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Zooxanthellactone, a Novel γ-Lactone-type Oxylipine

from Dinoflagellates of Symbiodinium sp.: Structure,
Distribution, and Biological Activity
a a a b
Ken-ichi ONODERA , Takuya FUKATSU , Nozomi KAWAI , Yukio YOSHIOKA , Tetsuji
b a a
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University
Published online: 22 May 2014.

To cite this article: Ken-ichi ONODERA, Takuya FUKATSU, Nozomi KAWAI, Yukio YOSHIOKA, Tetsuji OKAMOTO, Hideshi
NAKAMURA & Makoto OJIKA (2004) Zooxanthellactone, a Novel γ-Lactone-type Oxylipine from Dinoflagellates of
Symbiodinium sp.: Structure, Distribution, and Biological Activity, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 68:4,
848-852, DOI: 10.1271/bbb.68.848

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Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 68 (4), 848–852, 2004

Zooxanthellactone, a Novel -Lactone-type Oxylipine from Dinoflagellates

of Symbiodinium sp.: Structure, Distribution, and Biological Activity
Ken-ichi O NODERA,1 Takuya FUKATSU,1 Nozomi K AWAI,1 Yukio Y OSHIOKA,2
Tetsuji O KAMOTO,2 Hideshi N AKAMURA,1; * and Makoto O JIKA1; y
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University,
1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8553, Japan

Received November 6, 2003; Accepted December 9, 2003

A novel fatty acid derivative named zooxanthellac- A from a butanol-soluble extract of the algal cells.6) On
tone (ZL) was isolated from several strains of symbiotic the other hand, an examination of a cytotoxic non-polar
microalgae, dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. fraction yielded a unique oxylipine named zooxanthel-
The metabolite is structurally related to docosahexae- lactone (ZL) which is structurally related to docosahex-
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noic acid (DHA) and seems to be biosynthesized by aenoic acid (DHA). We describe here the isolation,
oxidation and subsequent lactonization. The absolute structural elucidation, distribution, and cytotoxic activ-
stereochemistry was determined from the specific ity of ZL.
rotation of the perhydro derivative. The distribution
of ZL within several Symbiodinium isolates was quanti- Materials and Methods
tatively analyzed by HPLC techniques and suggested a
relationship between the productivity of this metabolite General. HPLC analyses were performed by using
and the Symbiodinium phylogeny. The cytotoxicity of ZL Jasco PU-980 pumps equipped with a Jasco MD-915
was evaluated by using human squamous cell carcinoma multi-wavelength detector operated by a Dell OptiPlex
cell lines in comparison with that of DHA and other Gxi computer. NMR spectra were recorded by a Bruker
common fatty acids, suggesting that the long unsaturat- AMX2-600 instrument (600 MHz) in a CDCl3 solution
ed chain was important rather than the -lactone (99.9% atom enriched). NMR chemical shifts were
moiety. referenced to the solvent peak of H 7.26 (residual
CHCl3 ) or C 77.0 (CDCl3 ). Optical rotation were
Key words: zooxanthellactone; oxylipine; cytotoxic; di- measured with a Jasco DIP-370 digital polarimeter. IR
noflagellate; Symbiodinium spectra were recorded by a Jasco FT/IR-8300 instru-
ment, and UV spectra were recorded by a Jasco V-530
Zooxanthellae are unicellular microalgae that occur as spectrophotometer. Mass spectra were recorded by an
symbionts in many hundreds of common marine Applied Biosystems Mariner mass spectrometer equip-
invertebrates, e.g., sponges, corals, shellfishes, etc. Most ped with an electrospray ion source in the positive mode.
zooxanthellae have been placed in the dinoflagellate High-resolution mass measurements were performed
genus Symbiodinium as one or several species that are with a 1 M mixture of angiotensin, bradykinin, and
not easily distinguished.1) Although the dinoflagellates neurotensin in 50% MeCN–1% AcOH as an internal
have produced a number of toxic and complex secon- standard. DHA and linoleic acid were purchased from
dary metabolites, most of which might be accumulated Sigma Co., Ltd., and linolenic acid was from Aldrich
into marine food animals,2–4) the secondary metabolites Co., Ltd.
of the genus Symbiodinium have not been investigated
very well until recently. Nakamura et al. isolated novel Dinoflagellate materials. All isolates of the dinofla-
polyhydroxylated polyene metabolites named zooxan- gellates used in this study were kindly provided by the
thellatoxins from the Y-6 strain of Symbiodinium sp. as following researchers: Symbiodinium sp. Y-6 and Am-
vasoconstrictive substances in 1993.5) In the course of phidinium sp. Y-5 from Dr. T. Yamasu at Ryukyu
the search for novel secondary metabolites in several University, Symbiodinium sp. SHIN-SADO and Amphi-
Symbiodinium isolates, we have recently discovered a dinium carterae from Dr. K. Kogame at Hokkaido
large novel polyol metabolite named zooxanthellamide University, and all other Symbiodinium isolates from Dr.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel/Fax: +81-52-789-4284; E-mail:
* Deceased 9th November 2000.
Abbreviations: ZL, zooxanthellactone; ZL-H12 , dodecahydrozooxanthellactone
Zooxanthellactone, a Novel Oxylipine from Dinoflagellates 849

