Upper Oesophagael Sphincter.

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Anatomy and Physiology of the

Upper Esophageal Sphincter

Ivan M. Lang, DVM, PhD, Reza Shaker, MD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) is other pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles and the
composed of the cricopharyngeus (CP), striated muscle esophagus. Pharyngeal
thyropharyngeus (TP; inferior pharyngeal motoneurons often have a respiratory rhythm,
constrictor [IPC] in humans), and cranial cervical but not a spontaneous background discharge.
esophagus. All 3 muscles may at times function Therefore, the CP motoneurons may not
to maintain tone in the UES, but only the CP generate CP tone. Various reflexes control the
contracts and relaxes in all physiologic states tone of the CP. Distension of the esophagus
consistent with the UES. The CP is a striated causes contraction of the CP and UES, which is
muscle composed of variable-sized small (25– mediated by a vago-vagal reflex. Pressure on
35 mm) muscle fibers that are primarily type I the pharyngeal mucosa contracts the CP and
(slow twitch), highly oxidative, and contain UES and is mediated by a glossopharyngo-vagal
abundant (40%) endomysial elastic connective reflex. Inflation of the lungs causes contraction
tissue. The fibers may attach to the connective of the CP and UES, which is mediated by a vago-
tissue framework, forming a muscular net. In vagal reflex. The pharyngo-UES and pulmonary-
humans and rats, but not other animals, the CP UES reflexes may generate the respiratory
has no median raphe. The optimum length of the rhythm often observed on UES pressure or
CP for development of active tension is about electromyographic activity. The UES or CP also
1.7 times resting length; therefore, in some contracts with arousal or with changes in
respects the CP acts more like cardiac than posture. All of these reflexes and responses and
striated muscle. A passive tone in the CP is the passive elastic properties of the CP may
present and increases through all degrees of contribute to the generation of tone in the CP
stretch. The high compliance of the CP allows it and UES. Am J Med. 1997;103(5A):50S–55S.
to be opened by distraction of other muscles Q 1997 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
(e.g., geniohyoideus) or increased intraluminal
pressure. The CP is innervated by branches of
the vagus nerves: pharyngoesophageal (PE),
superior laryngeal (SLN), and recurrent
T he upper esophagus presents an organ that must
be defined both anatomically and physiologically.

laryngeal (RLN); glossopharyngeal (GPN); and DEFINITION OF THE UPPER

cervical sympathetics. Only the PE and SLN ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER
provide motor fibers to the CP. The GLN may be The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) is defined
sensory; the sympathetics may innervate the as the pharyngo-esophageal segment that maintains
mucosa, blood vessels, and glands; but no a closed pharyngo-esophageal junction and that
functional innervation by the RLN has been phasically opens during various physiologic states.
identified. Parasympathetic ganglia and various When one compares the UES intraluminal high-pres-
peptides (galanin, cGRP, VIP, neuropeptide Y, sure zone to the anatomic components of the phar-
substance P, tyrosine hydroxylase) have been yngo-esophageal segment,1 – 6 one finds an elevated
found in the CP, but their role in control of the pressure encompassing the proximal cervical esoph-
CP is unknown. The motoneurons of the CP are agus, cricopharyngeus (CP), and inferior pharyngeal
found in the nucleus ambiguus, and the constrictor (IPC; thyropharyngeus [TP] in animals).
innervation is ipsilateral for animal species in Experimental evidence has been found to impli-
which the CP has a median raphe. These cate each muscular element as the UES. The proxi-
motoneurons are topographically organized with mal cervical esophagus was found to have an inner-
vation pattern histologically similar to that of other
gastrointestinal sphincters.7 Careful comparison8 of
From the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of
the location of the UES high-pressure zone with the
Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. radiographic anatomy of the laryngo-pharynx re-
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Ivan M. Lang, DVM, PhD, vealed in most studies that the peak UES pressure
Dysphagia Research Laboratory, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701
Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226. was observed at the IPC in humans3,5,9 and animals.1,2
In addition, some investigators found that the elec-

