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Do not write in this Space

Please answer each question clearly
and completely, Type or print in ink.
Read carefully and follow all directions

PERSONAL HISTORY Please attach a photo

1. Family name Siddiq First name Abdul Wahid Other names Maiden name

2. Date of Day Mo. Yr. 3. Place of birth 4. Nationality at birth 5. Present nationality 6. Sex
birth 22 12 1990 Laghman Afghan Afghan Male
7. Height 8. Weight 9. Marital status:
172cm 85
Single Married Separated Widow(er) Divorced
10. Entry into United Nations service might entail assignment and travel to any area of the world in which the United Nations might have responsibilities.
Have you any disabilities which might limit your prospective field of work or your ability to engage in air travel?
YES NO If "yes", please describe.
11. Permanent address 12. Present address 13. Office Telephone No.
Kolak Village, Alingar District, Laghman Khushal Khan Mena, 5th District, Kabul Afghanistan 0787123453
Province, Afghanistan

Telephone No. 0787123453 Telephone No. 0787123453 14. FAX No. if available

15. Have you any dependants?

YES NO If the answer is "yes", give the following information:
NAME Age Relationship NAME Age Relationship
Siddiqa 28 Wife Mohammad Rashid 3 Son
and 1
Mohammad Zahid 7 Son Mohammad Adil 1 Year Son
Mohammad Shahid 4 Song
and 8
16. Have you taken up legal permanent residence status in any country other that of your nationality? YES NO
If answer is "yes", which country?
17. Have you taken up any legal steps towards changing your present nationality ? YES NO
If answer is "yes", explain fully :

18. Are any of your relatives employed by a public international organization? YES NO
If answer is "yes", give the following information:
NAME Relationship Name of international organisation

19. What is your preferred field of work?

M&E and Research

20. Would you accept employment for less then 21. Have you previously submitted an application for employment with U.N.?
six months? If so, when?
YES NO Not submitted before
22. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES. What is your mother tongue ? Pashayee
Easily Not easily Easily Not Easily Fluently Not fluently Easily Not Easily
23. For clerical grades only
Indicate speed in words per minute List any office machine or equipment you can use
English French Other languages Photocopier
Pashto Dari Scanner
Typing 65 WPM 40 WPM 40 WPM Computer
Shorthand 100 WPM Internet
24. EDUCATION. Give full details - N.B. Please give exact name of institution and titles of degrees in original language.
Please do not translate or equate to other degrees.

A. University or equivalent:
Years attended
Name, place and country Degrees and academic distinctions Main course of study
from to
Bakhtar University, Kabul Afghanistan 2011 2014 Bachelor of Business Administration Management

B. Schools or other formal training or education from age 14 (e.g., high school, technical school or apprenticeship)

Years attended
Name, place and country Type Certificates or diplomas obtained
Sayed Jamaludin High School, Peshawar Pakistan HIgh SChool 1995 20017 Certificate

Sayed Jamaludding English Langauge Academy Englsh Language Course 2001 2003 Certificate
Peshawar Pakistan

25. List professional societies and activities in civic, public or international affairs

26. List any significant publications you have written (Do not attach)
Research Paper on "Peer Violence Victimization and Violence Perpetration in Afghanistan Schools" PlOSE ONE Journal

27. EMPLOYMENT RECORD: Starting with your present post, list in reverse order every employment you have had. Use a separate block for each post.
Include also service in the armed forces and note any period during which you were not gainfully employed. If you need more space, attach additional
pages of the same size.
From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:
Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final Research and Database Specilist
January 2022 December 2023 USD 16800 16800
Name of employer: Type of business:
Help The Afghan Childre NGO
Address of employer: Name of supervisor:
Kandahar Mosque Street, Polisorkh Square, Kabul. Osman Hemat
Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:
supervised by you: 6 research End of Contract


• Assist with the planning and conducting of scientific research projects including hiring enumerators, survey supervisors, conducting training for
enumerators to properly collect data, collecting, sorting, and analyzing data, developing, executing, and interpreting research projects.
• Prepared assessments and research financial plans to manage the intervention more appropriately.
• Assist in preparing complete documentation for procedures, monitoring researchers in their assigned responsibilities, and presenting progress to
• Applied research principles, concepts, practices, and methods and clean data, communicate any issue with data with field supervisors to tackle the
problem or provide more information. Provide routine critical analysis of monitoring & evaluation data and monitoring findings related to specific projects,
programs, sectors, and regions.
• Designs of surveys in online tools, Kobo, ODK and google form to manage real time data to respond to the outcomes and outputs of the project.
• Conducted Focus Group Discussions with project stakeholders to provide insights on project activities and its benefits.
• Supported the M&E manager in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments, reviews and evaluation as demanded in each program.
• Ensured integrity and quality of all data and information collected by the field team.
• Provided regular training and orientation to provincial M&E team particularly on planning assessments.
• Proposed techniques to improve conducting surveys with quality and team productivity.
• Prepared online and offline data and stored in the particular developed database.
• Preparing Research ToRs for selection of external consultancy to manage the research and assessment.
• Prepared visual reports and presented the findings to management.

