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Narendra Kumar
Postgraduate in Anesthesia
GGH, Guntur


❖ German Surgeon
❖ First to perform SPINAL ANESTHESIA & IVRA
❖ Early Medical Career :
- Began his medical education at Berlin 1881
- Transferred to Leipzig University in 1882
- Transferred to University of Kiel 1883
- After receiving medical degree he worked as General Practitioner
- After Professorships in Greifswald and Bonn, Bier was appointed Chief
Surgeon and Geheimrat Professor of Surgery at the Charite’ –
❖ Spinal Anesthesia :
- On 16th August 1898,Bier performed the first operation under spinal
anesthesia at the Royal Surgical Hospital of the University of Kiel
- Patient was scheduled to undergo segmental resection of his left ankle
which was severly infected tuberculosis but he refused to have general
anesthesia because he had suffered severe adverse side-effects in his
previous surgeries
- Bier suggested “Cocainization” of the SpinalCord as an alternative to
General Anesthesia
- Bier Injected 15 mg of Cocaine intrathecally which was sufficient to
perform the operation
- Bier along with his Assistant August Hildebrandt received Spinal
Anesthesia and experimented individually on them
❖ IVRA :
- In 1908 Bier pioneered the use of Intravenous Regional Anesthesia a
technique which is commonly referred to as “Bier Block”
❖ Bier is also considered to be a pioneer in the field of “Sports Medicine”
❖ Along with Arthur Mallwitz , Bier organized the first lectures in Sports Medicine at the
University of Berlin in 1919
❖ Awards :
- Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of The University of Edinburgh in 1910
- The Title of Geheimrat
- In 1936 , Bier received the Eagle Shield of The German Reich
- In 1938 , German National Prize for Art & Science an award created by
Adolf Hitler as a replacement for Nobel Prize
❖ Died on 12 March 1949 ,Sauen , Brandenburg , Germany

❖ Irish Born Anesthetist

❖ Born on 23rd July 1888, Larne, United Kingdom
❖ He helped to establish the Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
❖ Originally a General Practitioner,he accepted a post at Queen’s Hospital , Sidcup ,in 1919 as an
❖ He developed the Diploma In Anesthesia , at Royal College of Surgeons the First Professional
examination in the Speciality
❖ He is famous for his involvement in much of the innovation and developments in
Modern Anaesthesia
❖ Magill’s Developments :
1. Endotracheal Tube , Anesthesia ( The Magill’ ETT , Oral & Nasal Designs )
2. An anesthetic breathing system ( Magill circuit and Expiratory Valve )
3. Intubating Forceps ( Magill Forceps )
4. Laryngoscope a straight blade version
5. Catheter Mount ( ETT – to – Circuit connector )
6. ETT Connectors , Oral & Nasal Versions
7. Magill Tracheal Spray ( Glottic Anesthetic )
8. Single –Lung Anesthesia
9. Endobronchial Tubes & Bronchial Blockers
10. Bobbin Flowmeters
11. Helped establish The Diploma In Anesthesia
12. Helped found the Association of Anaesthetists in 1932
13. Initiated the foundation of Association of Operating Theatre Technicians in 1945
❖ Papers :
➢ Magill IW. "Endotracheal Anaesthesia"
➢ Magill I. "Warming Ether Vapour for inhalation"
➢ Magill I. "An apparatus for the Administration of Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen and Ether"
➢ Magill I. "The Provision for Expiration in Endotracheal insufflation"
➢ Magill I. "A Portable Apparatus for Tracheal Insufflation Anaesthesia"
➢ Magill I. "Anaesthetics in the Plastic Surgery of the Face and Jaws"
JOHN SNOW ( 1813 – 1858 )

