Lecture 2

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Chapter 2:

IT for the Organization

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

The Components of IT
◼ Accepting and storing data and information
◼ Performing mathematical calculations
◼ Applying logic to make decisions
◼ Retrieving, displaying, and sending
◼ Consistently repeating the above actions
many times

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Information Technology Categories
◼ Hardware: the electronic and mechanical
components you can see and touch
◼ Software: the set of instructions that direct
the hardware
◼ Network technology: increases the power of
IT by allowing the sharing of resource

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

IT Platform

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Hardware Components
◼ Processing: Directs execution of instructions and the
transformation of data
◼ Memory: Temporarily stores data and instructions before and
after processing
◼ Input: Provides the interface used for data entry into a device
◼ Output: Provides the interface to retrieve information from a
◼ Storage: Stores data, information, and instructions for the long
◼ Communications: Connects one IT device to anothera

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

The Central Processing Unit
◼ Core of all computing operations
is a chip composed of millions of
transistors called the central
processing unit (or CPU).
◼ A transistor is an electronic
switch that can be on (1) or off
◼ By combining multiple transistors
we can represent data in a
binary format.
◼ The CPU works together with
memory to control the execution
of instructions and the
processing of data.
◼ CPU speed is measured by its
clockspeed in billions of cycles
ICT- Information and communications
per second (gigahertztechnology
). Dr. Hentabli Hamza
◼ There are two types of memory—long term
(ROM) memory and short-term (RAM)
◼ Both types of memory are built onto memory
◼ Both are measured in number of bytes
◼ 1000’s (kilobytes—KB)
◼ Millions (megabytes—MB
◼ Billions (gigabytes—GB)

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Read Only Memory
◼ Read Only Memory (ROM) contains instructions
that are not meant to be changed or changed
only infrequently
◼ ROM is present in most IT devices
◼ In computers, ROM holds instructions used to
control the startup process
◼ There are far fewer ROM chips than RAM chips
in a computer

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Random Access Memory
◼ Random Access Memory (RAM) is the
predominant form of memory in a computer.
◼ The CPU can access any item stored in RAM
directly (randomly).
◼ RAM is temporary memory so anything in RAM is
lost when the computer is shut down.
◼ Increasing RAM capacity is the easiest way to
increase effectiveness of a computer.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Input Hardware
◼ Input devices provide one interface
between the internal processes of an
IS and its environment.
◼ It allows us to enter data and
◼ Input devices include:
◼ Keyboards
◼ Pointing devices such as a
◼ Scanning devices such a
barcode scanner

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

◼ Most widely used input device for computers.
◼ Highly versatile, providing the capability to
enter all types of data as well as instructions.
◼ Ergonomic keyboards are keyboards that
are designed to keep users safe as well as
enabling them to be more productive.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Pointing and Scanning Devices
◼ Pointing devices such as a mouse allow users to
provide instructions to a computer using physical
movements, such as “point” and “click”.
◼ Pointing devices tend to require less training than a
◼ Scanning devices such as barcode readers improve
speed and efficiency or perform a task more

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Output Hardware
◼ Output devices convert IT-
processed information into a
form usable by knowledge
workers (or other machines)
◼ Quality and speed of output is
important in choosing an
output device.
◼ Common output devices
◼ Display devices such as
liquid crystal displays
◼ Printers, typically laser or
ink-jet as well as plotters
◼ Speakers

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

IT Storage Hardware
◼ Storage refers to hardware
media and devices used to
contain large amounts of data
and instructions for the long
◼ Storage is much slower to
access than memory.
◼ Examples include:
◼ Hard drive
◼ CD and DVDs
◼ USB flash memory

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Communications Hardware
◼ Network interface card (NIC)
provides the physical connection
between the computer and a
local network
◼ Wired
◼ Wireless
◼ Modems allow you to connect to
a remote network over a
telecommunications line
(telephone line or cable TV

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

◼ Software is information that specifies how the
device should work with other data,
information, and knowledge.
◼ Software is legally protected just like music
and books.
◼ Software gets the job done!
◼ System Software
◼ Application Software

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

System Software
◼ Controls the hardware associated with a system
◼ Supports the execution of application software
◼ Operating Systems (OS) Software –
coordinates and handles the details of working
with the computer hardware.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Basic OS Tasks

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Application Software
◼ Application software is a complete, self-
contained program or set of programs for
performing a specific job.
◼ Application software is the software you use
to get things done.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

