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Question 1 of 5

Ifa task is in the "Yes, but not now" place in the funnel, it is

a task you know you never want to do

a task that has low or delayed value

a task that has less value than what would go on the Perhaps List

Question 2 of 5

Let's say a marketing manager has to determine the value of a new potential project: re-designing the company website. What factors
will influence her deciding where this new project fits in the Time-Value Prioritization funnel?

Question3 of 5
When you say to activities that haye little to no value, you're saying to all the other potential activities that hold much greater Get H
Question 2 of 5

Let's say a marketing manager has to determine the value of a new potential project: re-designing the company website. What factors
will influence her deciding where this new project fits in the Time-Value Prioritization funnel?

The deadline for this redesign.

Who she determines will perform the actual re-design.

Her travel schedule in the coming months.

all of these answers

Question 3 of 5
Question3 of 5

When you say to activities that have little to no value, you're saying to all the other potential activities that hold much greater

yes," "yes"

"maybe later," "maybe later"

"no," "no"

"no," "yes

Question 4 of5
From atime management perspective, two big differences between our lives now and ourlives 30 years agoare
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"no," "yes"

XQuestion 4 of 5
differences between our lives now and our lives 30 years ago are and
From a time management perspective, two big

knowing what to do; knowing when to do it

X scheduling: prioritization

interruptions; speed

deciding what is urgent; deciding what is important

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deciding what is urgent; deciding what is important

Question 5 of 5

When delegating, what the most important thing to consider?

Should I simply give someone instructions and hoping for the best?

Do you feel like you'd rather do the task yourself?

Would it be more productive if someone else performed this task instead of me?

My instructions should say what to get done, but don't need to specify when to finish by

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