigue.
is required. Proceeding from the in the station is uniform and conveys Good illumination makes a significant
lowest luminance value, this results in a feeling of visual tranquillity. The eye contribution to our well-being and often
a relationship of 1 : 36. In this way, the hardly has to adapt. leads to business success. In the end,
customers’ attention is drawn directly the light designer must decide on site
to the goods. The illumination in the exclusive shop which light is the best in the situation
(example 3), on the other hand, is in question.
The examples listed above show tense and accentuated. High contrasts
possible luminance distributions. attract the attention directly to the
From the darkest area to the brightest presentation of the goods. Despite
area, some of the differences are these differences in light intensity,
extreme. Accordingly, the light is felt customers find that the light is pleasant.

1.05 Light planning · Luminance in proportion

Sales tables
IROG luminance

IROG luminance

IROG luminance

IROG luminance

In the shop window, the luminance is

subject to daylight-dependent control.

Pedestrian zone
IROG luminance
In the shop, the relationships between the
luminance levels vary greatly. Here too, the
lowest luminance value (50 lx) is defined as 1.
The resulting relationships are 1 : 4 : 10 : 20 : 36.


The degree of illuminance E [ lx ] and the degree of reflection of the

surface U are included in the calculation of luminance L [ cd/m² ] in
accordance with the following formula:

L = E · U/S

The luminance and thus the effect of the illuminated building or memorial
are influenced significantly by the degree of reflection, which is reduced
through the accumulation of dirt. However, the effect of the dirt diminishes
with the degree of darkness and roughness of the original material. The
degree of illuminance must be adjusted accordingly in order to achieve
the same luminance or the same perceptive impression.

The effect of the building is all the more impressive the more it stands
out from the background. The illumination of a tower in the middle of
an illuminated city requires a higher degree of illuminance than if the
background of a building is dark, for example a castle standing alone
in the landscape.

1.06 Light planning · Degree of illuminance, reflection and luminance

The table shows the change in degrees of

illuminance, depending on the surroundings
of objects and the surface materials

,OOXPLQDWHGVXUIDFHV 5HIOHFWLRQ Building Building Building Building

standing alone in a village in a small town in a large city
dark dark medium light
surroundings surroundings surroundings surroundings

Luminance: Luminance: Luminance: Luminance:


&RORXUHGVXUIDFHV Degree of illuminance required

White 90% 7.5 lx 15 lx 22.5 lx 30 lx

Pastel 60% 15 lx 30 lx 45 lx 60 lx

Grey 40% 30 lx 60 lx 90 lx 120 lx

Dark colour 10% 90 lx 180 lx 270 lx 360 lx

6WRQH Degree of illuminance required

Light stone, marble 60% 15 lx 30 lx 45 lx 60 lx

Sandstone 30% 40 lx 80 lx 120 lx 160 lx

Dark granite 10% 90 lx 180 lx 270 lx 360 lx

%ULFN Degree of illuminance required

Light yellow brick 60% 20 lx 40 lx 60 lx 80 lx

Light brown brick 40% 40 lx 80 lx 120 lx 160 lx

Dark red brick 10% 100 lx 200 lx 320 lx 420 lx

:RRG Degree of illuminance required

Light birch 60% 20 lx 40 lx 60 lx 80 lx

Dark oak 20% 80 lx 160 lx 240 lx 320 lx

&RQFUHWH Degree of illuminance required

Light grey 60% 30 lx 60 lx 90 lx 120 lx

Dark grey 40% 60 lx 120 lx 180 lx 240 lx

0HWDO Degree of illuminance required

Natural aluminium 60% 30 lx 60 lx 80 lx 120 lx

Galvanised steel 40% 60 lx 120 lx 180 lx 240 lx

Rust-red iron 20% 100 lx 200 lx 300 lx 400 lx

Influence of reflection surfaces
Despite standardised illumination, the level of illumination may be felt to be too low,
depending on the nature of the floor, wall and ceiling surfaces.

In public areas, standards for light

3XEOLFKDOO · 800 m 2 planning are very helpful. However, the
influence of the spatial conditions must
not be neglected. Examples of this are a
public hall, a public square and an inner-
city main road.
Degree of illuminance O[
Lighting standards for the square and
the hall are indicated in lux [ lx ], that is,
the degree of illuminance. Standards for
inner-city main roads are defined
in luminance with candela per square
Floor reflection 20% 10% metre [ cd/m2 ].

Wall reflection 50% 30% For example, an average degree of

illuminance of 200 lx applies for the
Ceiling reflection 70% 50%
public hall.
Proceeding from an average room, the
Luminance FGP FGP standard provides for clearly defined
reflection properties of walls, ceilings
and floors. If these parameters are
changed, the standardised degree of
Our recommendation 9 O[ illuminance remains constant at 200 lx.
However, the impression of the room
is completely different. The illumination
level is felt to be too low. From the table
it can be seen that the luminance falls
to 50% of the initial value.
In this case, we recommend raising the
degree of illuminance by 100 lx to 300 lx.
This way, the illumination in the room
would be felt to be more pleasant.
3XEOLFVTXDUH · 2,500 m2
The same largely applies for the space
situation in the public square. The value
for the degree of illuminance is estimated
to be 10 lx. With light ground and a
Degree of illuminance O[ reflection of 30%, the luminance level
reaches 1 cd/m2.
If the reflection of the ground is reduced
Light ground Dark ground
to 10%, and the standardised degree
of illuminance remains at 10 lx, the
Floor reflection 30% 10% luminance is only 0.35 cd/m2.
Here we recommend raising the degree
of illuminance by 10 lx.
Luminance FGP FGP This way, the lighting conditions on
the square are considered to be more