◼ Productivity software – software used by
knowledge workers to work with data,
information, and knowledge. For example,
MS Office and Intuit’s Quicken software.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Types of Productivity Software
◼ Document Preparation Software: used in creating
documents composed of text, images, and graphics.
◼ Electronic Spreadsheet Software: used to perform general
calculations and analyses.
◼ Presentation Graphics Software: used for preparing slides
and graphics for business presentations.
◼ Database Management System (DBMS) software: used to
design, create, update, and query data.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Database Management System

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Connecting over Networks
◼ Networks are everywhere!
◼ A computer network consists of nodes
that represent computer hardware and
network user with hardware, software,
and communications media forming links
between nodes.
◼ Network consists of 4 primary
◼ Data
◼ Special hardware
◼ Software that allows computers to
share data.
◼ Communications media to link
computers together.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network Categories
◼ Computer networks are
commonly described by the
physical size of the network.
◼ The most commonly use types
are LANs and WANs.
◼ A Local Area Network (LAN) is
confined to a relatively small area
like a building.
◼ A Wide Area Network (WAN)
connects computers over
regions, countries, and

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network Hardware
◼ There are three basic categories
of network hardware
1. Hardware to connect a device to a
2. Specialized hardware for handling
network traffic.
3. Specialized computers that control
the network and delivery of data on
the network.
ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza
Network Connection Hardware
◼ Modems, cable modems, network interface
cards, and wireless cards
◼ The physical link that creates the network
connection is referred to as the carrier or
communications medium.
◼ Copper wire for telephone systems
◼ Coaxial cable or fiber-optic cables for faster
◼ Wireless technologies including infrared light,
radio waves, and microwaves.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network Traffic Hardware
◼ A bridge is a device that lets you connect to networks
or break a large network into two smaller, more
efficient networks.
◼ A router is an intelligent bridge that connects,
translates, and then directs data that cross between
two networks.
◼ A hub (or concentrator) serves as a central
connection point for devices on a a network.
◼ A wireless Access Point (AP) is a special bridge that
connects between wireless devices and a wired

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network Traffic Hardware

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza
Specialized Network Computers
◼ Servers are specialized computers that
manage the various functions on a network.
◼ A server is a fast computer with large
amount of RAM and storage.
◼ servers run the network operating system
as well as storing shared software
applications and data files.
◼ Computers connected to a server are called
clients or workstations.
ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Microsoft

Hentabli Hamza
Network Software
◼ Network operating system software manages
network functions and the flow of data over a
computer network.
◼ Network application software provides the
instructions that allow for the creation of data
and for transformation to fit appropriate
protocols for transmission over a network.
◼ A protocol is a standard set of rules that
allows the communication of data between
nodes on a network.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network protocol

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Network Benefits
◼ Efficient communication: E-mail and instant
messaging are just two ways that networks allow
us to communicate more efficiently.
◼ Effective resource management: Networks
allow easy sharing of software, hardware, and
data resources.
◼ Complete, accurate, reliable, and timely
information: Multiple users can access or
update data quickly from a central database.
◼ Expanded marketing and customer service
capabilities: Businesses and individuals can
carry out remote business transactions anytime
ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza
and anywhere.
The Internet
◼ Any computer network that connects
several networks together is an internet.
◼ Typically we refer to the single largest
and most popular internet as the
◼ Over 5.8 billion people had access to
the Internet in 2021.
◼ The Internet uses the TCP/IP suite of
packet switching protocols.
◼ Any computer using software
compatible with TCP/IP, regardless of
OS, can connect and communicate over
the Internet.
ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza
Access the Internet
◼ Home users access the Internet through dial-
up over traditional telephone lines or
broadband through cable or DSL.
◼ Most users connect through an Internet
Service Provider (ISP) using Internet access
◼ Wi-fi stands for 802.11 standards for wireless
network access.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza
The World Wide Web
◼ The World Wide Web (WWW) is one the
two most popular Internet applications
◼ The Web provides a hypertext system that operates
over the Internet.
◼ Hypertext provides an easy way to publish
information on a network in documents that
incorporate hyperlinks to other information on the
◼ Web browser software enables user to view
hypertext document and use hyperlinks to browse
other related documents.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza


ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza


ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Web browser

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Web Standards

The Web relies on three basic standards:

1. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) which
specifies a unique address for each page that
indicates the location of a document.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Web Standards

The Web relies on three basic standards:

1. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) provides
rules used by browsers and servers as they
respond to each other.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Web Standards
The Web relies on three basic standards:
1. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) provides a
language for encoding the information so a variety
of IT devices can display it.

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

ICT- Information and communications technology Dr. Hentabli Hamza

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