WAVES Group Activity

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Activity 1A– Let’s Make Waves using a rope!

What to do:
1. Get a piece of rope about 2 m long. Fix one end of a rope by tying it around a post or a rod.
2. Place a colored ribbon at the middle of the rope. Have a single disturbance in one end of the rope.
3. Repeat procedure number 2 but this time move the end of the rope with a series of disturbances.
4. Sketch the motion of wave pulse at three subsequent instance (snapshot at three different times).
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave produced?
2. What is the source of wave pulse?
3. Describe the motion of your hand as you create the pulse.
4. Describe the motion of the pulse with respect to the source.
5. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as wave pass by?

Activity 1B- Let’s Make Waves using a slinky coil!

What to do:
1. Get a slinky coil or plastic coil, which is usually played by children.
2. Tie a colored ribbon at the middle part of the slinky coil.
3. Let a partner hold one end of the coil
4. Then, push and pull the other end.
5. Sketch the motion of wave pulse at three subsequent instance (snapshot at three different times).
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave produced?
2. How did you generate waves in a slinky coil?
3. Describe the movement of the waves in a slinky coil?
4. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as wave pass by?

Activity 1C- Let’s Make Waves using a slinky coil!

What to do:
1. Make a paper boat.
2. Fill a basin with water 3 inches deep.
3. Let the paper move floating on a calm water in the basin.
4. Tap the surface of water using finger at the center. Observe what happens.
5. Sketch the motion of wave pulse. Mark the source of the wave pulse.
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave produced?
2. How did you generate waves in the water? Describe the movement of the waves.
3. Do the waves set the paper boat into motion? What is required to set an object into motion?
4. If you exert more energy in creating periodic waves by tapping the surface with greater strength,
how does this affect the movement of the paper boat?
Activity 1A– Let’s Make Waves using a rope!

What to do:
1. Get a piece of rope about 2 m long. Fix one end of a rope by tying it around a post
or a rod.
2. Place a colored ribbon at the middle of the rope. Have a single disturbance in one
end of the rope.
3. Repeat procedure number 2 but this time move the end of the rope with a
series of disturbances. 4. Sketch the motion of wave pulse at three subsequent
instance (snapshot at three different times).
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave
2. What is the source of wave pulse?
3. Describe the motion of your hand as you create the pulse.
4. Describe the motion of the pulse with respect to the source.
5. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as wave pass by?

Activity 1B- Let’s Make Waves using a slinky coil!

What to do:
1. Get a slinky coil or plastic coil, which is usually played by children.
2. Tie a colored ribbon at the middle part of the slinky coil.
3. Let a partner hold one end of the coil
4. Then, push and pull the other end.
5. Sketch the motion of wave pulse at three subsequent instance (snapshot at
three different times).
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave
2. How did you generate waves in a slinky coil?
3. Describe the movement of the waves in a slinky coil?
4. Describe the vibration of the colored ribbon. How does it move as wave pass by?

Activity 1C- Let’s Make Waves using a slinky coil!

What to do:
1. Make a paper boat.
2. Fill a basin with water 3 inches deep.
3. Let the paper move floating on a calm water in the basin.
4. Tap the surface of water using finger at the center. Observe what happens.
5. Sketch the motion of wave pulse. Mark the source of the wave pulse.
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think the medium used in this activity through which the wave produced?
2. How did you generate waves in the water?
3. Describe the movement of the waves.
4. Do the waves set the paper boat into motion? What is required to set an object into motion?
5. If you exert more energy in creating periodic waves by tapping the surface with greater strength, how does this affect the
movement of the paper boat?

4 3 2 1 Score
EXPLANATION Complete Good solid Explanation is Misses key points
response with a response with a unclear.
detailed clear explanation
COOPERATIO Consistently Usually worked Team has Team did not work
N worked together together as a difficulty working effectively together.
as a well- well-coordinated together. Teacher Team members did
coordinated team; team. Team intervention not pull their own
team members members usually needed. share.
pulled their own pulled their own
share. share.
TIME Made effective use Usually made Was on task and Unprepared. Not
MANAGEMENT of time; was effective use of made effective using effective use
always on task time; was usually use of time some of time. Difficulty
and actively on task and of the time. staying on task.
involved in the actively involved
activities in the activities
OBSERVATION Consistently made Usually made Made some Consistently made
careful careful observations, observations
observations, observations, spent little to no without care or
taking time to see taking time to see time to see data reflection
that data was that data made made sense.
recorded correctly sense.
NEATNESS Clean and orderly Usually clean and Clean and orderly Messy workplace
AND workplace at all orderly workplace workplace with during and after
ORDERLINESS times during and mess during and occasional mess activity
after the activity after the activity during and after
the activity

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