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[Scene 1: The Court of Theseus, Athens]

Narrator: In the grand court of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, preparations are underway for the
upcoming wedding between Theseus and Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons.

(Theseus and Hippolyta enter.)

Theseus: Hippolyta, my love, our wedding day approaches swiftly. I cannot wait to make you my

Hippolyta: I am eager to become your wife, Theseus, but the days seem to drag on. I hope the time
passes quickly.

(Enter Egeus, Hermia, and Lysander.)

Narrator: Egeus, a nobleman, arrives with his daughter Hermia, who has refused to marry the suitor
chosen by her father.

Egeus: Theseus, I bring before you a matter that weighs heavily on my heart. My daughter Hermia
refuses to marry the man I have chosen for her, Demetrius.

Theseus: Hermia, what say you about this? Do you reject your father's wishes?

Hermia: My lord, I beg your mercy, but my heart belongs to Lysander. I cannot bear to be with

Demetrius: Theseus, I beseech you to force Hermia to marry me. I am the rightful suitor.

Lysander: My lord, I assure you, my love for Hermia is true and genuine.

Narrator: The young lovers plead their case before the Duke.

Theseus: I see that your love for each other is strong. Hermia, listen carefully. You have until my
wedding day to reconsider your decision. If you refuse, the penalty for disobedience will be severe.

(Exit Theseus and Hippolyta.)

Hermia: Lysander, we must escape Athens and find refuge beyond its borders. I fear what may
happen if we stay.

Lysander: Fear not, my love. In the forest, there's a place where we can be together without fear of
punishment. Let us flee tonight.

(Exit Hermia and Lysander.)

[Scene 2: The Fairy Kingdom]

Narrator: Deep in the mystical realm of the Fairy Kingdom, King Oberon and Queen Titania find
themselves embroiled in a dispute over a young Indian prince.

(Oberon and Titania enter.)

Oberon: Titania, my queen, we must resolve our dispute over the young Indian prince. It has caused
much turmoil among the fairies and in the mortal world.

Titania: Oberon, I will not yield. The boy is under my protection, and I will not relinquish him.

Oberon: Very well, if you insist on keeping him, then I shall play a trick on you. Puck, my mischievous
servant, fetch me a magical flower called "love-in-idleness."

(Puck enters with the flower.)

Puck: My lord, I have brought the flower you requested. Its magical properties will serve your

(Oberon takes the flower.)

Oberon: With this flower's juice, I will make Titania fall in love with the first creature she sees upon
awakening. This will teach her a lesson.

[puck goes and puts magical juice in titania’s eyes]

(Exit Oberon and Puck.)

[Scene 3: The Forest]

Narrator: In the enchanted forest, a group of amateur actors gathers to rehearse a play they hope to
perform at the Duke's wedding celebration.

(Quince, Bottom, Flute, Snout, and Snug enter.)

Quince: We must rehearse our play for the Duke's wedding celebration. Bottom, you shall play the
lead role of Pyramus.

Bottom: I am honored, Quince. I will give the performance of a lifetime!

(They begin rehearsing.)

(Enter Puck.)

Narrator: Unbeknownst to the actors, the mischievous fairy Puck has arrived in the forest, ready to
cause mischief and mayhem.

Puck: Ah, a group of foolish mortals. I shall have some fun with them.

(Puck casts a spell on Bottom, turning his head into that of a donkey.)

Bottom: (confused) Why, my friends, do you look at me so strangely? Has something happened to my

(They all panic and run away.)

(Enter Titania.)

Titania: (waking up) What music is this? Who are you, my love?

Bottom: (in a donkey's head) Fear not, fair lady. I am Bottom the weaver, and I shall be your faithful

(Titania falls in love with Bottom.)

[Scene 4: The Forest]

Narrator: Meanwhile, lost in the depths of the forest, Hermia and Lysander find themselves
entangled in a web of enchantment.

(Lysander and Hermia enter, lost in the forest.)

Hermia: Lysander, I am weary. Let us rest for a while. I fear we have lost our way.

(Lysander agrees, and they fall asleep.)

(Enter Puck.)

Narrator: Puck, ever the mischief-maker, seizes the opportunity to create more chaos.
Puck: Ah, a pair of lovers. This shall be interesting.

(Puck mistakenly applies the love-in-idleness juice to Lysander's eyes, making him fall in love with

(Enter Helena.)

Helena: (to herself) How I wish Demetrius would love me! Oh, Lysander, why do you mock me?

(Lysander wakes up and sees Helena.)

Lysander: Helena, you are the epitome of beauty. I am madly in love with you.

Helena: (confused) Lysander, what has happened to you? Are you playing a cruel joke?

(Hermia wakes up and sees Lysander.)

Hermia: Lysander, how could you betray me? I thought our love was true!

(Hermia and Helena argue.)

[Scene 5: The Court of Theseus, Athens]

Narrator: As the chaos in the forest reaches its peak, the bewildered lovers and the magical beings
find themselves back in the court of Theseus.

(Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus, and Demetrius enter.)

Egeus: Theseus, I demand justice! Hermia has fled with Lysander, and Demetrius is now in love with

Theseus: Bring forth the lovers and let them explain themselves.

(Enter Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius.)

Narrator: The lovers stand before the Duke, desperate to clear their names and find a resolution.

Hermia: My lord, I know not what happened in the forest, but I swear my love for Lysander is true.

Lysander: Theseus, it was Puck's mischief that caused this confusion. I apologize for any pain I have caused.

Helena: Theseus, I can vouch for their words. I have been the object of their enchantment.

Demetrius: I too, my lord, have been enchanted, and my heart now belongs to Helena.

Theseus: Oberon and Titania, you have meddled with the lives of mortals. I demand that you rectify the

(Oberon and Titania enter.)

Oberon: Theseus, I apologize for the chaos we have caused. I shall undo the spells and restore order.

(Titania and Oberon reconcile.)

Puck: (to the audience) If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended...

Everyone say thank you

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