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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Module Overview

The Office 365 Administration Center


SharePoint Administration Center

Security & Compliance admin center

Managing Office 365 with PowerShell

Compare SharePoint on premises to SharePoint Online

User Identity in Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Managing Domains

Hybrid SharePoint Capabilities

OneDrive and Sites Redirect

Yammer Redirect

Hybrid Search

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Hybrid BCS (Business Connectivity Services)

Hybrid Taxonomy

Migration Options to SharePoint Online

File Explorer migration

Using Azure Storage and PowerShell

Using the SharePoint Migration Tools

Upload content or ship drives to MS to load into Azure

Module Overview

In this module you will explore the Office 365 Administration interface and then focus on some of the key building
blocks of SharePoint Online and office 365 such as identity management. You will also discover the differences
between SharePoint On Premises and SharePoint Online, which has pro’s and con’s depending on your
perspective and also if your company is considering a hybrid scenario what would that mean and what are some of
the considerations for that.

In the final lesson we will cover considerations and options for migrating to Office 365 especially with data and
customizations from SharePoint on premises. The key lessons in this module will therefore be:

• The Office 365 Administration Center

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• Compare SharePoint On Premises with SharePoint Online

• User identity in Office 365 and SharePoint Online

• Hybrid SharePoint capabilities

• Migration options to SharePoint Online

The Office 365 Administration Center

The administrator center changes constantly, sometimes with major changes and sometimes just subtle changes
and Microsoft is keen to remind everyone that Office 365 is an evergreen set of products and services. Evergreen
implying that it is always changing and growing and therefore it is something that all administrators of Office 365 will
need to adjust to in terms of regular skill refreshing based on new features and services as well as the admin

You access the admin center from the app launcher or via the URL
/Home?source=applauncher#/home page

As part of the evergreen world Microsoft also works on new user interfaces and sometimes gives you access to
early preview of these features. In the current case at the time of writing every new tenant starts with the newest
admin center, if you prefer to revert to the previous admin center you can slide the option in the top right.

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If you enable a preview you can always go back to the previous version. It is recommended to have testing tenants
to view preview features and user interfaces in order to prepare for the change coming to your production tenant
over the coming months.

This course is not focused on the detailed setup and management of Office 365 and if you want to get more training
on our Office 365 Administration, identity setup / migrations and compliancy for Office 365 ask your trainer or speak
to your contact for the Training.

This course is obviously focusing on SharePoint Online but it is important to understand that depending on what
plan you have subscribed to in Office determines what features are available.

As you can see in the following table only SharePoint Plan 2 or an E3 and above has the data insight features.

You can obtain the full list of features available through plans from here: availability across Office 365 plans

Depending on the plan you have purchased it is also possible to add a SharePoint plan to your subscription. There
are two plans available, plan 1 and plan 2. To add a plan to your subscription you go to the admin center – Billing –
Purchase services

Plan 2 has more features but obviously costs more per month.

If you are comparing your on premises version with SharePoint Online then consider Plan 2 to the equivalent of
SharePoint enterprise licensing and Plan 1 is SharePoint standard.

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In terms of SharePoint management in the admin center you will focus on 3 core locations:

• Reporting

• SharePoint

• Security & Compliance


The reporting page will allow you to see basic usage and storage of your user’s data as well as trends and activity.
You access the reports via the Reports menu in the admin center and then selecting Usage:

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For more advanced reports and usage statistics you should consider installing the Microsoft Adoption pack into you
tenant. This pack leverages Power BI and usage reports into a single interface to help with adoption programs and

The adoption pack is free to download and use and can be obtained from here

SharePoint Administration Center

In order to access the main SharePoint management page, you will need to expand the navigation by clicking on
‘show all’ and then expand admin centers link and then select SharePoint from the drop down which will then open
a new tab for the SharePoint specific features:

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There are two types of management pages, modern and classic.

