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Higher International Management Institute


Pole Paris Alternance

Final Master2 MBA Training Thesis

Specialized: Marketing & Management

Theme: Strategies Of event organisations and management

Practical Guide of Event organisation and implementation of Winner

Electronics in Pollutec Fair

Presented By


Mohammed Lamine HADJ MESSAOUD

Supervised By


HIMI 2019
How a successful event, can it boost the visibility of a BRAND?

First of all thanks to Allah, to Our PARENTS taught us values, and been with us through
every single moment in this life,they made us the person we are today, and of course our
teachers who have been through many nights of preparing and searching to enlighten our
future, and all the people that supported us and helped us in this life,To the Haters when they
affirm our purpose of existence, it’s been quite a journey, sometimes it was tough, but it
made us stronger every day, and I’m so grateful about it.

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How a successful event, can it boost the visibility of a BRAND?

This Art piece work dedicated to our parents, teachers, Our beloved ones,to our friends who
helped us and stood beside us, Dedicated to the learning community and to the school we
learn from, To WINNER ELECTRONIC and to the team in there, …..

to humanity.

Table Of Content:
Theoretical Part



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How a successful event, can it boost the visibility of a BRAND?

Event Definitions
Opportunity analysis
Setting Event Objectives
Event Theme
Target Audience
Event Positioning and venue
Event Implementation
Logistics and event services
Measurement and Success KPIs
Evaluation and Impact analysis
Event Marketing Trends
Event Marketing Strategies
Event Marketing Tools
Event Communication
Press Conferences


Types of event technologies
Event resource planings
The ultimate guide to event evaluations Process
Artificial intelligence and Personalisations

Practical Part





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How a successful event, can it boost the visibility of a BRAND?

Chapter One:

Event Organising Fundamentals and Strategies


Abstract one: Event History:

A need that has evolved throughout the ages
A need that has evolved throughout the ages
Event is an organisation that goes back to ancient times. Between the festivals of Nero in
Rome, through Louis XIV who is the first to classify this exercise and makes it an instrument
in his service, the tour of France in the 50s as a real event followed by the whole country.
the organization After the exhibitions
The general public is set up the first trade shows, including the first editions, which are a
great success. In 1970, develop new technologies of the image, and see the appearance of the
first event agencies. In the 80s, large companies show their prosperity by organizing galas

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How a successful event, can it boost the visibility of a BRAND?

and many evenings. The event has always existed, it has travelled through the centuries and
different civilizations through major events.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the field of events becomes professional, and companies
hire communication managers or call on event agencies to make the most of this rich and
flexible tool.
Our present society tends towards an individualistic and virtual society where human contact
is less and less present.
The actors of this society, therefore, manifest the need to come together to preserve human
contact, often replaced by new technology.
Event communication has the gift of adapting to the evolution of society and the needs of the
public, and that is why today it represents one of the most effective means of bringing

1. Event Definitions:
Events are presented as "a composite system of communication, implemented by an
organization around the association of its name or brand with a sociocultural event" (Baux,
According to the French National Association of Event Agencies (ANAE), an event is a
"one-off communication action, bringing together an audience and being the subject of a
staging intended to mark the spirits for a purpose-specific. It responds to specific
communication objectives, such as to thank, motivate, reward, federate, announce, celebrate
or accompany change policies in a company, through the transmission of one or more
messages, the change of the state participants' minds or behavioural changes”.
The fact of organizing an event mainly means to gather in the same place individuals targeted
for a specific occasion and at a specific moment. In our current society, events represent a
sector of tertiary activity. It’s offered by professionals, for individuals (B2C) or other
professionals (B2B). Those events are often conceived and realized by a specialized
communication agency, called "event agency". It can also be done internally by the
communication department of a company or by volunteers of associations.
Abstract two: Making Brief:

It is essential to define your desires and needs in a concrete way. In other words, put forward
the black ideas on white. Thus, the brief is the real starting point of the event adventure.

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This project, it is important to establish a course of action, the project framework, for your
team and yourself to move in the same direction.

The brief is built as a specification.

The Grid questions is a very simple method to place in the context of the future event. It
quickly and quickly materializes the project framework. The grid questions defines seven

who Who is behind the project? What is the targeted target? Entity: company,
association, administration, factory, industry.... as well as the identity of the
project leader

What What is the event? Name followed by a brief description

Where Where does the event take place? Precise place or department of the place
room, city, address (advance of the tracks of reflections)

When When will it take place? Start and end date, start and end time Think about
watching big public or competing events to set your date.

How What form will it take? Participation condition Type of event By which means

How much Represent quantitatively the event: what will be the price of entry? The
number of guests expected? The number of places to predict?

Why Represent quantitatively the event: what will be the price of entry? The
number of guests expected? The number of places to predict?

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In case where it is necessary to convince the feasibility of the project and its credibility, it is
possible to write true complete specifications with:

- A catchy title and an illustration;

- The purpose of the event: short and incisive;

- The grid Questions

- The objectives in terms of visibility, notoriety and spinoffs;

- Stakeholders, participants and service providers as well as their contact details

- The technical means to be put in place (installations);

- Human resources (description of your team and its skills)

- The financial means (your budget, your help and subsidies);

- A forecast of the event (with the sources of estimated expenses and revenues);

- Retro planning of your deadlines until the day j (deadline), etc.

2. Opportunity analysis
Event-based analysis (or event-proof analysis) is a survey method that refers to the
constitution of more or less homogeneous series of protest events over a given period and in a
given place, from the counting of media reports (clippings, databases, news agencies) or
administrative (police archives), in order to put the event in the course of all current protest
events and to link the changes or evolutions with societal changes. It is at the heart of
quantitative analyzes, which for over thirty years now have become increasingly important in
the analysis of social conflicts, especially in the field of collective action and demonstrations.
Event analysis offers the researcher the possibility of an empirical basis for observing protest
events over large geographical areas and over long periods of time; it allows a quantification
of many properties of these protests as their frequency, their pace, their duration, the place
where they take place, their size, their object, their targets, but also the reactions that they
cause (reaction of the authorities or emergence counter-movements); Above all, it gives the
possibility of articulating these reviews of protest activities with contextual data such as the
type of state in which these protests occur or changes of government during the series

Issue of In-depth analysis of an event constitutes a pool of knowledge and experience, the
exploitation of which is a factor of progress. It consists of a systematic and organized

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approach to analyze the elements that led to the event in order to learn about their causes,
their course and their actual or potential consequences.

3. Setting Event Objectives

In planning the event, it is important to define the quantitative and qualitative objectives.
Thus, we can effectively follow the objectives to be achieved. For example, here are some
factual elements that can be defined as a primary objective:
- The number of new members on the social networks of the event.
- The number of guests to reach.
- The number of sales and pre-sales.
- Turnover or net profit.
- The number of press releases.
- Message memorization adjectives or brand identities by the viewer.
In order to better define the objectives, it is also necessary to determine the targets of the
communication action. They can be internal (employees, former employees ...) or external
(institutions, suppliers, distributors, partners, media, customers ...).
The communication objectives can, therefore, be of different natures, according to the
defined targets:
- To inform about the activities of the company, its products and / or services,
- Sensitize certain audiences (elected officials, users, citizens, media) on a specific subject,
- Increase your notoriety,
- Improve, change your image,
- Develop a network of relationships, establish contacts.
It is now possible to determine the message that the company wishes to convey through the
event. This is what we will call the guiding idea, which will guide all the following phases for
the realization of the project, and therefore represents the essence of the event and the
theoretical basis to which we will refer the organizing team throughout the process of
designing and creating the event.

In summary, it is essential to apply to event communication, also called event marketing, the
thinking of 4P marketing mix.

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These are some statements of objective most commonly used:

Inform: it is possible to combine business with pleasure by delivering important

information around a good meal. In this way, the corporate event replaces the
conventional meeting and favors exchanges following the announcements made.
Like a brainstorming event, the corporate event organized in an informal setting
invites employees to share their knowledge with each other, or even to share
experiences. The company is enriched.

Develop: our network: yes, the corporate event is not just for employees of one and
the same company. It is quite possible to invite prospects, customers or suppliers to
improve relationships between structures. When people from two different
companies get on well, the job is better done. The two companies really see
themselves as partners.

This type of event is also a great way to improve our image.

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Establish: a new policy / strategy: Conventional meetings will quickly annoy

employees who have only a hurry, that the meeting ends. This kind of meeting is not
always very constructive, we must captivate our audience, nothing is worth a
corporate event that will stimulate and interest. Organize an event to present our new
policy / strategy and benefits. Put humor in our presentation. The "off-office" allows
you to "let go" more.

Recruit: new employees: When a company develops, it naturally needs to recruit.

but not anyone! Companies are looking for competent professionals in their field.
So, instead of turning to a recruitment firm, why not simply organize an event to
which the professionals we are interested would be invited? Our current
collaborators could meet the new ones and praise the merits of our company.

To foster team spirit: We end this presentation of the different objectives of the
corporate event by the most obvious of them. However, it remains just as important
as the others! Team spirit is essential in a company. Without him, it's hard to get his
employees moving in the same direction! To get our employees to appreciate their
colleagues, it is important that they meet and get to know each other, not as
professionals, but as humans.

4. Event Theme
Nowadays, people have higher and higher expectations of the events they are invited to. The
guests want to be entertained; they want to have special experiences and attend memorable
and unique events. Choosing a theme for event management can definitely act as a catalyst
for success. It must, therefore, be given the importance it has.
it is essential to offer a thoughtful theme as an anchor for communication, whether for an
annual meeting, an inauguration, a launch, an exhibition, a gala, etc. A theme must reflect the
goals of an event and unify them. It must reflect the purpose of the event and embody the
mark of its host.
A theme guides the preparation of an event while allowing participants to identify a
communication vector. This communication anchor will deliver quality information for a
purpose known to all, for shared goals, while attracting the target audience and its good

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partners. With a theme appreciated and understood, an "event planner" is more easily able to
convey a message that will reach his audience and reason with it.
the use of a theme is not only useful for events whose primary purpose is to entertain, but
also for corporate events that aim to inform and train. By the theme, companies want to
strengthen the sense of belonging and develop content around their brand.
A theme also makes it possible to make better choices at the level of tools and
communication media by helping to better target its needs, which often results in an
interesting saving of money.

A theme is not just the creative craze of an event agency. It conveys the objectives of an
event in a fun way and ensures that participants gather around a common idea. A carefully
chosen theme facilitates networking, learning and can even achieve the desired revenue for a
fundraiser. The theme summarizes in a few words the objectives of our event and quickly
captures the attention of our target audience.