❖ English Physician
❖ A leader in the development of anesthesia and medical hygiene
❖ He is considered one of the founders of modern Epidiomology, because of his work in tracing the
source of a Cholera Outbreak in Soho, London in 1854.
❖ Early Life & Education:
➢ Born on 15th March 1813, York , United Kingdom to William & Frances Snow
➢ Snow demonstrated an aptitude for mathematics. In 1827, when he was 14, he obtained a
medical apprenticeship with William Hardcastle in the area of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
➢ In 1832, during his time as a surgeon-apothecary apprentice, he encountered a cholera
epidemic for the first time in Killingworth, a coal-mining village. Snow treated many victims of
the disease and thus gained experience.
➢ In October 1836 he enrolled at the Hunterian school of medicine on Great Windmill Street,
❖ Career :
➢ In the 1830s, Snow's colleague at the Newcastle Infirmary was surgeon Thomas Michael
Greenhow. The surgeons worked together conducting research on England's cholera epidemics,
both continuing to do so for many years
➢ In 1837, Snow began working at the Westminster Hospital. Admitted as a member of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England on 2 May 1838, he graduated from the University of London in
December 1844 and was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1850.
➢ Snow was a founding member of the Epidemiological Society of London which was formed in
May 1850 in response to the cholera outbreak of 1849
❖ Anesthesia :
➢ One of the first physicians to study and calculate dosages for the use of ether and chloroform as
surgical anaesthetics, allowing patients to undergo surgical and obstetric procedures without
the distress and pain they would otherwise experience
➢ He designed the apparatus to safely administer ether to the patients and also designed a mask
to administer chloroform.
➢ He personally administered chloroform to Queen Victoria when she gave birth to the last two of
her nine children
➢ Snow published an article on ether in 1847 entitled On the Inhalation of the Vapor of Ether
➢ He was especially interested in patients with respiratory diseases and tested his hypothesis
through animal studies.
➢ In 1841, he wrote, On Asphyxiation, and on the Resuscitation of Still-Born Children, which is an
article that discusses his discoveries on the physiology of neonatal respiration, oxygen
consumption and the effects of body temperature change.
➢ He identified the source of the outbreak as the public water pump on Broad Street
(now Broadwick Street)
❖ Personal Life :
➢ Snow became a vegetarian at the age of 17
➢ He embraced an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet by supplementing his vegetables with dairy products
and eggs.
➢ In the mid-1840s, his health deteriorated and he suffered a renal disorder which he attributed
to his vegan diet so he took up meat-eating and drinking wine. He continued drinking pure
water (via boiling) throughout his adult life. He never married.
➢ In 1830, Snow became a member of the temperance movement. In 1845, he became a member
of York Temperance Society. After his health declined it was only about 1845 that he consumed
a little wine to aid digestion
➢ Snow suffered a stroke while working in his London office on 10 June 1858. He was 45 years old
at the time.He never recovered, dying on 16 June 1858. He was buried in Brompton Cemetery.
❖ Legacy & Honours :
➢ A plaque commemorates Snow and his 1854 study in the place of the water pump on Broad
Street (now Broadwick Street). It shows a water pump with its handle removed. The spot where
the pump stood is covered with red granite.
➢ A public house nearby was named "The John Snow" in his honour.
➢ The John Snow Society is named in his honour, and the society regularly meets at The John
Snow pub. An annual Pumphandle Lecture is delivered each September by a leading authority in
contemporary public health.
➢ The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland awards The John Snow Award, a
bursary for undergraduate medical students undertaking research in the field of anaesthesia.
➢ In 1978 a public health research and consulting firm, John Snow, Inc, was founded.
➢ n 2001 the John Snow College was founded on the University of Durham's Queen's Campus
in Stockton-on-Tees.
➢ In 2009, the John Snow lecture theatre was opened by HRH The Princess Royal at the London
School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