Modern – default

Classic feature pages

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The Modern management page which is now the default for all new tenants allows the management of Modern site
templates as well as classic plus adds new pages which link to other management pages such as access policies
and a new OneDrive admin center. It also allows the creation of hub sites – linking sites to a hub and also mapping
sites to Office 365 groups. None of these tasks are available in the old classic management page.

The old admin center has been deprecated however you still have access to the various classic services and these
are accessed via the ‘More features’ link in the Admin center home page.

Security & Compliance admin center

One of the new admin areas to Office 365 is the introduction of security and compliance admin centers. This new
management pages are designed to bring many of the governance and data protection features into one place for
management and the legal requirements of businesses such as GDPR. The compliancy center replaces many of
the previous features that were part of SharePoint and now makes them configurable and managed in this admin

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Access to the security center is controlled through its own permission groups so many SharePoint administrators
may find they don’t have access to it or they could be given access but possibly as a read only right.

It is important however that SharePoint and compliancy administrators work together as some policies that are put
in place could impact what SharePoint users see in their sites and libraries such as documents restricted through a
data loss prevention policy or labels being applied via a Labels policy around sensitive data types.

If you are upgrading from a version of SharePoint on premises that has compliancy features such as E-Discovery
setup in SharePoint, you will find that these features have now moved to the compliancy center. The old classic
E-Discovery sites will still work in SharePoint, but you are not allowed to create new E-Discovery sites or cases in
SharePoint Online.

As part of a migration strategy this shift of control to the new compliancy center needs to be considered and
planned for.

Managing Office 365 with PowerShell

The Office 365 Administrator center has most of the common tools that you need for managing your subscription
however there are some processes and also some administrator tasks that are better and easier done via a
PowerShell command. There are also some commands that can only be done via PowerShell. There is no single
command line toolset for PowerShell it is broken down by feature. The following are the different command
modules required:

• $Credential = get-credential – create a 365 credential mapping as an option.

Note – If using different authentication type such as MFA you will not use the $Credential for connections as you
will need to verify directly with Office 365.

• Azure Active Directory – for groups

o Import-Module MSOnline

o Connect-MsolService

• Skype for Business

o Import-Module LyncOnlineConnectore

o $lyncSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credential

• SharePoint Online

o Import-Module Microsoft.Online.Sharepoint.PowerShell

o Connect-SPOService -url -Credential $credential

• Exchange Online

o $ExchangeSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri

"" -Credential $credential -Authentication "Basic"

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o Import-PSSession $ExchangeSession

• Teams

o Install-Module MicrosoftTeams

o Connect-MicrosoftTeams

Once you have loaded your modules you can proceed to manage Office 365 components such as creating and
managing users and groups through Azure AD or creating and deleting sites through SharePoint Online. You will be
covering more on PowerShell throughout this course.

Prior to installing specific PowerShell modules you also need to first setup the pre requisites. PowerShell 5.0 must
be installed, .Net Framework 4.5, .Net Framework 3.5 feature and the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant
must also be installed.

You can download the specific management tools from these locations:

Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant -

Azure AD – Install-Module MSOnline

SharePoint Online -

Once you have installed your components you can connect your online environment. Here is an example using
PowerShell ISE after installing the various components:

**Note** Make sure you run PowerShell ISE as the Administrator.

First get my credentials (If using MFA you don’t need to do this)

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Second job is to import the Azure AD modules into PowerShell ISE

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Finally, you must connect to the Azure service using Connect-MsolService –Credential $Credential

Now you can add the SharePoint module. Obviously, you could combine all of these into a single script that you
launch to load all modules ready to go.

Once loaded you can then connect to your SharePoint tenant to configure SharePoint specifically or manage user
and groups or other settings in Azure. In this example, I simply check existing users in Azure using Get-MsolUser

You should also consider loading the SharePoint Online core PNP commandlets so that you have a more
SharePoint Commandlets than the default 30 or so and using the new PNP commandlets there is less need to use

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CSOM scripting. To Install ensure you are using windows 10 or have the Windows Management Framework 5.0
installed and run Install-Module –Name SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline. To update every month simply run
Update-Module –Name SharePnPPowerShellOnline. For more information visit the PNP site

It is important to note that the PNP commandlets are not fully supported tools by Microsoft even though Microsoft
helps drive the community project on them. Therefore it is recommended to have a test tenant to prove your PNP
commands before running them against production sites.

