DSP Assignment-4 I I R Filter

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Sardar Patel Institute Of Technology

Munshinagar, Andheri(W), Mumbai-400058
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department

Subject : Digital Signal Processing 25-10-2023

Assignment No -4 Topic : Digital IIR filter Design

Digital IIR Filter

1. Introduction to Digital
2. Digital IIR filter design using Impulse Invariant Method(IIM)
3. Digital IIR filter design using Bilinear Transformation Method (BLT)
Design of Digital IIR Butterworth filter
4. Realization structure

References :

[1] Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.

[2] Ashok Ambardar, ‘Digital Signal Processing ‘ , Cengage Learning, 2007,

ISBN : 978-81-315-0179-5.
[3]. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach”,
Pearson Education ISBN 0-201-59619- 9
[4] S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, ‘Digital Signal Processing ‘ TataMcgraw Hill
Publication First edition (2010). ISBN 978-0-07-066924-6.

• Impulse Invariant Method

Q(1) An analog domain filter has a transfer function H(s) = filter is to be
(s + a)2 + b2
converted into digital filter so that its impulse response characteristics are retained.
The sampling frequency is 100 Hz. Find the transfer function H(z).

s + 0.1
Q(2) Convert the analog filter with system function H(s) =
(s+0.1)2 + 16
into a digital IIR filter by means of a BLT.
The digital filter is to resonate at freq. wr = π/4

ANS : 0.128 + 0.006 z −1 − 0.122 z −2

H ( z) =
1 + 0.0006 z −1 − 0.975 z − 2

• Digital Butterworth Filter

Q(3) Given, 0.8 ≤ ⏐H(e j w) ⏐ ≤ 1.0 for 0 ≤ F ≤ 100 Hz

⏐H(e j w) ⏐ ≤ 0.2 for 300 Hz ≤ F ≤ 500 Hz
Fs = 1 KHz. Design a Digital Butterworth filter.

Q(4) A Digital IIR Low-Pass Filter required to meet the following specifications:
Passband ripple : ≤ 0.5 dB Stopband attenuation : ≤ 40 dB
Passband edge : = 1.2 kHz Stopband edge : = 2.0 kHz
Sample rate : = 8.0 kHz
Determine the required filter order for
(a) A Digital Butterworth Filter .
(b) A Digital Chebyshev Filter. .

Q(5) A Digital Butterworth is required to meet the following specifications

Pass band ripple ≤ 1 dB
Stop band attenuation ≥ 40 dB Find the filter order and cutoff frequency if
Pass band edge = 4 KHz (a) Impulse Invariant Method is used
Stop band edge = 6 KHz (b) BLT technique is used.
Sampling rate = 24 KHz

ANS : ( a ) Ωp = 25132.74 Ωs = 37699.11 N = 13.02 ≅ 14 Ωc = 26375.32 wc = 1.09 rad.

( b ) Ωp = 27712.8 Ωs = 48000 N = 9.61 ≅ 10 Ωc = 29649.7 wc = 1.106 rad.

Q(6) Design 4th order Digital Butterworth LPF with pass band cutoff
frequency of 0.4π. Sketch POLE-ZERO Plot and draw realization

Q(7) Design a first order Low Pass DT Butterworth filter whose cutoff frequency is
1 kHz at the sampling rate of 104 sample/sec.

Q(8) Design and realize a Low Pass Filter using Impulse Invariant Method to satisfy the
following characteristics.
(i) Monotonic Stop Band and Pass Band.
(ii) –3dB cutoff frequency of 0.2π
(iii) Stop Band Attenuation of 15 dB at 0.65π

Q(9) Design a second order Butterworth Low Pass filter using Impulse Invariant
technique. The cut off frequency required to be 50 Hz and Sampling frequency 500

Q(10) Design second order Digital Butterworth HPF with a bandwidth of 0.25π rad.

Q(11) A Digital filter with a 3dB bandwidth of 0.5π is to be designed from 1st order
analog butterworth filter using BLT and obtain H(z).

Q(12) Design a Digital Butterworth LPF with 2 dB passband attenuation at a

frequency of 20 rad/sec and atleast 10 dB stopbad attenuation at 30

Q(13) Design a Digital Butterworth HPF for the following specifications

Ap = 3 dB As= 15 db

Wp = 1000 rad/sec Ws = 500 rad/sec

Q(14) Design third order Digital Butterworth LPF using Impuse Invariant

Q(15) Given, 0.9 ≤ ⏐H(e j w) ⏐ ≤ 1.0 for 0 ≤ w ≤ 0.5π

⏐H(e j w) ⏐ ≤ 0.2 for 0.75π ≤ w ≤ π
Design a Digital Butterworth filter.

Q(16) Design a Digital Band Pass filter as per the following specifications,
Lower Cutoff frequency = 10 Hz
Upper Cutoff frequency = 20 Hz
Sampling Frequency = 100 Hz

Frequently Asked Questions [What & Why !] "

(1) What is Digital filter ?

(2 ) What is Real time Digital filter?
(3 ) What are the Advantages of digital filters-?
(4 ) W h a t is Infinite Impulse Response (I I R) filter ?
(5 ) W h a t is Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter ?
(6 ) What are the advantages of IIR filters (compared to FIR filters)?
(7 ) What are the disadvantages of IIR filters (compared to FIR filters)?
(8) Compare FIR filters and IIR filters
(9) What is the relation between Analog filter pole and digital filter pole when impulse invariant
technique is used for filter design.
(1 0 ) What is the relationship between Analog filter frequency and digital filter frequency when
impulse invariant technique is used for filter design.
(11) Why Impulse Invariant method is not suitable for HPF / BPF design?
(12) What is the relation between Analog filter pole and digital filter pole when BLT method is used
for filter design.
(1 3 ) What is the relationship between Analog filter frequency and digital filter frequency when BLT
method is used for filter design.
(1 4 ) E x p la in fre q u e n c y w a rp in g in B L T .
(15) Frequency warping is needed to perform in BLT technique but not in impulse invariance
technique OR In BLT there is no aliasing
(1 6 ) Explain the Mapping of points from s-plane to z–plane when Impulse Invariant Method is used
for filter design.
(17) What do you mean by invariant ?
(18) Why IIR filter cannot have a linear phase :

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