50S Q1997 by Excerpta Medica, Inc. 0002-9343/97/$17.00

All rights reserved. PII S0002-9343(97)00323-9

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tromyographic activity of the TP (IPC) and the CP tains a median raphe.25,26 The CP is a striated muscle
fluctuated with UES pressure and relaxed during composed of variable-sized fibers of small average
swallows.2 The fact that the TP may function like the diameter (25–35 mm), which are not oriented in
CP or UES at times or that the TP may be capable strict parallel fashion as most other striated mus-
of generating more force than the CP (possibly due cles.24,27,28 The CP contains a large amount of endo-
to the abundance of elastic connective tissue in the mysial connective tissue (about 40%), much of which
CP as described below) does not mean it is the pri- is elastic but has no muscle spindles.27 – 30 It has been
mary muscle of the UES. The CP has been consid- suggested that, unlike most other striated muscles,
ered the primary muscular component of the UES by which insert on the skeletal framework, the muscle
most investigators. Some investigators have found fibers of the CP insert onto the connective tissue
that the peak UES pressure does correspond with framework, thereby forming a muscular network.29
the CP6 and that the infracricoid esophagus does not In most species the predominant muscle fiber type
have histologic characteristics consistent with a is type I (slow twitch) and highly oxidative,24,28,29 and
sphincter.10 Most importantly, however, in most in all species examined, the predominant fiber type
studies using humans or animals, investigators found or oxidative state of the CP is different (i.e., slower
that the CP but not the IPC (TP) (1) had a continual and/or more oxidative) from surrounding pharyngeal
basal tone1,11 – 16; (2) relaxed during swallowing1,12 – 17; or laryngeal muscles.24,27 – 33 The structure and bio-
and (3) experienced fluctuations in electromyo- chemical properties of the CP serve its function well,
graphic activity associated with changes in UES allowing the CP to stretch and accommodate large
pressure.1,16,18 boluses but maintaining a constant tone to form a
Perhaps the UES is more complex than compris- barrier between the esophagus and pharynx. The CP,
ing one muscle. When all studies are considered, it in all species examined, also contains type II (fast
appears that the muscle(s) comprising the UES de- twitch) muscle fibers, and these fast twitch fibers are
pends on the physiologic state. Basal tension is pro- predominantly highly oxidative.24,27 – 29,31 The pres-
duced by the CP and IPC (TP) and possibly the in- ence of both slow and fast twitch fibers provides an
fracricoid esophagus1,2,11,13 – 18; active relaxation anatomic basis for the various functions of the CP
during swallowing1,11,13 – 17 and belching19,20 occurs or UES: (1) maintaining constant basal tone and (2)
primarily on the CP; changes in activity with respi- rapid relaxation and contraction during swallowing,
ration2,17,18,21,22 occur in both the CP and IPC; UES belching, vomiting, and other reflexes.
contraction and relaxation during retching and vom-
iting occur by the simultaneous action of the CP, BIOPHYSICS OF THE CP
IPC, and proximal cervical esophagus13,20; UES con- The CP is not only structurally and biochemically
traction in response to esophageal or pharyngeal dis- different from surrounding pharyngeal and laryngeal
tension (i.e., the esophago-UES and pharyngo-UES muscles, but its mechanical properties are different
reflexes11) occurs with the CP rather than the IPC; as well. The length at which the CP reaches maxi-
and contraction of the UES during coughing and mum active tension is about 1.7 times its basal (or
sneezing occurs in both the CP and IPC.23 Therefore, in situ) length,34 whereas this tension in most striated
the UES may comprise the CP, IPC, and proximal muscles occurs at resting length.35,36 The source of
cervical esophagus, depending on the physiologic elasticity in muscle is unclear, but many investiga-
state, but the one muscle that functions as the UES tors have proposed a model that contains both par-
in all physiologic states is the CP. allel and series elastic elements, where the parallel
elastic element is assumed by most as contributing
ANATOMY AND CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY to the passive elastic properties of the muscle.35 – 37
OF THE CP Structural correlates of the parallel elastic element
In most species the CP attaches to the cricoid car- include connective tissue,35 i.e., collagen and elastin;
tilage and forms a c-shaped muscular band that pro- sarcolemma; and the contractile apparatus itself,38
duces maximum tension in anteroposterior rather i.e., the contractile proteins, actin and myosin. Com-
than lateral directions.1,2,4 In humans, two sets of pared with other striated muscles, the CP24,27 – 29 has
muscle fibers have been identified: the horizontally abundant (about 40%) connective tissue (especially
oriented fibers (pars fundiformis) and an oblique elastic elements) and more sarcolemma (the crico-
band of fibers (pars obliqua), which extends from the pharyngeus muscle fibers are smaller, about 25–35
lateral aspect of the cricoid cartilage to the posterior mm, than most striated muscle fibers, about 100 mm,
midline raphe, where they blend superiorly with the which therefore have more sarcolemma). These
TP.24 Unlike the TP, the pars fundiformis of the CP structural characteristics as well as the network
has no median raphe. In most animal species the CP arrangement of muscle fibers and connective tissue
forms a muscular band distinct from the TP but con- could account for the passive elastic behavior