5. Target Audience
This refers to all the people or organizations targeted by the communication action.
Customers, visitors, company staff or press, the public is different depending on the objective
expected by the event. If the message is tailored to a particular audience, the event and the
audience's audience is also tailor-made
A target in marketing is a set of buyers and potential players, that we seek to conquer and / or
retain through marketing actions, after achieving a segmentation This is the subject of a
targeting policy.
Targeting a specific market does not mean that you exclude people who do not fit your
criteria. On the contrary, targeted marketing allows you to focus your marketing investments
and your brand message on a specific market that is more likely to buy from you than other
markets. It's a much more affordable and effective way to reach potential customers and
generate business.
With a clearly defined target audience, it is much easier to determine where and how to
market your business.

6. Event Positioning and Venues

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The positioning of an event or a company is defined by the image that it refers to prospects,
customers, competitors and partners. It sometimes differs in the perception that the company
has of itself. This perception is determined by tangible elements and more subjective criteria.

The organization of a seminar or corporate event can not be improvised. To find the ideal
location and to make the operation a success, many criteria must be reviewed. Back to the
key concepts that help to find a shoe to his feet.

The positioning of the company, its environment and the culture in which it operates must
also be reflected in the seminar or the stay in question. Its image, the notions that forge its
identity must not be neglected, "says Nicolas Dubois.The selected place has its own image
The choice of the place: The first stone of the event well in advance, the location of your
event is the cornerstone of the organization. He is the number one determinant for the rest of
the process of creating the event. Ideally, to make sure of the availability of this one, it is
necessary to envisage the reservation twelve to eighteen months in advance. Note that the
more the place is recognized and out of the ordinary, the more difficult it is to obtain it. Some
places are sometimes even booked several years in advance. So put the odds on your side and
book as soon as possible. You will not be able to go to the next step without being sure you
can get a venue for your event. The determining points for the choice of place:Why one place
more than another? What are the elements that will be used to define the location of your
event? Here are the points to study in priority before making a choice:
The capacity of reception: According to your initial brief, we should choose a place adapted
to the number of guests expected, more or less 20% (example: for 500 people invited, plan a
room that can accommodate between 400 and 600 people). A disproportionate place to the
number of guests could create a cold and austere atmosphere, because people would feel lost
and distant from each other. On the other hand, it would be wrong to choose a place too small
for profitability, if our event is paying, or for reasons of safety.
It is very common that the number of guests is 20% lower than the estimates of the organizer.
However the opposite can also happen (open event to the public). It's called "being a victim
of success".
The prestige of the place: It seems obvious that the choice of venue must be in line with the
target audience and the type of event scheduled. To this extent, the quality of the place is

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often a function of price. The objective will therefore be to find a place of quality, accessible,
equipped and adapted to our needs and, ideally, enjoying an attractive price.
Price and prestige are two inseparable variants.
Accessibility: It is important to be concerned about the security and accessibility of our event
venue, which is to verify that the building in which it is planned to install its event is
compatible with the intended activity (this is to say our type of event and its theme).
You have to ask the right questions if you want to satisfy our customers:
Is it really accessible by car? by public transport? for people with reduced mobility? Does
your audience have something to park? What equipment does it have? Is the structure
scalable? etc.
Location: The rental of a place is often constrained to specific time slots. It is necessary that
we provide sufficient time for installation and uninstallation for our service providers and, at
best, a margin of safety to avoid the extra costs of delays.
The localisation: The location is very important it must be in the center and accessible for
everyone increasing trend of companies to turn to high-end hotels the selected place also has
a clean image.

7. Event implementations
Implementing a corporate event can be very effective in increasing a brand's visibility. In
order to make the most of it, it is essential that its visibility not be limited to those invited, but
contrary, its scope is as wide as possible
- Be a partner of causes supported by your clientele
-Encourage word-of-mouth
-Get testimonials and positive opinions from your customers!
- Create a website!
-Be active on social networks

Establish the basics of the project: that is to say, specify the mission of the event, define
objectives, determine the target audiences and analyze the profile of the latter.
Develop a preliminary plan: including summary content and duration of the event, primary
and secondary needs, selection of a date and site, general schedule, task list and preliminary

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Implant the event (production and logistics): This step consists of planning and defining the
exact content of each activity, determining the way in which they will be carried out,
selecting the suppliers, establishing the contracts and transmitting the information to the
various stakeholders.
Create the elements of communication: event announcement and invitations, display,
communication, promotional, advertising material, etc.
Realize the event Put in place all the previous steps to offer the event to the target audience -
it's the D-day or the period during which the event takes place.
Analyze the entire project and write the report: including a brief description of the event and
its content, the elements offered and their results, survey results, strengths and weaknesses,
fiscal year and recommendations.

8. Logistics and event services

The set of methods and means relating to the organization of a service, a company, etc. and
including handling, transport, packaging and sometimes supplies EVENT LOGISTICS:
Event logistics is the transposition of logistics (organizing and optimizing production flows),
applied to the world of events.
In other words, it is first of all to identify the resources and skills that will be necessary for
the success of the event (sound and light technicians, sound, lighting, rental of a reception
room, installation a scene, catering and bar, micro, parking) but also the administrative
aspects (declaration in prefecture, the town hall ...).
Then, the event logistics provider, is responsible for ensuring the proper delivery of these
resources in time and place at the place of the event and in the right order. It will ensure for
example that the stage structure will arrive before the lighting and that the technician will be
present to install them.
Once the event is over, the logistician organizes the proper dismantling and repatriation of the
equipment and the return of the technicians.
In summary, the logistician ensures project management, technical assessment of need,
storage, transport, assembly and dismantling of equipment and especially its operation and its
configuration during the event.

Event logistics can be applied in different types of events:

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Each event its logistics, one of the characteristics of event logistics is that each service is
totally different. Indeed, an event is made of many parameters that have a strong influence on
each other:

-The nature of the event

-The place

-The program

-Available material

-The organizational budget

-The duration of the event

-The number of people

-The origin of the material

Each time, the logistician must work on a project management mode tailored to identify and
meet the needs of each event. It is therefore important to rely on a service provider with a
great knowledge of lighting equipment, sound and stage installation and issues related to
events to be able to adapt to each project and anticipate mistakes.

9. Budgeting

Defining the budget of your event undeniably contributes to its success. Indeed, a coherent
and realistic forecast budget makes it possible to avoid unpleasant surprises and exceed the
overall budget allocated to the event.

However, setting the budget for an event is not easy. The approach involves identifying in
detail the different cost items, not to mention some hidden expenses such as guarantees and
insurance that secure the event if an unexpected occurs.

The objectives of budgeting from the profile of the event arise the elements of organization
and costs to be taken into account. It is therefore necessary to ask a clear vision in terms of
target, key message, and experience offered to the participants.

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This first approach sets the scale of the event that will affect the budget. The capacities to be
deployed will not be the same between an agreement with hundreds of guests, for example,
and an event reserved for a restricted target (partners with the best sellers, VIP customers
etc ...). Similarly, depending on whether it is an internal or external event, a seminar abroad,
certain costs appear (air tickets for each participant, insurance, visa, etc.).

Budget components of an event:

To gather all the expenses to be taken into account, it will be necessary to launch requests for
estimate. In order to proceed methodically, go around the expenses by themes as follows:
Accommodation costs:
*Rental of hotel rooms
Catering expenses:
*Privatization of restaurants
*Coffee breaks
Costs of the animation:
*Stamp of an artist or a musical group
*Potential remuneration of the interveners
Material and technical expenses:
*Site rental (meeting room, seminar room)
*Site development costs
*Management fees
*Rental of audiovisual equipment (projectors, screens, light boxes, sound system, electricity)
Marketing and communication expenses:
*Creation of a graphic charter for the event
*Creating menus and schedules
*Creating and printing invitations
*Mailings invitations
*Creating a presentation site
*Photo documentary
*Creation of a post-event photo mini-site

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*Impressions of kakemonos, beach lines, name badges

*Goodies for the participants
Personnel costs :
*Supervisors: hostess, master of ceremonies
*Technicians, assembly and disassembly team
*Staff VHR (Travel Accommodation Catering)

Expenditure in logistics:
All transfers by bus / plane. Beware of hidden costs: you have to count all trips according to
the program.
Security and administrative costs:

10. Measurement and success KPIs

The progress of the event analysis the focus of event analysis efforts has been on improving certain
aspects of data theory and collecting consistent units of events. The first results show that an "event
hunter" should avoid relying on a single source for making his data. Instead, it should use a
recognized set of sources. We have accumulated a wealth of knowledge on an impressive series of
interactive international situations (eg international arms and conflicts, international cooperation and
stability, political and cultural transactions, economic and social costs/benefits). This work has been
essentially pre-theoretical, without a frame sufficiently systematic to be useful to the leaders in their
explanations of the past behaviour of the nations and their predictions of the behaviours to come.

This is a key element of performance measurement has no role other than that of directing the actions
in the direction of the accomplishment of the strategy. Let's go back to the basic principle, the types of
indicators with examples, the method of choice and the recommendations for use

Abstract Difinition: An indicator is information or a set of information that contributes to the

decision-maker's assessment of a situation.

Specific Definition: A KPI Performance Indicator is a measure or set of measures that focuses on a
critical aspect of the overall performance of the organization.

A performance indicator never leaves the decision maker indifferent. When the decision maker does
not act, it is consciously.

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Examples of KPIs

In marketing and sales

Percentage of loyal customers

Satisfaction rate (or Net Promoter Score)

Percentage of Market Penetration

Percentage of increase in turnover

Profitability by customer

Especially for the digital:

Bounce rate for a website

Percentage of new visitors

Average length of visits

Conversion rate for an emailing campaign

Average basket amount

In finance

Return on investment (ROI)

Profitability of own funds

Rate of growth

In human resources

Percentage of turnovers

Percentage of absenteeism

Percentage of employee satisfaction

Percentage of employees trained

In logistics

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Stock rupture rate

Service rate

Rate of compliance with deadlines

The different types of indicators:

They exist different types of indicator to facilitate the use and better to determine the use it is usual to
classify the indicators according to 3 categories in relation with the type of information transmitted
and the expectations of the decision-makers.


This type of performance indicator closely related to the objectives is a bit of the decision maker's
compass. It informs about the state of the system under control in relation to the objectives followed.

Will they be kept?

Should we reinforce the actions already undertaken?

Reassign resources?

Precipitate programmed actions?


A good dashboard is also a prospective instrument. With some indicators "anticipation", a good
dashboard can see a little further than the end of his screen and consider with a better basis the current

Should we continue with the current action plan? Does it make sense to revise it? Are other actions

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Anticipation indicator built with Excel with 5 to 7 performance appraisal areas.

An example: piloting a difficult project a difficult, complex project and as long as it is a little
conflictual is not piloted only by keeping the eyes fixed on the curve of the drifts (even if the curves
in "S" of the Earned Value Management are also good instruments anticipation).

An indicator assessing the "morale" of the teams responsible for implementation or its related aspects
will be of assistance in judging whether the objectives are attainable within the time indicated. This
performance indicator is an indicator of anticipation.

How to make it?