Our recommendation 9 O[

1.06 Light planning · Degree of illuminance, reflection and luminance

As far as road lighting is concerned,

,QQHUFLW\PDLQURDG the uniformity of the light on the
carriageway and the related distances
BEGA 99 556 pole-top luminaire (LED 50.6 W) between the luminaires are interesting
for the planners.

Luminance FGP The standard specifies values for

average luminance. The adjacent
table shows the effects of light and
Light road surface & Dark road surface &
dark road surfaces on the distances
between luminaires.
Luminaire spacing 36 m 26 m When the road surface is light ( C1 ),
the luminaire spacing is 36 m. With
dark road surfaces (C2), the distance
is reduced by 10 m to 26 m. Over a
Luminaires over 1 km OXPLQDLUHV OXPLQDLUHV
distance of 1 km, this is 28 compared
to 38 luminaires.
The choice of road surface thus has
a direct economic effect, which should
not be neglected during planning.

Light in green spaces
1.07 Light planning · Light in green spaces

A well-kept garden is part of our

living space, if not the heart of our
home. Good lighting in a private
garden brings the living space and
garden together. It is recommended
that islands should be created here –
for example the separate illumination
of ponds, flowerbeds, groups of
trees or even sculptures.
Ideally, the light colour here should
be 3000 K or lower. In order to be
able to take account of individual
occasions at any time, there should
be different switching options for the
garden illumination.
For atmospheric light, we prefer
dimmable luminaires.

Portable luminaires are also ideal

for private gardens to adapt the
light to the growth of the plants. In
this way, small changes as well as
seasonal adjustments can easily be

Particularly in the case of renovations,

portable systems that can easily be
integrated into existing environments
are an excellent solution.

To achieve the potential of private

gardens at night too, a mixture of
luminaires with unshielded, shielded
and directed light is used.

Light gives the garden a structure
Three zones with individual luminance define the space.

Illumination in the background of the garden In addition centre parts of the garden are illuminated

Unshielded luminaires have a certain paths, flowerbed borders and property

glare and are therefore not suitable boundaries.
for illuminating a garden used as Luminaires with directed light, such
a living area. However, they are as floodlights, in-ground luminaires,
extremely effective for providing a surface washers, spotlights and bollards
signal effect in courtyard entrances, can provide specific illumination to give
house entrances, car parks and for the garden area atmospheric depth and
park footpath illumination. contours. The depth of the space can
To downgrade the glare, opalised be differentiated through the specific
luminaire glass with as large a surface use of different luminance levels.
area as possible should be used. A distinctive backdrop effect can be
The unshielded light ensures good achieved by subdividing the space
face recognition. into areas with foreground, centre and
Shielded luminaires, usually in the background illumination. The greater
form of bollards or wall luminaires the distance from the house, the higher
on the wall or house, are highly the output of the luminaires should be.
versatile, and are ideal for illuminating

1.07 Light planning · Light in green spaces


Entire illumination of the garden


Structure of the garden illumination with a specific


Background: The end of the plot of land is illuminated,

forming a clear boundary. Besides in-ground luminaires,
which light up the hedge, bollards are used to illuminate
the rear part of the path. The light on the property
boundaries gives a feeling of safety.

The centre part of the garden is fitted out with seating

elements. The illumination is effected using in-ground
floodlights and floodlights mounted in the tree.
The light/luminance is somewhat lower here than in
area the background illumination.

There are comparatively faint lighting accents in the

foreground, for example for trees, bushes and fountains.
Trees are staged in imposing light.

The entire scene is glare-free.

The sketch shows the location of the luminaires.

Background 6.0 cd/m²
Centre 2.0 cd/m²
Foreground 0.5 cd/m²

Tree illumination
These three pictures show examples of how a free-standing tree
could be illuminated.

1 2

Fig. 1 Fig. 3
Illuminating a tree from the front makes it appear flatter. Fig. 3 shows the tree illumination with a floodlight
The further away the floodlight is from the tree, the flatter installed directly in front of the tree trunk. The light of
it appears. The possibility of the viewer being dazzled can this luminaire is very narrow beam and shines along the
be ruled out with this type of illumination. Floodlights or tree trunk. Excessively high light output should not be
in-ground luminaires can be used here. used here, since this can lead to selective light overspill
near the luminaire. If the tree can be seen from several
Fig. 2 sides on account of the way the paths are routed,
If only the crown of the tree is to be illuminated, it is we recommend the use of several floodlights with
practical to position two in-ground floodlights behind the very narrow beam light distribution around the trunk.
tree trunk, as seen from the point of view of the viewer. In addition, two adjustable in-ground floodlights are
The light characteristic of these luminaires is wide beam. installed to the side of the trunk at a distance of about
It is important to ensure that the viewer is not dazzled. 2 to 3 metres. Their light is directed in a wide beam
In-ground floodlights with asymmetrical wide beam or to the crown of the tree. The overall impression of the
adjustable light distribution are most suitable. illumination is uniform and harmonious.

