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IEEE ICC 2015 - Wireless Communications Symposium

On the Impact of Antenna Topologies for Massive

MIMO Systems
Callum T. Neil∗ , Mansoor Shafi† , Peter J. Smith‡ , Pawel A. Dmochowski∗
∗ School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
† Spark New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand
‡ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Abstract—Approximate expressions for the spatial correlation we make a small angle approximation to derive correlation
of cylindrical and uniform rectangular arrays (URA) are derived expressions.
using measured distributions of angles of departure (AOD) for
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
both the azimuth and zenith domains. We examine massive
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) convergence properties • We derive approximations for the spatial correlation of
of the correlated channels by considering a number of con- a URA and cylindrical antenna arrays using measured
vergence metrics. The per-user matched filter (MF) signal-to- probability density functions (PDFs) of the AOD in both
interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) performance and conver-
gence rate, to respective limiting values, of the two antenna azimuth and zenith domains.
topologies is also explored. • We show, via simulation, the impact of antenna array
topologies on the convergence rate of the channel to
I. I NTRODUCTION massive MIMO channel properties. This is shown via a
number of channel convergence metrics.
In order to meet demands for increased system capacity with • We show, via simulation, the impact of antenna array
limited spectral resources, there is a broad consensus that this topologies on performance and rate of convergence, to
can only be achieved via a large increase in system degrees respective limiting values, of matched filter (MF) per-user
of freedom (d.o.f.) [1]–[3]. Consequently, massive multiple- signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR).
input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems are being investigated • We show that antenna arrays introduce a correlation struc-
[4]–[6], where the number of antennas are scaled up by at ture which does not vary between topology. As a result,
least an order of magnitude relative to current base station massive MIMO convergence metrics do not show any
(BS) deployments. In the case of massive MIMO, fast-fading sensitivity to antenna topology, but do show sensitivity
effectively averages out [7]–[9], simplifying system analy- to the presence of correlation - which destroys the onset
sis. Practical implementation of large numbers of antennas of massive MIMO properties.
required for massive MIMO, typically in confined antenna
array dimensions, however, results in reduced inter-element II. S YSTEM M ODEL
spacing adversely impacting system performance by way of
spatial correlation [10]. Spatial correlation models for wireless A. System Description
systems are thus essential for accurate theoretical performance We consider a multi-user (MU) massive MIMO downlink
analysis and guarantees. (DL) system with M transmit antennas jointly serving a
An approximate spatial correlation model is presented in total of K single-antenna users. We assume time division
[11] for clustered MIMO channels, deriving closed-form (CF) duplex (TDD) operation with uplink (UL) pilots enabling the
expressions for a uniform linear array (ULA) and a uniform transmitter to estimate the DL channel. The M × K channel
circular array (UCA). This model however does not con- matrix, H, is given by [14]
sider the zenith domain, necessary for accurate performance 1

analysis. A correlation matrix is derived in [12] which con- H = Rt2 Hiid , (1)
siders both the azimuth and zenith domains, from which it
where Hiid is the M × K independent and identically dis-
is shown that the correlation matrix can be written as the
tributed (i.i.d.) channel matrix with CN (0, 1) entries, account-
Kronecker product of each domains correlation matrix. We
ing for small-scale Rayleigh fading, and Rt is the M × M
propose to extend the works of [12] to massive MIMO antenna
spatial correlation matrix. We consider a cross-polarized (x-
topologies: namely for uniform rectangular array (URA) and
pol) antenna configuration, with the spatial correlation matrix
cylindrical antenna arrays, while incorporating Third Genera-
modeled via [14]
tion Partnership Project (3GPP) three-dimensional (3D) urban
Rt = Xpol R, (2)
macro cell (UMa) environment measured distributions [13].
With the likelihood of smaller cell sizes and increased line-of- where the M ×M matrix R is the co-polarized (co-pol) spatial
sight (LOS) propagation for next generation wireless systems, correlation matrix, represents the Hadamard product and

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IEEE ICC 2015 - Wireless Communications Symposium

