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Act I

Variations of the overture are played as the theater guests arrive to the lobby Overture
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Guests in the lobby of the theater

The music will be played from the stage providing background music as guests trickle in

Projection screen displaying an 'overhead shot' of the musician


The lights dim, bells sound and guests are instructed to get to their seats if they have not already
Bell 3

Ideally have second screen in the lobby with the 'overhead shot' of the musician

Audience exits lobby & enters the theater

Enters man in a suit Welcome everyone! The stage manager is a little, tied up at the moment, so I'll be giving your stage instructions for this evening's presentation. Please turn off your mobile devices, this does not mean put them on vibrate so I'm forced to hear various perverts' pants buzzing around all night; and that isn't code for it is okay to text message during this presentation because that clicking is a vial pestilence to my theater! If you are ignorant enough to wear a Bluetooth type device, please disable it or remove it, because we can all see that ridiculously bright blue light that informs everyone in a 50 meter radius of your impending brain cancer. Not that I have a problem with your fate, I just don't want to be bothered by it. Ok, what else, ah, the exits in case of an
satanpianot echno

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ridiculously bright blue light that informs everyone in a 50 meter radius of your impending brain cancer. Not that I have a problem with your fate, I just don't want to be bothered by it.
Ok, what else, ah, the exits in case of an emergency. The exits are located under the large glowing signs that say "exit.' They look like doors and are usually found on the walls. If you cannot find an emergency exit, please do not panic, that is just a demonstration of natural selection punching the time clock. Oh, and speaking of punching the time clock...

Exits musician Enters female

Musician collapses on cue

Exit man in the suit Exit female Projection Screen: (shot) looking up at paramedic (man in suit disguised as a paramedic) Enter man in the suit (disguised as a doctor) One, two, three, four , five, six, seven, eight, nine, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, twenty, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, thirty. Breathe... Breathe. OK, clear!

Enter musician's family Exit musician's family Exit man in the suit Enter musician Enter his attorney (played by the man in the suit)

I'm sorry, he's overdosed, he isn't going to make it. Family emotional

Courtroom scene
Evidence from the boy's life is presented on the Projection screen that make the case for whether or Not he should go to heaven or hell.

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Such evidence includes getting drunk, pretending to Be a pirate a sea food restaurant and asking a waitress If she has seen the bearded clam. His attorney is motioning That his client simply didn't know any better, obvious by his actions, And that he should be excused based on a technicality.

The musician opts to tell the truth instead. His attorney is furious. The court is moved by his honesty & agrees to allow the boy to have one witness on the stipulation that the witness must be someone he knew that is already dead AND the person must be willing to testify and jeopardize their reputation. The only person willing to testify is someone already in the devil's custody a homeless drug addict who died on the streets of AIDS.

Enter Trevon
01 Manifesto

Trevon performs his testimony in hip hop format and chastises the "good" people for stepping over him on the street while the person 'You' say is bad, is the only person who helped him. Trevon explains "One day, that man on the stand bought me a sandwich when I didn't even ask.. He bummed me a cigarette and sat ,And listened to me rap About shit from my past. He saw that my feet were wet while it was cold and they were steaming, so he took off his socks and for a moment it felt like my life had meaning, like I was worth something even though I wasn't, and what the fuck could I give him as

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even ask.. He bummed me a cigarette and sat ,And listened to me rap About shit from my past. He saw that my feet were wet while it was cold and they were steaming, so he took off his socks and for a moment it felt like my life had meaning, like I was worth something even though I wasn't, and what the fuck could I give him as repayment? Shake his hand and told him thanks, meanwhile these other assholes look at my life like a joke, a prank, well the pranks on you, cause if you're there, I'd rather not spend seven minutes in heaven I'd rather spend forever in hell, consider it a blessing.

04 Track 4 Screen clipping taken: 10/7/2011 12:46 PM

08 Track 8

Duet: Trevon and the boy Trevon: Hip hop part Boy: Acoustic part Begin hip-hop Bridge Acoustic Chrous: combination

"Fish" The characters reveal their gopes & dreams in a tri: Man in the suit discusses how he desires to foil the two's success Trevon & the boy discuss how they'd rather take a chance and fail because either way they're both screwed.

Exit Boy, Trevon, devil

Every Good Thing

"Devil's Advocate" "Devil's Assistant" The girl has her first lines of the story in the format of a rock and roll
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Every Good Thing

"Devil's Advocate" "Devil's Assistant" The girl has her first lines of the story in the format of a rock and roll Sonnet: "Every good thing done on a bad day" The song/sonnet discusses how she ended up working as the DA (devils assistant). She lived a boring and modest corporate life, but did it so well that she never achieved anything than what anyone else wanted- her punishment was to serve directly under the devil.

Enter devil in background While she professes that she never knew love and that is why, she believes, she's in this hell because she never loved others, herself or anything at all

Exit girl
Intermezzo: Enter tied up stage manager

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