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Biomedical Engineering Department

Fluoroscopy malfunction and


November 2023
Error Code: E.00

Meaning: The exposure switch was released during x-radiation. To release Press either button for tooth

Measures: Explain that the operator must continue pressing the exposure switch until the exposure light
goes out (and alarm stops sounding). If not resolved Possible cause Contact failure of the exposure switch
or contact failure occurred due to disconnection in a curl cord of a hand switch during the exposure.

Verification: Take the exposure switch or the hand switch from the timer PC board and check continuity
of the cables. (Pay special attention to the cord bush and connectors.)

Solution: Replace the exposure switch or the hand switch if any failure is found

Error Code: E.01

Meaning: The exposure switch was pressed within three seconds after power-on. The exposure switch
was pressed within ten seconds after previous exposure. Release the exposure switch to restore the
original state.

Measures: Explain that the operator must wait to press the exposure switch for three seconds after power-
on (until the ready light is on) and that exposure is allowed only after an interval 30 times the length of
the last exposure time.

Verification: Contact fault occurred in the exposure switch or contact failure occurred due to
disconnection in a curl cord of a hand switch in the middle of exposure.

Solution: Replace the exposure switch or the hand switch if any failure is found.

Error Code: E.02

Meaning: The exposure switch was pressed when the line voltage was less than 90% of the rated voltage
Release the exposure switch to restore the original state.

Measures: Explain that the operator must wait to press the exposure switch for three seconds after power-
on (until the ready light is on) and that exposure is allowed only after an interval 30 times the length of
the last exposure time.

Verification: Measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block

Solution: Increase the line voltage using a step-up transformer if the supply voltage is less than 90% of
the rated voltage.

Error Code: E.03

Meaning: The exposure switch was pressed when the supply voltage was more than 110% of the rated
voltage. Release the exposure switch to restore the original state.

Measures: measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block.

Verification: Measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block

Solution: Decrease the voltage using a step-down transformer if the supply voltage is more than 110% of
the rated voltage.

Error Code: E.05

Meaning: Tube current before termination of exposure was less than 2 mA (when 3 mA is selected) or
less than 4.5 mA (when 6 mA is selected) Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off.
Then turn on again

Measures: measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block.

Verification: Make an exposure for 0.05 seconds and check the tube current at steady portion by the
method written at

Solution: If mA at steady portion is not more than 1.9 mA (when 3 mA is set) or not more than 4.2 mA
(when 6 mA is set), increase the setting value for h.XX.

If mA is not more than 1 mA, the power PC board or the head is out of order. Solution X-ray head should
be changed. If the tube current is not more than 1 mA after the head is replaced, change the power PC
board. Possible cause 2 If mA is more than 1 mA, but not more than 1.9 mA (when 3 mA is set) or not
more than 4.2 mA (when 6 mA is set), tube current might be low at transient period of exposure. Solution
X-ray head should be changed. Possible cause 3 The tube current adjusting value is not properly adjusted.
Solution Increase the setting value for

Error Code: E.06

Meaning: Tube current immediately before termination of exposure was more than 4 mA (when 3 mA is
selected) or more than 7.5 mA (when 6 mA is selected). To release Turn off the main power switch and
confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again.

Measures: measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block.

Verification: Make an exposure for 0.05 seconds and check the tube current at steady portion by the
method written at section 2. (Method to measure mA and kV)

Solution: If mA at steady portion is not less than 4.1 mA (when 3 mA is set) or not less than 7.6 mA
(when 6 mA is set), decrease the setting value for h.XX.
Error Code: E.07

Meaning: Tube current during the exposure dropped to 1.5 mA or less (when 3 mA is set) or 3 mA or
less (when 6 mA is set). To release Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then
turn on again.

Measures: measure the voltage between L and N of the power supply terminal block.

Verification: Make an exposure for 0.05 seconds and check the tube current at steady portion by the
method written at section 2. (Method to measure mA and kV)

Solution: If mA at steady portion is not more than 1.4 mA (when 3 mA is set) or 2.9 mA (when 6 mA is
set), increase the setting value for h.XX. (Refer to section 4.5.) If not resolved Possible cause 1 The arm
cable (power line for filament of x-ray tube) is broken. Verification Disconnect the arm cable from the
head (10P connector) and the power PC board (8P connector) and check continuity of the cable. 1.
between #4 (head side) and #4 (power PC board side) 2. between #8 (head side) and #7 (power PC board
side) 3. between #9 (head side) and #8 (power PC board side)

Error Code: E.08

Meaning: Tube current during exposure rose to 20 mA or above. To release Turn off the main power
switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again.