You will be using PowerShell to be managing SharePoint Online more over the next few modules.

Compare SharePoint on premises to SharePoint Online

Most companies already have a version of SharePoint on premises and although SharePoint online started its life
from a version of SharePoint on premises it has been significantly changes in the way it works providing hosted
SharePoint for the world. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this mass hosted model. For
companies that have invested heavily into their on-premises SharePoint there are a lot of changes that must be
compared when considering migrating to SharePoint Online. Some key changes that are not available with
SharePoint Online would include:

• No server level access

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• No Web Application access or creation

• No Farm Solution deployment option

• No Incoming email option

• Cannot control search content sources or schedules

• Rely 100% on MS support services if something goes wrong

• Reliance on Internet access for full 365 experience

• Limited capabilities for bespoke customizations including 3

One of the main reasons that companies may choose to stay on-premises is due to the large investment on their
existing SharePoint infrastructure and the business has specific requirements or legal data laws that makes it
difficult at this stage to move to SharePoint Online however as time progresses versions of SharePoint lose support
from Microsoft or there is a requirement to collaborate externally for example and it is difficult to allow external
access to your internal SharePoint. For many companies this mixed requirement often leads to a hybrid solution
which is discussed later in this module, or for some companies who are on an old version of SharePoint they make
the decision to simply migrate as much as they can to SharePoint Online. When considering the differences from
on-premises to SharePoint Online it is important that a business analyst / information architect understands the key
differences between the two environments as there may need to be some key changes to business processes or
tools that are used by users to perform key day to day tasks.

Before deciding to move to SharePoint Online you must also consider any custom developments that sit on top of
your SharePoint design. For example, you may have installed and deployed a bespoke workflow product and also
designed some custom forms built by your own developers. SharePoint Online will not support many of these
customizations or 3 party products, so you will need to consider after you have migrated your data to SharePoint
Online how you will now provide this type of functionality to your users and business. Many vendors and partners
have versions of their products for both on-premises and Office 365 so it will be important to have the discussion
with them as part of your discovery process for moving to Office 365.

Even though SharePoint Online does have limitations over on-premises around the server side access there are
several benefits to businesses around the infrastructure such as:

• Integration with other Office 365 features

• No need to worry about server backups

• No need to worry about server redundancy

• No need to worry about server scaling

• Easy to add more storage

One of the single biggest advantages of moving to Office 365 or any cloud based service for that matter is that you
no longer have to worry about the server infrastructure/ Microsoft deals with the server scaling, the performance
and the DR side of the content. Of course that does mean that you cannot control how they manage that but for
many companies who have limited IT staff and also limited skills this is a very important benefit to moving to a cloud

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based service.

All too often people think that cost is the main differentiator between the two environments however for smaller
companies that may be the case but for larger companies with a lot of users that may not be true.

One big advantage of using the cloud service though is that Microsoft is heavily investing in new features all the
time for Office 365 and therefore new features get integrated with SharePoint Online all the time and therefore
allow your company to get access to new functionality and tools without having deploy new servers or products.

One consideration for the evergreen world though is adoption and support, a big advantage of an on-premises
environment is that the company can control what features are provided, how to train and support those features
and ensure that everything works as expected. In Office 365 Microsoft can change a feature or a component that
could impact where or how a user uses the product. A good example of this in recent times with SharePoint Online
is the classic versus new document library experience. A user in SharePoint Online now gets a modern library
experience by default, although they can manually switch it back to classic mode. In a migration scenario this
conversion to a modern library should be part of your adoption training and readiness.

