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Lesson 1 : Substance Abuse in the Philippines

Drug misuse - refer primarily to the inappropriate use of legally purchased drugs.
Drug abuse - frequent and substantial use of a substance, legal or illegal.

Addiction - is the loss of control.

Drug Addiction - complex, and chronic brain disease.

INCB - International Narcotics Control Board.

DDB - Dangerous Drugs Board
The estimated Filipino Drug users in the country is about 1.7 million. The average age of the
users is 28 years old, with a male-to-female ratio of 10:1.
shabu - methamphetamine hydrochloride
cannabis - marijuana
inhalants - contact cement

Poverty - is considered to be the main cause of illegal drug trade in the country.

Factors Influencing Substance Use and Abuse

1. Lack of Parental Supervision

2. Peer Pressure

3. Curiosity

4. Pleasure

5. Relief from stress and depression

6. Performance enchancement

health 1
health 2

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