FS 2 Episode 2

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NAME: __________________________________


GRADE LEVEL OBSERVED:___________ NAME OF MENTOR: ___________________

FIELD STUDY 2 Course Description and Course Learning Outcomes: This course is a
continuation of Field Study 1 that adheres to the philosophy which will be formulated by the
students on the premise of participation and teaching assistantship. It is school based and allows
a pre-service student to observe demonstrated knowledge of learning environments that
motivate 21st century learners to work productively, assume responsibility for their own
learning, participate, and assist in limited actual teaching learning activities that relate to
learning assessment, understanding the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and
learning practices and programs (5.5.1), selection, development and use of a variety of teaching
and learning resources including ICT (4.5.1) in preparation of the bulletin boards and
instructional materials. Further, exhibits skill in planning classroom routines concerning
learners’ safety and security (2.1). in the classroom; A portfolio which will contain sample
lesson of learning plans and demonstration teaching of at least one subject content using
differentiated teaching to suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
(3.1.1) will be required; an action research shall be encouraged to start in this course to seek
advice concerning strategies that build relationship with parents/guardians and the wider
community (6.2.1) which will be concluded and critiqued during the internship.


EPISODE 2-Observation on the demonstrated knowledge of learning environments that

motivate 21st century learners to work productively, assume responsibility for their own

Education Theory: The school environment refers to the academic environment where teaching
and learning take place. It includes the physical location, physical facilities, psychological
climate, and community context. According to spencer and Blades(2005), the impact of physical
environment on the behavior and attitudes of teachers has a mediating effect on the student
achievement. Scheider(2003, cited in Spencer and Blades, 2005) also concluded that poor school
conditions make it difficult to deliver lessons. Hence, it is important for teachers to learn and
find ways to build a learning environment that can best accommodate diverse learners and to
transform the school environment to achieve educational goals and objectives. According to
Weinstein and David (1987, cited in Spencer and Blades, 2005), the schoolenvironment should
serve the following:
 To foster personal identity;
 To encourage the development of competence;
 To provide opportunities for growth
 To provide interaction and privacy

Since the school serves as the second home of students, it is important to keep it safe,
secured, and conducive for learning. The school should own sites adequate for their own
buildings, for physical education, athletics, military training and recreation , and for vocational
education where this course is required in the curriculum. Further, its size, , nature, location, and
accessibility must adequately serve the purpose of the school.It should be free from noise, ,
unpleasant odors, and dust, and should be sufficiently far from cockpits, dancing halls, bowling
alleys, movie houses, markets, garbage dumps, funeral parlors, cemeteries, heavy traffics,
highway, jails, railroad yards, and manufacturing and industrial establishments.(Section 30.7 of
DepEd Order No. 88,series of 2010).
Moreover, the learning environment shall be in accordance with DepEd’s vision that it
shall be learner-centered and adopts the mission to protect and promote and promote the right of
every Filipino to quality, equitable, cultured-based, and complete basic education where:

 Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly norture every learner
 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive learning environment for effective learning to happen
 Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.

The school which serves as the foundation of developing good moral values to children
shall promote the the following DepEd Core Values of being maka-Dios, maka-tao,
makakalikasan, and makabansa.

OBSERVE: Conduct a survey of the school environment. Provide a description of the following
Components Description
Location Nestled between Sci Hi and Norsu, the school enjoys a
central location within this educational hub. The
proximity to other schools fosters a sense of
community among students and facilitates cross-school
interactions, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and
cultural experiences. The school's surroundings are
characterized by a serene atmosphere, offering a
conducive environment for academic focus and
personal growth. One of the standout features of the
school's location is its commitment to student safety.
Being situated away from the city's highway ensures
that students are shielded from potential traffic hazards.
This not only promotes a secure environment but also
minimizes distractions, allowing students to
concentrate on their studies without the disturbance of
city noises.
Physical Facilities One of the notable strengths of the school's physical
facilities is their thoughtful organization. Classrooms,
administrative offices, and common areas are
strategically laid out, making it convenient for students,
teachers, and visitors, including parents, to navigate the
school. Clearly marked signage and a logical layout
contribute to a smooth flow within the school premises,
ensuring that everyone can easily find what they are
looking for. Each room is well-equipped with modern
teaching aids, ensuring that teachers can employ
diverse and engaging teaching methodologies.
Comfortable seating arrangements and proper lighting
enhance the overall learning experience for students.
The school's commitment to maintaining these facilities
creates an environment that fosters effective teaching
and learning. In conclusion, the school's physical
facilities are a testament to its dedication to creating an
organized, accessible, and welcoming environment.
From well-maintained classrooms to thoughtfully
designed common areas, the school's commitment to
cleanliness, maintenance, and safety contributes to a
positive and conducive atmosphere for learning and
community engagement.
Psychological Climate Observing closely, it becomes evident that when
students, teachers, and staff establish meaningful
connections with their surroundings and community, it
profoundly impacts their psychological well-being. A
profound sense of belonging stands as a pivotal element
in crafting a positive psychological climate that fosters
both personal and academic development. The school's
dedication to furnishing a secure and supportive
atmosphere is manifested through provisions like
counseling services and additional resources addressing
the psychological needs of students. These supportive
measures significantly contribute to instilling a feeling
of security and emotional resilience throughout the
student body.
Community Context Central to the community's fabric is the active
participation of parents—an indispensable element that
amplifies the school's sense of belonging. The
meticulously arranged physical facilities, coupled with
the uplifting surroundings and community engagement
initiatives, construct a warm and inviting milieu for
parents. Various avenues for parental engagement,
including vibrant parent-teacher associations, and
engaging events, serve to fortify the school's bonds
with the community. These opportunities not only
bolster the connection between parents and the school
but also inspire and facilitate their enthusiastic
involvement in the ongoing educational voyage