Classic library

New library style

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User Identity in Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Although identity management is not what this course is about it is important that you have a high level

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understanding of how users authenticate and access SharePoint Online. If you want more detailed labs and
courseware on this subject see our managing identities class or speak to your instructor.

The first thing to understand about Office 365 is that it is a software as a service offering (SaaS), this means that
Microsoft builds the infrastructure to host the applications and allocates each company that signs up for the service
its own working services and feature set. Therefore, just as you have in an on premises model Office 365 still
needs a way to authenticate user identities when logging in to SharePoint Online. The authentication process in
Office 365 is handled by Azure Active Directory. This is a cloud service build in Azure designed to support user and
group account management along with domain and application association.

By default, when you sign up for an Office 365 subscription it will allocate you a user ID with the domain name of, where company needs to be a unique domain name for example, Then every user will have a unique name in that domain, for example. When a user is created in Office 365 it is actually being created in Azure AD.
The same applies for security groups.

As the tenant administrator of Office 365 you can login to your Azure Active Directory partition to see and manage
your Azure Active Directory objects. To do this go to your Office 365 Admin centers menu and select the Azure
Active Directory at the bottom of the screen.

The default landing page is This management page gives you a subset of all the available
features and services for Azure. If you want to see all services then use instead and you
will get access to all services including the labels and rights management templates.

Azure AD is where your Office 365 users and groups are stored as well as guest access users. As you can in the
below screen shot there are Azure AD users and external users (guests) in the tenant and has been authorized to
access certain resources in Office 365 such as a shared file in SharePoint or OneDrive.

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One of the other areas that Azure AD manages is Azure Apps that Office 365 uses. For example, in the Office 365
App launcher you may want to add your own bespoke solution or buy a 3 rd party solution, even though you are
adding the solution into your Office 365 tenant the actual application is managed through Azure AD via the
applications page.

As you can see in this next screen capture a 3 rd party training application called Training+ has been deployed to
Office 365 but because it is an Azure App the actual application is managed / revoked via Azure AD.

Managing Domains

One of the first things that your users will probably want is to sign in to Office 365 as their business user account
not the default account. Office 365 can support multiple domains associated with your tenant but
in order to allow users to have their address with the correct domain you first need to add your domain to Office
365. This is achieved via the setup page in the Office 365 Admin center.

When associating a domain with your account you must either already own that domain name or you will need to
buy one. In this page you will get the option to select either of those options.

When adding a domain Microsoft will want to verify it so ensure you follow the steps to add the verification TXT
record to your DNS servers. You may need to get other people in your company to help with this or speak to your
ISP who owns your domain name. Once the new domain has been verified you will be able see it in the list of
domains. You can now associate that domain with your users instead of the default one.

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It is important to understand that a user created in Office 365 even if using the same domain name as your current
internal domain name is still a different account and a different password.

If you have a scenario where you want users to be using the same password that they have on-premises and also
login to both cloud and on-premises uses a single login, then you will need to consider setting up identity
management using directory synchronization using tools like AD Connect and also single sign on using tools like
ADFS or Azure pass through authentication.

One option for Azure AD connect is the pass-through authentication option. This option allows you to configure a
pass-through authentication agent located on your on-premises servers and then uses your own on premises active
directory to authenticate users going to Office 365 instead of you authenticating via Azure AD.

This option can therefore save on other configuration options such as password synchronization depending on how
your users are being configured across your domains and what services they are accessing and where.

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To find out more about this feature you can go to this Microsoft page which also has links to further technical

Hybrid SharePoint Capabilities

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A lot of companies will not be able to migrate in one go to Office 365 and SharePoint Online, therefore there is a
potential need to support users accessing both SharePoint on-premises and SharePoint Online for different
collaboration reasons. Although this is not a deep dive into setting up hybrid SharePoint we do have a class
available that specifically works on setting up and configuring the hybrid piece.