It is only an example and each case is particular but information like:

Delays, absences, complaints etc. counterbalanced with the wealth of ideas, cooperation, and the
sense of sharing information as well as the spontaneous actions of promotion of the project in the

These few examples are already a first step to reflect on the construction of this complex indicator but
very useful for a pilot "anticipating" future problems.


This type of all-or-nothing indicator indicates an abnormal state of the system under control requiring
action, immediate or not. For example, a critical threshold crossing falls into this category of

Many dashboard designers give the lion's share of Alert indicators. It's a mistake, we do not fly by
exception. It is not enough to see that a process is not going as planned, but why?

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An example. A notion of threshold makes it possible to refine the information and to anticipate the

How to choose a performance indicator?

A good performance indicator has to respond to specific characteristics. This will ensure that team
members' proposals, where appropriate, maximize each of these six criteria before being selected to
be displayed on the relevant dashboard.

11. Evaluations and impact analysis

Why evaluate the impact of an event?

The budget allocated to the organization of an event is more or less important depending on
the format of the event. This is usually a significant cost for the company. It is therefore

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important to measure the impact in order to know if the communication action has a real
interest for the advertiser.

In addition, the evaluation of an event makes it possible to highlight the points to be

improved for the next event actions. The organizer can, therefore, determine the strengths and
points of effort of his event in order to make possible adjustments and optimize the
organization of its upcoming events.

• To put an end to subjective or partial evaluations

• To create credibility and value the effects of the media event vis-à-vis public

demanding (customers, hierarchy, purchasing ...)

• To justify significant investments in a context of cost rationalization (return on investment


• To evaluate the effectiveness of events in relation to other forms of communication

• To enter a logic of progress, capitalize on the positive points and improve what should be.

12. Conclusion

Present in many forms, the event industry is complex. Indeed, demand has never ceased to
evolve than in the past ten years, forcing companies in this sector to adapt continuously. This
has led the event industry to the slump of creative destruction, making event planning a key
sector of the economy.

The event market is a growing industry that is highly competitive. It tends towards a strong
professionalization and represents a budget for the companies. However, this sector remains
unstable due to its perpetual change. Thus, in a constantly changing sector stands out is a
strategic challenge for companies that are then moving towards innovation differentiation
strategies or specialization in a type of event.

The organization of events is a growing phenomenon both internationally and nationally. The
event seeks to produce a unique image and reputation. For this, in addition to the so-called
traditional methods of communication, companies in the sector benefit from the emergence of

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new technologies which leads to a sometimes radical change in the way of imposing one's
name and becoming a reference.

Given the infinite offer on the event market, the customer goes where the products seem most
suited to his need as sharp as it is.


In many ways, corporates use events to showcase and to attribute in its presence,
locally, regionally, Hallmarks or in mega-city manners, through those process things

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happening so professional and so fast in terms of organising and management, but in

term of brand equity! At any event the corporate hosting it must take strong strategies
and professional measurement to ensure the marketing plans are going well and all
parties are all perfectly communicated.
In this chapter we will exhibit mainly what could help any event host in facilitating
the tasks, communicating with the audience, speakers, sponsors, shareholders ..., and
to perform in ways that could make all process fluent, natural and handy eased,
however, further technologies will be discussed in the next chapter but we will
oversee to what serves the communications part and the marketing aspects in this one.
To have a clear aspects before starting the research on this matter, we will first define
what Communications and Marketing are and what abstracts can be Identified as.
★ Abstract One: Communications
the combination of activities that influence customers' opinions of a company
and its products
Cambridge dictionary
Communication is an important part and tool of brand management by which
the companies inform, persuade, enlighten, teach, remind, and enrich the
knowledge of their stakeholders about the brand, its strengths, values,
fundamentals, and its offerings of products and services.
communication influence the stakeholders of the company. The stakeholders
include employees, customers, investors, and sponsors as they are attached to
the brand in the most integrated manner and it is the prime duty of the
management to have a communication with them on a regular basis about the
happenings and important matters of the brand. It works as the voice of the
brand that strengthens the relationship with the stakeholders on the long-term
Marketing91 corporation
★ Abstract two: Marketing

Event marketing is considered to be a part of experiential marketing and content

marketing. Experiential marketing follows the process of corporate storytelling
and aims to further engage the audience. Experiential follows a simple formula
of combining a brand's message and interactive components. This mode of

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marketing places the target audience in a live environment that will encourage
the desired outcome.

Event marketing mostly relies on emotions and the activity of the human brain.
Event marketing uses emotions and is based on the fact that people remember
what they are experiencing. Emotional stimulus significantly affects the image of
the offered service or product. Psychologists proved that while stimulated by
emotions, the brain remembers certain facts and pieces of information better.
Experiencing something makes it more memorable. In this condition, it is more
likely that the brand will stay in the receiver's mind and create a long-lasting

In a thesis for the International Business and Economics Programme at the Luleå
University of Technology, Jessica Eriksson and Anna Hjälmsson wrote:

Event marketing is marketing through events, where marketing is seen as central

and the event is considered the actual marketing tool. Event marketing is
focusing on a target group and involves high contact intensity. It turns a message
into an event that can be experienced by the audience. Several senses are
engaged, which increases the chances to remember the experience and thereby
also the message.

Event marketing can also function purely as a business-to-business (B2B)

opportunity, whereby experiential emotions are not a factor in the event, but
rather, the event serves as an opportunity to make business contacts and network
with customers.

Wikipedia - modified


Events in international scale have aspects or what we mainly call TRENDS,
These trends add more flow of value for all the engaging part on it starting from
Organisers, the Company, the venue, the Guests ...and so on, all of those trends are
Attendees Centred Parametres (ACPs)

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In this thesis, we take some of the most important trends in the latest years and
near future, most widely internationally used:
❖ Smart Registrations, Checking and experiencing :
A journey of any attendee, in any event, starts with discovering it somewhere,
making the event smart enough on its first step which is advertising is the same as
enriching the results needed, using Advertise by google for instant gives the company
the chance to segment where it appears, when and to whom, going further than this it
gives interactive dashboard or tracking and analysing clicks, regions, audience,
revenues and spend the advertising budget on the right ways.
In the same journey with the audience, getting them from smart advertising isn’t
enough, but taking them to smart registration is, this feature enables the organisation
to track the data of its participants, personalise them and prepare the best options for
their experience, without forgetting to what extent we could make it personalised and
very accurate, speaking of the participants, smart registration eases and increases the
chances of their engagement.
Thus, walking through an event is not as easy without smart experience apps, in
these platforms most common tools to help attendees follow up the flaw of
workshops, exhibitions, seminars, conferences…. Agendas and locations, using those
options for in-event charts enable them to know exactly what’s happening, where,
who’s animating it, more than this they could easily ask for vendors, products,
chapters and get redirected to them with the possibility of making one to one
appointments, all in on-hand smart tool.
To sum up this point, smart experiences give the audience easy access to their
agendas and relevant contents, fast access to the event locations and venue’s points of
interests (VPI), ability to interact and network with other attendees, an easy way to
participate and feedback the event, as well as real-time up-to-date listing of event
information, speakers, attendees…
❖ Personalisation and customization :
Personalization and customization are concepts becoming increasingly relevant in
today’s society with personal data readily available and consumers expecting tailored
products, services and experiences. As such, we are starting to see an evolution from
the traditional methods of personalization in events to more modern activities
incorporating the latest developments in technology. In here some ways to add value

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and deliver an exceptional event experience to the attendees, mainly the five Ps of
personalization at events:
➔ Personal Assistants:
Personalizing audience experience begins with the very first interaction they have with the
event. Concierge-style chatbots can be integrated into any event website, app or even
Facebook page – making them the first point of contact.

Those chatbots utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) and offer round-the-clock support for
any event-related questions, acting as a personal assistant for each of member. those chatbots
are programmed with the entire event database including session times and venues and be
given a personality to match the vibe of the event. For example, a corporate seminar or
conference should involve a chatbot with a professional vocabulary, whereas a more casual
expo or themed event should develop a bubbly chatbot that represents the style of the event.
Keep in mind that AI technology learns through human interactions, so constant monitoring
of those chatbots is mandatory and pre-empt any inappropriate questions it may be asked
should be taken care of.

➔ Participation of guests
One of the most commonly asked questions directed at event managers is “How do I
increase the participation of guests at the event?” Guests participation levels are a large factor
in determining the success of any event and add to the personalization attendees experience.
Technology has proven to be a significant driver of guest interaction and participation and
can be integrated with many different ways. Social media walls, hashtags and live polling are
three ways that encourage guests to share their personal opinions, photos and ask questions
via their smart devices. By using an online presence, guests feel more comfortable sharing
their opinions with others, plus it eliminates the awkward silence in the room when waiting
for the microphone runner to sprint to the back row of the auditorium. More advanced
technology concepts such as wearable technology and virtual reality provide a novelty appeal
to guests, increasing participation levels and allowing guests to have personal experiences
with different products or brands.
➔ Proactivity
Sending the attendees to push notifications when a seminar or activity is happening at the
event can provide great assistance in encouraging attendance and tailoring the attendee
experience. By finding out guests’ of particular interests, they can personalize the type of

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sessions and notify them of, and be proactive in the delivery. For example, if an attendee has
previously shown interest towards a special guest or keynote speaker, they can automate a
push notification to be sent to their personal device 30 minutes before their session starts.
This can be achieved through a customized event app, AI or simply communication software
such as email or SMS marketing.
➔ Post-Event follow-up
Personalized post-event follow-up communications drive personalization right through to
the very end of the event timeline. They remind attendees of the sessions, activities, people
and products at the event and ask for valuable feedback that may help the company in
planning future events. Post-event follow-ups can also be used as a ‘soft sell’ approach to
push any products/services they have had on display at the event, which can be useful for any
contacts that didn’t attend on the day or for those who would like additional information.
Furthermore, follow-ups are a great opportunity to nurture relationships with prospects and
clients, especially those that are new. It’s important to initiate follow-up communications
while the event is still relevant to participants, and so by planning in advance and setting up
automation, the relevant communication is sent to the right people at the right time, whether
they attended on the day or not.
➔ Privacy
When encouraging personalization at events, it is imperative to mention the importance of
privacy. The principle of event data protection is becoming largely topical in today’s digital
age, with many companies and individuals reluctant to give away personal information that
may be sold to third parties. Privacy laws work to ensure those event companies and
participating partners comply with protecting the privacy of all participants’data and
including requirements such as permission statements and disclaimers outlining the event’s
privacy policy.

Though this article highlights the importance of personalization, the extent of this should
be implemented in moderation. With software companies sourcing and selling information
about our personal lives and everyday habits, many people feel violated when companies
know too much about them. In this case, event managers should be cautious not to over-
personalize at events, as this may have a negative effect on your participants’ experience.

