Conversation With György Lukács - Franco Ferrarotti S Interview

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Conversation with Gyorgy Lukacs

Gyiwgy I , u k k s ic(is Dorii i i i 1885, died in 1971. A iuiiice of Ifiriigciry, hc is coiiiirioril!j regartlt?rl CIS the mast
iniportuiit Mmxist philosopher of this ccnturrj. IIC prticiputcd iii’thc Coininuiiist rcl;oZution i n Hungary in
1918-19, spciit triost of his subsequent life i’n exile (for rnun!j ycurs in tlic [JSSR). (itid otily rc?turtierJ to set-
tle in I f i i i i g m / rifter \i”M Wcir 11. tkst known fur his m r l y work, 1-Iistory aiicl Class Conscioiisncss, first
pii1)lislictl in <~erinan!jin 1923, Lukdcs tried througlioirt his i;ork to rescuc the Marxiciir diulectic from what
I i c cotisitkcrcd t o he its vulgnrizations mu/ to the tlicorcticnl joniiditions for a ,IIurxis.t hirrncinisrrr.
Dcspitc his lifelong ineiril~ershipin the Communist Party cintl long !/curs of (it lecist oirttcartl conforrnity to
tlic Stalinist liiie, L u k h ccitne to br? rrprdcrl as t h forerriost proj)onent of (i truly itfcirxist ulternative to
Souict-st!jlc Part!j tlogtncitisrii. Espccidl!j iiftor 1170rld IVur I I lie becoinc U Ieci(1itig figure in tho rcvicul of
d fcirxisrrr irr \Vcstcni E i i r o p , prticulurly in Fruiice aiitl Ccriiiuiiy, us iccll 11s in ~ h ici i ( & ” m torcurd a less
rigid Mnrxist thought in Easterii I:urope.
. Thc p r c m n t iritcroicic is, t o o i i r knowledge, 0110 of the lust p l i l i c statmierits liy Lukdcs. \Wde tlic in-
tcrcicrccr, ( I hitling Ztaliun sociologist, editor’ of Critica Sociologic:i, icns ititcrested in oDtaining Lukdcs’s ideas
o r & s o c i o l o p j , tlic i r i r i c i p / sigriificcincc of their toUi lies in Liih-ks’s stoterrictits on tlic prescrit contIitiori tmtl
h o l w l -for firtiirc of Mcirxisiri. I
F.F. : 1Vhoii 1 1)cgan working in sociology iinnicdi-
at cl^^ aftor tlic war, sociology
in Italy \\Tiis dead, ex-
Iiniistcd, supprcsscd. . . .
(;.I,. : I havc oftcn wonclcrcd about tlic pirposc and
Iiiittir(- of sociology ;is ii scicncc. Can sociology really
bc ;iiitoiiomous sciencc? IVhat d o e s :iutonomy
iwaii ill this connection? Today thcy talk about an
iiitcrdiscipliiiar). itpproac~i.1Iut I suspect that ~)cIiincI
the> c!dl for “;LII iiitc~rtliscipliiiiiry ; t p p : ~ d i ” lics ii
gro:it conccptiinl co~ifi~sion.
I:.F.: I hiivc oftcri tho1iglit ii sociology tliiit has bot11
;i sciontific foundatioil aiid ;i political direction
coiild not devc:lop except from a combination of xioo-
idoalisin ancl tho kind of fragmcntary cmpiricism as-
socintcd with sociolog!. in the Unitcd Stntcs.
(:.I,.: 1 V c b Inlist go 1)cyond tliat. I17c must try to de-
fin(%,or :it least to keep alivcB, tho qucstion about thc
coiinc~c~tion Iwtwcc~nsociology, philosophy, cconoinics
and history. 117hc11 w c losk sight of thcsc relation-
ships ; i d limit oiirsclves to talking about an intcr-
cliscipliiiary appro;icli in sociological research, then
w e cannot avoid falling into a highly tcclinical,

spcciidistic fr:iISmcntotioii. The influcncc of thc: Unit- w e can i w the results of bourgeois sociology?
ed Stiitcts has not I.iccn positivc: in this regard.