Fort most businesses setting up hybrid there are 5 areas that may be needed for hybrid use in SharePoint, no
doubt more options will become available over time and the good news for many SharePoint deployments is that
with the right patch level (November 2016 for the latest taxonomy option) they can be used on both SharePoint
2013, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 farms. The 5 areas are as follows:

• OneDrive and Sites – Redirect to Office 365

• Yammer – Use Yammer Service instead of newsfeeds

• Search – Crawl on premises to 365 index

• BCS – Business Connectivity services

• Taxonomy – Sync MMS groups to SP Online

OneDrive and Sites Redirect

The first of the hybrid options is redirecting peoples OneDrive and sites from on premises to Office 365. One of the
key pain points for users when they have collaboration sites in both on-premises and Office 365 is that when they

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go to their OneDrive they only want one instance of it for all their content. By setting up OneDrive redirect from the
SharePoint on premises environment every time a user that is targeted as a hybrid OneDrive user clicks their
OneDrive they will be sent to the Office 365 repository which is the one they can now sync with their OneDrive

The redirect is configured in SharePoint on-premises and you simply need to define the user audience that will be
effected by the redirect and then add the URL to your Office 365 personal site as defined in your SharePoint Online
Site Collection List.

The personal site location is easy to locate as it will have a my namespace in the URL for example:

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Once you have the URL from Office 365 you then need to input that URL into the redirect page located in the on
premises SharePoint central administration:

By selecting sites and defining an audience you are able to provide the users with a complete single point solution
for all their OneDrive data. It is important with OneDrive that you are using the latest OneDrive for business client
as this fixes many of the minor sync bugs that have been present over the last year.

Yammer Redirect

SharePoint on premises has two options for a built in experience for social groups and conversations. You have the
default newsgroups which have been used for many years or you can allow users to use Yammer as the default
social tool. The reason why you cannot use Newsfeeds however in a hybrid model is that newsfeeds cannot be
centralized therefore if you have a user working both on-premises and in Office 365 they will end up with two
unique newsfeeds. Most users will find this confusing and not productive so in these environments you either need
to use a completely different social tool like slack or activate the Yammer redirect on-premises so that will then
force the users to all use the Yammer service.

To activate the yammer redirect you simply go into the on-premises SharePoint central administration – Office 365
management and activate the Yammer feature

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Once activated users can click on the yammer link both on-premises and in Office 365 and go to the same
organizational Yammer network.

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Hybrid Search

One of the most important elements of collaboration for users is actually finding and discovery data that they and
their colleagues are working on. With data now being both on-premises and in Office 365 a method needed to be
developed that allowed for users to see a single unified search of all data.

The hybrid crawl appliance is the answer to this problem, it will allow on-premises administrators to define what
content will be crawled on-premises and then send the crawled data to the Office 365 processing engine and then
on to the Index partition that has your existing Office 365 indexed data.

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This now allows a user in both environments to get a single search query result. There is a lot more to actually
setting this feature up of course but it is important that you are aware that it is possible.

Hybrid BCS (Business Connectivity Services)

The problem solved with this configuration was to allow users in Office 365 to utilize data that was stored on
premises in their SharePoint Online sites without compromising the actual data stored on-premises. The
configuration allows data to be accessed and displayed with specific security and connectivity values but within
Office 365 using https TLS 1.2 along with single sign on and secure store credential mapping if required.

Hybrid Taxonomy

Hybrid SharePoint taxonomy is one of the latest hybrid features from Microsoft and it will enable administrators to
take on-premises taxonomy groups from the term store and synchronize them with the Office 365 tenant term store.
Some key components must be configured in order to use the hybrid taxonomy:

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• Requires November 2016 updates on SP 2013 and 2016 to work. Not needed for SP2019

• Adds new Copy-SPTaxonomyGroups PowerShell command

• Copies the groups user security rights (not AD groups)

• Creates a new Timer Service job called ‘Taxonomy Groups Replication’

• Requires Hybrid People Picker to be configured in SharePoint Online and a hybrid setup configured to on-

The ability to have a single taxonomy structure will be very beneficial especially when doing hybrid designs and
trying to construct information architecture models. Quite often information architects will use metadata as part of a
content type design model and as part of a search refiner model, or even as part of a navigational capability within
libraries. This capability of synchronizations metadata group structures will enable a much more fluid experience for
the users who switch between environments.

