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Kathleen T.

BSA2 – 01
PED 033
What is the level of your basketball skills?
Encircle one: Beginner Intermediate Competitive

1. What do you think is easiest for you to do? Explain why?

- As a girl, who is not an athlete but watches basketball league in our community I observed
how hard it is to be a player because it really needs a lot of hard work, practice, and skills.
Since passing is the most beginner-friendly talent out of the three, I believe it to be the
simplest skill for me.

2. What do you think is most challenging for you to do? Explain why?
- Dribbling and shooting are the two skills I find most difficult, since it's difficult to manage
the ball when dribbling and because shooting with a heavy ball is challenging. This kind of
sport requires different kinds of physical fitness such as agility, endurance, body composition,
and many more.

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