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Morales, Resyl Bei S.

Humn 11 Art Appreciation

BSED- Mathematics 3 Tue (8:00-10:00)
Assessment 3:

1. How does an artist differ from an artisan? Cite at least two (2) remarkable features.
Artist is different from an artisan because artist refers to a person who performs any of
the creative arts ranging from painting to music. An artisan on the other hand, are skilled workers
who makes things or object by means of their hands. Likewise, artist creates something whose
only value is aesthetic and the output can be an expression of the beauty of art itself while the
artisan creates something functional and is being practical.

2. Should an artist be termed as “greater” than an artisan? Refute.

No, artist should not be termed “greater” than an artisan because both of them are great in
their own expertise. Both of them have an important role to our society which greatly give
impact from generations to generations. Artist and artisans are considered to be truly the movers
and shakers of our world. For me, no one must be above each other for they both bring prestige
and pride to our country. Both of them create something from their creative minds.

3. In what way do other important key players in the art market maintain and preserve the value
of an artists and artisan’s creative work?
Other important key players in the art market maintains and preserve the value of an
artists and artisan’s creative work by means of continually giving honor or value, importance,
and recognition to their work so that their work will still be known and so that they will not lost
the essence of being a great artist and artisan.

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