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Гуськова Елизавета, 5аИ, 220293.

Вариант 1.

1. The great merit of Giotto is that, rejecting the prevailing medieval canon in art, he
turned to life, nature. His images, above all, material and voluminous: a massive body,
heavy, as if carved in stone, profile. Instead of a flat golden background, the artist
places figures in the interior or on the background of the landscape. In the art of Giotto
a lot of softness, purity and touching love for the people.

2. Botticelli's work "Spring" is laden with a mood of poetic sadness. The composition
of "Spring" is built on the characteristic rhythm of singsong lines, the alternation of
flowing contours of figures, which are arranged as on the stage.

3. "Madonna in the Grotto" is one of the most characteristic works of the Italian High
Renaissance, both in conception and in execution. And yet, everything in it is new: the
Madonna, angel and children are depicted against the background of a slightly
mysterious landscape, which seems to merge with the figures, and the lighting, and the
very images of people are filled with some special, sublime beauty. Considering
composition as the key to revealing the intent of the work, Leonardo introduces a
pyramidal structure, which became classic for the High Renaissance. The rocky grotto
and the herbaceous plants in the foreground reflect Leonardo's studies in botany and

4. Leonardo da Vinci's paintings are distinguished by their peculiar color scheme. He

never used bright, rich colors and tried to convey the lyricism of the image with the
help of muted tones.

5. In the paintings of stanzas Raphael acted as a brilliant master of composition and

a remarkable muralist.

6. Titian worked in different genres - he painted portraits, landscapes, altar images,

mythological compositions. During the years 1530-1550 he created, using ancient
motifs, a series of paintings depicting the nude female figure. Whatever the subject
matter. Titian, he resolved it in his broad and lush style.

7. What caught my eye an oil painting in warm, dark tones, reminiscent both in color
and in the of Titian's paintings.

Вариант 2.
1. We have survived very few works of brush Mazaccio. In the fresco "Adam and
Eve" ("Expulsion from Paradise") Mazaccio solved the most difficult for his time
problem of correct depiction and staging of the nude figure. With the help of light and
color, he confidently and softly sculpts the shape of objects.

2. Problems of form and volumetrics, perspective, mass and movement of the

human body, balance and harmony occupied Leonardo da Vinci, as well as all
Florentine artists.

3. Leonardo's extant drawing "Adoration of the Magi" shows us one of the first
variants of the arrangement of figures in the painting. To create the impression of
movement Leonardo places the figures of the first plan on a strict geometric diagonal.
The background of the painting is conceived as a dynamic chord, which should
contribute to strengthening the impression of movement.
4. The sculptural group "Pieta" (1498-1500), located in St. Peter's Cathedral in
Rome, is Michelangelo's famous work, which is laden with a feeling of deep sadness.
The mother, mournfully lowering her head, holds the dead body of her son in her lap.
The restrained gesture of her hand accurately conveys the depth of the mother's grief.
The idea of placing the body of an adult son on the lap of the Madonna contained
certain difficulties, which the great master overcame by thoughtful distribution of
draperies. Clothing flows with light folds, emphasizing the femininity of her
appearance; heavy fabric of the cloak falls from the knees to the ground in large
masses and forms the likeness of a pedestal on which the body of Christ rests. Striving
to achieve the impression of clarity, completeness, simplicity, Michelangelo, following
Leonardo, chooses a pyramidal form of construction.

5. In the "Sistine Madonna" by Raphael, the ultimate clarity of construction is

combined with the depth of the idea. Calm, "molded" silhouette of the Madonna is
clearly outlined against the background of a bright, shining sky. She moves with a light
step, the wind flutters the folds of her clothes, which makes her figure seem even more

6. My attention was attracted by an oil painting in warm, dark colors, reminiscent

both in colors and in the play of light and shade, the paintings of Titian.

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