T. Maruyama at the Japan Marine Science and Tech- temperature for 15 h. The catalyst was removed by
nology Center and Dr. M. Kawachi at the National filtration and washed with ether. The filtrate and
Institute for Environmental Studies. Culture and sub- washings were combined and concentrated. The result-
culture of these algae were carried out in an ES or f/2 ing residue was purified by preparative TLC (silica gel,
medium as described later. CH2 Cl2 ) to give dodecahydrozooxanthellactone (ZL-
H12 , 5.5 mg, 51%) as a white powder, ½D 27 þ21:4 (c
Production and isolation of ZL. A portion (20 ml) of a 0.23, THF); IR max (KBr) cm1 : 2920, 2850, 1755,
100ES medium (containing 70 mg of NaNO3 , 15 mg 1470, 1195; 1 H-NMR (600 MHz, CDCl3 ) : 4.48 (1H,

of Na2 glycerophosphate 5.5H2 O, 1 mg of FeEDTA  quint, J ¼ 6:9 Hz, H-4), 2.55 (1H, m, H-2), 2.50 (1H, m,

3H2 O, 5 mg of Na2 EDTA 2H2 O, 100 mg of Tris, 1 mg H2), 2.31 (1H, m, H3), 1.85 (1H, m, H-3), 1.73 (1H, m,

of H3 BO3 , 100 g of thiamine HCl, 1 g of biotin, 2 g H-5), 1.59 (1H, m, H-5), 1.44 (1H, m, H-6), 1.36 (1H, m,

of vitamin B12 , 314 g of MnCl2 4H2 O, 32 g of H-6), 1.35–1.21 (24H, m, H-8 to H-19), 1.30 (2H, m, H-
ZnCl2 2.5H2 O, and 8 g of CoCl2 6H2 O; adjusted to 7), 1.28 (2H, m, H-21), 1.24 (2H, m, H-20), 0.88 (3H, t,
pH 7.8 with 3 N HCl) was sterilized by filtration and J ¼ 7:0 Hz, H-22); 13 C-NMR (150 MHz, CDCl3 ) :
added to 2 liters of natural sea water in a 3-liters glass 177.3 (s, C-1), 81.1 (d, C-4), 35.6 (t, C-5), 31.9 (t, C-20),
bottle that had been autoclaved at 121  C for 20 min. To 29.7–29.2 (t, C-8 to C-19), 29.3 (t, C-7), 28.9 (t, C-2),
this medium, a portion (50 ml) of a subculture of 28.0 (t, C-3), 25.2 (t, C-6), 22.7 (t, C-21), 14.1 (q, C-22).
Symbiodinium sp. (P083-2 isolate) was inoculated and HRMS (ESI, positive): found, m=z 339.3256 ½M þ Hþ ;
subjected to a static culture at 25  C under a 12 h light calcd. for C22 H43 O2 , 339.3258.
(3000–5000 lux)-dark cycle. After 6 weeks, when the
Downloaded by [] at 21:30 04 March 2015