❖ Sessions Recommendations:

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Recommender systems help users find relevant items of interest, for example on e-
commerce or media streaming sites. Most academic research is concerned with
approaches that personalize the recommendations according to long-term user
profiles. In many real-world applications, however, such long-term profiles often do
not exist and recommendations, therefore, have to be made solely based on the
observed behaviour of a user during an ongoing session. Given the high practical
relevance of the problem, and increased interest in this problem can be observed in
recent years, leading to a number of proposals for session-based recommendation
algorithms that typically aim to predict the user’s immediate next actions.
Let’s take a tour in an event journey, User Rayen is in pharmaceutical production
event, in his mobile app platform he’s following mainly keynote speakers about
antibiotics and antiviruses, so does the same for the workshops, his up will
automatically feed him about those keynote speakers updates, performance and
further sessions are delivering, ignoring mainly other workshops and sessions in other
different interest.
❖ One-to-one appointments
Event programs tend to be packed with sessions and activities, which is great because
that’s what attendees are expecting. Having a diverse event program allows creating
serendipitous opportunities for random networking on-site. However, even though there are
moments of serendipitous connections, jam-packed programming often leaves an insufficient
amount of time for people to network and build greater, meaningful connections one-on-one.
Whether the conversation is formal or informal, business-related or casual, event attendees
and other stakeholders should be empowered with a tool that allows them to explore the
attendee list and book meetings with each other. As soon as the event app is live, attendees
should be enabled with a powerful tool to connect and schedule appointments into their
agenda before the event and continue the conversation face-to-face on-site.
IAEE (international association for exhibitions and events), PCMA (for education and
business events), and The Experience Institute conducted a study to determine the leading
reasons why people decide to attend events. In “The Decision to Attend Study”, results show
that networking is one of the top three drivers for event attendance, as they stated this article :
“In fact, across all generations surveyed (Pre Boomers, Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y
Millennial), 76% of respondents said it’s important that events provide them with
opportunities to network and make connections. Overall, this heavily impacts their decision
to attend an event. Networking opportunities are especially important for Millennials, with

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84% reporting it as a driving factor. The younger generations look at attending events as a
way to grow their network and look for job opportunities.
Although it is always a struggle to get attendees to confirm registration early, the majority of
attendees (84%) tend to register for an event 2-6 months before the event date. So this means
that most of your registrants will already have confirmed their attendance to your event prior
to when you start promoting your event app. It’s during this time when they would be most
receptive to taking advantage of looking through the attendee list, personalizing their event
schedule, and booking appointments with other attendees.

Before event planners were able to really take full advantage of event technology, designing
networking activities within the event program was very labour, resource, and time-intensive.
For sponsors and exhibitors, they had to rely on an attendee list (if one was even provided)
and send out cold emails to introduce themselves with the hopes that they would get
responses. And for attendees, they didn’t have any idea on who else would be going to the
event so there was no way to network leading up to the event.”
Another question should be asked in this matter is How event stakeholders (all parties) can
benefit from appointment (one-to-one) booking? The answer lay below:
➔ Event Planners
To use the Appointment Booking tool, attendees will need to register early and download
the event app, thereby helping to boost pre-engagement activities and event app adoption
Promoting Appointment Booking is a great way to incentivize attendees to start using the
event app before getting on-site, and familiarize themselves with other features of the app,
especially planning their day and sessions.
Enabling attendees and other event stakeholders to engage in high-quality face-to-face
interactions increases the value and success of the overall event.
1:1 meetings help build a sense of community that will keep attendees wanting to stay in
contact and meet again at the next event.
Knowing that more attendees will be booking meetings with each other helps guide the
design of the event space to ensure there is plenty of meeting space and privacy.
Having access to data that highlights the impact of the event in facilitating conversations
between attendees, which can correlate directly to the success of your event in the form of
referrals and repeat registration.

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➔ Attendees
Time-on-site is maximized to its full potential by scheduling meetings prior to the event
instead of spending time coordinating during the event.
Booking 1:1 meetings with targeted individuals provide the opportunity to build
meaningful connections within the community and meet new people
It’s easy to search for specific contacts through the attendee list and find others by name,
company, or job title
Awkward in-person introductions are avoided since online communication is much less
Deciding on a time and location for a meeting is easy to coordinate through the chat feature
By scheduling meetings in the event app, it’s a great way for attendees to assess the
success of the event by the number of new connections and conversations they had.
➔ Suppliers, Sponsors and/or Vendors
Time is maximized by scheduling meetings prior to the event with potential buyers instead
of searching for them during the event or waiting for them to come to the exhibitor area.
Face-to-face meetings with potential buyers are great opportunities to generate qualified
leads and build positive relationships for future follow-up.
By utilizing the event app, managing appointments can be streamlined as it integrates
neatly with the conference schedule for attendees and sponsors.
Help prospects find each by sharing their booth location within the appointment request.
➔ Recruiters
Being able to search the attendee list for specific candidates and book meetings prior to
the event provides the best use of time for recruiters.
Recruiters get the greatest value in evaluating candidates and vice versa through face-to-
face meetings.
➔ Investors
Appointment Booking allows investors to reach out directly to companies of interest and
learn more about them.
Investors might be looking to speak to numerous companies, so being able to book
appointments prior to the event helps them organize their schedule and make the best use of
their time at the event.
➔ Management team
During internal company events, like a sales kick-off or town hall, being able to book
meetings prior to the event is particularly helpful for companies that have remote teams or

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international offices where employees don’t regularly have the opportunity for face-to-face
➔ Product team
At an external company event like a user conference, the ability to book meetings is
extremely helpful for an organization’s Product Team to get feedback from their users.
By scheduling meetings with specific users or customers prior to the meeting, the Product
Team is able to make better use of their time instead of searching for specific contacts during
the event.
➔ Account and sales team
Similar to the Product Team, at an external company event the Sales Team is able to
maximize their time spent upselling customers or connecting with new potential prospects.
By being able to book meetings before the event, the Sales Team can schedule as many
meetings as possible to build their relationships.

❖ Experience Polling
Living Polling and Question and Answer (Q&A) tools are two easy and effective ways to
engage attendees onsite. Additionally, they can also be used to gather immediate feedback
and interest. Alternatively known as audience response systems, these tools offer a way for a
large group of people to vote on a topic, answer a question in a poll, evaluate a certain
experience or ask a question.
Voting and Polling systems through the time have seen a course of changing that follow
up mainly the On-hands technologies back in the days, we estate some major examples in
➔ Voting keypads:
The early 1990s saw the birth of voting keypads, similar in size to older mobile phones
that had ten numbered buttons, using radiofrequency. A base station would pick up the votes
and feed them into the speaker’s and/or Organisers laptops, where a plugin for PowerPoint
would compile them and display them on the main screen. Voters needed to be in proximity
of the base station in order for this system to work.
Today, only a USB dongle is required to collect the votes. Voting keypads are easy to use
as there is no user onboarding required. A simple call out on a slide to draw attention to a poll
or event survey will help increase adoption. On the other hand, keypads face logistical
challenges because you need to set up the hardware and ensure that there is a keypad for
every delegate, which has an associated cost.

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➔ Text voting and polling

The above technology is still around and heavily used at meetings and events.
Technology, however, continued to evolve and text voting allows attendees to leverage their
own devices instead. Attendees submit their vote by texting and a web page displays the
results. SMS Response System takes text inputs from your audience and receives multiple
responses to questions per SMS.
Interactive SMS forums even allow attendees to answer questions posted by others. The
advantage of SMS voting is that event planners don’t have to rent additional hardware.
Organisers need to be mindful if they have an international audience as some may incur
increased costs.

➔ In-app voting and polling functionalities

Technology has evolved even further and event apps now allow the organisers to leverage
built-in live voting and polling components. Most event apps allow the event organizers to
create questions, including the question type, multiple-choice, open text or star rating, ahead
of time or on the spot. Questions can be displayed publicly during or after a session and
delegates select the appropriate answer and submit the poll.

➔ In-app Q&A function

Just like live voting and polling, Q&A can now be incorporated into the event app.
Attendees love feeling heard, but often feel like they don’t have a voice, or are too shy to use
it. Barriers like shyness deprive individuals the chance to be heard and deprive the session
and its audience of the benefit of their insights and curiosity.
By making Q&A a prominent feature on the event app, attendees can bypass these
obstacles and ask their own questions anonymously. Often event apps even allow delegates to
upvote others’ questions of interest.
Allowing everyone to ask their questions not only increases engagement with the event
(and the technology), but it allows for more relevant content and increases the perceived
value of the event as well.
The advantage of in-app voting, polling and Q&A functionalities is that you don’t have to
administer additional hardware. You do however have to ensure attendees download the
event app, have a stable WiFi connection and know where to find voting and polling in the

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app. To increase engagement and adoption, share the in-app features with your attendees and
have your speakers promote the app on your behalf as well.

Increasing the engagement throughout the sessions in the event is one of the objectives of
pollings and votings, the in-app Q&A functionality can be used in conjunction with a
roaming microphone. To ensure a seamless Q&A process, the moderator can immediately
begin receiving questions from the app without having to wait for someone to raise their hand
for the mic. While the first question is being answered, the member of staff with the mic has
time to identify the next person who wants to use the mic and switch to that format for the
next question. In turn, the moderator receiving questions through the app can use that time to
vet the submissions and determine the next one to read aloud.
Using a combination of both ensures that you have lots of content-rich questions without
having any awkward pauses while the speaker waits for someone to think of a question, and
then have a mic passed to them. Always ensure to hold the mic yourself instead of giving it to
attendees. This will allow more control over the Q&A portion of your session.

Asking effective questions to turn your data into actionable insights, making sure the chosen
event app allows to moderate voting and polling responses. All questions asked your
audience must be relevant and the speaker must be prepared to discuss the results depending
on which way the audience responds.
If organisers are putting the Q&A on the event app, ensure that can hide questions by
default, only revealing them once they are vetted. Letting attendees vote up a question that
has been submitted by someone else lets the speaker know the burning questions from the
audience as a whole and allows them to focus on the questions and comments that are most
relevant to the most people.
All data collected through the event app is immediately available for display to the
audience. Share insights with the audience on the spot to engage them further and give
feedback to speakers right away. In addition, all submissions may be used to formulate
content for the next event or inspire a blog article in an industry publication.
Gauging the audience using live polls and surveys will help to get valuable information,
but you need to ask the right questions to turn the acquired data into actionable insights.
Here are some things to keep in mind when writing questions:
❖ Speak their language

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❖ Keep it simple and only ask about one idea at a time

❖ Give mutually exclusive choices, i.e. 10-20, 21-30, etc.
❖ Use balanced scales
❖ Do not use leading questions
❖ Do not use jargon
❖ Circle back to your objectives

PS: Tope common types of questions frequently asked are the following:
➢ Open-Ended Questions
➢ Multiple Option (Choice) Questions
➢ Ranking Questions

❖ Successful ROI
a. Introduction to ROI (Revenue On investments):
Event ROI is a flexible term that indicates the net value an event marketer gets from an
event for the net cost that goes into producing it. Note that Value is a much broader term than
event revenue. While value could be the revenue generated from registrations, it could also
include sponsorships and partnerships, leads added to the sales pipeline, the number of people
who attended the event, the satisfaction of attendees and more.
PS: We identify the revenues in these forms: Event Revenue, Lead Generations, Pipeline
Value, Press Mentions, Attendees, Sponsorships, Partnerships,…. And so we identify Costs
as Following: Flights and Travels, Food and beverages, Swags, Labour, Time, Event Staging
and Venue...
Similarly, the cost of an event could be considered the financial price of producing an
event, but it could also indicate the time and resources that go into an event, and the
opportunity cost of staging an event, and so on.
While event profit is expressed as net value minus net cost, event ROI is expressed as net
value divided by net cost. The result is the event ROI percentage, this is one of a general
easy way to calculate it, later in this section we will see more models.
b. Event ROI Goals
As with any campaign or initiative, the first step in producing an event is identifying the
goals that you are aiming to achieve. These goals will vary depending on the type of event

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will be held, the target audience for the event, the departments and stakeholders that will be
The best way to determine whether a marketer is getting the value per cost desired (ROI)
is by setting goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and timely (S.M.A.R.T.).
The below table provides a starting point for creating S.M.A.R.T. goals for determining event
ROI. With each goal accompanied by event metrics.

