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BASIC RESEARCH 2 REVIEWER Population- This is a set of all observations

made on all objects under study for a given

Research- refers to the application of the characteristic or variable.
scientific method to the study of a problem. Sampling- It is the process of selecting a
portion of the population to represent the entire
Qualitative Research- a research that seeks population.
to understand a phenomenon within a real-world
context through the use of interviews and
observation. Types of Probability Sampling
Quantitative Research- a research that Simple random sampling- gathers a random
focuses on gathering numerical data and selection from the entire population, where each
generalizing it across groups of people or to unit has an equal chance of selection.
explain a particular phenomenon. Stratified Sampling- a random selection of a
sample from within certain strata, or subgroups
Scope and Limitation- part of the research within the population.
paper that sets boundaries and parameters for Systematic sampling draws a random
the problem inquiry and narrows down the sample from the target population by selecting
scope of the inquiry. units at regular intervals starting from a random
Significance of the Study- part of the point.
research paper that stresses the importance of Cluster sampling- is the process of dividing
the study by emphasizing the specific sectors of the target population into groups, called
society that would benefit from the present clusters. A randomly selected subsection of
study. these groups then forms your sample.
Statement of the Problem- the part of the
research paper that enumerates the different
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
problems that will be solved in the present study
Convenience Sampling: As its name implies,
Hypothesis- the part of the research paper
this method uses people who are convenient to
that contains a statement of expectation or
access to complete a study. A kind of sampling
prediction that will be tested by research.
that is most vulnerable to bias.
Introduction- the part of the research paper
Snowball Sampling: A snowball sample works
that provides a brief overview of the study as it
by recruiting some sample members who in turn
relates to the needs of the literature and its
recruit people they know to join a sample. This
intended goals and contributions
method works well for reaching very specific
Review of Related Literature (RRL)- It
populations who are likely to know others who
involves the systematic identification, location,
meet the selection criteria.
and analysis of documents containing
Quota Sampling: In quota sampling, a
information related to the research problem.
population is divided into subgroups by
characteristics such as age or location, and
Primary Sources- These sources offer original
targets are set for the number of respondents
ideas that have not undergone interpretation.
needed from each subgroup. a chance of being
These are original materials, regardless of
selected and thus would not be a probability
Secondary Sources- a source that was created
Purposive Sampling: a type of non-probability
later by someone who did not experience
sampling are units selected because they have
firsthand or participate in the events in which
characteristics that you need in your sample.
the author is writing.
The mean (average) of a data set is found by
Measurements—It is the process of assigning
adding all numbers in the data set and then
value to a variable.
dividing by the number of values in the set.
Levels of Measurements
The median is the middle value when a data
There are four different scales of measurement.
set is ordered from least to greatest.
The data can be defined as being one of the
The mode is the number that occurs most often
four scales. The four types of scales are:
in a data set.
 Nominal Scale- A nominal scale
usually deals with the non-numeric
variables or the numbers that do not
have any value.
55, 52, 78, 63, 45, 55, 70
 Ordinal Scale- It is a measurement
Ascending order: 45, 52, 55, 55, 63, 70, 78
scale that has the feature of absolute
zero and doesn’t have negative
Mean: 59.71
numbers, because of its zero-point
Median: 55
Mode: 55
 Interval Scale - It is defined as a
quantitative measurement scale in which
the difference between the two variables
is meaningful.
 Ratio Scale - The ratio scale has a
unique feature. It possesses the
character of the origin or zero points.

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