growth had reached a plateau, the culture (total of 156 Quantitative analysis of ZL within 11 dinoflagellate
liters) was filtered to collect the algal cells (138.7 g wet isolates. Cultivation of all the microalgae in the ES
wt.) which were stored at 80  C until needed. medium was performed as already described. Another
The cells were homogenized in 70% EtOH (200 ml) medium, f/2, was also used for culturing the same
by an Ultra-Turrax T25 (Janke & Kunkel GmbH & Co. microalgae under the same conditions. A portion (0.2
KG IKA-Labortechnik, Germany) at 24,000 rpm for liters) of a 10  f=2 medium (containing 147 mg of
2 min three times on an ice bath. After centrifuging the 
NaNO3 , 12 mg of NaH2 PO4 2H2 O, 9 mg of Na2 EDTA 
homogenate at 3,000 rpm for 10 min at 4  C, the super- 
2H2 O, 293 g of thiamine HCl, 1 g of biotin, 1 g of
natant was separated by decantation. This extraction 
vitamin B12 , 6 mg of FeCl3 6H2 O, 352 g of MnCl2 
procedure with 70% EtOH was conducted three times. 
4H2 O, 43 g of ZnSO4 7H2 O, 19 g of CoCl2 6H2 O, 
The combined aqueous EtOH extracts (600 ml) were 
19 g of CuSO4 , 13 g of Na2 MoO4 2H2 O, and a 10-ml
concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting portion of a soil extract prepared by autoclaving a
aqueous solution was extracted with EtOAc (200 ml) mixture of 150 g of natural soil and 1 liter of water for
three times and then with water-saturated BuOH 1 h with subsequent filtration) was added to 1.8 liters of
(150 ml) three times. The combined EtOAc extracts sea water in a 3-liters glass bottle which had been
were concentrated under reduced pressure to give a autoclaved. A portion (10 g) of each EtOAc-soluble
brown oil (1.04 g). A portion (403 mg) of the oil was material in MeOH (1 l) was injected into an HPLC
chromatographed on silica gel (silica gel 60, Wako, instrument (Develosil ODS-HG-5 column, 4.6 mm
1.7 cm i.d.25 cm), eluting with CH2 Cl2 :MeOH (99:1, i.d.25 cm, 50% to 100% MeCN in H2 O, 50 min linear
98:2, 96:4, 92:8, 84:16, and 68:32; 120 ml each) and gradient, 1.0 ml/min flow rate, photodiode array UV
then MeOH (180 ml) to afford 21 fractions. A portion detection). ZL was eluted at a retention time of 36.4 min.
(20.4 mg) of the 3rd fraction (22.9 mg) eluted with The amount of ZL in each EtOAc extract was quantified
CH2 Cl2 :MeOH (99:1) was chromatographed on ODS by using a calibration curve and normalized to the
(Cosmosil 75C18-OPN, Nacalai Tesque, 1.2 cm weight per 1 g of wet cells. The detection limit was
i.d.14 cm), eluting with MeOH:H2 O (85:15, 90:10, estimated as 4 g/g of wet cells.
95:5, and 100:0; 30 ml each), and then with
CH2 Cl2 :MeOH (1:1, 45 ml) to give 6 fractions. The Cell lines and cytotoxic assay. The A431 human
second fraction eluted with 90% MeOH was zooxan- vulval-derived epidermoid carcinoma cell line7) and
thellactone (ZL, 1.0 mg) as a colorless oil, ½D 27 Nakata oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line8) were
þ64:6 (c 0.24, CHCl3 ); UV max (CH3 CN) nm (") used in this study. These cell lines were maintained in a
234 (28500); IR max (film) cm1 : 3013, 2960, 2935, humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 /95% air at 37  C in
2875, 1775, 1655, 1455, 1175, 1010, 980, 950, 913, and an RD medium (1:1 mixture of an RPMI1640 medium
681; HRMS (ESI positive): found, m=z 327.2317 and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM;
½M þ Hþ ; calcd. for C22 H31 O2 , 327.2319. Sigma Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) supplemented with 5%
calf serum (CS; Hyclone Laboratories, Logan, UT,
Hydrogenation of ZL. A mixture of ZL (10.3 mg, USA).
0.0316 mmol) and 10%-Pd/C (2.0 mg) in EtOAc The cytotoxic effects of the compounds on the cell
(2.5 ml) was stirred in a hydrogen atmosphere at room growth of A431 and Nakata cells were studied under
850 K. ONODERA et al.

serum-free defined culture conditions as reported pre- Table 1. NMR Data for Zooxanthellactone (ZL) in CDCl3
viously.9,10) The cells at the density of 1  104 cells/ml Position C H mult. (J in Hz)
were inoculated into an RD medium containing the five
factors of 10 g/ml of bovine insulin, 5 g/ml of 1 176.8 —
2 28.6 2.57, 2.53 m
human transferrin, 10 M 2-mercaptoethanol, 10 M 2- 3 28.9 2.42, 2.01 m
aminoethanol, and 10 nM sodium selenite11,12) (all from 4 80.6 5.00 dt (7.0, 7.0)
Sigma Chemical Co.) in type I collagen (Cell Matrix 5 130.0 5.68 dd (15.1, 7.0)
type I-A; Nitta Gelatin Co., Osaka, Japan)-coated 24- 6 128.0 6.62 dd (15.1, 10.8)
well culture plates (BD Bioscience, Franklin, NJ, USA). 7 127.1 6.01 dd (10.8, 10.8)
8 132.5 5.51 dt (10.8, 7.5)
The cells were allowed to attach and spread for 12 hours 9 26.1 2.97 t (7.5)
prior to being incubated with a sample at various 10 127.2 5.36 m
concentrations (0.002, 0.02, 0.2, 2, and 20 g/ml) and 11 128.9 5.40 m
further cultured at 37  C. On day 4, the cells were 12 25.6 2.85 m
harvested by 0.05% trypsin/0.01% EDTA, and their 13 127.8 5.36 m
14 128.6 5.37 m
numbers were counted with a model Zf Coulter counter 15 25.7 2.85 m
(Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL, USA). 16 127.8 5.38 m
17 128.4 5.38 m
Results and Discussion 18 25.5 2.81 t (6.5)
19 127.0 5.31 m
20 132.1 5.39 m
Production, isolation, and structural elucidation of 21 20.5 2.07 sextet (7.6)
Downloaded by [] at 21:30 04 March 2015