Business Goals Event Goals ROI Metrics ROI Tools

Increase Event # of Registrations Event Management

Registrations System (EMS)

Increase Social Media # of Social Media EMS, Analysis of

Presence Impressions Social Media Platform

Build Brand Increase Media Coverage # of Media Manual analysis,

Awareness Placements Attribution Software

Increase Website Traffic # of Website Visits Web Analytics

# of Website Visits Platform
from Event Page

Generate Leads # of Prospects CRM

Added to Database
# of Accounts Added
to Database

Generate Pipeline Value $ Value of Pipeline CRM

Drive Sales
Opportunities Created # of Opportunities CRM

Accounts Closed Won # of Accounts CRM

Closed Won

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Increase Users of # of Monthly Active Product Analysis

Product/Specific Product Users Platform, Event Staff
Features # of Users on a Reporting
Specific Feature
# of Demos Given
Educate and # of Samples Given
Increase Satisfaction of Pre-Event Survey EMS
Customers Mid-Event Survey
Post-event Survey

Increase Customer # of Appointments Event Staff Reporting,

Retention with Customers Event Scheduler

Increase Session # of Questions Event Staff Reporting,

Engagement Asked In Sessions EMS
# of Live Poll

Increase Event App # of Event EMS

Engagement Community Check-
# of Event App

Increase Social Media # of Company EMS, Analysis of

Engagement Mentions Social Media Platform
# of Event Hashtag

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Increase Partner # of Visits to Partner Event Staff Self-

Engagement Booths reporting, EMS
# of Event App
Partner Page
# of Event App
Educate and Partner Logo
Delight Partners Impressions
# of Event App
Partner Page Clicks

Increase Satisfaction of Pre-Event Survey EMS

Partners Mid-Event Survey
Post-event Survey

Increase Recruiting # of Prospects CRM

Drive Leads Added to Pipeline
Recruitment # of Employees

c. Event ROI Models: :

There are several different models for measuring ROI. Each presents its own strengths,
weaknesses and levels of complexity. Even if we choose the Return/Investment model, we’ll
find that there is a room for complexity. As discussed above, event value can mean revenue
generated directly from the event (registrations, sponsorships, customers...), but it can also
mean a variety of other goals and metrics that may be easy or next-to-impossible to describe a
dollar value to (leads generated, brand awareness, customer lifetime value).
PS: Whatever definitions of event value and event cost we end up using, the below models
will help us calculate our return. we’ll notice that we use the term event revenue, but between
inside we’re really talking about the overall event value.
➔ Simple: Returns/Investments

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The simplest model is the return/investment model mentioned near the top of this piece.
It’s ROI in its purest form. How much did you get out of the event? How much did the event
Mathematical Formula: ROI = Revenue/Expenses
Pro: Easy to calculate.
Con: Over-inflates the event revenue and doesn’t illustrate profit

➔ Advanced: Incremental Revenue

In the incremental revenue model, things get a bit more complex. Rather than just looking
at the event revenue over the event expense, we are looking at the event profit over the event
expense by taking a look at the profit of event and then seeing how much profits are getting
for the investment.
Mathematical Formula: ROI = (Revenue - Expenses) / Expenses
Pro: Relatively easy to calculate.
Takes into account profit.
Con: Does not take COGS (Costs of Goods Sold) into consideration.

➔ Complex: Incremental Margin

For an even more complex break-down, the incremental margin model takes into account
the gross margin instead of event revenue. The gross margin can be found by subtracting the
cost of goods sold from the revenue of event. The result is a much bigger picture of event
Mathematical Formula: Gross Margin = Revenues / COGS
ROI = (Gross Margin - Expenses) / Expenses
Pro: Extremely robust, big picture analysis of your event.
Con: Calculating COGS can be extremely difficult task for some businesses.

PS: COGS may vary depending on the type of event that is being held or on whether
holding an event or attending one. It could include various line items such as swag, design
collateral, food, dinners and drinks. If this sounds very similar to event expenses, that’s

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because it is. More often than not, COGS will be smaller than the event expenses. It’s also
thought of as something that is absolutely necessary for making a sale happen.
In case of any questions raised about what is considered COGS for the event and what is
considered event expenses, considering to reach out to an accounting professional is
recommended. If someone with accounting acumen is out of reach, you might want to stick to
the incremental revenue or the return/investment models.

d. Event Technologies and ROI

Having an all-in-one event success platform not only makes it possible to measure
otherwise inaccessible data, it also makes measuring data as a whole heck of alot easier.
Several sources indicate that the event technology industry growing rapidly. According to
a financial report from Frost and Sullivan, the “event management software” industry is
worth $28 billion and is projected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.3%
moving forward. A quick look at Crunchbase reveals that in 2016 alone, over 50 million was
invested in modern event management solutions—a record-setting year! This comes as little
surprise considering that Forrester Research estimates that the average B2B CMO allocates
24% of their marketing budget to live events.
When it comes to measuring event ROI, different event tech platforms have different

e. Event Marketing Attribution Models:

To better understand event ROI, we will first take a look at four fundamental models for
tracking event attribution: the First-Touch model, the Lead Conversion Touch Model, the
Last-Touch model and the W-Model.
➔ First Touch Model
The first-touch model is one of the most simple models in theory, but in practice proves
quite hard to track. It attributes 100% of the return generated to the marketing initiative that
drives someone to interact with your brand. To be clear, this is not tracking a conversion or
someone submitting their data to Certain company. It is tracking that first activity that would
lead to a conversion.
Given that first-touch occurs before a conversion happens, it can be difficult to track.
Advanced attribution and analytics tools (like Google Analytics and Bright Funnel) can help
event marketers keep track of this metric for most online interactions. However, a bit of
guesswork might be required when it comes to offline interactions.

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Pro: Simple in idea.

Con: Prone to technological limitations.
Focuses on one part of the marketing funnel.

➔ Lead Touch (Conversion) Model

The lead model attribution is probably the most simple and popular one. In this model, the
return generated is 100% associated with the first marketing initiative that causes an
individual to convert and become known to your company

i.e: Someone who is an anonymous contact visits your website and submits a form to
download a white paper. In this case you may want to nurture this contact by inviting them
to an event. According to the first touch attribution model, even though this person attended
your event, the event does not get any credit for the return.
If someone is not known to your company and then they attend an event, then the event will
receive 100% credit for the return.
Pro: Very simple to implement.
Doesn’t require a robust marketing or event stack.
Con: This model doesn’t look at the action a customer took before becoming an opportunity
or customer.

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Focuses on one part of the marketing funnel.

➔ Last Touch Model

In the last-touch attribution model, the return generated is 100% associated with the action
that someone takes immediately before converting to an opportunity or customer. Like the
first-touch model, the last-touch model is relatively easy to implement.
i.e: If someone becomes known to your company by submitting their information for an
ebook, then downloads a webinar and then finally attends an event before becoming a
customer—only the event will receive credit for the return generated.
Pro: Easy to implement.
Good for businesses dealing with a large transaction database.
Con: May require a more advance platform.
Focuses on one part of the marketing funnel.

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➔ W-Model
The w-shaped model is the most accurate and robust model for attributing event marketing
ROI. It’s also the most difficult to implement. It takes into account all of the points of contact
and marketing initiatives that have caused a contact to finally close.
It distributes a portion of the return across each marketing initiative. The question for the
marketer is the percentage of the return that should be attributed to each touch point? This is
left to the marketer’s discretion.
i.e: Someone becomes known to your company by visiting your blog, converts on an
ebook, attends a webinar, attends an event and then finally becomes a customer. In this case,
a marketer might attribute 30% to the blog, 20% to the ebook, 20% to the webinar and 30%
to the event.
Pro: The most robust of these models.
Takes into account multiple aspects of the marketing funnel.
Con: Requires an advanced attribution platform.

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f. Gamification
Gamification is a trend that’s worth looking into when it comes to live events. What better
way to engage attendees and get them excited about exhibitors, speakers, and parties than by
creating a fun game with swag to encourage them to discover?
Some examples of successful gamification methods would be:
➔ Scavenger hunts – just as much fun as when you were a kid, but now you’re
competing for grown-up prizes, and there’s networking along the way.
➔ Photo quests – encourage attendees to find locations or people to snap photos of
that they can post to their social channels; it gets them to use your event’s hashtag,
while promoting how much fun they’re having (and again, there’s prizes).
➔ Social check-ins – getting people to check in at certain event locations can be
difficult, but not when you incentivize them or make it part of a bigger game!
➔ Networking challenges – Who’s going to be the first to collect 100 business cards
or gain 20 new followers on Twitter?
The data that these types of games collect will be invaluable to knowing whether or not your
content was compelling, and will help you understand which of your attendees were really
interacting with your event.

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Getting exhibitors onto the game is another great way to collect data too. They will appreciate
the increased networking opportunities, and you will be able to see how actively people
participated and where they went. Those attendees who enthusiastically played along may
qualify as sales leads for your organization or possible thought-leaders to partner with in the
future to help promote upcoming events or content that you plan on releasing.

g. Event ROI Integrations

It’s one thing to have a number of platforms assisting you with event marketing attribution
and tracking event ROI. It’s another thing to have all of these platforms integrated. Data
integration is the practice of linking your various software platforms so that data can be easily
transferred and reconciled among them.

As an event marketer, the center of your web of integrations should be The event platform.
From there, you’ll want to make sure that it is connected to the other relevant platforms
across the meant department and company. Doing so will ensure that all of your event ROI
data is efficiently and accurately being tracked.