1. Which component is the strength and weakness of the school? Explain your answer.
The interconnected community dynamics, facilitated by the school's strategic location between
Sci Hi and Norsu, emerge as a notable strength. This positioning fosters collaboration, cultural
diversity, and positive social interactions, contributing to a vibrant and supportive community
context. The strong sense of belonging and community engagement initiatives create a conducive
environment for personal and academic development. While the well-organized physical
facilities and positive surroundings are highlighted as strengths, a potential weakness could be
the need for ongoing attention to maintenance and upgradation. Ensuring the continued upkeep
of facilities and adapting to evolving educational needs is crucial to sustain the positive
psychological climate and community context. Regular assessments and improvements will be
essential to address any potential weaknesses in this regard.
2. How does the school maintain the safety and security of students?

The school prioritizes the safety and security of its students through the strategic location away
from the city's highway as it minimizes external risks and distractions. The well-organized
physical facilities and positive surroundings contribute to a secure environment. Moreover, the
commitment to community involvement extends to parental engagement, providing an additional
layer of vigilance and support. Parental involvement, facilitated through parent-teacher
associations and various events, creates a collaborative effort in maintaining a safe environment
for students. However, it's noteworthy that the mention of bodyguards and restrictions on
students going out during class hours suggests a more formalized security measure. While these
measures may contribute to the physical safety of students, it's essential to strike a balance to
ensure that security measures don't compromise the positive psychological climate and sense of
freedom within the school. Continuous assessment and communication with students, parents,
and staff are crucial to maintaining a safe and secure yet nurturing educational environment.

3. What are the best practices of the school in keeping the learning environment conducive for
teaching and learning?
The school implements a comprehensive set of best practices to cultivate an optimal learning
environment. This encompasses well-designed physical facilities featuring modern classrooms
with cutting-edge technology, comfortable seating, and proper lighting to create an ideal
atmosphere for learning. The positive surroundings, marked by clean and aesthetically pleasing
rooms, contribute to a visually appealing setting that supports a positive psychological climate,
benefiting both students and educators. The strategic location between Sci Hi and Norsu
facilitates community interaction and collaborative events, fostering a rich learning experience.
Cultural diversity is embraced through proximity to different schools, enhancing the educational
landscape and promoting a global mindset. The school's commitment to community engagement
initiatives and parental involvement establishes a supportive network, contributing to a
collaborative and encouraging learning environment. Safety measures, including the strategic
location away from the city's highway, are seamlessly integrated, with a commitment to
maintaining a balance between security and a positive, nurturing atmosphere. Regular
assessments of facilities, community engagement programs, and safety measures ensure ongoing
improvements, making the school adaptable to evolving educational needs and continually
enhancing the learning environment.

4. How do teachers promote social development and cultural diversity of learners?

One key aspect involves instilling values in students, fostering a sense of respect, empathy, and
inclusivity. This commitment to values not only contributes to the students' social development
but also forms the foundation for embracing cultural diversity within the school community.
The positive surroundings and well-designed physical facilities contribute to an inclusive
atmosphere where students feel valued and respected. Teachers actively foster community
interaction by leveraging the strategic location between Sci Hi and Norsu. Cultural diversity is
further emphasized through curriculum integration, ensuring that students are exposed to a broad
range of perspectives, histories, and traditions. The community engagement initiatives
spearheaded by teachers create platforms for students to actively participate in events that
celebrate cultural diversity, reinforcing the importance of inclusivity and mutual understanding.
In addition to formalized activities, teachers facilitate informal interactions among students,
enabling them to engage with one another organically. This interaction fosters meaningful
relationships, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity among learners.