ZL 22 14.3 0.97 t (7.6)

The dinoflagellate, Symbiodinium sp. strain P083-2, 13
Measured at 150 MHz and 600 MHz for C and 1 H, respectively.
which had originally been isolated from the foraminifer,
Amphisorus hemprichii, was cultured in the ES medium
at 25  C for 6 weeks. The algal cells obtained from the structure of ZL to be that shown in Fig. 1.
culture (156 liters) were extracted with aqueous EtOH, We next tried to determine the absolute stereochem-
and the extract was partitioned into EtOAc, BuOH and istry of ZL, ½D þ64:6 (c 0.24, CHCl3 ). Catalytic
aqueous fractions. The EtOAc fraction, which showed hydrogenation of ZL gave the dodecahydro derivative,
cytotoxicity against the human tumor cell lines ½D þ21:4 (c 0.23, THF). The positive specific
(IC50 ¼ 0:13 and 0.16 g/ml against A431 and Nakata rotation value indicated the R configuration of this
cells, respectively), was successively subjected to silica perhydro derivative based on the report that various 4-
gel and ODS column chromatography to afford ZL alkyl -lactones with the R configuration unexception-
(1.0 mg) as a cytotoxic component. ally showed positive specific rotations: þ47:4 to þ28:3
ZL was obtained as a colorless oil and had the for the 4-ethyl to 4-tridecyl groups in order.14) The
molecular formula of C22 H30 O2 as determined by high- absolute stereochemistry of ZL was thus determined to
resolution ESI-TOF MS data. The IR absorption bands be of the S configuration.
at 1775 and 1655 cm1 respectively indicated the
presence of a -lactone and a conjugated diene. The Distribution of ZL within 11 dinoflagellate isolates
presence of the conjugated diene was supported by the The presence of ZL in Symbiodinium sp. is quite
UV absorption at 234 nm. The 1 H- and 13 C-NMR data interesting from the following points of view: 1) This is
(Table 1) indicated the presence of an ester carbonyl the first discovery as a secondary metabolite from nature
group (C 176.8) and six disubstituted olefins, suggest- and is unknown even as a synthetic compound, although
ing that this substance was a highly unsaturated fatty a number of saturated 4-alkyl -lactones are known (for
acid derivative. The COSY correlations revealed the example, see ref. 14). 2) No other congeners with a
partial structures of C-2 to C-9 and C-18 to C-22. The - different chain length and degree of unsaturation were
lactone moiety (C-1 to C-4) was determined by the observed. 3) Polyunsaturated fatty acids in dinoflagel-
HMBC correlation between C-1 and H-4. The remaining lates attract attention in respect of symbiosis,15) and
parts, three disubstituted olefins (C-10, C-13, and C-16) DHA is known as one of the most abundant fatty acids
and two double allylic methylene groups (C-12 and C- in dinoflagellates.16,17) These points suggest that there
15), could be arranged one after the other, because these might be a specific metabolic pathway from DHA to ZL
olefins were detached from each other in the COSY data. in dinoflagellates, especially of Symbiodinium sp. To
The double-bond geometry of the conjugated diene demonstrate this, we examined the distribution of ZL
system was determined to be 5E, 7Z based on the within nine Symbiodinium sp. and two different dino-
olefinic proton-proton coupling constants. The Z geom- flagellates of the genus Amphidinium that are kept in our
etry of other double bonds at C-10, C-13, C-16, and C19 laboratory. Two kinds of culture medium, ES and f/2,
was determined from the 13 C chemical shifts (C 25.5– were used for all the types of microalga. A total of 22
26.1) of the double-allylic positions at C-12, C-15, and EtOAc-soluble fractions were obtained by the same
C-18.13) Based on these findings, we concluded the extraction procedure as that used for the Symbiodinium
Zooxanthellactone, a Novel Oxylipine from Dinoflagellates 851

Fig. 1. Structure of Zooxanthellactone (ZL), Dodecahydrozooxanthellactone (ZL-H12 ), and DHA.

