Management 2020-1

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Direction Régionale du Grand Casablanca

Filière : TSGE Proposition N° : 1

Niveau : TS Année de formation : 201212022
N° du module : EGTS3 Epreuve : Théorique Pratique
Intitulé du module : ANGLAIS TECHNIQUE Durée : 1h30mn
Date d’évaluation :

The role of a manager is his ability to deal with the personnel, to talk with them about their jobs,
their future and their problems. It is also his ability to persuade people to do what he believes to
be the right thing. A good manager is one who is able to get people to accept his decisions and
to respect him.

Not only is a manger a planner, an organizer, a co-coordinator and a controller, he is a man of

action as well. He is so because of his ability to find the right answer for the right question. In
other words, management establishes the company’s objectives and the means that should be
used to attain them, including motivating the personnel, developing and evaluating their
performance and communicating within the company.

Viewed from this angle, management can be compared to medicine in the sense that it is a
practice based on knowledge and responsibility.

Presently some economists prefer to talk of management as science. It is the discipline that
studies and develops techniques to help in the process of making decisions. Operations research
and management science are now used interchangeably. The main characteristics of his
discipline are its use of scientific methods for decision making.


A.- Answer the following questions

1) How can a manager persuade employees to do what he believes to be the right thing?
2) Give examples of questions and answers that a manager might have to deal with.
3) List all the things that management should not do in order to motivate employees.
4) What common points are there between medicine and management?

B. - Are these sentences true or false? Justify your answers :

1) A manager shouldn’t accept his staff’s advice in the field of management

2) Management is purely scientific
C. – Find in the text the synonyms of these words :

- Goals :…………………………………………..

- Assessing : ……………………………………..

D. – Find in the text the antonyms of these words :

- Disorganizer ……………………………..

- Mismanagement …………………………

II/LANGUAGE (14 marks)

A. - Give the correct form or the verbs in brackets (2 marks)

1- I (work) …………. in this company since 1990

2- (I work) ……………….in my office when somebody (knock) at the door.

B.- Rewrite the following sentences as suggested (4 marks)

1) A manager is a planner. A manager is an organizer

Not only……………………………….., but also…………………….

2) He was sick, but he went to work

In spite of …………………………………..

3) “You should respect the deadline of delivery”

The manager said……………………… …..

4) Management establishes the company’s objectives

The company’s objectives ……………………

C. - Rewrite the following sentences using the linking words: (4 marks)

1- The company is increasing its turnover. The managers are successful.

Thanks to …………………………………….

2- The company is sinking since the employees are unskillful

Because of ……………………………………….

IV Writing:(4marks)

You are a human resources manager, suggest your behaviour vis a vis the staff within the
managerial system.

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