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Event marketing is defined by the tools, techniques and channels you use to promote an
event to an audience, usually with the hope of getting them to buy tickets or attend.
Event marketing begins with launching an event idea, through to persuade attendees to invite
their friends or colleagues and attracting a steady pipeline of leads through channels such as
email marketing, blogging and advertising
As we Identify as well B2B (business to business) event marketing as selling an event to
other businesses in order to get them to attend, sponsor or exhibit. The channels of
advertising may be the same (for example social media, email marketing, ads...) but the tone
of voice and USPs may be different. For example at a consumer event, the sales techniques
will be activated towards personal interest and benefit, whereas for a business event the
rewards may need to be more tangible such as helping a business to increase revenue,
generate leads or gain a competitive advantage.

In the next articles by maestro conferences, we will be mainly explaining SAVVY

Strategies to Maximize event attendees, Generating leads, selling courses or products, getting
people to talk about our organization or brand, building our email list, the primary objective
of our event is to create results for our brand. The amount of results we can possibly generate
for our business are directly proportional to the number of people attending our event.
Therefore, increasing event attendance = greater chance of better business results

And yet, according to a study by HubSpot, nearly 50% of marketers have trouble getting
people to respond to event invitations, and 26.4% of marketers don’t know which online tool
to use to help them market events.
This disconnect is concerning, especially when you consider how critical and expensive
(event marketing usually consumes 20-25% of a company’s marketing budget) events are for
a company. So, again the question is :
How do we increase the number of people attending our event so we can increase the
potential ROI of our efforts?
a. Pre-Event Planning
“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation,
there is sure to be a failure” Confucius

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Carefully planning and organizing marketing campaign at every stage— from months
before the event starts to weeks after it’s over—increases the likelihood of having a
productive and rewarding event for the business.
The planning that takes place well before the event happens is critical since this stage will
ultimately determine whether the event succeeds or fails. Most people make the mistake of
starting the marketing campaign after every last detail has been finalized and the event
platform is ready to be launched. There’s no need to wait that long. Promoting the event two
to three months prior to the event date will produce exponentially greater results than if
promoted only a few days before. So the trivial details have to be decided so we can create a
complete and outstanding platform with finalised details.
➔ Social Media Outreach:
By now, social media needs no introduction. Hugely popular sites like LinkedIn,
Twitter and Facebook are where much of the world communicate with each other
online, personally and professionally. Social media has also matured into a powerful
marketing channel. There are 1.65 billion active mobile social accounts globally with
1 million new active mobile social users added every day. It would be an error to not
take advantage of these platforms to enhance engagement and reach new audiences.
Important: before posting a first status update on Facebook or craft a first tweet, start
social media efforts by creating a hashtag for the event. This is critical to do at the
very beginning of any online marketing campaign because the hosting company will
want to add this hashtag on as many channels and pieces of content as they possibly
can. So they need to create a catchy, easy to remember hashtag and remain consistent
in how they write and use it. A good hashtag, when leveraged effectively, can serve to
make overall event marketing strategy cohesive and comprehensive.
Facebook :
Create an event on Facebook and promote it on the business page. Ensuring to
create an eye-catching cover photo for the event page with a resolution of
1920x1080 pixels that evokes a feeling of excitement. Having a visually
appealing photo helps the event listing stand out in the audience’s News Feed
and encourages attendees to share it with their networks. Setting a Facebook
Ad Budget. Investing in targeted Facebook ads to spread the event page like
wildfire. The best practice here is to start by advertising in an already
established network using Custom Audiences first. If budget permits, moving
to create Lookalike Audiences (i.e. audiences that have similar characteristics

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to and behave like an established network) and serve them ads to expose the
event to new audiences.
Finding Related Facebook Pages and Groups is a great way to increase the
reach and attendance of the event, Considering to send invitations to specific
Facebook pages and groups that are related to the topic via private message or
a comment on one of their popular posts. we can target groups of people
outside the friends list by promoting our event in Facebook Pages and
Facebook Groups. Here’s how:
1. Once we’ve logged into the Facebook account, we’ll find the search box
on the top of the page and enter a keyword or set of keywords that best
describe the type of group we wish to join. For instance, if our event is about
new yoga techniques, we can try searching for “racing” or any related keyword
about yoga plus location if we want to be more specific, such as “Racing,
2. At the top of the search results, we’ll find tabs for different types of results:
Posts, People, Photos, etc. we click on the option “Groups” to find Facebook
groups related to our keyword. To learn more about each group, clicking on
their page. If the group seems relevant, click in the “Join Group” button to
send a request to be added to the group. If the group is an “Open Group,” we
can post about our event immediately after joining. Otherwise, we will have to
wait for a group administrator to accept us. Either way, we should read the
group guidelines before posting (some specifically prohibit promotional posts).
Also, we should NOT spam the group by posting our event listing over and
over, nor should we post if our event is completely unrelated to the group

Sending Twitter invites either via public tweet or send our followers a private
direct message inviting them to the event. Asking our followers to retweet our
post is also an effective way to expand and increase our reach.
Target the Right Users; We want to be sure that our message is reaching the
right audience. We’ll have to use Twitter Advanced Search to find people who
are interested in our topic or live nearby if it’s an in-person event. Mention
them in tweets about the event or tweet to them directly with a friendly invite.

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Tweeeet! Unlike emails, most tweets are missed as they flow through the
social streams of our audience. So tweeting early and often is the practical
option. Here’s a list of the types of tweets could be sent before the event.
Many of these tweets can be scheduled far in advance, using tools like
Hootsuite or Buffer:
• Registration opens
• Early-bird registration is ending soon
• Countdown: “Just X days until the event!”
• Reminder of time and location
• Thank your sponsors (ensuring to mention sponsors by name and Twitter
• “Just saw @HammoudiChakir’s presentation. Wow!” (mention speakers by
their Twitter handle)
• “See you at the event!” (mention registrants)
• Thanks for sharing, posting and re-tweeting (mention anyone who shared)
• Tweets with a testimonial or quote about a speaker (find these on LinkedIn)
• News articles or press releases about your speakers
• Tweet to the pre-event blog post using a quote from the interview (mention
• “Thanks for registering! See you there!” (mention registrants, especially
social media influencers)
Important: While crafting these tweets, en sure to write one tweet that we can
pin to our profile with all the info and a link to our event page. Pinning our
tweet ensures that it will always be seen by those looking at our Twitter
While sending these tweets, follow a few people who may be interested in our
topics. When we follow someone, it is more likely they will check out our
page where they will then see the info about our upcoming event. It’s best to
follow people when we have a compelling event promotion tweet at the top of
our stream (hence, the importance of the Pinned Tweet).

Through our LinkedIn Events Page, we have the ability to share our event and
promote it on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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Use Groups to our Advantage in designated ones, we can start talking about
our event, or even better: ask someone in our network to do it for us (create a
potentiel ambassadors), it is always better to be introduced than to introduce
ourselves! our job then becomes commenting or bringing value to the group to
create a dialogue and increase interest organically. Doing this regularly
(without exaggerating or being overly promotional) increases the chance that
our discussion surfaces to the top of the group’s LinkedIn feed, giving the
event even more visibility. Some members receive weekly (or even daily)
digests of the group discussions. These digests can benefit you as well.Set up a
group specific to our event so interested parties can find additional details and
ask more questions is a great option for linked in should be taken into
Post Status Updates on our profile easily. This will not only keep our 1st
degree network well informed, but it can also give that extra boost to people
who are still hesitant to register. On top of that, with a LinkedIn Company
Page, we can add status updates that will be visible to all of our Company
Page followers.
Leverage our Personal Network and Attendees is another great way to invite
attendees and others in our network to promote the event for us. Simply we
dare to ask, When we choose to share an event on LinkedIn, we can send a
direct message about it to any of our connections. When sending any of these
messages, always keep in mind that a concise, personalized message is
received better than a cookie-cutter message (expression for low quality and
informal message content)
Word of Mouth.Or asking people in our network to send a message to their
connections or to post a status update about our event. Imagine the multiplying
effect! Of course, we could ask the registered attendees to do the same.
Suggest that they incorporate the event through the LinkedIn Events
Application on their profile as well. At a minimum, encourage (potential)
attendees to click the “I’m Attending” button on our LinkedIn Events Page in
order for it to show up as a status update in their respective LinkedIn
connections, here we got a potentiel ambassador.
Bonus tip if we want to increase the chances that they’ll actually share your
message with their network? We write it for them! Craft a short, formal

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formed message with a link to our event and encourage their connections to
copy/paste the message as a status update on their page.
LinkedIn targeted ads on LinkedIn is an effective way to promote the event.
First,we decide how much of our budget we want to allocate then use the
LinkedIn Ads Tool to target the right audience based on keywords, interests,
job titles, or other criteria.and drive attendance to our event.

“Content is fire, social media is gasoline”

Jay Baer

Instagram can be a great way to share information about our event in a visual
way. Upload a video or a cool image with a witty caption that draws the user
in and makes them want to learn more (including our hashtags).
Important: Put a link to our event registration or main page in our profile bio
so that those who are interested can visit the website or event page.
InstaStories: Instagram recently introduced Instagram Stories, a new feature
that lets users share multiple photos and videos throughout the day.
InstaStories can be used before the event to give our invited audience a sneak
preview of what they can expect at the event. For example, InstaStory can start
with a picture of our event invitation, followed with a short video interview
with your keynote speaker, then pictures and videos of the venue before,
during and after setup takes place.

Video Everywhere, if we have a lot of great video content, then YouTube is a
great channel to promote our event. Post interviews with the speakers and
embed these videos into various other social media platforms as well as emails
that we send out before the event. When write our pre-event blog posts,
ensuring to embed a video or have a link to our video within the blog.
Video Ads. Figure out where we and our event fit into the ecosystem of
YouTubers and place some ads accordingly. Do our keynote speakers have
their own YouTube channel? Promote our ads within their channel. Do our
audience have a common interest? Find out what their interest is, look for the

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most popular channels about that interest on YouTube, and place ads within
those channels.

➔ Promote Via Email List

Send an event invitation to an email list or a segment of specific prepared leads and
customers. Consider sending emails on weekends. Since few companies do it, open and
clickthrough rates may be higher. When potential attendees see the invitation on a weekend,
they may feel less pressed for time and therefore more willing to read about why our event
will be so awesome. They may also be in a social mood and even invite a friend!
Tip: Video thumbnails on emails can improve clickthrough rates. Incorporate a clickable
image of a video interview of one of your speakers in the email to add intrigue.
Pre-Event Email Sequence
1. Plan to send a sequence of marketing emails regardless of event size. For
larger events, start the sequence farther in advance to announce the speaker
lineup and early-bird registration discounts.
2. Be sure to email just before the early-bird discount ends, and again as the
date of the event approaches.
3. Finally, send an email a few days before the event with reminders of time
and place for registrants and a final pitch for last-minute registration.
➔ Promotion Via Website and or Blog
Add a call to action button leading to the event landing page in prominent places on the
event website, such as homepage, Application link, Agenda Section...Write a few blog
articles relevant to the event topic and include a call to action guiding the user to register for
the event to learn more.
Write a Pre-Event Blog Post
A blog post about the event is more effective if posted at least a few weeks in
advance. This post could include an interview with one or more of the
speakers. Email interviews are an efficient way to produce content quickly.
Simply send a list of questions to the speaker and include the responses in
posts. A link to those posts should be included in the email campaigns
mentioned above. For an additional boost, send the finished blog post to the
people have been interviewed and ask them to review it and if they’d share
with their email list or social channels.