1.07 Light planning · Light in green spaces

Outdoor lighting
1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations
Example situations of illumination outdoors

On the basis of our empirical values

and the suggestions of architects and
planners, we have compiled room
situations for which light planning is
frequently required. In the following,
we shall present possible illumination
solutions for these architectural
Inner-city road Page 56 Roundabout Page 58
situations. It goes without saying that
all technical lighting standards are
complied with. In some cases, the
degree of illuminance proposed by us
may even exceed the standard. For
us, the aesthetics of light and a high
level of visual comfort are important
criteria for such decisions. At the same
time, the form and the size of the
luminaires must fit into the architectural
surroundings. For example, we often
Bridge Page 64 Advertising space Page 66
recommend larger models if a structure
has large dimensions – even if smaller
luminaires with lower output would be
enough. In such cases, the degree of
illuminance can be reduced to a suitable
level by means of a light control unit.

On pages 54 to 83, examples of

outdoor lighting situations are presented,
and from page 86 to 107 examples of
interior lighting.
Commercial building arcade Page 71 Staircase Page 72

Pedestrian walkway/cycle path Page 76 Park Page 78

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

Car park Page 60 Loading zone Page 61 Underground car park Page 62

Historical building Page 68 Historical façade Page 69 Modern façade Page 70

Office building entrance Page 73 Train station forecourt Page 74 Inner city square Page 75

Pedestrian bridge Page 80 Private house Page 82 Private garden Page 83

5 lx 10 lx

Inner-city road

Here, the safety of all road users has top priority. The road
must be easily recognisable and the road users must be
visible. This is why the standard DIN EN 13 201 applies for
the illumination of inner-city roads in order to guarantee
road safety. As an example, let us use a carriageway with
two lanes for traffic with a total width of 6 m (illumination
class S3) and shared use routes with a width of 2 m on
both sides. Here, pole-top luminaires on 6 m high poles are
used. Their light is asymmetrical flat beam and covers the
entire road width of 10 m.
Through the use of precision reflectors, the light is
cast very uniformly onto the useful area. The luminaire
spacing is 26 m. A reduction of the illumination level is
recommended at night.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

Luminaire spacing 26 m




The bird’s eye view clearly shows the BEGA

light distribution on the road.

The darkest place on the road between
the luminaires has a degree of
illuminance of 3 lx.
The transition to this level, proceeding

from the lightest point directly in front of
the luminaire (15 lx), is very gentle and is
felt to be pleasant.

For the cycle path on the opposite side,  

these luminaires can still offer a degree
of illuminance of 2 lx, thus complying 

with the standard.       S_


5 lx 15 lx 15 lx 20 lx

Roundabout Luminaires used:

Roundabouts form typical conflict zones in road lighting BEGA

in accordance with DIN EN 13 201. The roundabout

must be illuminated if the roads leading to it are also
illuminated. A degree of illuminance of 20 lx on the
carriageway in the roundabout, without pedestrian
crossings, represents good illumination. About 50 m

before the roundabout, the illumination level of the road
must also be raised to 20 lx. The transition should be
gentle in order to keep the contrast as low as possible
and to allow the human eye to adapt quickly. A slight
change in light colour compared to the road lighting
also increases the level of attention.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

The illumination of a pedestrian

crossing at a roundabout is subject
to the standard DIN 67 523. Here
it is important that the pedestrians
should be easily recognisable on the
crossing and in the adjacent waiting
zones. For this reason, an average
vertical illuminance of Ā = 30 lx is
used. Here, Emin is 4 lx. Pedestrian
crossings and waiting areas must
be illuminated from the direction of
approach. 100 m before and after
the crossing, the luminance must
be 0.3 cd/m2. To achieve this we
equip the street luminaires 99 595
and 99 596 with special optical
modules. If the roads are illuminated
in accordance with illumination
class ME}2 over a longer distance,
additional illumination can be
dispensed with.

30 lx mind. 4 lx

Luminaires used:


21 m

16 m

10 lx

Car park Luminaires used:

A car park (32 m x 50 m) with a medium volume BEGA

of traffic at an office complex or a department

store should be illuminated with at least 10 lx in
order to allow easy orientation. A reduction of
the illumination level to 5 lx is recommended at
night. As soon as persons enter the car park, or
cars drive in, the degree of illuminance is raised
to 10 lx again. Pole-top luminaires with precision
reflectors are ideal for illuminating the area.
With a pole height of 5 m and luminaire spacing
of 21 m, three pole-top luminaires on the two long
sides of the car park and three double pole-top
luminaires of the same type in the centre of the
useful area are sufficient to ensure uniform light
distribution and the required degree of illuminance.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

50 lx 20 lx

Loading zone Luminaires used:

Good light in a loading and manoeuvring zone guarantees BEGA

safety and smooth working processes. Where there are

several adjacent loading openings in a building, glare-free
luminaires are therefore placed above and between the
gates. Their light is asymmetrical-wide beam and creates
a degree of illuminance of about 50 lx. In addition, location
luminaires are installed in the wall about half a metre above
the ground in order to facilitate reversing. The entire company
grounds are illuminated from a height of 8 m with pole-top
luminaires, guaranteeing a basic illumination level of 20 lx.