5. In what ways does the school promote a positive school-community relationship?

The school promotes a positive school-community relationship by creating an inviting physical
environment, fostering values that resonate with the community, leveraging its strategic location
for collaborative initiatives, celebrating cultural diversity, engaging the community through
various initiatives, and actively involving parents in the educational journey. These efforts
collectively contribute to a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between the school
and its surrounding community.

Conduct an interview with the teachers. Identify the strategies of the school that promote the
DepEd Core Values. Write your answer below.
Instilling Character Development:
Emphasizing values aligned with the DepEd Core Values, such as love of country, integrity,
and respect for others. Designing a curriculum that not only focuses on academic excellence
but also cultivates qualities like compassion, responsibility, and cultural sensitivity.

Integration into Daily School Life:

Incorporating values into various aspects of school life, extending beyond classroom lessons.
Implementing community engagement initiatives as practical applications of DepEd Core
Values, involving students in projects that demonstrate the love of country, promote integrity,
and showcase respect for diversity.

Comprehensive Assessment and Feedback:

Implementing regular assessments and feedback mechanisms to evaluate the impact of
strategies. Engaging with students, parents, and the community to gather insights and make
necessary adjustments. Encouraging open communication to create a platform for dialogue
about values and character development, ensuring ongoing refinement of strategies.

Review the data you have gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. What makes a good physical learning environment?

The deliberate organization of physical facilities, including clean and well-painted rooms, not
only enhances visual appeal but also contributes to a positive psychological climate, benefiting
students and educators. Classrooms are equipped with technology, comfortable seating
arrangements, and optimal lighting, crafting an environment that fosters an atmosphere
conducive to a meaningful learning experience. Overall, an exceptional physical learning
environment encompasses well-organized facilities, positive surroundings, inclusivity, cultural
diversity, safety measures, and an unwavering commitment to continuous assessment and
improvement, fostering an effective teaching and learning environment.

2. How does the school environment impact students’ motivation and academic achievement?
The impact of the school environment on students' motivation and academic achievement is
substantial. A welcoming and supportive school environment plays a pivotal role in uplifting
students' motivation and enhancing their academic performance. When the school fosters a
compassionate atmosphere, students are more likely to find joy in their educational experience.
Additionally, a positive environment encourages a sense of belonging and engagement,
contributing to heightened motivation levels and improved academic outcomes. The physical,
social, and emotional aspects of the school environment collectively influence students, shaping
their attitude toward learning and impacting their overall academic success.

3. Write your reflection by completing the statements:

I realized that: the importance of a school environment extends far beyond being merely a
physical space for education. It dawned on me that a school plays a crucial role in shaping
students' attitudes toward learning and, subsequently, influencing their academic achievements.
The significance lies not only in the delivery of knowledge but also in the creation of an
atmosphere that fosters motivation and engagement. I came to recognize that a school's
environment, when crafted to be welcoming, supportive, and compassionate, has a profound
impact on students. It goes beyond the aesthetics of well-organized facilities; it involves
cultivating an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and joy in their educational
journey. The realization struck me that a school is not just a school; it is a nurturing ground
where students should develop a genuine heart for learning. As I reflect on these insights, I am
inspired by the idea that a well-crafted school environment has the power to shape not just
academic outcomes but also students' lifelong love for learning.

I believe it is essential to: incorporate technology into the educational landscape. In our rapidly
evolving world, leveraging technology is key to creating globally competitive students. By
tapping into technological tools, we empower students to develop the skills necessary to thrive in
the digital age. Integrating technology into the learning environment not only enhances the
educational experience but also prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of a
connected and dynamic global society. In conclusion, my belief is rooted in the understanding
that a well-crafted school environment, coupled with the strategic use of technology, can shape
students into not only academically successful individuals but also globally competitive and
skillful learners ready to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

From now on, I am determined to: determined to elevate my commitment to education by

recognizing that a school is not merely a physical space, but a nurturing ground for developing a
genuine love for learning. I am determined to incorporate technology into my teaching methods.
Acknowledging that technology is essential for creating globally competitive students, I am
committed to staying abreast of advancements and integrating relevant technological tools into
the learning process. This approach will empower students to acquire skills that are not only
academically enriching but also applicable to their lives in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Furthermore, I am resolute in my pursuit of knowledge. I am committed to continuous learning
to enhance my ability to deliver a quality education to students. By expanding my knowledge
base, I aim to provide a learning experience that goes beyond the traditional curriculum, offering
practical insights and skills that students can apply in their lives.
Source: Greg Tabios Pawilen, et.al.(2019)

Name and signature of the Resource Teacher/s: _______________________________________


Date signed: ______________________

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