Edith Wharton-Ethan Frome (Rácz Sándor)

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Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome (1911)

The background of the novel:

The author spent every year in France in order to learn the French language. She started her trips in
1902. She heard about the story in a French-language composition but later on she embeded it in a
New England style. Also added to the story a new element, the sledding scene which was based on
a sledding accident in Massachuttes.

Writting style:

She used naturalistic style to describe the fictional town of Starkfield where the environment is a
powerful shaper of the people’s fate. The novel is a framed narrative. In this single story she used
prolepsis (rushing ahead) technique because the novel lacks any strong narrative hook at the
beginning of the story. The reader does not know too much about the narrator. Briefly, he is on a
business trip and he recieves informations about the main character. She used extended methapors
at the sledding scene.


The narrator spots Ethan walking in Starkfield. He decides to hire him for a week as his driver. He
gathers little bit of informations about Mr. Frome by the locals. The town is a rural environment and
not so much things goin on in this remote place. The protagonist invites him for a one day stay at
his home. Suddenly the narration changes to limited third-person narrator.

The story steps back twenty-four years where Ethan is waiting for the young lady at the church. Her
name is Mattie, who is helping around the of Mr. Frome. His wife, Zeena is sick and that is why the
household needs a helping hand. Ethan duty to take home Mattie after the church dance. They have
a special relationship since the beginning.

Zeena leaves for a day because she wants to try out a new remedy with a new doctor. The
protagonist is very happy about this and that evening they give signs to each other of love, touching
hand on the milk jug. None of them reveal their true intensions. Mattie tryes to impress Ethan and
she beautifully dressing the table for supper. During the romantic meal, one of Zeena most dreaded
treasure a pickle dish is destroyed by her cat. His wife comes home and decides to stay in her room
due to her illness. Later she changes her mind and joins to the tabée when she discovers the broken
dish. She becames very angry and goes up to her room when she tells to Ethan that she has already
hired a more efficient helper to the house and the new lady is on her way. The protagonist is trying
to make some money and goes to his friend in order to ask for some cash in advance. The friend can
not help so Ethan is rushing back to the farm because he wants to take Mattie to the station. His
feelings are very serious abut Mattie. He is ashemad that he is unable to give her money but he does
not want to let her go. They are heading to the station on sledge but Ethan can not cope with the
idea that this is the last time with her and they had only one day to say farewell to each other. Ethan
insist her to have some fun before they go to the station. At the hillside they going down on the
sledge two times. They crashed to a tree and both were injured in this childish play.While they are
having fun both realise that they can not live without each other.

The story turns on a first-person view for the narrator at the prologue. Everything starts at the point
where the stranger entered the Frome’s house. In the end the unknown businesman hears
someone complaining in the background. The realisation hits the reader when we hear about
Mattie has been paralyzed and Ethan has injured his waste at the sledding accident.
Moreover Zeena is the one who is taking care of both. Mattie became like Zeena but Ethan
wish is granted. His wife altough has found the strength in order to be a caregiver one more
time and to be there between the protagonist and the girl.

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