15 lx 75 lx

Underground car park Luminaires used:

Here too, the focus is on the safety of the road users. BEGA

The transition into the underground car park must be illuminated

in accordance with the time of day in order to prevent extreme
changes between light and dark. This means that this area must
be illuminated with 300 lx during the day and 75 lx at night.
The illumination can be adjusted using twilight switches and
the BEGA Control light control system.
The ramp leading into the underground car park is illuminated
with recessed wall luminaires. Their asymmetrical flat beam light
ensures uniform illumination of the road surface.
A degree of illuminance of 15 lx is reached here. The light is
absolutely glare-free.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

During the day, the transition from the At night, the illumination in the under-
underground car park to the uncovered ground car park is higher than in the
entrance must be illuminated with 300 lx. outdoor area. A degree of illuminance
In this way, the human eye can adapt to of 75 lx is required for the transition
the enormous difference in illumination between the bright indoor area and
levels. This principle works from light the dark outdoor area.
into dark and vice versa. Glare caused
by sudden brightness and poor sight
during the rapid switch into darkness
is avoided.

20 lx

Bridge Luminaires used:

Bridges are architectural landmarks which leave a lasting BEGA

impression of a city. The illumination of bridges is thus of

particular significance.
Through the accentuation of its striking form, the structure
also has an effect at night and, at the same time, can clearly
be identified as a point of orientation. The floodlights used
are fitted with shields and louvres to prevent undesired
stray light and glare. In our example, the footpath along
the river is illuminated with long wall luminaires, which
create a pleasant lighting atmosphere. In conjunction with
the illuminated bridge, this creates significant elements
of the city architecture. A degree of illuminance of 20 lx
is reached on the footpath.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

A main road crosses the bridge,

with cycle paths on both sides.
For the road, the standard
DIN EN 13 201 applies for the
uniformity of light and the
illumination density.
These requirements are met
with pole-top luminaires.
The mounting height for
illuminating the carriageway is 6 m.
For the cycle path, the degree
of illuminance must be at least
1- 5 lx. Pole-top luminaires
with flat beam light distribution
provide the required light from
the same poles from a height
of 4 m. The luminaire spacing
is 28 m. The light of both types
of luminaires is directed onto
the road surfaces as a flat beam.

10 lx 15 lx



10 lx 100 lx

Advertising space

The illumination of advertising spaces repeatedly presents

new challenges. A change in motif from a very light to a
dark motif, or vice versa, requires an adjustment of the
degree of illuminance for the advertising to be effective.
In this case, a control unit for the luminaires is strongly
recommended. Now there are numerous options for
illuminating advertising posters.
In the following, we should like to present tried and tested
solutions, and show you the differences in light effects on
an advertising space of 4 x 6 m.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations


Floodlights with outrigger arms are ideal

for illuminating a poster from the upper
edge. The light is distributed over a wide
area. However, the illumination level 

increases near the luminaires, an effect

that can be reduced by choosing longer
outrigger arms.

Wide floodlights create uniform illumination

which diminishes from top to bottom.
On account of their elongated design,
these floodlights require only small
outrigger arms. This means that the 

luminaires can also be installed on

the lower edge of the poster, without
endangering road users.

The most uniform light distribution is achieved

with floodlights on poles at some distance.
Depending on the pole distance and the
poster size, various lighting characteristics
are available to ensure optimum illumination
of the advertising space. The example shows 
illumination with two floodlights on a pole at
a height of 4.5 m and at a distance of 10 m
from the advertising space.

A further alternative is to illuminate advertising

spaces from the ground. In-ground luminaires
with asymmetrical or adjustable light distribution
direct their light onto the advertising space in 

a gentle gradation from bottom to top.

These floodlights are installed at a distance of
about one third of the poster height.

If there is no option for installing in-ground

luminaires within the ground surface available,
on-ground floodlights are a suitable alternative
as far as the light effect is concerned.
These luminaires are positioned at a distance 

of about one third of the poster height.

Their light distribution shows a gentle gradation
from bottom to top.

10 m

30 m

10 lx 20 lx

Historical building Luminaires used:

For the illumination of the building with floodlights, BEGA

the aim is to illuminate all sides of the complex as

uniformly as possible. An obvious solution is to position
the floodlights symmetrically at the corners of the
building. In most cases, one floodlight position
is sufficient for two sides of the building. The floodlights
are frequently fitted with louvres or shields to ensure
that the focus is only on the building. It is recommended
that the luminaires should be installed on luminaire
poles to protect passers-by from irritating glare.
As a rule, the final floodlight locations and output levels
are only defined after an initial trial illumination.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

50 lx 10 lx

Historical façade Luminaires used:

Various different luminaires are used to illuminate BEGA

historical façades. Beginning on the ground floor,

arcades are illuminated with in-ground floodlights.
Here it is important to make sure that the luminaires
can stand up to being driven over by car tyres.
Depending on the design of the luminaires,
pressure loads of up to 5000 kg are possible.
Between each floor, the house has ledges from
where slim adjustable façade floodlights can
illuminate the building. Their light distribution is
asymmetrical to ensure that specific architectural
elements can be illuminated and no long shadows
are created on projecting building elements.  