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Invite Speakers to Write Guest Posts

Speakers will recognize that although this takes a bit of time, there are SEOs
and social media benefits to guest blogging. If they do write something for the
event, encourage them to share that content with their networks.
➔ Submit to media And Websites Industries
Local Media Outlets
Many media sites, especially the hyper-local news sites, let event hosts post
about their events. Find these sites through a simple Google search for “event
calendars” in what most people use and/or suitable as the best option. Most of
them are free to post, so add listings to as many local sites as can be found.
Industry Associations
Depending on how relevant the event is to their audience, industry and trade
associations may also allow and help to submit information to be promoted.
Chambers of commerce are often happy to promote events relevant to their
members, especially if the organizers are members themselves.
Alert the Press
Contact local press to extend an invitation to cover the event. also set up an
interview with speakers. Schedule also a Press Conference with Organising
committee to have a FAQ and more interesting questions. Graciously
communicating with members of the press could bring the event positive

➔ SEO as a metric in KPI

Target a Keyword
Always make sure all target keywords are relevant to the event in term of
theme and event nature (It should combine the event topic, the word “event,”
and the name of the city held in, if applicable. For example “orthodontist event
Univerity of Algiers 01,” “fire safety event Sonatrach HME” or “Marketing
and business intelligence event Aurassi Hotel .”
Title Tags and Headers
Use a title tag and header that include the target keywords. In the title tag, it’s
best to keep it in the order of keyword followed by the name of the event. This
helps indicate relevance to Google. For example, An event for Entrepreneurs
in Syllabs Coworking space may benefit from a website with a title tag such as

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“Entrepreneurs Event in Syllabs – Coworking space.” Invite speakers to write

guest posts.
Search-Friendly Description
The event page should have a detailed event description, which includes the
keyword several times. If the description is on the longer side, break it up into
short, concise paragraphs. Using proper formatting including headers, sub-
headers, internal links, etc.
Internal links are important for search engine rankings. Make sure to include a
link to the event page from other pages on any site tackled to the event
including older blog posts. This will not only guide visitors to the page but
also help search engines know that the page is relevant.
b. The Final Countdown

“Time, energy and talent can be more important than budget.”

Scott Harrison Found and CEO, charity:
Five days to 24 hours before the Event….
The final stretch of marketing right before any event can easily be the most stressful time if
not approached the right way

With this in mind, it becomes vitally important to reach out to those that have already
agreed to attend the event and raise excitement with them while also reaching out to potential
attendees that may still need a little push to register.

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Final Email Blast, Social & Blog

The final blog posts, social media updates and emails should now take on a
more urgent, sales-focused tone. The host already spent the past few weeks or
months building up a relationship —now is the time to be super clear with all
direct calls to action and convert all long-term strategies into registrations or
ticket sales.
Attendee Referrals
This is a frequently missed opportunity. Many organizers focus solely on
bringing in new attendees, forgetting that they have a potentially killer
marketing tactic at their disposal—those who have already been convinced of
the event’s value and registered their interest by purchasing a ticket. reach out
to the already existing attendees and incentivize them to promote the event on
our behalf. Word of mouth is consistently shown to be one of the most
powerful and effective marketing tactics. consider even offering them referral
fees if they become an affiliate, which is easy to track and manage with sites
like Eventbrite.
Influencer Outreach
If there will be any good ideas to fill a few last-minute spots or get the word
out in a noticeable way, then influencers could be best shot. While it’s also
advised to contact them at the start of the campaign, it’s good to keep in mind
that they have busy schedules and may not be able to commit in the early
stages. If they weren’t available then, now might be the time to re-engage them
and, if they are free, they’ll no doubt appreciate the invitation and may repay
the generosity by telling their network about the event.
Give Them a Call
Employing telesales teams can be expensive, and only effective if got a great
inbound marketing program to support them with lots of fresh, warm leads.
However, that doesn’t stop the hosts from picking up the phone themselves! If
they’ve noticed that a few of targeted attendees or some of those pre-registered
leads have still not bought a ticket, why not give them a call? To see if there’s
anything they can help with or if they have any questions can be answered. It
doesn’t have to be a hard sell, but it’s much harder to ignore a phone call than
it is to avoid an email or one of a thousand tweets on their timeline. we’ll

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probably find it’s a relatively time-intensive but effective way of securing a

few more last minute sales.
Remind Registrants
Some people will register for the event far in advance and forget that it’s
approaching. Ensure to remind them about the event by scheduling a few email
reminders as the event approaches. Alos can send a link to automatically
integrate the dates in Calendar used by them in local host or cloud solutions
such as google calendar. In addition, it is generally common practice to send a
final reminder 24 hours before the event starts (or 72 hours if the event is
hosting people from abroad) . If using a conferencing software to manage and
host the event, the system should already include multiple automated

c. During Event
The marketing of any event does NOT stop once the event starts. There are still ample
opportunities to continue promoting the event throughout the entire agenda.

“Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see how you do it, they will
want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show
them how well you do what you do.”
Walter E. Disney
Live tweeting and feeding during events is a huge opportunity for engagement. Registrants
will be watching the event hashtags, so filling that stream with interesting content. Using the
actual time to provide live-streaming options that not only reach event attendees, but also
engage potential audiences who just discovered the content online.
Live Tweet
Listen for juicy nuggets in conversations and in presentations and tweet them
out to the audience. Mention the person who said it in the tweet (again, using
their @twitter handle) forgetting to use the event hashtag.
Share Pics and Videos
Take pictures of people, speakers and attendees and share them on Twitter in
real time. Smartphones make this easier than ever. Again, Ensure to mention
people and post everything with hashtag.
Provide Networking Areas

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If it’s an offline event, having a networking area at the event venue is a great
way to encourage attendees to interact with one another on a deeper level
between sessions. Have the presenters mingle in these areas during their down
time, as this gives attendees the opportunity to ask more questions. Enable
Audience Participation Take advantage of social media activity and set up
screens and monitors with live actions, statistics, and data. Using an interactive
tool like sli.do enables attendees to ask questions and participate in polls with
their mobile devices while sitting in the presentation. More interaction
between presenters and attendees results in more engaging conversation and a
more memorable event!

d. Post Event
The end of the event isn’t the end of the event marketing cycle, it’s an opportunity to
increase the ROI of

“The event just been held, while also serving as the marketing springboard for future
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”
George S. Patton

An Event just have been delivered with values to specific audience, now it’s time to ask
for a favor in return. Subscribe to event blog, join the newsletter, signup to receive
announcements on future events, refer to a friends —these should be some of the results
hoping to achieve when early decided to launch an event— So ask attendees and make it easy
for them to help by including CTAs (call-to-actions) on everything have been sent or posted
after the event.

Blog Post
Event recap blog posts are often easy and fun to write. Post them on the event
site or submit them as a guest post to a relevant blog, local or
industry/association website. They can include all kinds of relevant content.
Bonus: if the next event date is already set and scheduled, mention it in the
blog posts (this could be the CTAs).

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Summary of Presentations
These summaries can include quotes of positive feedback from a follow up
Gallery of Event Photos
Ideally, these galleries are embedded into the event site or recap blog post
using a tool such as Flickr. This way, enable the host to be sending traffic to
the site, rather than a photo sharing website.
Speakers’ Presentations
As with the photos, it’s ideal if the presentations are embedded into the event
site or blog post using a tool such as Slideshare (of linkedin).
List the “Top Tweets” from the Event
This can include any tweets from the event that had a high level of
engagement and/or positive feedback. These are easy to find if any used an
event hashtags. It’s even easier with Storifying.
List the Speakers, Sponsors and Attendees
List.ly (and/or similar apps) is a very social way to build lists and embed them
into a website. A list of this nature can help attendees connect with each other
after the event, and to really get the most out of the networking benefit from
them attending the event.
The email follow-up to registrants is a way to say thank you, share important
links and keep a bit of a buzz going.
Link to a Survey
Surveys are a great way to get feedback, but they’re also a way to gather
testimonials that you can use for future events. Link to Post-Event Blog Posts.
Since already gathered up all the best content and posted it online, linking to
these posts in the emails should be easy.
Invite Registrants to Follow You on Social Networks.
Some of the registrants may not follow yet. Never miss a chance to promote on
social media accounts! This can be both as a reminder and updater.
Invite Registrants to be Notified of the Next Event.
Some registrants may not be subscribed to receive emails and invites yet.
Include a link to the email signup form to grow the databases and boost the
email marketing.

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Social Activity
The event is too passed by days, now it’s time to share stories, say thank you
and stay connected. Using phrases such as Thank You, we’ve gone wild and
excellent, happy to have you.... Always Show gratitude after the event by
thanking the speakers, sponsors and attendees in follow-up posts and blogs.
This is great for networking.
Post Photos
Put a few of the best photos on Facebook and Instagram (to be specific due to
the unification of the platform, characteristics and users behaviors) . ensure to
tag and mention people.
Keep Sharing and sharing
In the days after the event, keep an eye out for tweets, mentions and blog posts
from others. Hopefully, the event hashtag makes this easy. When notifying
these mentions, just share them!


Like any other company, event requires much organised platforms and tools that helps the
hosts represent in very professional way, most of these tools and materials can be accessed
for free or at least can be checked over so can make the final decision on what to use, an
important not is that not only one platform is enough but may be integrated between each and
have the cross data so can appear as if it’s one platform; here's the list of some best tools:

Flyers: Flyers are excellent event marketing tools because they’re so versatile.
They can be placed in prominent public areas as well as targeted venues,
handed out on the street guerrilla-style, inserted into newspapers and
magazines, and even folded and sent via direct-mail.
Posters: Like flyers, posters can be placed in prominent public areas and
targeted venues. Print large poster sizes to ensure the event stands out from the
competition and gets noticed.