Cluster z
Path θ
Array r z d2 ρ
Δθ x d1
θ φ
y d1

x x
(a) (b)
Fig. 1: (a) Cluster Model. (b) Channel Model Geometry.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2: (a) URA. (b) Cylindrical Array.
Xpol is the M × M x-pol matrix given by
√1 δ
Xpol = 1M/2 ⊗ , (3)
δ 1
product of an A-element ULA in the z dimension and a B-
where 1M/2 is a M M
2 × 2 matrix of ones, δ denotes the cross-
element UCA on the x, y plane.
correlation between the two antenna elements in the x-pol The correlation coefficient between the ath and a0 th antenna
configuration and ⊗ represents the Kronecker product. in the zenith domain can then by given by [11]
B. Channel Model Rθ(a,a0 ) = ej[Θa (∆θ)−Θa0 (∆θ)] p∆θ (∆θ)d∆θ, (5)
We consider a clustered channel model, shown in Figure 1a,
where Θa (∆θ) is the zenith domain phase shift of the ath
where we show the zenith AOD offset, ∆θ, of the wavefront
antennas AOD with respect to a reference antenna, p∆θ (∆θ)
relative to the mean zenith AOD of the cluster, θ. In this
is the zenith domain AOD offset PDF relative to the mean
scenario, the linear antenna array is located on the z axis.
zenith AOD of the cluster. Likewise, the correlation coefficient
Similarly, if the antenna array was positioned on the y axis,
between the bth and b0 th antenna element in the azimuth
Figure 1a would describe the offset azimuth AOD, ∆φ, relative
domain is
to the mean azimuth AOD of the cluster, φ. The channel model Z Z
geometry is clarified in Figure 1b. Rφ(b,b0 ) = ej[Φb (∆φ,∆θ)−Φb0 (∆φ,∆θ)]
When large numbers of antennas are present, antenna
topologies should exploit x, y and z dimensions. In Section × p∆φ (∆φ)p∆θ (∆θ)d∆φd∆θ, (6)
III, we derive spatial correlation approximations for the two where Φb (∆φ, ∆θ) is the azimuth domain phase shift of
antenna array topologies: URA and cylindrical, depicted in the bth antennas AOD with respect to a reference antenna,
Figures 2a and 2b, respectively. In Figure 2a, the URA is p∆φ (∆φ) is the azimuth AOD offset PDF relative to the
geometrically positioned on the y, z plane, where adjacent mean azimuth angle of the cluster. Note, we assume the
antennas are separated by d1 wavelengths on the z axis azimuth and zenith AOD offset PDF are independent, i.e.,
and d2 wavelengths on the y axis. Adjacent antennas of the p∆φ,∆θ (∆φ, ∆θ) = p∆φ (∆φ)p∆θ (∆θ).
cylindrical array, in Figure 2b, are separated by a displacement
of d1 wavelengths on the z axis and located at a radius of We model the azimuth and zenith offset AOD PDFs from
ρ wavelengths from cylinder center, with respect to the x, y measured values described by 3GPP [13]. Thus, the azimuth
plane. AOD offset, relative to the mean AOD, is modeled as a
For both antenna topologies, we express the spatial corre- Wrapped Gaussian PDF, given by [13]
lation as the Kronecker product of the azimuth and zenith (∆φ+2πi)2

∞ −
1√ 2σ 2
e ∆φ ∈ [−π, π)
 ∆φ
domain correlations [12] p∆φ (∆φ) = σ∆φ 2π ,
 i=−∞
R = Rφ ⊗ Rθ , (4) 0 otherwise
and derive the corresponding correlation coefficients indepen- where σ∆φ is the standard deviation (SD) of ∆φ. Similarly,
dently in Section III. Thus, we consider the URA correlation the zenith AOD offset, relative to the mean AOD, is modeled
matrix as the Kronecker product of an A-element ULA in the by a Laplacian PDF, given by [13]
z dimension (zenith domain) and a B-element ULA on the ( √
− σ2∆θ
x, y plane (azimuth domain), where M = A × B. Likewise, √ κ e ∆θ ∆θ ∈ [−π, π) , (8)
p∆θ (∆θ) = 2σ∆θ
we consider the cylindrical array correlation as the Kronecker 0 otherwise

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IEEE ICC 2015 - Wireless Communications Symposium

