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Experiment 4. SOLUBILITY

I. Objectives
1. To compare the solubility of various substances.
2. To prepare biological and chemical solutions used in the laboratory.

II. Materials
test tubes test tube rack
bromothymol blue/bromocresol purple calcium hydroxide
crystal violet/ methyl violet sodium sulfate
distilled water cyclohexane
ethanol diethyl ether
iodine toluene
sugar pipettes
table salt methylene blue
tripod & gauze wire alcohol lamp
volumetric flasks

III. Procedure
1. Solubility of Solids
a. In five separate test tubes, add ¼ tsp of sand, sugar, Calcium hydroxide, Sodium
sulfate, and table salt.
b. Add 5 mL of distilled water into the five test tubes and shake.
c. In another set of five distinct test tubes, add ¼ teaspoon of the same substances.
d. This time, add 5 mL of methanol into each of the test tube.
e. Observe the solubility of the different substances using the two solvents. Record your
observations. (5 points)
Water Ethanol
Calcium hydroxide
Sodium sulfate
Table salt
f. Which is a better solvent, water or ethanol? (5 points)
g. What property/ies of the solvents affect/s the solubility of the substances? (5 points)

2. Effect of temperature on Solubility

a. Boil 100 mL of water in a beaker.
b. Fill 100 mL of water in a beaker and let it sit to at least 2 minutes in an ice bath.
c. Add 50 g of sugar/sucrose into each of the beakers and stir.
d. Record the time (in sec) that the solutions became homogeneous. (2 points)
Solvent Time it took for the sugar to completely dissolve
Cold water
Hot water
e. What is the relationship of temperature and solubility? (3 points)

3. Solubility of Liquids
a. Prepare three test tubes and add 2 mL of distilled water each into the test tubes.
b. Add 2 mL ethanol, cyclohexane, and diethyl ether separately in the three test tubes.
c. In another set of three test tubes, add 2 mL of toluene.
d. Similarly, add 2 mL of ethanol, cyclohexane, and diethyl ether separately into the three
test tubes.
e. Record your observations on the solubility of the liquids. (5 points)
Water Toluene
Diethyl ether
f. Describe the solubility of the three liquids and determine the underlying principles
behind these. (10 points)
4. Solubility of gas
a. Soda is dissolved Carbon dioxide (CO2) in water.
b. In which solution is it more soluble, hot water or cold water? (5 points)

5. Preparation of chemical solutions.

a. Weigh 1 g of methylene blue using the double beam balance.
b. Dissolve the crystals in 75 mL of distilled water, then dilute to 100 mL.
c. Answer the question:
What is methylene blue and what are its uses in the laboratory? (5 points)

d. Weigh 0.04 g of bromothymol blue/bromocresol purple.

e. Dissolve the solids in 50 mL of distilled water.
f. Dilute to 100 mL.
g. Weigh 0.02 g of crystal violet/methyl violet.
h. Dissolve in 80 mL (crystal violet) or 200 mL (methyl violet) of distilled water.
i. Dilute the solutions to 100 mL and 250 mL respectively.
IV. References
Cerritos College (2016). Solutions Part I. Retrieved from

Bettelheim, W., Brown, W.H., Campbell, M.K., Farrell, S.O., and Torres, O. (2019). Introduction to
General, Organic, and Biochemistry (12th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Flinn Scientific (2011). Laboratory Solution Preparation. Retrieved from

Garan-Rosales, F.T. (n.d.). Compiled Laboratory Experiments in Biochemistry. Northern Christian


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