10 lx 100 lx

Modern façade Luminaires used:

The left-hand part of the building complex is faced with BEGA

a concrete façade. This is illuminated from the ground

with long slim in-ground luminaires which are installed
as a band of light a short distance from and parallel to
the façade. The entrance is marked by the glass front
of the building. Here, the light from the interior is used
to place the focus on the building. In the edging around
the entrance to the building, additional recessed wall
luminaires have been installed to increase the brightness
of the floor and to emphasise this area.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

20 lx 100 lx 50 lx

Commercial building entrance Luminaires used:

The covered area in front of a commercial building is BEGA

illuminated from a great height with efficient downlights.

The focus is placed on the square pillars supporting the
roof using very narrow beam in-ground floodlights on the
front side. On the sides and at the rear, they benefit from
the light of the downlights. A roof panel projecting over
the entrance is fitted with recessed ceiling luminaires to
emphasise the way into the building. The illumination level
here is about 100 lx. The general lighting of the interior
space and of the commercial rooms is effected with
large-format, very flat ceiling luminaires.


100 lx 20 lx 10 lx

Staircase Luminaires used:

The pleasant illumination invites visitors to enter the building. BEGA

The massive structure, for example a theatre, becomes

accessible via a generously dimensional staircase entering
the building. Most of the light in this area comes from the
ceiling. Efficient LED floodlights guarantee imposing light
and give the staircase and the entrance area a radiance that
attracts the visitor. LED recessed wall luminaires accentuate
the structure. They follow the steps of the staircase and lead
the visitor into the interior of the building.
In order to be able to create suitable lighting scenarios for
events, it is recommended that the lighting system should
be fitted with a light control unit.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

10 lx 20 lx

Office building entrance Luminaires used:

A company is represented by the entrance area to BEGA

its company building. Here, glare-free light should be

used to clearly illuminate the way to the entrance door
and at the same time to ensure good face recognition
in the door area. On-ground luminaires are used to
illuminate the path to the building; their light reaches
far into the surface of the path, but without glare.
Unshielded wall luminaires, whose thick-walled crystal
glass is coated white on the inside, are installed at the
door. In this way, the emitted light is distributed gently
into the room without causing glare.

10 lx 20 lx

Train station forecourt Luminaires used:

A forecourt of 40 x 20 m opens up in front of a station. BEGA

This area is bordered by a low wall, which is interrupted
by a staircase. This staircase is used to reach street
level. Recessed wall luminaires are installed in the wall
and in the steps of the staircase for orientation and
guidance purposes. The forecourt is illuminated and
at the same time structured by light building elements.
These are positioned 10.75 m apart, and guarantee
good face recognition thanks to their uniform and
rotationally symmetrical light.
The degree of illuminance is between 10 and 20 lx.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

15 lx

Inner city square Luminaires used:

Water features form the central point of an inner city square. BEGA

The illumination is effected by in-ground luminaires, whose

light places a spectacular focus on the water features.
The square is lined by shops, cafés and restaurants, and
is thus a lively place during the day and at night. At night,
floral LED light building elements provide pleasant light and
give the square a structure. Their soft light ensures that
persons are easily recognised. The spacing between the
light building elements is 24 m.

1 lx 5 lx

Pedestrian walkway/cycle path Luminaires used:

Pedestrians and cyclists, as well as the walkways or cycle paths, BEGA

must be easy to detect visually. Good face recognition conveys

a feeling of safety.
The degree of illuminance for paths used by cyclists and pedestrians
must comply with the standard DIN EN 13201-2, illumination class S4.
A minimum of 1 lx is required.

The average degree of illuminance is 5 lx. Pole-top luminaires with
asymmetrical flat beam light distribution are used for illumination
purposes. The mounting height is 5 m. The luminaire spacing is 30 m.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

In the picture on the right, the light

distribution curve has been transferred
to the representation of the pedestrian
walkway/cycle path from a bird's eye
The darkest place on the path between
the luminaires has a degree of
illuminance of 1 lx. The transition from
1 lx
the lightest point directly in front of the
luminaire (15 lx) to the darkest place is
very gentle and is felt to be pleasant.

+ P


P            1 lx

1 lx

5 lx 0,6 lx

Park Luminaires used:

A walk through a park: The pedestrian walkway is flanked BEGA

by LED bollards, whose unshielded light illuminates the

path uniformly. An arrangement of luminaires along the
edge of the path with spacing of 5.5 m apart is chosen for
this. The bushes and trees are illuminated from the ground.
For a homogeneous impression, large trees are illuminated
with two in-ground luminaires. The colour temperature of
the light is 3,000 K.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

Shielded light Flat beam light Unshielded light

The light from these luminaires is These luminaires distribute their These luminaires distribute
directed downwards and fully shielded light into the width of the room. unshielded light.
above the horizontal. The highest The light is directed downwards At the same distance, they ensure
degree of illuminance is achieved in and is shielded above the horizontal. uniform illumination of ground
the immediate vicinity of the luminaire. For the wide beam and uniform surfaces, persons as well as
Luminaires with a high level of visual illumination of surfaces and architectural elements. These
comfort for the uniform illumination of footpaths near the luminaires. luminaires have a high degree of
footpaths and surfaces with maximum vertical illuminance.
glare suppression.