❖ Born on August 9th 1819 , Charlton ,Massachusetts

❖ American Dentist who first publicly demonstrated use of Inhaled Ether as a surgical anesthetic in 1846
❖ Early Life :
➢ Morton worked as a Clerk , Painter, Salesman in Boston before entering Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery in 1840
➢ In 1842 he left the college after graduating to study in Hartford , Connecticut with dentist
Horace Wells
➢ In 1843 , he was married to Elizabeth Whitman after promising to study Medicine.
➢ In the autumn of 1844, Morton entered Harvard Medical School and attended the chemistry
lectures of Charles T. Jackson, who introduced Morton to the anesthetic properties of ether.
➢ Morton then left Harvard without graduating.
❖ Career :
➢ On September 30, 1846, Morton performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether
to a patient
➢ Upon reading a favourable newspaper account of this event, Boston surgeon Henry Jacob
Bigelow arranged for a now-famous demonstration of ether on October 16, 1846 at
the operating theatre of the Massachusetts General Hospital, or MGH
➢ At this demonstration John Collins Warren painlessly removed a tumour from the neck of a
Mr. Edward Gilbert Abbott.
➢ The MGH theatre came to be known as the Ether Dome and has been preserved as a monument
to this historic event
➢ Following the demonstration, Morton tried to hide the identity of the substance Abbott had
inhaled, by referring to it as "Letheon", but it soon was found to be ether
➢ In 1852, he received an honorary degree from the Washington University of Medicine in
Baltimore, which later became the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
❖ Death :
➢ Morton was in New York City in July 1868. He was riding in a carriage with his wife when he
suddenly demanded the carriage to stop, and he ran into the lake in Central Park "to cool off".
This peculiar behavior was because he had suffered a major stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
which proved fatal soon after.
➢ Morton was taken to nearby St. Luke's. It is reported by his wife that upon recognizing Morton,
the chief surgeon made the following remark to his students:
“Young gentlemen, you see lying before you a man who has done more for
humanity and for the relief of suffering than any man who has ever lived “
❖ He is buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Watertown and Cambridge, Massachusetts
RALPH MILTON WATERS ( 1883 – 1979 )

❖ American Anaesthesiologist

❖ Known for introducing professionalism into the practice of Anesthesia

❖ Born on October 9th , 1883 , Bloomfield ,Ohio, United States

❖ His education went on at Western Reserve University Medical School

❖ Initially started private practice focusing on Obstetrics later turned his attention of his

practice to Anaesthesia

❖ In 1919,he published the landmark paper ” Why the Professional Anaesthetists “

describing the inadequacy of anesthetic practices

❖ In 1927 , he was recruited as a professor at the University of Wisconsin

❖ There he setup the country’s first separate department of Anesthesia at a Medical

School and established a resident training programme in Anesthesia

❖ In 1945 . he became the PRESIDENT of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF


❖ Contributions :

1. Development of the Gas Cyclopropane

2. Carbon Dioxide Absorption method

3. Endobronchial Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery

❖ Medical Eponyms :

1. 1923 – Waters To-and-Fro Carbon Dioxide absorption canister

2. 1928 – Guedel-Waters Cuffed Intratracheal Tube

3. 1930 – Waters Airway

❖ Died o 19th December 1979


❖ Born at Morley ,Yorkshire on August 5th 1894

❖ Son of Arthur Stanley Sykes

❖ He was educated at Rosall and Emmaneul College , Cambridge where he graduated M.A

❖ Continued his medical training at – St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London qualifying M.R.C.S.,

L.R.C.P in 1919 & M.B., B.Chir in 1921

❖ His medical studies were interrupted by the 1914 – 1918 War

❖ As a student he served in the Royal Navy until sent back to finish his Medical Course

❖ After qualification he became House Surgeon and Extern Midwifery Assistant at

St Bartholomew’s Hospital and later House Anaesthetist

❖ He practiced General Medicine at his hometown ,Morley

❖ He was appointed anesthetist to LEEDS GENERAL INFIRMARY , St James Hospital and Leeds

Dental Hospital

❖ In 1921 ,he received the Diploma In Public Health

❖ In 1955 , he received the Diploma in Anesthetics of the Conjoint Examining of England Board

❖ Contributions :

