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In Today’s Business World, Much Acclaim Is Given to Companies with High-Flying


Based on the problem statement provided, the eTablet company, founded by Gregor

Stavinslov in 2008, initially experienced success and growth in the market. However, as the

business grew, Gregor began to downplay his contribution to attract more capital and publicity.

As a result, the staff members lost motivation and direction, which in turn caused a drop in both

employee morale and product quality. This overconfidence led to a frequent characteristic at this

stage: complacency and a lack of inventiveness. As Gregor moved through the stages of decline,

his performance in statesmanship was fast declining. His transition from building solid

relationships to being an authoritarian and demanding leader showed a marked deterioration in


eTablet and its founder underwent multiple stages of Collins' five-stage failure process.

Initially, Initially, eTablet and Gregor fell into the first stage of hubris born of success. Gregor

became overconfident and arrogant after experiencing initial success and gaining media

attention, followed by the second stage of an undisciplined pursuit of more, where they pushed

for expansion without discipline. Then, they moved into the third stage, "Denial of Risk and

Peril," where they ignored warning signs and failed to address internal problems. The founder's

attributes of overconfidence, neglect of employees and operations, and a shift towards

demanding perfection without allowing room for innovation all contributed to the company's


If I were Gregor, I would have stood back and reconsidered the company's primary goals

and principles. In order to motivate the staff and executive team, I would have addressed the

warning indicators, such as low performance and staff turnover. I would have focused on

solidifying the company's position and encouraging an innovative and collaborative culture

rather than aiming for quick expansion. Maintaining a long-term perspective and balancing

achievement and humility are crucial. Furthermore, I would have fostered a relationship with

investors instead of placing excessive pressure on staff members to achieve instant perfection by

being more transparent and soliciting their feedback on the company's path.

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