√ √
κ − 2∆θ
where σ∆θ is the SD of ∆θ and κ = 1/(1 − e− 2π/σ∆θ
) ×√ e d∆θ
normalizes the PDF. 2σ∆θ  √ 
0 κ − 2∆θ
= ejkd1 (a−a ) cos(θ) Fω √ e σ∆θ
, (16)
C. Convergence Metrics 2σ∆θ
where Fω denotes the Fourier transform evaluated at ω =
In order to study the effects of antenna topology on the
kd1 (a − a0 ) sin(θ). Solving the Fourier transform in (16), we
convergence of massive MIMO properties, we consider the
have the approximation of the correlation coefficient for the
convergence metrics used in [8]. We evaluate the convergence
zenith domain of a URA as
of W = M 1
HT H∗ by examining a number of well known 0
properties of W and a deviation matrix E = W − IK , where κejkd1 (a−a ) cos(θ)
Rθ(a,a0 ) ≈ 2
. (17)
IK is the K × K identity matrix. Letting λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λK 1+ − a0 ) sin(θ)]2
2 [kd1 (a
denote the eigenvalues of W, we consider: λ range, Mean
Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Diagonal Dominance, defined
respectively as We now consider the correlation in the azimuth domain.
λ range = λmax (W) − λmin (W), (9) The azimuth domain phase shift of the departing wavefront
K from the bth antenna element, relative to a reference antenna,
1 X
can be expressed as [15]
MAD(E) = |Eij |, (10)
K2 i=1,j=1
PK Φb (∆φ, ∆θ) = kd2 b cos(φ + ∆φ) sin(θ + ∆θ). (18)
i=1 Wii
Diagonal Dominance = PK PK . (11) We can then use a first-order Taylor series expansion, while
i=1 j=1,j6=i |Wij | assuming ∆φ ≈ 0, to express (18) as
These metrics will be evaluated via simulation for a number cos(φ+∆φ) sin(θ+∆θ) ≈ sin(θ+∆θ) [cos(φ) − ∆φ sin(φ)] .
of system scenarios in Section IV. (19)
Since both p∆φ (∆φ) and p∆θ (∆θ) are zero outside the range
III. M ETHODOLOGY [−π, π), the integration can be taken over [−∞, +∞]. From
(6), the correlation coefficient between two antenna elements
We now derive approximations for the spatial correlation b and b0 is then given by
of URA and cylindrical array topologies. In each case, for Z ∞
simplicity we assume no antenna mechanical downtilt. As per Rφ(b,b0 ) ≈ ejkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ+∆θ) cos(φ)
(4), we express the spatial correlation as the Kronecker product ∞
of the azimuth and zenith domain correlations, and derive the Z ∞ 
corresponding correlation coefficients independently. × e−jkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ+∆θ) sin(φ)∆φ p∆φ (∆φ)d∆φ

A. Uniform Rectangular Array (URA) × p∆θ (∆θ)d∆θ. (20)

We first consider the correlation in the zenith domain, Rθ , Considering the integral with respect to ∆φ, embedded in (20),
of the URA, depicted in Figure 2a and geometrically described we have
Z ∞
in Section II-B. The zenith domain phase shift of the departing 0
e−jkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ+∆θ) sin(φ)∆φ p∆φ (∆φ)d∆φ
wavefront from the ath antenna element, relative to a reference −∞
antenna, can be expressed as [15] Z ∞
= e−jkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ+∆θ) sin(φ)∆φ
Θa (∆θ) = kd1 a cos(θ + ∆θ), (12) −∞
∞ (∆φ+2πi)2
1 −
2σ 2
where k is the wavenumber. The angle in (12) can be expanded × √ e ∆φ d∆φ (21)
with a first-order Taylor series, while assuming ∆θ ≈ 0, to i=−∞
σ∆φ 2π
give ∞
( 2
1 −
2σ 2
cos(θ + ∆θ) ≈ cos(θ) − ∆θ sin(θ). (13) = Fω √ e ∆φ , (22)
σ∆φ 2π
Since p∆θ (∆θ) is zero outside the range [−π, π), the PDFs
integration can be taken over [−∞, +∞]. From (5) we then where the Fourier transform in (22) is evaluated at ω =
have kd2 (b − b0 ) sin(θ + ∆θ) sin(φ). Evaluating the Fourier trans-
Z ∞ form, one obtains
Rθ(a,a0 ) ≈ ejkd1 (a−a )[cos(θ)−∆θ sin(θ)] p∆θ (∆θ)d∆θ 0 κ
−∞ Rφ(b,b0 ) ≈ ejkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) cos(φ) √
(14) 2σ∆θ

∞ −1 0 2
e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) sin(φ)]
= ejkd1 (a−a ) cos(θ)
e−jkd1 (a−a ) sin(θ)∆θ ×
−∞ i=−∞