G.L.: Tlicrc is no contradiction. A s I said, siich re-
F.F.: Perhaps, but it seenis to rnc also simplistic to sults show, for csainple, thc developing nature of
talk about il “Marxist sociology” as though that an- capitalism. In the last century the niarkct, and thcre-
swers the quc:stioiis. We need to estdilish a truly fore tlic powctr of capitalism, was dircctcd toward
criticnl sociology. import;int h i t limitcd sectors of cconomic and social
lifc. Thc logic of capitalism focused oil the key scc-
c.L.: Agreed, but it is important to unclerstand why tors of incIustry, especially thti steel incIustj, or,
Arncrican sociology has so rcstrictcd itsclf to pure as w(: say, tlic Schicoro Ztulustrie. Hut today capital-
t cch ni q u c t w i tlioiit undcrs t and i 11g anytl ling of the isiii collidcs with, and conditions, all aspccts of lifc.
general movelnent of socicty. Tfic answer is tliat Thc logic of capitalisin tends to coinciclc with thc
hncrican sociology has cut itsclf off from thc ecoii- logic of tlic social proccss itsclf, thin spreading out
omy. Onc: cannot undcrstand society without taking and c>ngulfingthc wholc: lifc of society. Wc have:
account of its cconornic striicture. Ikcausc yon can- passod from tiic partial capitalism of tlic last ccntury
not stndy a society in little bits, sociology cannot bc! to today’s gctnernlizctl capitalisin. In this rcspcct,
a11iiiclcpc~nclcntscicncc. Mars’s mcthod, which Stalin
Marxism, far from \icing cxhaiistcd, has hardly even
ovcrthrew, ;nialyzctl thc wliolc of socicty, its style, I ~ c ~ u I ~111
. iiliy C;~SC, a d par“\doscs :isid(:, hlilrxisIii
its inovcincnt, thc rhythm of its dcvolopmcnt. Wc inust 1~ dwclopccl a s w(:study things that M;irx was
nccd lo r(:coiiiposc that unity. The fragmentation of not dd(! to stlldy.
thc: social scicncw c;in h:tr:iccd precisely in the his-
tory of i1 bourgeois tradition t h i t promoted spcci;ili- VJ,: I don’t iinclcrstancl. I I o w is it 1iossiblc for
zatioii to thc point of scparation, ;iiid thus tlic social 3larxisin to 1)c tlio only and iicccssarjr friirncwork for
scionccs iir(: irripotcnt ill cornprclionding socicty iis a tlic rcw1iition:iry movcmeiit if tlic: fraincwork itsclf
unitary wliolc ancl liocomc, insteacl, instrumcnts of is iiot coniplctc?
c.L.: The friu”ork is coinplctc. hlnrxisin is coni-
F.F.: Noncth(:lcss, tlicrc is a nc!cd to carcfully cir- plcto ;is an cssc:ntial apl)roacli to thc global study of
ciiiiiscri1)c aiitl limit thc o1)jctct of study. Ckrtainly society in historicxl tr:uisform:ition. It is cornplcto in
wlintcvcr n c w jiorspcctivos w-c: in:iy dcvchp, W O its i i i o d o of analysis ilnd its critoria for csta1)lisliing
should not just throw out thc niany v;iluahlc rcwlts tho tlicorc~ticiilliicrarcliy of hat constitiitcs socioty.
of sociological rcsenrch over tlic Inst tl(:cnd(:s. 13llt colnplottrncss of mct11od doesn’t mc;111 that on(!
c:in find cnwything in hiarx. Thc spccific ingrcdiciits
G.L. : Thc! rcsiilts of ciirrcnt sociology, for (:sillli1iIc :ire siiplilicd only by long, pntioiit rctsoarch on the
acacloinic sociology ;IS practicod in tlic Ilnitcd States, basis of tlic Marxist mcthod. Hcrc is whcrc tlic hlnrx-
can I)(? s:ivod. Soiiic: rcprcsent real achicverncnts and ists t1iciiisoIvcs hii\rc goiic scriously :istray. Th?v 1i;ivc:
contriliiitct important iiiforrnatioii. I ;irn iiitcrcstcd, takcii tlic o;isy route, rcstrictiiig tliornsclvcs to rc-

for iiistniicc, in certain rcscmdies rcported by Gal- p i i t ing things they tlon’t iiiidcrstand iiIld strcssing
h i t l l . Of C O I I ~ S C , such rcscarchcs arc: spc!cializcd tactics :iIiovc’and ngainst theory. It is clear, for os-
illid, lacking n gcncrnl theory of society, i i c t v ~ r iiIilI)l(!, tlliit hlilr?t iicvcr serioiisly studiod thct (’COII-
rcacliccl the heart of the Iiroblclns. Hut tlicy ciln still oinics of Asia, Africa. or Latin Amcrica. And yt’t-
he pirt to a critical lis(:. Onc iniist makc critical i i s c jiist think of it!-in his po1c:mic with l’rotsky Stalin
of partial contributioiis, ( ~ v c i iw l i c i i thcy coinc from invcntod ;i Chiiicsc fcridalisrn. \I’hiit is rctally stapc-
pcwplc likc Chlbraith. ?'hey hclp 11s understand how f!ririg is that such ;I stupid invcntion llils lioc?n W-
capit;ilisrn has changed a i i d is changing cwcry day, & p t d ily xr;lo.