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of the CP. The functional implications of the passive but the role of these nerves is unclear. Some early
tension characteristics of the CP are that (1) a basal investigators found that peripheral electrical stimu-
passive pressure is generated intraluminally at all lation of the cervical sympathetics caused changes
levels of distension (there will always be tension re- in CP motor activity,51 but these results have not
corded intraluminally from the UES that is not due been corroborated.46,50 Considering the large amount
to active contraction); (2) the tension of the sphinc- of branching among the nervous inputs to the CP, it
ter increases throughout its range of distension34 is possible that some of these effects may have been
similar to the Frank-Starling characteristics of car- due to stimulation of vagal pathways. The glosso-
diac muscle (the diameter of the UES during a swal- pharyngeal nerve may mediate the afferent limb of
low of maximal volume does not exceed the optimal pharyngeal mucosal reflexes, because transection of
length of the UES34); and (3) the UES may be opened the glossopharyngeal nerve blocked the pharyngo-
by increased intraluminal pressure or active distrac- UES contractile reflex without affecting the eso-
tion without active relaxation of the UES.2 phago-UES contractile reflex.11 This sensory role for
the glossopharyngeal nerve may explain some of the
NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF THE CP deficits in swallowing observed after transection of
The CP receives innervation from the pharyngeal the glossopharyngeal nerve.48
plexus, which is supplied by 3 major nerves: vagus
nerve through the pharyngoesophageal, superior la- Neurotransmitters
ryngeal, and recurrent laryngeal branches; glosso- The neurotransmitters involved in the control of
pharyngeal nerve; and sympathetics through the cra- the CP include acetylcholine as well as various neu-
nial cervical ganglion.34,39 – 48 Dissection techniques ropeptides. The following peptides have been
are incapable of determining the particular pharyn- found52 within the CP using immunohistochemistry:
geal muscles innervated by these nerves, because all calcitonin gene related peptide, neuropeptide Y, ty-
of these nerves form communicating branches with rosine hydroxylase, substance P, vasoactive intesti-
each other. In addition, dissection techniques do not nal polypeptide, and galanin. The calcitonin gene re-
identify the nerve terminals and, therefore, cannot lated peptide is also found in other pharyngeal and
distinguish sensory from motor nerves or identify laryngeal muscles and the striated muscle esopha-
the effector organs involved (e.g., muscle or blood gus.53,54 The CP has significantly less calcitonin gene
vessel). Although the anatomical architecture of the related peptide than the TP, but the functional sig-
pharyngeal plexus differs among species,34,39 – 48 the nificance of this difference is unknown. These neu-
pattern of functional innervation is quite uniform ropeptides may simply represent the autonomic in-
and consistent. Functional studies have determined nervation of the muscle, because calcitonin gene
that in most species the primary motor innervation related peptide, neuropeptide Y, and tyrosine hy-
of the CP is the pharyngoesophageal nerve.2,22,39,45 – 50 droxylase are found in sympathetic nerves and sub-
Electrical stimulation of the pharyngoesophageal stance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and gal-
nerve depleted 60% of the CP muscle fibers of gly- anin are found in parasympathetic nerves.
cogen,39 resulted in an integrated electromyographic Interestingly, the sympathetic peptides were more
response much greater than that activated by the su- abundant than the parasympathetic peptides. Clus-
perior laryngeal nerve34 or glossopharyngeal nerve,48 ters of neurons, i.e., ganglia, were found in the CP
and strongly contracted the CP, whereas recurrent rather than the TP, and these contained mostly para-
laryngeal nerve stimulation did not.22,46 Furthermore, sympathetic peptides, suggesting that these were
transection of the pharyngoesophageal nerve rather parasympathetic ganglia.52 The role of either the
than glossopharyngeal49 or superior laryngeal46,47 sympathetic or parasympathetic innervation and
nerves had profound long-term deficits on swallow- peptides are unknown, but control of blood vessels,
ing and resting pharyngeal pressure and produced glands, and pharyngeal mucosa are the most likely
denervation potentials in the CP muscle.48 Although functions.
the superior laryngeal nerve may contribute to the
motor innervation of the CP, there is no functional Motor Neurons
evidence for a role of the glossopharyngeal nerve or The motor neurons controlling the CP are found
recurrent laryngeal nerve in the motor control of primarily within the semi-compact and rostral com-
the CP. pact portions of the nucleus ambiguus (NA)55 – 62 and
the innervation is mostly (ú95%) ipsilateral58,61 in
Sensory Information those species with a median raphe. The CP motor
The glossopharyngeal nerve and sympathetics neurons are topographically organized with the
may provide important sensory information from the other muscles of the pharynx and esophagus, al-
CP, underlying pharyngeal mucosa, or blood vessels, though there is considerable overlap.56,60,61 The ipsi-