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−1 0
n 2
× Fω e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) cos(θ) sin(φ)] (∆θ) , (23) cos(φ − φb ) − 2 0 2
σ kρ(b − b ) sin (φ − φb ) sin(θ) ,
j + 2πi ∆φ
where steps from (22) to (23) are given in the Appendix and (29)
the Fourier transform in (23) is evaluated at
( √
and Rθ is given in (17).
Ci − σ∆θ for ∆θ ≥ 0
Ci + σ∆θ for ∆θ < 0
We consider the convergence metrics, described in Section
where II-C, in order to determine how many antennas are required for
Ci = jkd2 (b − b0 ) cos(θ) observable massive MIMO properties in a spatially correlated
  environment. System parameters are presented in Table I.
1 2 0 2
× cos(φ) − σ kd2 (b − b ) sin (φ) sin(θ) . (25)
j + 2πi ∆φ Parameter Value
Evaluating the Fourier transform in (23), we have the approx- Frequency (GHz) √ 2.6
imation of the correlation coefficient for the azimuth domain X-pol parameter, δ 0.1
of a URA as Azimuth AOD offset PDF, p∆φ (∆φ) Wrapped Gaussian
κ 0 Zenith AOD offset PDF, p∆θ (∆θ) Laplacian
R∆φ(b,b0 ) ≈ √ ejkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) cos(φ)
2σ∆θ AOD cluster mean, {φ, θ} (log10 ([◦ ])) 0.7

−1 0 2 AOD offset SD, {σ∆φ , σ∆θ } (log10 ([◦ ])) -0.3
e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) sin(φ)]
i=−∞ TABLE I: System Parameters
−ω 2
× e 1−j2πi [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) cos(θ) sin(φ)] , (26)
2 0

A. Convergence Properties
with ω given in (24). The spatial correlation approximation
for the URA is then as per (4), with Rθ and Rφ given in (17)
and (26) respectively. 1

B. Cylindrical Array
Similar to the analysis for URA, the spatial correlation of 0.7
a cylindrical array, shown in Figure 2b, can be broken down M=50,URA Approx
0.6 M=50,Cylindrical
into the Kronecker product of the azimuth and zenith domains,
CDF Value

M=50,Cylindrical Approx
described in Section II-B. The zenith domain phase shift of the 0.5
ath antenna element, Θa (∆θ), and the correlation coefficient 0.4
M=100,URA Approx

between antennas a and a0 , Rθ (a, a0 ), are identical to the URA M=100,Cylindrical

0.3 M=100,Cylindrical Approx
case and are thus given in (12) and (17) respectively. In the M=200,URA
azimuth domain, the phase shift of the bth antenna element, 0.2
M=200,URA Approx
relative to a reference antenna is given by [15] 0.1
M=200,Cylindrical Approx

Φb (∆φ, ∆θ) = kρb cos((φ − φb ) + ∆φ) sin(θ + ∆θ), (27) 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
λ range
where φ − φb is the angle between the incident ray projected Fig. 3: λ range CDF for M
= α = 10
onto the x, y plane and the bth antenna, relative to the the
circle center. Note that the azimuth domain phase shift in (27)
In Figure 3, we show the cumulative distribution function
is analogous to (18), with ρ = d2 and φ − φb = φ. Therefore,
(CDF) of the λ range, given in (9), for varying M . The
the spatial correlation approximation for the cylindrical array
eigenvalues of W are generated using H, given in (1), where
is given in (4), where
the simulated CDFs are generated from instantaneous array
κ 0
factors, while the approximations are generated from (4). It
Rφ(b,b0 ) ≈ √ ejkρ(b−b ) sin(θ) cos(φ−φb )
2σ∆θ is seen that as we increase the number of transmit antennas,

−1 0 2 M , the median value of the λ range CDF increases, rather
e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kρ(b−b ) sin(θ) sin(φ−φb )]
× than converging to an equal eigenvalued channel, which is
observed in [8] and shown in [7] for an i.i.d. channel. This is
−ω 2
σ∆φ kρ(b−b0 ) cos(θ) sin(φ−φb )
] , (28) due to an increase in the dominant eigenvalue of W, resulting
×e 1−j2πi
from such a narrow angle spread. From Figure 3, we see that
where ω is given in (24), with for all values of M , our derived expressions approximate the
spatial correlation well. Thus, we use the approximations for
Ci = jkρ(b − b0 ) cos(θ) × all results following.

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off-diagonals converge to a non-zero mean, dominating the

diagonal elements. On the other hand, for fixed K, the sum
of the diagonal elements increase by a greater proportion than
0.6 i.i.d.,α=25
the off-diagonal elements as M is increased, resulting in a
0.5 URA,α=25 more diagonally dominant i.i.d. W. In the correlated case
Cylindrical,α=10 the diagonal dominance converges quickly to small non-zero
0.4 value.

