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Hands on Exercise No.

1 Solution
Total Marks: 10 2.0 Batch-01

Problem statement:
All the freelance platforms have a set of rules; before a seller or buyer signs up with the platform, one must
agree with the Term of Service. The objective of terms and conditions is to create a professional work
environment and provide equal opportunities to the sellers. You should read/explore the Terms of Service of
platform before starting work to avoid conflict in the future.

Answer the following questions after exploring the Terms of Service (links are given in guideline section) of
1. Is it legal to prepare the academic work on behalf of Buyer?
2. An order will be automatically marked as complete after how many days?
3. Which portfolio links are allowed to share on Fiverr (GIG/Profile Description)?
4. How to change the username on Fiverr?
5. What is the recommended gig image/thumbnail dimensions?
6. How many gigs a new buyer can create?
1. Is it legal to prepare the academic work on behalf of Buyer?

Answer: No
2. An order will be automatically marked as complete after how many days?
Answer: 3

3. Which portfolio links are allowed to share on Fiverr (GIG/Profile Description)?


4. How to change the username on Fiverr?

Answer: We cannot change username on Fiverr
5. What is the recommended gig image/thumbnail dimensions?
Answer: 1280 x 769 px, with a minimum of 712 x 430 and a maximum of 4000 x 2416 px

6. How many gigs a new buyer can create on

Answer: Buyers cannot create gigs


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