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Major: Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Project B: Review a movie related to major

Three Chinese Social Problems in ‘Us and Them’’

Young people live with a desire to succeed, but social problems sometimes block their
dreams. <Us and Them> is a Chinese movie released in 2018, includes a love story
between man and woman, and the story of two young people who work hard because
want to live in Beijing. The woman and the man in the movie loved each other, but
each person had a different goal in life, so they ended up taking a different path. The
background of the separation of the man and woman includes social problems that
appeared in China at the time. This movie features various social problems in China,
which is set in 2007, but is not much different in China today. Representative social
problems that appear in China are the wealth gap problem, youth unemployment
problem, and problem of preference for big cities. This essay will explore these
Chinese social problems and suggest how to solve these problems. And discussion of
these social problems and situations in China will be the background knowledge for a
deep understanding of the Chinese major.

First, there is a serious wealth gap problem. Although China is a socialist

country, the wealth gap is getting wider and the inheritance of wealth occurs. In the
social polarization, both the higher-income group and the lower-income group are
increasing at a rapid pace. China's wealth gap problem has been accumulated for a
long time since the reform and opening of the country in 1979 as it continued to
implement growth-oriented policies. Second is serious youth unemployment problem.
China's youth unemployment rate continues to rise. Youth unemployment is three
times higher than middle-aged unemployment in China. According to a survey, 87.9%
of Chinese university students are worried about their job prospects(Junlin, J, 2022).
Lastly, there is a problem of preference for big cities. Many Chinese young people
want to get jobs in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. But it is difficult for young people
to live in these big cities because of the high cost of housing and living. Young people
come to large cities in search of dreams, but they feel the limitations of reality and
eventually return to their hometowns(Bogo, L, 2021).
These social problems are not a single cause, but a mixture of various complex
factors. Therefore, these problems cannot be solved only by individual efforts, but
should be accompanied by the efforts of the government or various institutions. In
order to solve the problem of youth unemployment, economic revitalization measures
are needed, and the state must create jobs. In addition, to solve the wealth gap
problem, a stable employment market must be created by the government. The
problem of preference for big cities can be solved by establishing infrastructure in
provincial areas. Efforts are needed to solve these social problems by cooperating
with both individuals and the government. The two main characters of the movie work
hard dreaming of a successful life in Beijing, but they eventually realize there is
something that cannot be exchanged for money or success: "each other." For families,
friends, lovers, and for the precious moments and stable futures with them, these
social problems in China will have to be solved.


Junlin, J. (2022). Youth unemployment is also a "problem" in China...87.9% of college

students "Worried about getting a job after graduation". Retrieved from Sideview:

Bogo, L. (2021). “Footless Birds,” the space they settled down Focusing on the
comparison of Chinese youth in the movies 『Tian mi mi』 and 『Us and Them』.
Journal of north-east Asian cultures.


Unemployment(noun): the situation of not having a job that provides money, or the
number of people in this situation at any time.

Socialist(adjective): supporting or relating to socialism.

Limitations(noun): the act of controlling and especially reducing something.

Revitalization(noun): the process of making something grow, develop, or become

successful again.

Stable(adjective): firmly fixed or not likely to move or change.

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