Considering Figures 3, 4 and 5, we conclude that while

0.3 for i.i.d. channels, the massive MIMO metrics converge for
a very large numbers of antennas, desirable massive MIMO
0.2 properties are degraded with spatial correlation present (with
small angle spreads).

B. Convergence Properties of MF Precoder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We now explore the impact of massive MIMO antenna
topologies on MF SINR performance and convergence to
Fig. 4: MAD(E) vs K, with K = α = 10 and 25 limiting values. The MF SINR of the ith user is given by
ρd T ∗ 2
Kγ |hi hi |
In Figure 4 we plot the average of MAD(E), given in (10), SINRi = ρd PK , (30)
1+ Kγ j=1,j6=i hTi h∗j hTj h∗i
versus K for α = 10 and 25. We observe very different
behaviour between the correlated and i.i.d. scenarios. In the where ρd is the DL transmit signal to noise ratio (SNR), hi
i.i.d. case, MAD(E) converges slowly to zero for increasing denotes the ith column of H, and γ = tr(HT H∗ )/K is the
K, with a quicker convergence rate for larger α. Note that the power normalization factor.
average MAD(E) value is plotted in Figure 4 and the only way
for this to converge to zero is for all W matrices to be close
to IK . Hence, only in the i.i.d. case does each W become
close to IK as K increases.
10 Cylindrical

K Fixed = 10, i.i.d.
K Fixed = 10, URA 5
E[SINRi] [dB]

7 K Fixed = 10, Cylindrical

K=M/α, i.i.d.
6 K=M/α, URA
K=M/α, Cylindrical 0
Diagonal Dominance

4 −5

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 K
1 Fig. 6: MF SINR for, K = α = 10, ρd = 10 dB

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 In Figure 6 we plot the expected value of (30). It can be
observed that there is a huge reduction in E[SINRi ] perfor-
Fig. 5: Diagonal Dominance vs M , with K fixed and K = α mance by introducing correlation of which antenna topology
has almost no effect on. The MF SINR for an i.i.d. scenario
Figure 5 shows the diagonal dominance of W (size K ×K) rapidly converges to its limiting value, whereas in a correlated
given in (11), as a function of the number of transmit antennas, case, E[SINRi ] converges to limiting values for M > 200.
M . We see that the correlated scenario has similar trends We conclude that linear precoders are highly sub-optimal for
as the i.i.d. case. As with the results in [8] for K = M α, massive MIMO systems in spatially correlated environments
the diagonal dominance decays. This follows as the number with small angle spreads.
of off-diagonals, which grow at a rate ≈ K 2 , increase the
denominator of (11) at a faster rate than the numerator. In V. C ONCLUSION
the correlated scenario, the diagonal dominance approaches In this paper we develop approximations for the spatial
zero much faster than the i.i.d. case. Here, while the diagonal correlation of URA and cylindrical antenna arrays, from a 3D
elements converge to a mean of 1, the large number of channel model. Using derived approximations, we show that

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IEEE ICC 2015 - Wireless Communications Symposium

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= ejkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) cos(φ) e 2(1−j2πi)

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×[σ∆φ kd2 (b−b0 ) sin(θ) sin(φ)] 0
ejkd2 (b−b ) cos(θ)
×[cos(φ)− j+2πi
1 2
σ∆φ kd2 (b−b0 ) sin2 (φ) sin(θ)]∆θ
−1 0 2 2
e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) cos(θ) sin(φ)] (∆θ)
p∆θ (∆θ)d∆θ (32)

0 κ X −1
= ejkd2 (b−b ) sin(θ) cos(φ) √ e 2(1−j2πi)
2σ∆θ i=−∞
Z ∞
×[σ∆φ kd2 (b−b0 ) sin(θ) sin(φ)] 0
ejkd2 (b−b ) cos(θ)

×[cos(φ)− j+2πi
1 2
σ∆φ kd2 (b−b0 ) sin2 (φ) sin(θ)]∆θ − |∆θ|
× e σ∆θ
−1 0 2 2
× e 2(1−j2πi) [σ∆φ kd2 (b−b ) cos(θ) sin(φ)] (∆θ) d∆θ, (33)
where a Taylor series expansion is used to obtain (32).
[1] J. Hoydis, K. Hosseini, S. ten Brink, and M. Debbah, “Making smart
use of excess antennas: Massive MIMO, small cells, and TDD,” Bell
Labs Technical Journal, vol. 18, pp. 5–21, September 2013.

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