Verification: Make exposures for 0.1 seconds and check whether the same symptom appears every time.

Solution: Decrease the setting value for h.XX. (Refer to section 4.5.) If not resolved Possible cause The
power PC board or the head is out of order. Verification Replace the head and check whether the same
symptom (Error code E.08) appears again. Solution If the same symptom appears, the cause of error is
presumed to lie in the power PC board. In this case, replace the power PCB. If the exposure turns out to
be normal, the cause is presumed to lie in the head.

Error Code: E.09

Meaning: The set value for the preheating power is abnormal when the power is turned on. To release
Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again

Verification: Make exposures for 0.1 seconds and check whether the same symptom appears every time.

Solution: Set the h.XX value to “h.10” at all conditions (60 kV/3 mA, 70 kV/3 mA, 60 kV/6 mA, 70
kV/6 mA). If the same symptom (E.09) does not appear when the power is turned on again, set the CP
value (see 4.3) and perform automatic adjustment of preheating power

Error Code: E.10

Meaning: The exposure switch is already on, when the power switch is turned on. To release Turn off the
main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again.

Verification: Power on after disconnecting CN2 on the timer PC board and check whether the same
symptom (E.10) appears. If the hand switch is used, disconnect CN3 as well.

Solution: If the same symptom (Error code E.10) appears even after the connector is disconnected, the
cause of the error is presumed to lie in the timer PC board. In this case, replace the timer PC board. If the
E.10 does not appear, the cause is presumed to lie in the contact fault in the exposure switch. In this case,
replace the exposure switch. If a hand switch is used, connect either of the connectors and check it.

Error Code: E.11

Meaning: Tube current of 2 mA or more is detected during preheating.

Verification: Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again.
Solution: There is a failure in the power PC board. Replace the PC board.

Error Code: E.14

Meaning: Tube voltage immediately before termination of exposure was less than 50 kV (when 60 kV is
set) or less than 60 kV (when 70 kV is set). To release Turn off the main power switch and confirm all
displays go off. Then turn on again.

Verification: Make an exposure for 0.05 seconds and check the tube voltage at steady portion by the
method written at section 2. (Method to measure mA and kV)

Solution: If kV at steady portion is not more than 50 kV (when 60 kV is set) or not more than 60 kV
(when 70 kV is set), increase the setting value for CP.X. (Refer to section 4.3.) If not resolved Possible
cause -8- The power PC board or the head is out of order. Verification Replace the head and check
whether the same symptom (Error code E.14) appears again. Solution If the same symptom appears, the
cause of the error is presumed to lie in the power PC board and it should be replaced. If the exposure turns
out to be normal, the cause is presumed to lie in the head.

Error Code: E.15

Meaning: Tube voltage immediately before termination of exposure was higher than 70 kV (when 60 kV
is set) or 80 kV (when 70 kV is set). To release Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays
go off. Then turn on again.

Verification: Make an exposure for 0.05 seconds and check the tube voltage at steady portion by the
method written at section 2. (Method to measure mA and kV)

Solution: If kV at steady portion is not less than 70 kV (when 60 kV is set) or not less than 80 kV (when
70 kV is set), decrease the setting value for CP.X. (Refer to section 4.3.) If not resolved Possible cause
The power PC board or the head is out of order. Verification Replace the head and check whether the
same symptom (Error code E.15) appears again. Solution If the same symptom appears, the cause of the
error is presumed to lie in the power PC board. In this case, replace the power PC board. If the exposure
turns out to be normal, the cause is presumed to lie in the head

Error Code: E.16

Meaning: Tube voltage during exposure dropped to less than 40 kV (when 60 kV is set) or less than 50
kV (when 70 kV is set).

