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Music of The Pre-Baroque Period
Contemporary Western Civilization is mirrored by that of the Renaissance and also
exemplified the strengths, inconsistencies, and violence of the period.

Renaissance Music - recognizable until now with its constant reliance on triadic harmonies.

was not “tonal” but gave the impression that it was such because of its being given
unexpected chords or “wrong” parts.

Triadic Harmonies - are based on the interval of the third, in lieu of the medieval era-
intervals in the fourth and fifth.
consorts - utilized ranges ( soprano, alto, tenor, bass ) in order to have homogenous ensemble
play a harmonious pattern.

can be “whole” ( comprising instruments belonging to the same family) or “broken” (

which relies on the mixing of instruments )

Transition to Baroque Period

The Reformation and the Counter-Reformation ushered in the removal of unimportant

details in music and the simplification of complex ones.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ( 1525-1594 ) - is the best example and whose works had
been considered as the paragon for Church composition.

was active in Rome.

Giovanni Gabrieli ( 1556-1612 ) - most known in Venice.

recognized for his use of the “concertato” style

concertato - a technique that had been influenced by the layout of St. Mark’s Cathedral.

underscored the contrasts between the vocal and instrumental, or also between many

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Two Famous Composers during the Transition Period
Claudio Monteverdi ( 1567-1643 ) - hailed from Cremona, Italy, created eight books of
madrigals, three masses, vespers, magnificats, motets, as well as 12 operas, of which three
were surviving.

was among the Italian Madrigalists who innovated in harmony and chromaticism.

also helped establish the Baroque monody and basso continuo.

Heinrich Schütz ( 1585-1672 ) - a native of Saxony region in what is now Germany, is

considered as “the greatest German composer of the 17th century.”

his compositions are varied and includes Italian Madrigals, Lutheran sacred
compositions, motets, oratorios, and passions.

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