➢ 1927 – Published his first book “ A MANUAL OF GENERAL MEDICINE PRACTICE “

➢ 1931 – Published his first book on Anesthetics “ THE MODERN TREATMENT “ series

➢ Books :

1. The Mystery of the missing money lender

2. The Ray of doom

3. The Harness of Death

4. Essays on the first hundred years of Anesthesia

❖ Died on March 31st ,at the age of 66 years

CHARLES RICHET ( 1850 – 1935 )

❖ Born on 25th August 1850 in Paris

❖ Son of Alfred Richet

❖ Studied Medicine at University in Paris

❖ In 1887 , Richet became Professor of Physiology at the College de France

❖ As a professor he investigated a variety of subjects – Neurochemistry , Digestion ,

Thermoregulation , Breathing

❖ In 1898,he became member of Academic de Medicine

❖ In 1913 , his work with PAUL PORTIER on “ ANAPHYLAXIS “ won the Nobel Prize in Physiology

Or Medicine

❖ In 1914, he became member of Academic de Sciences

❖ Richet discovered the analgesic drug “ CHLORALOSE “

❖ He wrote many books about History,Sociology,Philosophy,Psychology,Poetry

❖ He was involved in French Pacifist Movement in 1902

❖ In 1919, Richet became honorary Chairman of the Institute Metapsychique International in Paris

& in 1930 full time President

❖ He had a deep interest in ExtraSensory Perceptions & Hypnosis

❖ Linda Gazzera - Medium richet investigated in Paris in 1909

❖ In 1894, Richet coined the term” ECTOPLASM “

❖ He hypothesized a “Sixth Sense” an ability to perceive hypothetical vibrations which he discussed

in his 1938 book “ OUR SIXTH SENSE “

❖ Richet was a proponent of EUGENICS , advocating Sterlization & Marriage Prohibition for those

with Mental Disabilities

❖ He died on 4th December , 1935


❖ Barbadian /British Anesthetist

❖ Best remembered for the development of Early Anesthesia Machine

❖ Born in Barbados ,only child of Henry Eudolphus Boyle & Elizabeth

❖ Moved to England in 1894 after schooling at Harrison College , Bridgetown

❖ Boyle qualified MRCS LRCP in 1901 from St Bartholomew’s Hospital ,London

❖ Worked as Junior Anaesthetist at Barts and was appointed as visiting consultant in 1903

❖ During World War -1 he worked with the Royal Army Medical Corps in London publishing over 3600

cases anesthetized with N2O-OXYYGEN-ETHER. His work was recognized with an OBE

❖ OBE ( Order of British Empire )

❖ Boyle promoted Intratracheal insufflation techniques using N2O-O2-Ether replacing Open Drop


❖ Initially he imported GWATHMEY MACHINES from USA but finding them unreliable he developed his

own machine

❖ He developed CONTINUOUS - FLOW MACHINES and the design including cylinders for the gases and a

Boyles Bottle to Vapourize Diethyl Ether

❖ Anesthesia Mac hines until recently often referred to as “ BOYLES MACHINE “in honour of his


❖ Contributions :


2. BOYLES – DAVIS GAG ( Tonsillectomy )


❖ Honours :

1. 1923 – President of the section of anesthetics of the Royal Society Of Medicine

2. Founding member of Association of Anethetics of Great Britain & Ireland
3. Early Examiner for Diploma In Anesthesia
4. Since 2000 the department at St Bartholomew’s Hospital has been named

❖ Indian Born American Anaesthesiologist

❖ Eponymously affiliated with the Mallampati Score used to predict the ease of Endotracheal


❖ 1941 – Born in Andhra Pradesh ,INDIA

❖ 1963 – Commenced Medical Studies at Guntur Medical College , Guntur

❖ 1965 – Transferred to Andhra Medical College , Visakhapatnam

❖ 1968 – Graduated with M.B.B.S

❖ 1971 –Emigrated to USA

❖ 1975 – Completed residency in Anaesthesiology at Lahey Clinic Foundation & Boston Hospital

for Women – followed by a Clinical Fellowship at Harward Medical School , Boston

,Massachussets , USA

❖ 1976 – Diplomate of American Board of Anesthesiology

❖ 1977 – Fellow of American Board of Anaesthesiology

❖ 1983 – Published a letter to the Editor in The Canadian Anesthetists Society Journal