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Manager
June 2019 December 2021 USD15600 15960
Name of employer: Type of business:
Save The Children International NGO
Address of employer: Name of supervisor:
5th Street, Qalai Fatullah, Kabul Afghanistan Amirullah Takal

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you: 3 MEAL End of Contract
• Strengthen the MEAL systems of the Organization to ensure a qualitative balance of data and analysis.
• Ensure effective scheduling of program assessments as well as the analysis and dissemination of findings.
• Ensure that all internal and external reporting requirements for MEAL Data are met with timely relevant triangulated and well analyzed data.
• Ensure that all assessment/evaluation reports meet the quality criteria and promote the integration of recommendations and lessons learnt in project
planning and future programming.
• Ensure regular review of projects’ indicators in conjunction with financial and operational review.
• Ensure that team members fully understand the function of MEAL in quality assurance and strengthen a culture of open reflection and improvement.
• Set up the accountability and learning system for the organization and ensure implementation of the system.
• Prepared quarterly reports on accountability system, support the head of MEAL in preparing annual planning
• Promote all aspects of MEAL to support the creation of an organizational culture which prioritizes quality programming
• Build strong capacity of staff and provide support as required to ensure MEAL system is understood and supported at field and Syria Response office
• Work closely with the program teams to ensure that MEAL becomes an integral element of project implementation leading to enhanced quality,
accountability, management and impact. This may include the establishment of a Technical Working Group.
• leadership and technical support as needed so that M&E staff are able to perform their roles as required
• Responsible to ensure that the organization delivers on all internal M&E requirements
• in emergency and development programmes in a timely manner and with high quality
• information, including reporting on SCI global indicators and quarterly reports, total direct and indirect reach data.

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final M&E and Learning Coordinator
January 2014 May 2019 USD 12000 USD 13200
Name of employer: Type of business:
Help The Afghan Children NGO
Address of employer: Name of supervisor:
Kandahar Mosque Street, Polisorkh Square, Kabul. Osman Hemat

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you: 4, M&E Officers Resigned and joined SCI
From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:
Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final Monitoring, Evaluation and Data Entry Officer
September 2011 December 2013 USD 8400 USD 10800
Name of employer: Type of business:
Address of employer: Name of supervisor:
Kolola Pushta, Kabul Afghanistan Noor Ahmad

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you: 1 Data Entry Resigned and found job with HTAC
• Collaborate with the M&E Officer to track, register complaints/feedback from female/male
• participants /beneficiaries/ stakeholders through the existing channels also in conducting the
• awareness session.
• Support the M&E Officer to update the complaints and feedback forms/ database.
• Support the M&E Officer to collect data from participants/ beneficiaries and translate this data into
• accountability reports submitted on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports.
• Follow-up close-out of feedback provided by participants.
• Support training participants on AGEF humanitarian accountability mechanisms
• Monitoring
• Support M&E Officers to conduct field visits of CBEs, or any other monitoring activities assigned
• targeting beneficiaries.
• Collaborate with M&E Officers to conduct rapid assessments, CBE assessments or any special
• assessments targeting female/male participants/ beneficiaries or respondents.
• Support M&E Officers to conduct post distribution monitoring, or any other monitoring activities
• assigned to targeting beneficiaries.
• Support roll-out of monitoring tools and processes designed to increase participation beneficiaries in
• M&E processes.
• Baselines and Evaluation (End lines)
• Support the M&E team to data collection for baselines and evaluations (end lines) among
• beneficiaries.
• Reporting and Learning:
• Provide monthly M&E report to the supervisor; After conducting a field visit, to immediately share
• the monitoring report with the supervisor.
• Support identification of appropriate success stories (particularly women and girls’ beneficiaries
• storied) for the assigned projects and share with the project manager or/and communication
• department.

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final

Name of employer: Type of business:

Address of employer: Name of supervisor:

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you:

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final

Name of employer: Type of business:

Address of employer: Name of supervisor:

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:
supervised by you:

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final

Name of employer: Type of business:

Address of employer: Name of supervisor:

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you:

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final

Name of employer: Type of business:

Address of employer: Name of supervisor:

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you:

From To Salaries per annum Exact title of your post:

Month/Year Month/Year Starting Final

Name of employer: Type of business:

Address of employer: Name of supervisor:

Number and kind of employees Reason for leaving:

supervised by you:
28. Have you any objections to our making inquiries of your present employer ? YES NO

29. Are you now, or have you ever been, a permanent civil servant in your government's employ ? YES NO

If answer is "yes", when ?

30. REFERENCES: List three persons, not related to you, who are familiar with your character and qualifications.
Do not repeat names of supervisors listed under item 27


Osman Hemat osman.htac@gmail.com Executive Director, HtAC
Aliya Nassimi Aliya.nassimi@savethechildren.org HR specialist
Amirullah Takal Amirullah.takal

31. State any other relevant facts. Include information regarding any residence outside the country of your nationality.

32. Have you ever been arrested, indicted, or summoned into court as a defendant in a criminal proceeding, or convicted, fined or imprisoned for
the violation of any law (excluding minor traffic violations)?


If "yes", give full particulars of each case in an attached statement.

33. I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on a Personal History form or any other document requested
by the United Nations renders a staff member of the United Nations liable to termination or dismissal.

January 01, 2024

DATE: ______________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________

N.B. You will be requested to supply documentary evidence which supports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any
documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original texts or references or
testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization.

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