;ilthougli its fundanicmtal liiit~~r(: remains the saint:.
h h r s iiscd thc classical cconornists, es1wci;illy Ri- r.1.q:. You arc saying, i n othcr words, tliat sociology
cardo, and so we can lcarri to us(:, from a Miirxist inlist study Mars, must lciirii wcll tlw Icssoris of
viewpoint, the contribiitioris of bourgeois sociology. J1arsisn.i.
Y.F. : I h t cvcn bourgoois sociology does not hick G.L.: Yes, but thc troublo is thatstorlay tlicrc arc no
a conipr(:li(tnsi~~(t
thcorctical framcwork, cwii tliough Marxists. \Vc: simply <lo not ha\v: :I Marxist thcory.
it is an iinplicit ow. . . . I3olicve mc, today it is necessary to do what Xlilrx
did for tlic capitalism of his tirnc. \.Vc iniist do it
G.I..:No, hourgcois sociology does iiot, in fact, pos- both for the sakc of ci1pitiilisni today and for thc
conceptual framcwork in tIic truc: sensc:; it tioos
soss ;I sakc of socialism.
not inanage to ovcrc~oi~ictlic givciinoss of thc spccific
datum. It cannot cscapc: from vulgar empiricism. The F.F.: Socialisni?
funclamcntal reason for this is that bourgeois sociol-
ogy lacks in any truc sense a cognitive value. GI,.: YCS, also for socialism. Socialism also needs ii
coIlti~iuidcritical and demystifying analysis, arid this
F.F.: Is it not contraclictory, thc:n, to suggcst tliat must h: donc on the world scalc. No onc is doing
triw whcrc C o n m ” s t parties arc in thc opposition,
such iis tho capitalistic ll’cst?
c.I..: 1 bcliwc: so. I am asto~iishodby some of those
political situations. Look, for cxample, :it thc discrep-
ancy lietwccn thc: organizational strength of the
Italian Communist Party and its small theoretical
mc!ight. I arn not sura about thc roason for this. No
cloiibt Toghiitti W:IS :i first-chss politician, cvon a
grcat tactician. Perhaps his thcorctical curiosity was
limited. . . . Tiley tell nic hc h i d the 1ial)its of a
good hrcaucrat. Again and ;again w e are lcft only
with thc tactics. IVc riin aftor thc protcst movcmcnts
witliout undcrstandiiig tlicm, to say nothing of hav-
ing forosoeii tIiern. ~ b cxamplc:,
r we call t h : Arab
coriiitrics socialistic. Wc acccpt without liesitation
such 1:iIwls as thc? Ar:al) Socialist 1Jnion. It is rcnlly
all Inughablc. lVhat is socialist al)out the Arab world
nobody k~iows.At most we might say it is a ~iiovc-
mcnt toward nationalistic idcntity, Imt not toward
soci:ilism. Africa, Asia, Latin America arc only
plirases ill hlarx. lVe niust study thesc countries and
thcir cconoiiii(!s with the method of Marx. Failing
that, tlic!rct :ire only :alxtractions, no serious aldysis.
133ut surely the inoincnt of abstmctioli is f i l i i -
for tlic: constriletion of a gcncral thcory?