❖ 1985 – Assistant Professor of Anaesthesiology at Harward Medical School & Published


❖ 2017 – Retired from Medical Practice

JAMES YOUNG SIMPSON ( 1811 – 1870 )

❖ Scottish Obstetrician , Son of Mary Jervais & David Simpson

❖ First physician to demonstrate anesthetic properties of CHLOROFORM on HUMANS
❖ Use of Chloroform as Anesthetic in Child Birth
❖ Simpsons interests ranged from Archeology to Medicine
❖ Early advocate of the use of MIDWIVES in the hospital environment
❖ In 1825 , at the age of 14 entered University of Edinburgh to study for an Arts Degree
❖ Two years later hhe began his medical studies at the University Graduating with an MBch.B
❖ He became a licentiate of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburghin 1830 and received his
MD Degree in 1832
❖ Member and Senior President of The Royal Medical Society
❖ At age 28, he succeeded JAMES HAMILTON as Professor of Medicine & Midwifery at the
University of Edinburgh
❖ He improved the design of OBSTETRIC FORCEPS that to this day known as” SIMPSONS
❖ In 1838 , he designed the Air Tractor ,the earliest known Vaccum Extractor to assist Child Birth
❖ Dr.Robert Mortimer Glover had first described the Anesthetic Properties of Chloroform upon
animals in 1842 in a thesis which won the Harveian Society’s GoldMedal that year
❖ In 1847, Simpon first demonstrated the propertie of chloroform upon humans during an
❖ Simpson joined the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1849 and became its Vice-President in
❖ Contributions to the history of Medicine & Archeology
❖ Published several papers on Leprosy & Syphilis
❖ Selected as President of The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 1850
❖ In 1879 the Edinburgh Royal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital and 1939 The Simpson
Memorial Maternity Pavilion were named in his honour as the current SIMPSON CENTRE FOR
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH at The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
HORACE WELLS (1815 – 1848 )

❖ An American dentist who pioneered the use of anesthesia in dentistry,

specifically nitrous oxide (or laughing gas)
❖ At the age of 19 in 1834 Wells began studying Dentistry under a 2 Year apprenticeship
in Boston
❖ At the age of 23 ,he published a booklet “ AN ESSAY ON TEETH “
❖ Wells and his wife Elizabeth on 10th December 1844 attended a grand exhibition of
Nitrous Oxide by Gardener Q.Cotton founder of Cotton Dental Association at Union Hall
,Hartfort . Samuel A.Cooley a clerk injured his legs while he ran into some wooden
benches while under the influence of Nitrous Oxide . Cooley was unaware of the injuries
until the effect of N2O had wornoff .Wells observed this and implemented in his dental
❖ Next morning Wells conducted a trial on himself by inhaling N2O and having John Riggs
extract a tooth which went successful without pain
❖ Later wells travelled to Boston at Massachusets General Hospital ( MGH ) 1845 and
tried to demonstrate the effects of N2O on a Medical Student which failed due
toimproper administration of the gas
❖ Wells moved to Newyork city in 1848 alone and began to experimenting with ether and
chloroform and he became addicted to chloroform
❖ Wells rushed in to the streets on January 21st 1848 on hi 33rd Birthday and threw
Sulfuric Acid over the clothing of two prostitutes . He was commited to Newyork’
Infamous Tomb’s Prison.
❖ As the influence of drug wanned he realized what he had done and asked gaurds to
escort him to his house to pick up his shaving kit
❖ He commited Suicide in his cell on January 24th slitting his left Femoral Artery after
inhaling an analgesic dose of Chloroform
❖ Twelve days before his death , The Parisian Medical Society had voted and Honoured
him as the first to discover & perform surgical operation without pain
❖ The American Dental Association honoured wells in 1864 as Th Discoverer of Modern
Anesthesia and The American Medical Association recognized his achievement in 1870.