Verification: The arm cable (main output line) may be broken. Disconnect the arm cable from the head
(10P connector) and the power PC board (2P connector) and check continuity of the cable. 1. between
#10 (head side) and #1 (power PC board side) 2. between #5 (head side) and #2 (power PC board side)

Solution: Replace the arm in question (horizontal or balance arm) if any failure is found. If not resolved
Possible cause 1 -9- The arm cable (tube voltage feedback line) is broken. Verification Disconnect the
arm cable from the head (10P connector) and the power PC board (8P connector) and check continuity
between #7 (head side) and #6 (power PC board side). Solution Replace the arm in question (horizontal or
balance arm) if any failure is found. Possible cause 2 The power PC board or the head is out of order.
Verification Replace the head and check whether the same symptom (Error code E.16) appears again

Error Code: E.17

Meaning: Tube voltage during exposure dropped to less than 40 kV (when 60 kV is set) or less than 50
kV (when 70 kV is set). Meaning Tube voltage during exposure rose to 80 kV or above. To release Turn
off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again

Verification: The arm cable (main output line) may be broken. Disconnect the arm cable from the head
(10P connector) and the power PC board (2P connector) and check continuity of the cable. 1. between
#10 (head side) and #1 (power PC board side) 2. between #5 (head side) and #2 (power PC board side)

Solution: If the same symptom appears, it is more likely that the power PC board is the cause. In this
case, replace the PC board. If not resolved Possible cause The head is out of order. Solution Replace the

Error Code: E.19

Meaning: Tube voltage during exposure dropped to less than 40 kV (when 60 kV is set) or less than 50
kV (when 70 kV is set). Meaning An over current ran the primary circuit of the high voltage transformer.
To release Turn off the main power switch and confirm all displays go off. Then turn on again

Solution: Solution If the same symptom appears, it is more likely that the power PC board is the cause.
In this case, replace the PC board If not resolved Possible cause -10- The head is out of order. Solution
Replace the head.
Error Code: E.20

Meaning: The exposure switch was pressed when the temperature inside the head was 60C degree or
higher. To release Release the exposure switch to restore the original state.

Solution: It is highly likely that exposures were conducted irrespective of the duties, and the temperature
inside the head rose to 60C degree or higher. Explain that the operator must wait until the temperature
drops (until the ready light becomes on) before the next exposure. If not resolved Possible cause 1 The
arm cable (temperature sensor line) is broken. Verification Disconnect the arm cable from the head (10P
connector) and the power PC board (8P connector) and check continuity of #6 (head side) and #5 (power
PC board side). Solution Replace the arm in question (horizontal or balance arm) if any failure is found.
Possible cause 2 The arm cable (signal common line) is broken. Verification Disconnect the arm cable
from the head (10P connector) and the power PC board (8P connector) and check the continuity between
#2 (head side) and #3 (power PC board side). Solution Replace the arm in question (horizontal or balance
arm) if any failure is found. Possible cause 3 The head is out of order. Verification Disconnect the head
connector (10P) from the arm cable and check continuity between #2 and #6 terminals in the head
connector. Solution Replace the head if no continuity between #2 and #6 terminals is confirmed.

Others: Others Symptom Nothing was displayed on the display on the sub controller. Verification Check
whether a fuse has been blown (F01[10A] on the filter PC board and F3[1A] on the power PC board).
Solution Replace the fuse if it has been blown. If not resolved Possible cause 1 The communication cable
(power line) is broken. * If the fuse blows again when fuse is replaced, no break exists in the
communication cable. Verification Check continuity of the #1 and #4 wires of the communication cable.
Solution Replace the communication cable if any failure is found. Possible cause 2 The power supply
circuit on the timer PC board is out of order. Solution Replace the timer PC board. Possible cause 3 The
control power supply circuit on the power PC board is out of order. Solution Replace the power PC board.
Symptom Exposure can not be made although the ready light is on. Verification Remove the exposure
switch and the hand switch from the PC board and check continuity of the cables. (Pay special attention to
the cord bush and connectors.) Solution Replace the exposure switch or the hand switch if any failure is
found. If not resolved Possible cause 1 The communication cable (exposure signal line) is broken.
Verification Check continuity of the #3 wire of the communication cable. Solution Replace the
communication cable. Possible cause 2 The exposure switch circuit on the timer PC board is out of order.
Solution Replace the timer PC board. Possible cause 3 The exposure switch circuit on the power PC
board is out of order.


