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Everest D’costa Tutorials for English 2022-2023

Q1 A) Read the following passage and do the activities.
A1) Name the following: (2)
(1) The place where Rani Gidinlieu was born …………………….
(2) Any two north-eastern states mentioned in the extract ……………………
Rani Gidinlieu was born in 1915 in the state of Manipur in a tribal family. Her father
belonged to a Naga priest family. Manipur is in the north-eastern part of India. In her name ‘Gi’
means ‘good’ and ‘lieu’ means ‘path’. Her name therefore means ‘one who shows good path’. She
lived up to her name throughout her life – she followed a good path herself and showed people the
good path.
Gidinlieu studied in a Christian missionary school. She saw that the British rulers treated
the people of Nagaland very badly and was very angry. But she realized that she could not do
anything alone. She learnt about Gandhiji’s non-violent methods which created an awakening in
the people against the British rule. She decided to follow the same methods to arouse the people of
her state.
She educated the people about their rights and duties and about what the country means for
them. Thus, she successfully instilled the love for the country and sense of freedom among the
people of Nagaland, Manipur and other neighbouring north-eastern states. At the same time she
had a strong desire to improve the conditions of the tribal people in that area.

A2) How did Rani Gidinlieu live up to her name? (2)

A3) Pick out two words with a suffix from the extract and write two different words on
your own by using each of the suffixes. (2)
A4) She realised that she could not do anything alone. (Form a wh-question to get the
underlined part as the answer. (2)
A5) Write about the contributions of Rani Gidinlieu to the people of the north-eastern
states (2)
Q1 B) Read the following passage given in Q 1 (A) and write a summary. Suggest a suitable
title to your summary. (5)

Everest D’costa Tutorials for English 2022-2023
Q2 A) Letter Writing: Attempt any one of the following activities.
Read the following handout and write a letter based on it

Place to visit…….
 Scotland of India ……………. Shillong
 Elephant Falls
 David Scott Trail Explore its beauty………bounty
 Wards’ Lake For further details
 Don Bosco museum Contact: 9930867xxxxx
 Shillong peak and much more….

(A1) Formal Letter:

You are Rohit/Rina from A1,
Silver Beans, Churchgate,
Mumbai -400 020. Write a
letter to the organizer asking (A2) Informal Letter:
for further details as you plan You are Rohit/Rina from A1,
Silver Beans, Churchgate,
to visit Shillong.
Mumbai - 400 020. Write a
letter to your friend asking him
to join you and your family for
a trip to Shillong. Use the
points given above. You may
add your own points too.

Everest D’costa Tutorials for English 2022-2023
Q2 (B) Information Transfer: Attempt any one of the following activities: (5)
(A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
Write two short paragraphs on ‘Dengue’ based on the information provided. Give a
suitable title.
Symptoms When hospitalisation is required
(1) High fever, runny nose, cough, mild (1) Bleeding in any form, rapid and weak
skin rash pulse
(2) Older children may also have pain (2) Signs of thickening of blood
behind the eyes and in the joints, (haemoconcentration)
backache and headache.
(3) Symptoms may be followed by a loss of (3) Restlessness or lethargy, reluctance to
appetite, nausea, vomiting and itchiness drink fluids.
on the soles of the feet.
(4) Platelet count of less than a lakh.
(5) Acute abdominal pain, puffiness, fall in
urine output.

(A2) Verbal to Non-Verbal:
Read the following passage and prepare a flow chart. Give a suitable title.
Butterflies belong to group Insecta and lay eggs. They pass through four stages in
their life cycle. The female butterfly lays the eggs on the leaves of the plants, these
eggs are tiny and have a variety of shapes. After 6-7 days a worm like creature
known as baby caterpillar hatches out of the egg which is light green or yellow in
colour. The larva eats leaves and grows fully. This fully grown larva is called a
caterpillar. It is the young one of the butterfly and does not resemble its parents.
Now the caterpillar grows into the pupa. It spins a cocoon around its body and
fastens itself to a plant with a silk thread. Finally, the baby butterfly emerges from
the pupa and soon is transformed into an adult butterfly.

Everest D’costa Tutorials for English 2022-2023
Q3 Speech Writing OR View – Counterview: Attempt any one of the following activities: (5)

(B1) Speech Writing:

Prepare a speech to be delivered on the occasion of ‘International Day of Peace’.
(United Nations) 21 September. Use the following points:
 Need for international peace and understanding
 Ways in which friendship amongst nations can be fostered
 Our role as global citizens
 Love, tolerance and understanding should become the ruling motives in our life
 A pledge to stay united and emerge powerful


(B2) View – Counterview:

Write a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counterviews section
on the following:
Population Explosion: The root cause of all problems
 Leads to social problems
 Causes economic problems
 Environmental deterioration
 Threat to other species
 Many other problems are faced.

Everest D’costa Tutorials for English 2022-2023
Q4 A) Expand the Theme OR News Report. Attempt any one of the following activities. (5)
(A1) Expand the following idea into two paragraphs:
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
(A2) News Report based on the given headline: Prepare a newspaper report base on the
following headline:

Q4 B) Developing a story OR Narrating an experience. Attempt any one of the following

activities. (5)
(B1) Develop a story in about 90-100 words with the following ending. Give a suitable
…………………………. It was the day I realised that obeying elders is important.

(B2) Narrate an experience in about 90-100 words with the help of the following ending.
Give a suitable title for it.
…………………………. thus we heard a sign of relief that the accident was averted.


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