Table 2. Distribution of Zooxanthellactone (ZL) within 11 Dinoflagellate Isolates

Weight (mg/g of wet cells) Genotypeb

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or Species ES medium f/2 medium (clade)

HA3-5 —a — A1 free-living
P083-2 0.24 0.27 A1 foraminifer
PL-TS-1 0.11 0.77 A3 giant clam
PL-TM-1 — — A3 giant clam
PHQUTC2A — — A3 giant clam
JCUSG-1 0.28 0.39 A2 soft coral
JCUCS-1 — — B jelly fish
SHIN-SADO — — n.d. free-living
Y-6 1.25 0.94 n.d. flatworm
Y-5 — — flatworm
A. carterae — — free-living
—: <4 g/g of cells (detection limit).
Refer to ref. 18 for the genotypes and hosts of Symbiodinium isolates.
n.d.: not determined.

P083-2 isolate and were directly analyzed by HPLC. 0.24, 3.5, 1.7, and 2.3 M, respectively, against Nakata
The results are summarized in Table 2. Four strains of cells. The low specific activity of ZL in comparison with
the nine Symbiodinium sp. contained more than 0.1 g/g that of the crude EtOAc extract would have been due to
of ZL cells, whereas neither strain of Amphidinium sp. other cytotoxic metabolites in the EtOAc extract, one of
did. Although there was no significant correlation which was confirmed to be the carotenoid, peridinin.
between the content of ZL and dinoflagellate strain DHA, which is a highly unsaturated long-chain (C22 )
(genus, genotypes, and hosts), it should be noted that ZL fatty acid and a plausible biosynthetic precursor of ZL,
was not discovered by chance and could be frequently showed the same cytotoxicity as ZL did, whereas the
detected in the genus Symbiodinium. dodecahydro derivative of ZL was less toxic. Two
common unsaturated fatty acids (C18 ), linoleic acid and
Cytotoxicity of ZL and its related compounds linolenic acid, showed lower toxicity. These results
ZL was obtained as a cytotoxic constituent from an suggest that the polyunsaturated long chain was im-
isolate of Symbiodinium sp. To obtain information on portant for cytotoxicity, rather than the presence of the
the structure-activity relationship, we tested the cyto- -lactone moiety.
toxicity of this metabolite in comparison with that of the
perhydro derivative, DHA, and other common fatty Acknowledgments
acids by using two human tumor cell lines, A431 and
Nakata cells.7,8) The results are summarized in Table 3; We are grateful to Dr. T. Yamasu of Ryukyu
the IC50 values for ZL, DHA, ZL-H12 , linoleic acid, and University, Dr. K. Kogame of Hokkaido University,
linolenic acid were determined to be 0.23, 0.21, 7.1, 2.2, Dr. T. Maruyama of the Japan Marine Science and
and 2.2 M, respectively, against A431 cells, and 0.27, Technology Center, and Dr. M. Kawachi of the National
852 K. ONODERA et al.
Table 3. Cytotoxicity of Zooxanthellactone (ZL) and Related Compounds against Two Human Cancer Cell Lines

Concentration (g/ml) IC50

0.002 0.02 0.2 2 20 (M)

A431 cells
ZL 104:1  1:1 96:6  3:7 15:6  1:8 — — 0.23
DHA 92:5  2:0 94:5  1:4 9:2  0:5 — — 0.21
ZL-H12 — 108:4  1:4 104:7  1:2 58:3  4:1 5:6  0:8 7.1
linoleic acid — 100:9  2:1 97:0  0:5 1:0  0:4 0:5  0:1 2.2
linolenic acid — 98:7  6:3 95:4  1:8 0:4  0:1 0:3  0:2 2.2
Nakata cells
ZL 102:5  1:8 99:5  0:5 21:2  0:4 — — 0.27
DHA 105:7  3:9 105:7  4:9 14:9  0:8 — — 0.24
ZL-H12 — 98:7  1:4 71:5  1:6 41:9  4:7 4:3  0:5 3.5
linoleic acid — 99:7  2:5 79:7  8:7 1:5  1:1 0:6  0:0 1.7
linolenic acid — 99:6  4:5 105:4  3:7 1:4  0:8 0:9  0:2 2.3

Each value (n ¼ 2) indicates the percentage of the numbers of cells relative to the control (without a compound) on day 4.

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