One other area to consider for standardization of metadata is legal and eDiscovery. If the organisation is now able
to have data being created with the same metadata values in both environments and you have eDiscovery working
across both along with hybrid search you now have a very compelling user and management story for data
regardless of where it is now created and stored.

Migration Options to SharePoint Online

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Migrating data to SharePoint Online will be a high priority for many companies and Microsoft did not build an out of
the box tool to allow you to do this. There are however several ways that you can consider for migrating data:

• File Explorer – Simple drag and drop

• Use Azure Storage and SPOnline Migration PowerShell

• Upload content or ship drives to MS to load into Azure Then Migrate for you

• 3 rd

Before we consider each one it is important to consider exactly what data you do want to migrate. If you have any
intentions of maintaining a hybrid model, then it may not be as important to migrate all your SharePoint data from
on-premises. Another consideration is data clean-up, all too often users will leave data in SharePoint and file
shares that is no longer needed or have duplication. By doing a data clean-up prior to any migration you know that
the size of the data being migrated is going to be as low as possible.

There are many considerations when migrating data such as ensuring business logic is preserved once stored in
the new location or if a document is part of a document library that has specific content types, metadata and
workflow associated with it then you need to ensure that if required this continues to function as expected once
migrated to Office 365.

Migrating to Office 365 may also give you the opportunity to redesign your current business processes and utilize

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many of the new features and tools available such as Flow and PowerApps but planning and design will be
required as not every feature you have deployed on-premises may be available in Office 365.

One important migration decision will be for workflow’s created using the old .Net Framework commonly known as
SharePoint 2010 workflows. These workflows could be created within SharePoint sites or via SharePoint designer.
As of November 2020, the ability to run these workflows will be disabled on all tenants therefore those old
workflows will not be supported. It is recommended to replace those workflows with Power Automate or a 3 rd party
workflow tool. Migrating only the data without the workflow component will allow you to do this by building new
workflows after the data is migrated however there will be quite a bit of work and skills needed to re-set and build
new workflow logic. It is recommended to get as many business data / content experts skilled up in Power
Automate and PowerApps and then help advise on the options for data migration, Planning and documentation of
existing workflows will be key and should not be rushed to avoid as much disruption to the users as possible.

Not every action is supported within Microsoft’s new Power Automate so you will need to test workflows how they
currently work on premises and how they would need to be designed in Power Automate.

Any workflows created using the newer .Net Framework known as 2013 workflows will still work in SharePoint
Online however, they are now listed as deprecated features so as part of your migration strategy these too should
be replaced by Power Automate flows.

If you are unsure which workflows are currently configured in your on-premises SharePoint run the SharePoint
Migration Assessment tool (SMAT) to help document what you currently have. Depending on the size of your
current environment this could take many days.

If you have already migrated date and are using classic site templates in SharePoint Online run this scanner tool
from Microsoft to help identify and advise on upgrade options within Power Automate to recreate the logic.

File Explorer migration

One option and certainly the most basic is using the file explorer method to copy data from either SharePoint
libraries or from file shares into SharePoint Online. To copy data from SharePoint libraries on premises to
SharePoint Online you simply select the ‘Open with explorer button’ on a document library select the documents
you want to copy and then having the SharePoint Online document library open as well you simply paste the data
into the new location. The downside of using this simple method is that you lose some of the construct of the data
such as permissions, user mappings, workflow, versioning and templates so these would all need to be recreated at
the destination and reassigned.

You can also copy data from a file share into SharePoint Online using the same method but again there are
limitations with what comes across with the data as the following table shows:

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In conclusion file copy method for migrating data is only useful for very static and basic documentation. For more
detailed migration you should consider one of the next options.

