Physics Assignment Poem

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Poetry on Quantum physics

- 0902IT201008

Electrons are highly mysterious

this topic indeed is quite serious

It’s starting to feel so imperious

I think I’m becoming delirious....

I wanted to finally grasp

The quantum mechanics at last...

I stayed up for half the night reading

and by morning I felt like retreating....

I hardly could see how this thing could be

a concept I could comprehend.

It’s as if I’d come to the point I was numb

all the way to my mind’s bitter end...

After all those hours of thinking

Just as I felt I was sinking

Then I started thinking

Our hearts were once close two nucleons held tight

By a force that was strong and a love that burned bright....

But that force became weaker as the days faded ‘way

And with it our bond began to decay....

I’ve realize that opposite don’t always attract

(Otherwise, the atom would be more compact)

And opposites we were our differences great

Continuing this way we’d annihilate....

In truth I’ve quite had it with your duality

Your warm disposition cold mentality....

We must be entangled - what else can explain

How though we r distant you still cause me pain?

An electron looks like a particle

and it also acts like a wave

and once I began to accept this

that electron began to behave...

This is called complementarity

when a concept that seems a disparity

is the very best way we can show

how a set of phenomena go...

We’ve exchanged mediators but our half-lives were short

All data suggests we should promptly abort

Our collision is over and signatures thereof

Have vanished leaving us not a quantum of love...

More than eighty years ago

Werner Heisenberg managed to show

probability and uncertainty

both exist we must agree...

The future’s unpredictable

no matter how well we see....

Dear Heisenberg embraced this

the beauty of uncertainty....

You can either know where the electron is

or where the electron is going

but you can’t know both at the very same time

Cause the measuring affects what you’re knowing..

it’s called complementarity

when a concept that seems a disparity

is the very best way we can show

how a set of phenomena go...

The very act of observing

changes an electron’s location.

The ideas that all came together

for Heisenberg to have his zinger

were inspired by studies before

that came from Niels Bohr and Schrödinger...

And, indeed Schrödinger and Bohr

were inspired by who came before

like Pascal and Coulomb and Newton

And Maxwell and Einstein and more...

And remember your imagination

is a voice inside that can help you

to understand quantum mechanics

and so many more things about you...

The wilder the concept the more fun it is

I feel scientifically brave

And thanks to dear Heisenberg’s aha we know

an electron is both a particle and a wave

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