(:.I-.: Ccrtaiiily, and I nwuld 1)c the last to tlcny t h e
importance. of the moment of a1)straction i n tlic namc
of :I ~iiisi~iicl~trsto~~~lnintorialis~nor c!iiipiricisiii. ‘I’liis
is precisely what tlic positivists do not undcrstancl,
tli:it filets Iliilst I.)c iiitcrprctcd, iuid tlicrcforc they
iiiiist 1)c traiisccnded. It is not a qucstion of which
cc.)niosfirst, facts or abstraction. Thew is no first and
110 lator. If wc forget this wc cnd up ill a Iiyperstnsis
of tho tcrins of tlic problcrn :incl i~ic:vitablyrehpse
into insoliilde metaphysics. ‘I do not iuidcrstand all
tliis 1)ustIiiig : I l ) o u t over fnc:ts. F x t s arc n fact. That
I.wiiig is, is i i g r ( 1 d ‘Thcro is 110 reason wliatcvcr to
sctt 1111 liicirarcliios of bcting and co~iscioi~sncss. True,
Xlnrs wrota that “1)cing crcatcs thinking” ar.1~1not ’

vico wtrsa. :Incl Xiarxisrn docs base its historical

11i;lt~riidi~l on tlie priority of the social bcing over
tlw soc:i:il conscio~~snc~ss; that is a priority sui gsiicris
;ind is i i o t to I)c tnkcn litornlly. I t is ;a grcat ii&take
to subordiiiato coiisc‘ioiisiicss to bcing. In rcality tlic
consciousnc!ss \vc havc of thc social lxing cnablns 11s
to act iipon tlic social being and to transform it.
Only in this \vay c:in WO escape from tlic cnipiric;il
\voiglit of h i n g .
17.17.: Pcrhaps tliis csplains wliy tlic meaning of cm-
piricd rosc;irch oscapcs yoii so complctctly. it s c c m
that for you rcsctarch is done mcrely to support what
is ;11rcxdy k i i o \ v i i on tho sribjcctivc: concctptiial lovel.
I3nsically you dcnp that important new discovcries
may forcc a rcopcning of the tlicoretical scheme, and
thus tho crcativc: fiinction of roscarch cscapes you.
GI..: Not at illl. I, of coursc, recognize thc funda-
inental importancc of tlic documented aiinlysis as
:igninst gr:iti.iitous arid :irbitrary abstractions. Mars
liimsolf considerccl the writings of his youth to 1)c
piircly philosophical in tlic traditional scnsc. Hc
thoiight his truly iniportaiit work \viis Ilas KapitaZ,
th:it is, the iilidysis of the cilpitiilistic socicty of his
time. . . . Miirsisin affirms sciontific nnnlysis, lint that
is iiot thc: sainc! thing as :I positivistic analysis, wliicli
is cns1:ivctl by facts it cannot intcrprct. Nor, of
c:ours(:, is scieiitific Marxism syinpathctiL to iclcnlistic
analysis. h,I;irs’s criticism of clilssical pliticill won-
of Smith a~itlRici1rtl0, is great ex-
O I I I ~ , l~sll(!ciilll~
iiiiiplc of scifntific criticism *rIicir t1ic:orios wort
hasically static ilnd this co1M not ilccoillit for the
Iiiowiiimt of socicty. Xlarx places their static facts
(tlic! niarkct, lal)or, goods, etc. ) into a specific his-
torical sctting and rcdcfincs thom in dinlcxtical tcwns
which ilr(: i11>1<% to take accoiint of history’s movcmciit
without ct(?rIiidi~i~ig or rctifyiiig any of its pi1rticlllnr
I>hilstrs. This I i c givos back to ni;iii his history. Til
hf?:s, history i i o longer bolongs to iinturct. Tt lxt-
conic’s culturc, that is,’ Iiiirriaii coiiscioiisiioss, hiiin:in
idii(:\r(~lnc!iit,Iiiliiii1n rosponsiibility. Ilistory bclongs
to tlic social coiiscioiisiicss, which inastcrs, comprc-
bonds iiIid trii1isforIns the social being. It is in this
light tliiit I rcjcct :my hicrrarcliy 1)ctwoc:ri lxtiiig and
i:.~.: I t is t l i c ccoiioiiiic, or striictiir:d, plan that is
tlocisivo in tlic S1:irsist cxplanation of society.
Rut j . 0 ~ci1111iot isoliitc thct ctconornic p1;11i,;IS
(;.I,. :
yo11 call it, from id1 tlic rest. B y tlicriisclvos ccoiioiiiic
motivcs c~splaiiiiiotliiiig. Oiic must bc~varcof iiitcr-
prc:;iig hlarsisiii ~ ~ i e ~ l i i l ~ l ihlarxisrii
c ~ i l l ~ . too is siih-
jcct to a positivistic intcrprctation, and tho result,
botli political ; l i d pliilosophici~l,is opportunism, or,
as w e h;ive sc:cii, Sta1inisn.i.