Using Azure Storage and PowerShell

A very good method without paying for 3 rd party tools is to use PowerShell along with Azure Storage and the
migration API. This method will preserve a lot of the data information such as versions and using the XML mapping
file you will be able to maintain metadata such as modified dates, user ownership. You will still however have to re-
instate the business logic elements such as workflows and any compliancy features activated on the library.

In order to use this method there a few pre-requisites that you must have in place:

• SharePoint Online Management Shell installed on the machine where you will run the migration commands

• A temporary working folder for storing the XML files created for the migration

• Azure Storage Account for sending the data to from on-premises. Should not be a trial account.

Once you have the pre requisites setup you can then proceed to build the steps for migrating the data. There are 4
steps to getting the data moved, 5 if you do files shares and SharePoint data:

• Create file share Content Migration Package (Use only for File Shares)

– NewSPOMigrationPackage

– New-SPOMigrationPackage -SourceFilesPath $sourceFiles -OutputPackagePath $sourcePackage

• Create SharePoint data package (Use only for SharePoint data)

– Export-SPweb

– Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <SPWebPipeBind> -Path <String> [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompression

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• Convert content package

– ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage

– ConvertTo-SPOMigrationTargetedPackage -SourceFilesPath $sourceFiles -SourcePackagePath

$sourcePackage -OutputPackagePath $targetPackage -TargetWebUrl $targetWeb -TargetDocumentLibraryPath
$targetDocLib -Credentials $creds

• Create package containers in Azure

– Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource

– Set-SPOMigrationPackageAzureSource -SourceFilesPath $sourceFiles -SourcePackagePath $targetPackage

-AzureQueueName $azureQueueName -AccountName $azureAccountName -AccountKey $azureAccountKey

• Submit the migration job to migrate the data

– Submit-SPOMigrationJob

– Submit-SPOMigrationJob -TargetWebUrl $targetWeb -MigrationPackageAzureLocations $al -Credentials


You will notice that in the scripts above there is a reference to credentials $creds plus other variables that are used
for building the structure of the commands. Here is an example of what the variables would look like. For ease of
re-use consider creating a variables file and then simply changing the locations where necessary.

• $creds = (Get-Credential

• $sourceFiles = '\\server3\users\Bob'

• $sourcePackage = 'C:\migration\BobDocumentsPackage_source'

• $targetPackage = 'C:\migration\BobDocumentsPackage_target'

• $targetWeb = ''

• $targetDocLib = 'Documents'

• $azureAccountName = 'ckmigration'

• $azureAccountKey = 'Insert Azure Account Key string Here'

• $azureQueueName = 'datamigrationqueue'

Here is a Microsoft blog on the process being run:

Using the SharePoint Migration Tools

There are currently three available SharePoint migrations options listed in the SharePoint Administration center,
They are:

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

• Migration Manager

• Desktop tool (SPMT)

• Cloud content migrations

To save having to build all the PowerShell above you can use the SharePoint migration tools to help with a lot of
needed scripting and automate more of the process. The wizard still uses the above PowerShell behind the scenes
it just allows you to have a user interface around the process.

Migration Manager is designed for large file share migrations, you first need to install the migration agents onto
windows computers or virtual machines and then create tasks that run on the agent machines to import data from
the various file shares. The more agents you have the more parallel imports you can run.

You can use JSON and CSV scripts to build the bulk migration runs within the tasks or simply run multiple tasks
with single location migrations.

The Desktop tool is downloaded and ran from your pc and is designed to help with smaller migrations of data from
both SharePoint 2010/2013 and smaller file shares such as home drives and small file shares. Users can choose to
put the data in SharePoint libraries or into their OneDrive.

Once you have downloaded and authenticated you will be given the choice of content locations. You can also
expand your content options by using JSON or CSV files.

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Once you have selected your source you can then choose the location you are migrating it too.

Once added you can add other sources or get started with the migration.