Use a dry cloth to clean surfaces of the system. Do not use detergents or organic solvents to clean the

Caution : Do not use abrasive brush, scraper, or acid/alkaline cleaner when cleaning your product.
Failed to turn on the power of SCU. Refer to 8.1.1 Power LED isn’t lit up. Refer to 8.1.2 Status LED isn’t
lit up with green. Refer to 8.1.3 Communication Test Failure Refer to 8.1.4

• Repairing SCU Check if AC power cable of System Control Unit is securely plugged. If it still
does not work, replace the SCU
• Repairing Power Failure Check if DC power cable is securely plugged and power switch is turned
on. If it still does not work, replace the detector
• Configuration Failure Turn off the SCU and turn it on again. If it still does not work, replace the
• Repairing Communication Failure Check if LAN cable is securely plugged. If it does not work,
do the first step of the following and check again. If it still does not work, do the next step. 
Restart VXvue.  Turn off the SCU and turn it on again.  Replace the LAN cable.

Warranty: Vieworks Co., Ltd warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery. If any such product proves
defective during this warranty period, Vieworks Co., Ltd at its option, either will repair the defective
product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective
product. In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Vieworks Co., Ltd of the
defect before the expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance
of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service
center designated by Vieworks Co., Ltd with shipping charges prepaid. Vieworks Co., Ltd shall pay for
the return of the product to customer if the shipment is to a location within the country in which the
Vieworks Co., Ltd designated service center is located. Customer shall be responsible for paying all
shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.

Removing the arm

1. Set the FOCUS™ in such position that the articulated arm is completely folded up. Bind the arms
together with a strap. 2. Remove horizontal arm plugs at the both ends. Remove the friction brakes.
3. Remove the electronics as per the chapter Changing the generator board. 4. Lift up the articulated
arm from top of the horizontal arm and assure that the cables can follow freely. 5. The arms must be
lifted carefully direct upwards because of the close fit of the shafts. 6. Detach the covers of the
connection box. Undo the couplings between the connection box and the horizontal arm. Lift up the
horizontal arm. 7. Remove the adjustable brakes from both ends of the horizontal arm.

Attaching the arm

1. The new horizontal arm profile incorporates the shaft and bearings. 2. Lift the horizontal arm to its
place and attach the nuts. Note that there are two nuts on each side of the wall mounting bracket.
Leave the nuts slack to allow for leveling. 3. Route the cables from the connection box through the
shaft of the new horizontal arm. 4. Install the electronics back in position and make the couplings. 5.
Adjust the wall mounting arm bracket by means of a level (there is ±2° adjustment allowance). 6.
Repeat the assembly of the unit according to the Unit Installation Manual.
Changing the tube head

(v1.6 and 2.0) Tube head

version 1.6 can be
replaced with version 1.6
and version 2.0 or higher
can be replaced with
version 2.0 or higher.
NOTE! Version 2.0 does
not fit to units with tube
head versions 1.3 to 1.6
because of the difference
between main cables. Tube head version 2.0 with new scissor arm (main cable) does not fit with old
horizontal arm with generator board version 1.2. 1. Switch off the unit and disconnect from the main. 2.
Release the angle ring with a screwdriver (size 1.2x6.5x125) and remove the back cover.

Detach the Molex connectors and ground cable from tube head. Disengage the bottom screws from the
locking plates and remove the screws. 6. Replace the tube head with new one. Remember to put the mylar
coat between the bracket and the tube head. Set the locking plates on the bottom of the bracket and tighten
the screws with 0.5 Nm torque. Use torque wrench. Do not use any glues. Fix the locking plates around
the bottom screws.

Caution : Excessive tightening may damage the tube head.

. Connect the molex connectors and screw down the ground cable. Screw down the ground cable to the
tube head bracket. 8. Bind the cables around the tube head with cable clamp and tape. 9. Attach the front
cover and aluminum filter to the tube head. Set the O-ring in to the filter.

Put the back cover back in place

- Fasten the angle ring so that the nodules of the angle ring will meet the hole in the cover. Turn the ring
step by step and wedge it with a screwdriver.

CAUTION! After installation, calibrate the unit. See chapter Calibration procedure of the unit.

Alternative method to adjust AVR voltage

Adjusting method of AVR voltage on page requires the tube head to be connected. If by any reason AVR
voltage should be adjusted without head, following method can be used. In this method the reference
voltage for AVR circuit is adjusted. 1. Prepare a digital multimeter capable to measure 10 Vac within
±0.01Vac accuracy. 2. Set the range of digital multimeter at 10Vac. 3. Turn off the main switch . Open
the front panel of the main controller and connect one lead of multimeter to "TP3" a wire ring test
terminal on the power generating PCB. Connect the other lead of multimeter to "TP2" test terminal on the
power generating PCB. (Refer to FIGURE 4B.) 4. Turn on the main switch and select 7mA. CAUTION :
AND HEAD WILL BE DAMAGED. 5. Voltage reading should be within the range of 7.28~7.32 Vac at
7mA setting. 6. If the voltage is out of this range, then adjust VR1, a pot near the TP3 test terminal, very
slightly to make the voltage reading within 7.28~7.32 Vac.