F.I... : I w o n t l c ~i f ?.oii woiiltl :igrc!c! tliiit tlic schciii-
atisin, or thc bases ol sciciitific rcasoniiig within il
givcii historical liorizon-pro\~lc!i~i,hypothisis, wrifi-
cntioii-1i:ivc ;i v:ilidit)r of their own wliich is intle-
pcndcnt of historied contiiigcncic!s.
(:.I,.: ’I’lli1t Iii(~:1liS siinply that hfarsisin is liot to bc
rlogrriatizrrd, thilt tliorcr is within Marsisill ii critical
impulse ivliicli affccts spocific tloctrinc. I have nl-
rcady siiitl tliiit Xhrsisiii 11ii.Ist 1 ) devc:lop(d,
~ that the
work of kliirs niiist l)c rc:id to its concliision. hl;irciisc
has t r i d that according to ;i scliciiiatisr.11that is cs-
of scicntifk
sctntially iitopiaii. h~Iiirciis(!is 110t cii~~~il.)lc
aiialysis. I I c has lost sight of tlic workiiipq c1:iss. IIis
idcnlization of:tlic su\)prolctnri:it is wholly romantic
iiiid without scrioirs basis. 0 1 1 thc other hand, thc:
moment of scientific an:ilysis is fundamental; thctrc:
can Lc 110 truly rovo1iition:iry politics withorit a
prior scicntific i d y s i s t h t is r c l a t d to the goiicxil
franicnvork of history and society. For tho rc:volution- F.I.’.:\Vhilt todii, call IX d011cin tho Soviet t!iiion
a y movement of today this is thc most urgcrit iicctl. in ordctr to oinorgc froni Staliiiisin ii1id rctiirii to
111 fact, wc Iiil\r(: 110 policy ~ X ~ I I I S Cwc ha\^! 110 Xlarsisrn‘?
34 / WORLDVIEW / MAY 1972

G.L.: Littlc-very little, priicticiilly nothing. Bccairsc ant1 on the repercussions of productive tcchnology
tlirty I i a w siibordinntctd theory to prncticc, our Soviet for profcssioiial roles ancl for the way thc class strug-
fricwds ;ire forccicl to iise hlilrxisin siriiply to ration- glc takcs shapc.
alize iinnic~diatc political nccctssities. For ctx;i~iiple,
tlic dispiitc bctwccn the Soviets and thc Chinese
I#*.V.: I am interested in the role of iiitellcctrials in
has 11otihg to do with Mirsism. ~t is mcrcly a con-
shaping the gc!ncral theory you call for. Can one still
consider iritcllcctiials as :i scpar:itc social group, or
flict ovcr political tactics wliicli cannot bc rosolvcd
btrc;iusc: 110 gc!rwr;il hfarxist tlic:ory csists.
arc the intellectuals salaricd workcrs like cveryonc
F.F.: From what (lo you infor the noiicxistcncc of ;I
gctiior;il Marsist i-licory ;ipplicnl)lc to o i i r day?
No, it docs not seem to in(: that intcllcctuals
are pirely and simply salaried workers like all tlic
(;.I-.: From the fact that w(: Iiavc: lieen losing otlicrs. Tlic so-called prolctarization of thc intcllec-
groiind, ;ind things seem to c t s c q ) ~us. 77icrc arc iicw tiids docs not make them aut1ienti.c proletarians. In-
p l i o 1 1 0 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 ;1 i: ~b o ~wliicli
t \\Y: 1 i : i ~ eiiothing to say. \VC tcll(!ctuals liavc qiiitc: ~ p ~ ~ rcsponsibilities.
iitl Among
w i t for the grctat crisis of capitalism, hiit capitdism IIS, for c:xa1nple, thcy can liavc real p o w r aiid play
lias 1i;td no significant crisis since 1929 \)ecausc 1)jr ill1 in.iportant role in political dccision. But they coil-
1 1 0 capitalism
~ has takcii lioltl of all social life. \Vc tinuc? to complain. Likc: an adoIescent with his first
don’t likc to sajr this, Init it is triic. Thc inass con- girt f r i c d , hc is proud of her, wants her to be seen
suniptioii of the workers hils liecoinc ;I 11t~aiisfor in society, but is at the sitrnc time ashmnctl. Tlie in-
ctlimiiiatiiig tho crisos of capitalisiIi. From the inarkct tcllectiial’s rclationship with powctr is arn1)iguons.