5-10 lx

Pedestrian bridge Luminaires used:

There are many options for illuminating pedestrian bridges. BEGA

Two completely different approaches are shown here.

The bridge measures 20 x 2.4 m.
The illumination standard DIN EN 13 201 for pedestrian
walkways and cycle paths applies here. The average degree
of illuminance required is 5 lx, and the minimum value is 1 lx.

Pedestrians and cyclists should feel secure and safe on the
bridge. In addition, four compact floodlights emphasise the
structural features of the bridge, thus increasing the striking
effect it makes from a distance.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

For general illumination, two 77 825 Example 2, however, works purely

pole-top luminaires with 4 m mounting functionally. Two unshielded pole-
height would be enough. Their light is top luminaires direct soft light onto
directed onto the path as a flat beam. the path, providing a gentle lighting
The path is also illuminated with impression. In both cases, the
33 514 wall luminaires spaced 2.5 m standard for pedestrian and cycle
apart. From a height of 1.2 m, their paths is complied with.
light is directed onto the ground to
accompany the passers-by. The light
also falls onto the struts of the railing,
achieving an inviting light effect. It goes
without saying that these luminaires
are switched using presence detectors.



15 lx 10 lx

Private house Luminaires used:

With good exterior lighting, a private house appears BEGA

comfortable and inviting. At the same time, this also

improves safety. The area in front of the house is
structured, from the driveway to the garage, from a
front garden and a path to the house entrance.
Small LED bollards line the garden and illuminate the paths
with asymmetrical wide beam light. The garage entrance
has these luminaires on both sides in order to guarantee
uniform light distribution.
At the house, unshielded wall luminaires are installed
beside the front door and the garage. This guarantees high
visual comfort. The tree is illuminated with two in-ground
floodlights. A motion sensor with twilight switch is
recommended here to control the illumination system.

1.08 Light planning · Outdoor lighting situations

10 lx 1- 3 lx

Private garden Luminaires used:

Light gives a garden structure and emphasises the BEGA

plants and trees. Shielded bollards border the terrace

which leads along the pool and ends in a seating area.
Underwater floodlights create a Mediterranean lighting
The large trees in the background reflect the light of
the in-ground floodlights. Portable compact floodlights
emphasise individual plants.
The boundaries of the garden are defined with spherical
luminaires. The intensity of the illumination can be
adjusted to satisfy personal preferences with the help
of a light control system.

Indoors lighting
1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations
Example situations of illumination indoors

Indoors, the design and aesthetics of

luminaires have a special significance.
They complement and underline the
interior design. Ideally, the material and
the shape of the luminaires form a long-
lasting unit for good light.
We have put together examples of such
Lobby Page 88 Foyer Page 89
illumination solutions on pages 86 to 107.
Room situations for which our frequently
seek illumination solutions have served
as a basis.

Pedestrian subway Page 93 Staircase Page 94

Boutique Page 98 Shopping mall Page 99

Living area Page 103 Swimming pool Page 104

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

Religious room Page 90 Congress hall Page 91 Hotel corridor Page 92

Staircase with gallery Page 95 Study Page 96 Conference room Page 97

Bistro Page 100 Bar Page 101 Waiting zone Page 102

Spa/health zone Page 105 Riding arena Page 106 Multipurpose hall Page 107

200 lx 150 lx

Lobby Luminaires used:

We are entering the foyer of a hotel. We are welcomed GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

by pleasant mood lighting. Sculptural pendant luminaires

made of polished aluminium and thick-walled crystal glass
illuminate the reception desk. Such lighting draws the
attention to the reception. This combination of materials
is repeated by other luminaires in the room. The reception
area for the staff is bathed in light from recessed ceiling
luminaires with comparably thick crystal glass. The exit
is flanked by uplights and downlights whose design
corresponds to the pendant luminaires. General illumination
is effected by ceiling luminaires with the main light facing
directly downwards and indirect light distributed softly in the
room. This combination ensures a very high degree of visual  

comfort. Depending on the time of day, the illumination is

adapted to the lighting conditions.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

200 lx

Foyer Luminaires used:

The illumination of large rooms is frequently effected using GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

efficient downlights or pendant luminaires. In this example,

both types are used. The distinctive pendant luminaires
distribute soft light downwards from a height of 6 m.
Visitors are received in the upwardly open ground floor
with a degree of illuminance of 200 lx. These luminaires
do not cause glare, in spite of the high illumination level
of 19,900 lm. Their light emission area measures almost
75 cm in diameter and consists of crystal glass with frosted
white interior. Downlights are used in areas with a low
ceiling height. Most of the light is aimed downwards directly
onto the floor surface. The remaining light is directed into
the room as a wide beam through thick-walled, partially
frosted crystal glass. Here too, a degree of illuminance of
200 lx is reached at floor level.