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

The next option is to decide what properties you want to take with the data. For example do you want to include
versions and permissions for sharing. The most common two options are versions and Azure AD user lookup. This
is sufficient for most data migration needs from fileshares.

Once decided you then migrate the files

After the migration has completed you will get a summary report which you can save to re-run later if needed.

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Cloud content migration is designed to help migrate data from various non Microsoft sources such as:

• Amazon

• Box

• Dropbox

• Egnyte

• Google Drive

• Azure blob storage

This migration tool was originally known as Mover and was acquired by Microsoft to support simple data migrations
from these various sources.

After signing in with your Microsoft account you will need to verify permissions with the mover app before you can
select your source.

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Once accepted you need to choose a source and destination to begin the data migration. Depending on which
source you choose will determine what credentials you will need to add.

Depending on what data you are migrating and what additional permissions may be configured you may need to
check and update some permissions depending on where you have migrated the data to thus ensuring you are not
exposing data to people that should not be reading it such as a SharePoint library where everyone has read access
but in the source it was only setup for two people to see in say google docs.

Upload content or ship drives to MS to load into Azure

One interesting feature in Office 365 is the ability to upload your content and then Microsoft will manage the Azure
storage side for you to get it into your environment. The import option also has the ability for you to ship your own
drives to Microsoft and they will import the data for you.

To access the Import data option you need to go to this URL or go via the
data governance page on the Security & Compliance page in Office 365 Admin.

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

First you need to be given the correct permissions to access the data import options, this is done via the Mailbox
import role in Exchange and it can take up to 24 hours for this right to be assigned. Once assigned you can choose
the different options for migrating data into your tenant including shipping disks and creating import jobs.

Selecting the Upload SharePoint or Onedrive data will then give you another configuration screen where you must
create the SAS URL locations and then download Azure AzCopy

Before you can run Azure AzCopy you must configure your migration PowerShell commands similar to those
created using the New-SPOMigrationPackage command in the previous section.

For detailed steps using the Azure AzCopy command refer to this guide or follow the link from the upload page:

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

When copying files over the Internet however you must keep in mind how much available bandwidth you have at
your company. It could take a long time to copy large amounts of data up to Azure. Therefore, if you do have large
data stores it may be a better option to send your data using external drives instead.

It is important to note though that they have strict security requirements when sending them external drives with
data on it including encryption. You can find more information about disk requirements in this article:

Scroll down through the page to find the section on hard disk drives.

It is worth noticing that they recommend specific external drives:

• Anker 68UPSATAA-02BU

• Anker 68UPSHHDS-BU

• Startech SATADOCK22UE

• Sharkoon QuickPort XT HC

If you prefer however you can always look at using a 3 rd party migration solution, it is not a part of this course to
pick a specific vendor as they all offer different capabilities and price for migrating data. One thing to consider if
looking to use a vendor product is what type of data it supports when migrating, if you have lots of configurations on
your data stored in SharePoint on-premises and you want that preserving when migrating ensure the product
supports all the data types you need. Obviously, these types of migration products then tend to cost more but doing
testing and dry runs should ensure you get a tool that is right for you before spending any money.

The reason for buying a 3 rd party tool though is that it makes your life easier and doesn’t require you to build all the
PowerShell scripts so as long as it does what you need and are happy to pay for it then there is nothing wrong with
using a vendors product for migration.

Module Summary

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Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

In this module you have been introduced to the Office 365 tenant administration interface as well as managing via
PowerShell. It is important to remember the evergreen nature of Office 365 and that constant refreshing of your
skills will be required.

You have also learnt about the new SharePoint admin center that is being updated regularly and where the classics
services management pages have moved to.

The key points you covered were:

• The Office 365 Administration Center

• Compare SharePoint On Premises with SharePoint Online

• The new SharePoint Admin Center

• User identity in Office 365 and SharePoint Online

• Hybrid SharePoint capabilities

• Migration options to SharePoint Online

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