❖ Newzealand born Anesthetist

❖ First professor of Anesthesia outside United States in 1937 at the University of
❖ Macintosch trained at Guys Hospital Medical School qualifying M.R.C.S L.R.C.P in
1924 & F.R.C.S Ed in 1927
❖ During Second World War he trained anesthetists for Armed Services
❖ His research included hazardous experiments
1. To test Life Jackets
2. The Provision of Respirable atmospheresin Submarines
3. Suurvival during Parachute Descents from high altitudes
❖ Macintosch Designed Equipments
1. Laryngocope
2. Anesthetic Vapouriser ( OXFORD VAPOURISER )
3. Anesthetic Spray
4. Endobronchial Tube
❖ Macintosch studied unexplained deaths that occurred during Anesthesia and
❖ He travelled widely giving demonstrations of “ SAFE & SIMPLE ANESTHESIA “
❖ Macintosh was knighted in 1955, and received many honorary doctorates and

❖ American surgeon and pharmacist best known for his first use of inhaled sulfuric ether as
an anesthetic
❖ Long was born in Danielsville,[3] Madison County, Georgia on November 1, 1815 to James and
Elizabeth Long
❖ By the age of fourteen he had graduated from the local academy and applied to the University
of Georgia in Athens
❖ In 1835, he received his A.M. degree.[6] He began his study at Transylvania College in the fall of
1836 in Lexington, Kentucky.[6] Here, Long was able to study under Benjamin Dudley, a revered
surgeon. He observed and participated in many surgeries and noted the effects of operating
without anesthesia
❖ Long transferred to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia after spending only a year at
Transylvania College, and was exposed to some of the most advanced medical technology of
the time.[6] He received his M.D. degree at the University of Pennsylvania in 1839
❖ After observing the same physiological effects with diethyl ether ("ether") that Humphry
Davy had described for nitrous oxide in 1800, Long used ether for the first time on March 30,
1842, to remove a tumor from the neck of a patient, James M. Venable.[7] He administered
sulfuric ether on a towel and simply had the patient inhale.[8] He performed many other
surgeries using this technique during the next few years, introducing the technique to his
obstetrics practice as well
❖ Long subsequently removed a second tumor from Venable and used ether as an anesthetic in
amputations and childbirth. Despite his continued use of the ether anesthetic, Long did not
immediately publish his findings.[6] The results of these trials were eventually published in
1849 in The Southern Medical and Surgical Journal.[9] An original copy of this publication is held
in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
❖ Crawford Long was a member of the Demosthenian Literary Society while a student at
the University of Georgia. Long was also a cousin of the western legend Doc Holliday, and may
have operated on Doc's cleft lip
❖ In 1849, Long announced his discovery in a small local magazine.
❖ In 1879, a year after Long's death, the National Eclectic Medical Association declared that he
was the official discoverer of anesthesia
❖ "Doctors Day" is celebrated on March 30 every year to commemorate Long's contributions.
❖ The University of Pennsylvania memorialized Crawford W. Long in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
April 1912, with a bulletin and bronze medallion
❖ Long was honored in the "Famous American Series" of postage stamps in 1940, and in 1978
with a postcard
❖ The Crawford W. Long Museum in downtown Jefferson, Georgia has been in operation since
1957.[23] A monument in honor of Long was unveiled in Jefferson on April 21, 1910
❖ A statue of Long stands in the crypt of the United States Capitol as one of the two designated
monuments to represent the state of Georgia in the National Statuary Hall Collection (the other
is his college roommate, Alexander Stephens).[14] Crawford Long Middle School, in Atlanta,
Georgia, was also named in his honor
❖ Long's childhood home was added to the National Register of Historic Places on December 6,
1977. It is located on Crawford W. Long St. in Danielsville, Georgia.

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