17 m

15 m

150 lx

Religious room Luminaires used:

In religious rooms, a control option for the illumination BEGA GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

is of great importance. This is why we have decided

in favour of dimmable pendant luminaires. Their light
is directed downwards directly onto the surface to be
illuminated. At the same time, an internal glass diffusor
together with the outer glass creates vertical light.
With these luminaires, a degree of illuminance of 150 lx
is reached at floor level. If additional illumination of the
ceiling is desired, this luminaire is also available with
additional upward light emission. Depending on the room
height, the pendant may have to be lengthened by the
The room in this example measures 15 x 17 m with a
room height of 11 m. The mounting height of the pendant
luminaire is approx. 3.60 m, measured from the floor.
Twelve pendant luminaires, four downlights and fifteen
in-ground luminaires were used.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

13 m

10 m 9,5 m 13 m

200 lx 100 lx 200 lx

Congress hall Luminaires used:

Congress halls are used for many different purposes. GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

Concerts, theatre performances, trade fairs, conferences

and receptions take place here. All of these events require
illumination that can be used universally. In high-prestige
events, things are often more formal. Pendant luminaires
are the preferred solution here, as they flood the room with
soft light. Such light makes it easier to recognise faces,
and at the same time facilitates communication. Parallel to
the way the room is divided up, recessed ceiling luminaires
with downlight-type light distribution are used in the
remaining areas.

100 lx 150 lx

Hotel corridor Luminaires used:

When guests walk through a hotel corridor, they are guided GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

by recessed ceiling luminaires whose light illuminates the

corridor uniformly. The luminaires are installed flush with
the ceiling. The glass has stainless steel trim rings. For
easy orientation, the lifts and staircase access routes
are marked with wall luminaires with light that is shielded
upwards and downwards.
The light of both types of luminaire is glare-free. A light
control system with presence detectors is recommended
for these areas.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

150 lx 100 lx

Pedestrian subway Luminaires used:

A pedestrian subway between two building complexes BEGA

should correspond to the style of the building architecture.

In this case it is open, light architecture, which corresponds
to daylight on account of large glass surfaces. This light
effect should also be achieved in the underground
connection. A graphic arrangement of wall luminaires with
light emission on two sides thus accompanies the visitors
through the subway. An average of 100 lx is reached at
floor level. Face recognition is very good on account of
the luminous energy. This makes the subway friendly and
inviting. The steps of the stairs are flanked by recessed
wall luminaires with asymmetrical light distribution.

100 lx 100 lx

Staircase Luminaires used:

Soft light is required in the staircase so that the steps GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

do not cast any hard, irritating shadows. The light should

also be glare-free.
A combination of ceiling and wall luminaires is most
suitable. In our example, landings on the individual floors
are illuminated with light from the ceiling. The stairs

themselves, on the other hand, are accompanied by
wall luminaires. Here the luminaires should have as low
installation depths as possible to ensure they are not
in the way on the stairs.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

100 lx 150 lx

Staircase with gallery Luminaires used:

An open staircase leads into an air space that spans the BEGA GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

entire height of the building.

The generously dimensioned staircase is illuminated with
LED recessed luminaires. Adjustable luminaires are installed
in the underside of the stairs, from where they emit their
light directly downwards. At the level of the storeys, long,
narrow LED recessed ceiling luminaires ensure a pleasant

300 lx 500 lx 200 lx

Study Luminaires used:

Wide-area pendant luminaires guarantee soft, glare-free GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

light. Most of the light is emitted downwards. A degree of

illuminance of 500 lx is reached on the desktop. The rest
of the light is emitted upwards in a wide beam. Adjustable
recessed ceiling luminaires illuminate the pinboard and
the filing shelves. The light in the entire room is absolutely
glare-free. Here too, we recommend the use of a light
control system.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

300 lx 300 lx 200 lx

Conference room Luminaires used:

The conference room is flooded with daylight through a BEGA GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

large window. If required, this window can be darkened.

Downlights in the ceiling illuminate the room uniformly and
create a pleasant degree of illuminance of 500 lx on the
table. On the end wall of the room, there is a presentation
screen which is illuminated with surface washers from the
ceiling. To be able to work with different media, it should
be possible to control all groups of luminaires separately
and allow individual lighting scenarios.

500 lx 1000 lx 200 lx

Boutique Luminaires used:

The illumination of a boutique must convey high quality and GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

style, and at the same time illuminate the goods well.

The use of adjustable LED floodlights in the entire shop covers
all illumination requirements. The use of a busbar system
makes it possible to position the luminaires as required without
the least trouble. The BEGA Control system offers the option of

controlling the light according to daylight and the time of day.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

65 m

28 m

100 lx 200 lx 300 lx

Shopping mall Luminaires used:

The general illumination of the shopping mall is effected BEGA

by downlights from a height of 12 m. The light is uniform

and glare-free. The main room of the mall measures
28 x 65 m.
The surrounding galleries are illuminated by recessed
ceiling luminaires.
Additional light falls into the room from the adjacent
shop windows. Individually adjustable compact floodlights
on the borders of the galleries serve to emphasise
individual areas, for example during events or exhibitions.
A degree of illuminance of 200 lx is reached in the open
area of the ground floor. Thanks to the light floor,
the room makes a light and inviting impression.