Belray II 097 has two types of self measuring function for tube current, i.e., auto mode and manual mode.
Tube current can also be measured directly by multimeter. In auto mode, both tube current at the
beginning and stabilized period of exposure are checked and adjusted automatically, although the values
of tube current are not displayed. In manual mode, the value of tube current is displayed at the exposure
time display window, but additional operations are necessary to adjust the tube current. In case of two
methods mentioned above, tube current is measured by the micro computer on the power generating PCB.
Last method is direct measurement of voltage. Tube current is converted into voltage by resistor R37 and
R38 (totally 500Ω) on power generating PCB. The voltage across these resistor becomes 3.5 Vdc, when
tube current is 7 mAdc. In this method, the tube current only at stabilized period of exposure can be
measured. Auto mode is recommended for post installation confirmation and periodic maintenance

Auto mode Turn on the main power switch . 2. Depress the tooth selection switches T1, T4 and T5
together until 4mA light blinks. 3. Exposure time "0.50" is displayed and ready light is on. (If not, turn off
main power switch and repeat step 2.) Then release T1, T4 and T5 switches. 4. Make an exposure by
depressing the exposure switch. WARNING : X-RADIATION IS GENERATED FOR 0.5 SECONDS. 5.
If "h.XX" and "e.XX" are displayed alternately after the exposure, leave the unit for about 30 seconds
until the display returns to "0.50". Then make another exposure again. 6. If "Fin" is displayed at the
exposure time display window, tube current at the beginning of exposure and tube current at the stabilized
period of exposure are within the specifications for both 4mA and 7mA. 7. Repeat step 5. until "Fin" is
displayed. b. Manual mode Model 097 x-ray has the function displaying the tube current of the first pulse
and the last pulse of the exposure at the exposure time display window. By this function, the tube current
at the beginning and at the stabilized portion of the exposure can be measured. 1. Power on the control
box. 2. Set the exposure time at 0.5 seconds by the manual adjusting switch next to the exposure time
display window. 3. Make an exposure and keep the exposure switch depressed even after the exposure is
over. Press the mA selection switch either 4 mA or 7 mA. 4. T1 tooth light comes on and tube current of
the first pulse of the exposure is displayed at the exposure time display window, while the exposure
switch is depressed. 5. Keep depressing the exposure switch, press the mA selection switch again. Then
T5 tooth light comes on and tube current of the last pulse of the exposure is displayed at the exposure
time display window. This value is tube current at the stabilized portion of the exposure. 6. If tube current
of the first pulse is out of ±2 mA from the rated current, perform the h.XX adjustment. If tube current of
the last pulse is out of ±1 mA from the rated current, perform the e.XX adjustment


POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE Power supply voltage must be within the operable range (90~110% of
rated line voltage). Confirm the power supply voltage before turning the unit on. 1. Open the front panel
of control box by loosening two screws on top of control box. 2. Set the range of digital multimeter at
300Vac, connect probes of multimeter to L and N terminals of terminal block in the control box. 3.
Confirm that the reading is rated line voltage±10%.

CONFIRMATION OF TUBE CURRENT Confirm the tube current at beginning and at stabilized
portion of exposure by auto mode

EXPOSURE WARNING BUZZER AND LAMP a. Exposure warning buzzer Make an exposure and
confirm that the exposure warning buzzer located within the control box is activated during the entire
exposure. b. Exposure warning lamp Make an exposure and confirm that the exposure warning lamp
illuminates during the exposure. Exposure warning lamp is located on the front panel of the control box.
(4) LINE VOLTAGE REGULATION 1. Make sure that a main power switch is "OFF". 2. Open the front
panel of control box by loosening two screws on top of the control box. 3. Set the range of digital
multimeter at 300Vac, connect probes of multimeter to L and N terminals of terminal block in the control
box. 4. Turn the main power switch on, and select 7mA and set the exposure time at 2.00 seconds by ▲
switch next to the exposure time display window.

Record the no load line voltage (VN) indicated by the multimeter before the exposure. Make an exposure
and record the load voltage (VL) indicated by the multimeter during the exposure.

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