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lateral innervation pattern of the CP by the NA is has been observed for a long time that UES pressure
consistent with swallowing studies, which found fluctuates with respiration, but it may be in or out of
that half of the brainstem controls the ipsilateral half phase with inspiration, and it may be associated with
of the CP during swallowing.63 In contrast, reflex ac- contraction of the CP or TP.1,18,21,55,75 This rhythm
tivation of the CP requires both halves of the brain- may be generated centrally by brainstem respiratory
stem64; and electrical stimulation of the nucleus trac- centers or peripherally by reflex mechanisms. One
tus solitarius (NTS), the primary afferent nucleus of reflex that may account for this respiratory rhythm
the vagus, causes activation of the CP bilaterally.48,49 is the pharyngo–UES contractile reflex, but a pul-
These results suggest that control of the CP differs monary–UES contractile reflex has also been
with different functions. The neurons of the NA have found.21 The magnitude of tidal volume correlated
extensive dendritic arborization to the adjacent re- positively with CP electromyographic activity, and
ticular formation55 and ultrastructural studies indi- lung distension by positive pressure ventilation or
cate the synapses on these neurons are both exci- hyperventilation caused strong contraction of the
tatory as well as inhibitory.65 These findings provide CP. The pulmonary–UES reflex was mediated by va-
an anatomic basis for numerous excitatory and in- gal afferents and may be part of the Hering-Breuer
hibitory reflexes and responses by the CP. Pharyn- reflexes. In some situations inspiration is associated
geal premotor neurons of the NA have been identi- with contraction of the TP rather than the CP,2,21 sug-
fied in the interstitial and intermediate subnuclei of gesting that other reflexes or mechanisms may con-
the NTS,57 and this pathway is distinct from the trol respiratory rhythm of the UES.
esophageal swallowing circuit. This circuit may me-
diate nonswallowing reflex responses of the UES, Generation of Tone
such as the pharyngo-UES contractile reflex.11 Many Perhaps the most significant function of the UES
pharyngeal motoneurons of the NA exhibit a respi- as a sphincter is the generation of tone. The me-
ratory rhythm, some units were in phase, but others chanical properties of the CP ensure that tone will
were out of phase with inspiration but have no spon- develop in the muscle at any degree of stretch with-
taneous background discharge.62 These results sug- out active contraction. Many sphincters have a con-
gest that the pharyngeal motoneurons do not gen- stant basal tone generated by the neural input or in-
erate the basal tone observed in the CP or UES. trinsic properties of the muscle. However, the UES
or CP do not appear to exhibit a significant constant
Reflexes Involving UES active basal tone. The CP electromyography of
Numerous reflexes control the function of the chronically instrumented awake and unanesthetized
UES. Slow balloon or bolus distension of the esoph- dogs experiences periods of very low activity when
agus — proximal is more sensitive than distal— the animal is calm, supine, and resting its head, but
causes increased UES pressure or CP electromyo- awake.23 Tone of the CP of animals or UES of people
graphic activity mediated by vagal afferent fi- falls to very low states during anesthesia18 or sleep.76
bers.11,12,66 – 68 The receptors mediating this reflex may On the other hand, changes in posture8 or arousal1,76
be slow adapting mechanoreceptors of the muscular can cause very large increases in activity. Moreover,
wall.69 Some investigators have found that slow acid pharyngeal motoneurons found in decerebrate and
infusion into the esophagus causes increased UES paralyzed cats did not exhibit a basal constant dis-
tone,67,70,71 but these results have not been corrobo- charge.62 These results suggest that much of the tone
rated by more recent studies,72,73 and in addition, of the UES or CP may be generated by various re-
esophageal pH was found not to correlate with UES flexes, responses, and muscle mechanics rather than
tone.73 The increased UES tone after acid infusion a specific tone-generating circuitry of the brainstem.
may have been due to nonphysiologic concentra- REFERENCES
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