200 lx 150 lx

Bistro Luminaires used:

Every table in the bistro has its own pendant luminaire. GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

The illumination of the table surface gives the guest the

impression of a private atmosphere. On the walls, luminaires
with light emission on two sides ensure room-defining light
graphics. The aisle area and also the transition to the terrace
are illuminated with recessed ceiling downlights.
A control option for the individual groups of luminaires
is recommended. In this way, the light can be controlled
according to the occasion.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

50 lx 100 lx

Bar Luminaires used:

The room welcomes us with graphic-like large-area GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

luminaires on the walls. Their light is very soft and

uniform. LED pendant luminaires made of opal glass and
matt black painted metal are mounted above the counter.
Most of the light is glare-free and shines directly onto the
counter, thus ensuring a high degree of visual comfort.
The counter area opens out into a larger lounge area.
This is illuminated with recessed ceiling luminaires shining
downwards. It goes without saying that all luminaires are
dimmable in order to be able to create a pleasant lighting

150 lx

Waiting zone Luminaires used:

As a rule, there is a quiet atmosphere in waiting zones. BEGA GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG

Some people are reading or sleeping, others are busy with

their laptop or smartphone.
The illumination of the entire area is effected using LED
downlights. Due to their thick, partially frosted crystal glass,
most of the light is emitted directly downwards onto
the floor. An average of 150 lx is reached at floor level.
The remaining light is refracted by the edge of the glass
and is diffused through the matt finish. In this way, the light
is also distributed vertically into the room. In addition,
square flat wall luminaires emit soft light.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

200 lx 50 lx

Living area Luminaires used:

Our eyes turn to an open living room area with a ceiling GLASHÜTTE LIMBURG BEGA

height of 5.5 m. A glass front extends the room to include

an adjacent terrace area. Recessed ceiling luminaires shining
downwards are responsible for the basic illumination. On the
far side, wall luminaires ensure pleasant background light.
These luminaires emit glare-free light upwards and downwards,
so that through their group arrangement the entire wall is
illuminated and the light is distributed indirectly in the room.
These luminaires can also be found in the first floor. In the
living room, square recessed wall luminaires mark a dividing
wall between the living room and adjacent rooms. The formal
language of recessed wall luminaires and surface-mounted
wall luminaires conveys a complete picture. Table lamps and  

standard lamps create lighting accents in the seating area.

The centre of the room is impressively marked by the pendant
luminaires above the table, whose light is emitted directly
downwards as well as softly into the room. Outdoors, in-ground
luminaires show the boundaries of the terrace. All luminaires
can be controlled individually with BEGA Control. 

100 lx 200 lx

Swimming pool Luminaires used:

The general lighting in the swimming pool is effected BEGA

by means of downlights, whose light offers safety

on the surfaces around the pool. They also create
lustrous effects on the surface of the water. The pool
is illuminated by underwater floodlights. Unshielded
luminaires are used on the walls of the hall to provide
accents and to emit soft light.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

10 - 20 lx 100 lx

Spa / health zone Luminaires used:

In a spa or health zone, the illumination makes a significant BEGA

contribution towards the well-being of the guests.

Alternating zones with dimmed light and zones accentuated
with illumination are ideal for the relaxation of the guests.
At the same time, the lighting system must be able to illuminate
the rooms clearly for cleaning purposes. On account of the
climatic conditions in such facilities, only luminaires with
high protection classes are installed. In the whirlpool cubes,
wall luminaires cast wide-beam light onto the ceiling,
and this light is reflected softly back into the room. The pools
are fitted with underwater luminaires, whose RGB W light colour
can be controlled. Between the cubes, in-ground floodlights
accentuate the shower area. This light effect is repeated on  

the front pillars using in-ground floodlights. From the ceiling,

soft light is distributed throughout the room by flat, square
luminaires. Recessed wall luminaires line the paths at a height
of 40 cm, thus creating safety and structure. Recessed ceiling
downlights are installed in the outdoor terrace covering roof.

Indoor riding arena Entrance area
65 m
70 m

30 m 30 m

200 lx 150 lx

Riding arena Luminaires used:

The degree of illuminance must be distributed uniformly BEGA

on the floor of the entire arena to ensure that neither

horses nor riders are irritated in their sport by alternating
light and dark areas. The indoor riding arena has
dimensions of 70 x 30 m and is illuminated with downlights
from the ceiling of the arena. The height of the roof ranges
from six to twelve metres. 200 lx is reached at floor level.
Outdoors, eight floodlights illuminate the actual riding area
with 150 lx from a mounting height of twelve metres.
The riding area has a size of 65 x 30 m.

1.09 Light planning · Indoor lighting situations

500 lx 100 lx 50 lx

Multipurpose hall Luminaires used:

We are now in a multipurpose hall for sports lessons, BEGA

general training and local club competitions.

Here, a degree of illuminance of 200 lx is required on the
playing field. The playing field is lined with stands. To be
able to see well, a degree of illuminance of 50 to 100 lx
is required in these areas. At least 10 lx is required for
emergency lighting.
The entire illumination of the 2100 square metre large
hall is effected using ballproof LED ceiling luminaires with
a colour temperature of 4000 K. Aisles and stairs are
equipped with shielded recessed luminaires. This ensures
that neither the sportspersons nor the spectators are


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