that hlars ; i ~ dEngcls kiiit\~-striictiir~il,objcctivc, in T l i c official propaganda contiiiucs to talk al)out the
n i ; t i i > * \r:iiys rcvo111tioii:iry\vith r(:fcrcncc to the stii- “dictatorship of the prolc taria t,” b i i t thc in tellcctuals
piditv of rilril1 life :ind of tradition in general-w: who prctcnd to he workers l.)ccomc:ridiculous. llow
1i;ivc~niovcd to tlict m;iIiipulatcd inarkct of this em- cmi one forget that even Mirx and Eiigds were in-
t1.1ri‘. \!‘liilc our il1iiilysis stoO(1 still, capitalism coli- tcllcctuals il1itl bourgeois, and of course Lenin him-
ti~iii(.vlto c~volvo.IVo stoplicd with Lenin. Aftctr hiin self c;iiric from ;III iiitcllcctual 1)oiirgeois f i 1 1 1 i i I ~ .\I‘c
t l i c r c ~Iias I1oc:n i i o h1;irsism. should rcmcmlicr wh:it 1,cnin taught us, that thc
During tho niiiot(:cnth cciitiiry, for c:s;i~ripIc, tlic socialist conscicncc tlocts not rise spoiit:inc:ously from
lorigtli ot’ ( 1 1 0 \vorkiiig (lay w a s ; i n important qucs- nrithiii the working class, that it is I~rouglitto thc
tioil. ~t \vr:nt froiii fourtoctn Iioiirs to tliirtcoii to \vorkiiig class 1.y rcvolutionary intcllcctuals. Exactly
‘t\vchvc! to toll m i d SO 0 1 1 . Toclny it is ;I d i f r ~ r ~C~~ Ll Wt S - how this Iiapp(?iisvaries from one period to :inotIicr,
t i o i i . It is riot s o mucli tlic Icngtli of the work wctctk Imt thorc: is no nicclimiicnl spontancit). in it, no
that is iinportaiit I ) u ~ Iiow to understand and pro- f;itnlisni. .
gram n.liat thc tvorkcw (lo (luring tlioir fainoils “free Of C O L I ~ S Owc
, I I ~ L I S:it~ d 1 costs avoid I~iit(!rdisll1
tiinc”; \vIi;it tlioy coiisuiii(:, \vhctl.c t h y go, and so 1 ) ~t h intelloctuals,
~ for pitctr1iiilisI1i is d\\rii);s ~ 0 1 1 -
forth. 1 1 1 tlict niiicttcctntli cc:iiturjr the capit:ilist could cctalcd ;iiithorit;irianisin ; i ~ i dtlicruforc all the more
I)(: iiidiif(:r(!iit to tho workers’ c:ipiicity for corisuinp- insidioiis. the fear of patcriialism slioiiltl not
t i o i i . Chpitalis~ii ttieii \KIS intercstotl ;it)ovc: all in 11i;ikc 11s closc oiir cycs to the jrnportancc, undcr
Ixisic invc?stincnts, in h v y industry, mid import:int ccrtilili decisive circurnstariccs, of the role played
soctors of collocti\~life ~ c r 1)yp;isscd. o Today cap- by grciit personalities in history. IWiat woiild have
itnlism is profoiindly intercstod in d l social life, happeii(d in 1917 in the Soviet Union without Lenin?
froni ladies' hoots to ;iutomol)ilcss, cooking utensils Can we lie sur(: that, in his abscncc, we would h:ivc!
to iiio;iiis of i i ~ ~ i ~ ~ It ~ (is! ;I~ ~ c~unlitativc
~ ~ ~ i t ,~liariga l i n d thc Octol>c:r Revolution? Socialism is wliat mcn
;iliout wliich w:know little. I V c riiiist k w p :in cyo on makc of it. It is up to tliem to see that tlio construc-
tlici ovolution of tlie tc:clinic~i~cs of production, and tion of socialism is not impoded and finally suffocat-
t Iicrc:forcb on t l i o ctvoliitioii of tlic division of labor od by burcaucratization.

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