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Social Media: Social media is big on event marketing business in the new age.
Take advantage of Facebook’s event features to promote and invite guests to
the event. Without forgetting about Instagram and Twitter as viable event
marketing tools as well.
PostCards: Generate a mailing list of past attendees and those who meet your
target audience demographics, then send direct-mail postcards to promote your
event. One good strategy is to plan a series of three postcards with early-bird
ticket specials.
Programs and Brochures: Print program booklets or brochures to leave in
prominent public areas and targeted venues. Interested people will pick them
up as takeaways from store counters and similar locations – as a nice job of
promoting the event and its activities inside, and also can create desire and
boost event attendance –.
Website: People searching for any event will want to find it online. Ensure to
create a full-featured website with a list of event activities, schedules, and a
way to buy tickets. The website should also be responsive so it displays on all
devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones (Platforms
Banners and Rollups: Large vinyl banners/Rollups and perfect for outdoor
event marketing. Place banners near busy intersections and along roadways, in
sometimes even as a background of speackers in the stage, to help get the word
out and presented in all pictures. Banners strategically placed at similar, non-
competing events and relevant venues can help to reach more targeted
attendees. Keep the banners simple and give customers an easy way to follow
up, such as including website URL and company major contacts.
Email: it’s important to have an email list of past attendees or can generate a
good email list of people who fit as targeted demographics, email marketing
can be a cost-effective way to promote for the event. Be careful not to spam,
and include incentives for buying tickets early to generate the best response.
Targeted Publications: Trade publications, magazines, newspapers as well as
industry-specific or demographically-relevant blogs and websites can prove
excellent marketing tools. Mobile apps can also help to market the event. Seek
out opportunities for targeted advertising, guest posting, interviews, and
feature articles to expand the out reach.

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Event Tickets: Event tickets can be used as event marketing tools. Create
partnerships with local stores to sell the tickets on-site; or, partner with a
restaurant to offer a meal discount on the back of tickets. The restaurant helps
pay for the printing, and the host deliver their ad to all of the guests.

There is usually a lot of talk about communication and how to make it more effective. Most
companies think they are good at communicating, while the truth is that only a few
companies manage their communications at even a satisfactory level.
Usually, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the design of event invitations and other
details, while an actual event communication plan is left out of the picture.
A well-constructed event communication plan will include a schedule detailing when,
where and what to communicate with all parties.
There’s a big difference between communicating and promoting of event.
Although marketing the event can be part of communication strategy, these two concepts
aren’t interchangeable.
Building a communication strategy for the event involves developing a game plan that can
be used to find solutions and achieve the hosts’ goals. It doesn’t matter if those goals are to
attract a bigger number of attendees, seduce more sponsors, or help guests navigate the
logistic aspects of the event.
Designing a powerful communication strategy can open the door to unlimited
Finding ways to promote the event, on the other hand, refers exclusively to the marketing
efforts to gain more visibility and increase the attractiveness of the event for potential
attendees. Considering this difference, there may often fail to build a coherent
communication game plan, resuming all efforts to promote the event.
Although the marketing part is pivotal, hosts can’t expect great results without having a
well-coordinated and efficient communication strategy.
In the following menu, there’s a list of areas a good communication strategy will cover
when it comes to successfully planning, managing, and running an event.

Define the goals and event stakeholders

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Why this event is planned in the first place? Is it to attract more leads or to
increase brand awareness? Or is it to harness the networking environment and
strengthen the industry position of certain organization? Or it’s for something
more specific?
The answers to these questions will help the team define the event
stakeholders who must be involved in the planning process,logistics to provide
and the protocols to follow up during the organising process.
For example, if the intentions are to launch a new product and motivate the
clients to become its advocates, then must have the following stakeholders:
●The product and marketing department, to coordinate the event details and
● The event providers and vendors (catering, audiovisual, venue, etc.,
depending on your needs).
● Potential media partners.
● Investors, in case interested to showcase new achievements.
● Clients, according to different criteria to establish their loyalty.
● The influencers, who’ll promote for the event.
Each stakeholder involves a specific series of communication-oriented actions.
Understanding the goals and who’s involved in the entire planning and event-
running process will enable the host develop different communication actions.
As a result, this will help achieve their specific micro-goals and targets.

Identifying the key message per target audience and the channels needed to
Depending on the stakeholders’ profile, we’ll need to decide which messages
we want to transmit and on which channels we must be active.
For example, to ensure positive communication with our existing clients, we
may decide to use an email marketing campaign. With (potential) investors,
we may decide to go with a different communication format and channel, such
as (cold) pitching and meetings.
Outline the activities your team will have to execute
There’s a big difference between a communication strategy and a
communication plan.

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As Mynhardt van Pletsen indicates, “A strategy is about high level thinking; a

plan is about ground level execution. For the most part, a communication
strategy should not be drafted by the communication team in isolation, but
preferably with the close input of the top level management of an
organization. On the other hand, the specific plans for separate
communication projects should be left to the specialists in those areas.”
For example, the marketing team may develop the communication actions
related to promoting the event. Meanwhile, certain executives may develop
actions to attract new investors and encourage them to support or attend the
In conclusion, each member of the organization or corporation must have clear
roles and responsibilities in realizing and applying the communication
Focus on changing behaviors
It’s important not to forget that the main goal of the communication strategy
must target the behavior of the stakeholders. That’s why the actions taken
either by the host or the organising team should focus on shaping what the
audiences know, feel, and do. This implies a deep understanding of the
audience and those triggers that can get them to change specific behaviors.
Set up a success KPIs
To achieve high efficiency levels, we must know how to evaluate the results of
a communication strategy. The metrics will depend on our goals and key
If we’re talking about achieving the main goal of the event, which (using our
example) is to transform our clients into brand advocates, the performance
indicators will involve the number of attendees who actually decided to go
with our referral programs or engaged in promotion activities.
If we want to measure the impact our communication strategy had on
(potential) investors, we must evaluate the new funds and/or values our
company organization received after the event.


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Promotional press conferences are among the most common way to showcase and
livestream ideas. Public relations professionals use press conferences to make important
announcements to gain coverage in newspapers, magazines, blogs and on TV news
broadcasts. All these features comes at low-cost and large target audience with almost zero
efforts on media editing and such affairs. Reasons to hold a press conference include:
● Introducing a new product
● Revealing a new scientific breakthrough
● Unveiling a new advertising campaign
● Announcing a charity event with a featured celebrity
● Acquiring a new player on a sports team
● Releasing company financial statements
● State and detail about company event
● FAQ sessions
Promotional press conferences offer several advantages, such as the ability to reach all
media outlets at the same time while controlling the message. A press conference also can
build excitement or anticipation about an event.
Corporate press conferences are generally led by the company's executive management or
a press liaison or communications officer. Given limited resources, particularly during a time
of quarterly or annual earnings, or event based information, it may be difficult to attract
major media attention unless a company has a truly unique or newsworthy announcements to

Things to Consider Before the Press Conference

Before holding a press conference—or presser as they're known to journalists
—there are a few key points a company will consider.
First, is the press release. In addition to announcing the conference, the release
should be well crafted. It should be clear, concise, and to the point. But it
should also address the issue at hand, whether that's a positive announcement
like a product launch, or in response to negative news or controversy.
The location of the presser is also really important. It should be able to
accommodate the number of attendees and should have a link to what's being

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announced. A company may decide to hold the conference at the production

facility or in a retail store if it's about a new product launch.
Another consideration is who to invite. Companies generally have a list of
media who are apprised of the conference with a copy of the press release. The
invitation, just like the release, should be well crafted in order to get the
maximum level of people interested.
Important: The follow up after the press conference is just as important so any
queries are answered and to ensure the maximum amount of media coverage.

To understand how events works, we need to look up to every detail possible in
planning, and oversee those in real time follow up, satisfaction of stakeholders rely on
the facilitations and clarification of all communication channels, understanding what
tools you use, how to approach and wen is the key success factors in any event can be
hosted by any corporate, furthermore, event creativity in terms of marketing and
communication is undeniably taking massive role in its success, understanding the
value of online digits and plan to avoid the negative aspects is one of key factors to
take advantage of as it requires a constant following and monitoring, and using every
possible resource to make the event easy during its activities is another major
challenge any host can face, not to forget the role of organisers and their human
behaviours as well.

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1. Types of event technologies

Bizzabo labs identify event technologies as any digital tool that helps planners complete
tasks pertaining to their work as event organizers. Types of event technology include but are
not limited to event marketing software, event management software and mobile event apps
We identify IT in events as massive transformation and dramatic data overheat from all
the boards of organisations, recently, statistics show that 85% of international events are
managed all in specialised Event platforms for management and planning.
Before event technology, hosting an event was a very manual process. Attendee lists
needed to be drafted contact by contact in Excel or on paper. Event promotions were limited
to mediums like print and mail-in services.
While these processes were manual, the worst part was that it was near impossible to track
and measure the effectiveness of the different components that make up an event.
Today, event marketers have a complex array of technologies to choose from. Everything
from marketing to ticket sales to data collection can easily be added to an organized event
tech stack.
Each piece of the event technology stack does its part to support the full event lifecycle as
it transitions from one phase to the next. Things like building websites, increasing event
registrations, and email promotion are all made possible thanks to event technology.
According to bizzabo events laboratories, we estate 7 types of event technologies as

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Event Venue Sourcing

Venue sourcing tools are any event technology program that allows event
planners to search, browse, and filter through venue options in their chosen
location. There are many tools for finding event venues and spaces, here are
some options as for an example :
EventUP : EventUP allows organizers to directly message venue owners. They
have a wide selection ranging from corporate event venues to private dinner
party spaces.
Splacer: Videos and historical backstories add a personal touch to the search
experience. This tool is best for event organizers in need of more intimate and
personal gathering spaces.
HeadBox: This UK-based venue sourcing tool allows event organizers to pay
for their chosen spaces through their secure website. They have over 5,000
venues to choose from.
Event Website Builder:
The event website is an important digital portal for prospects and attendees to
get acquainted with the upcoming affair. Important details, registration and
ticketing options, and additional marketing materials are all located on it.
These tools help to create this important piece of any event puzzle. Here are
some helpful platforms
Wordpress: This tool is a free and open-source content management system.
It’s most recommended for users with some understanding of how to code.
Wix: There are free and paid options for website building available through
Wix. The site offers drag-and-drop website creation tools.
Bizzabo: If needed a website builder that is built from the ground-up for
events, Bizzabo is the best option. Bizzabo comes out-of-the-box with tools for
managing registrations, tracking behaviour, and powering the event promotion

Event Registration Management:

Tools for event registration offer users different ways to increase and facilitate
attendee conversions. Some event registration tools specialize specifically in
event registration but can integrate with other event technologies. Other event
registrations may come as part of an all-in-one event platform.

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Boomset: Specializing in on-site attendee experience, Boomset offers features

like self check-ins, badge printing and multi-session tracking.
Forms by Google: a fully free platform that offers a possibility to customise a
registration and questions to gather a database for analytics and filtring, also
fully integrateable in any website or platform needed.
Event Agenda:
Event agenda tools help attendees learn about, select, customize and navigate
their activities during the event. Some event agenda tools allow attendees to
build their own schedules and rate sessions and speakers.
Shdlr: Shdlr provides options for those wanting calendar integration, website
or blog schedule embedding, and event registration website building.
Calendar by Google: option to integrate actions and details in personal
stakeholders agenda using Gmail, easy to manipulate, fully free and extreme
Event Promotions and email marketing:
In a desire to drive people to an event, it’s important to have strong event
promotion strategy. It also helps to have the help of event technology that was
built just for this purpose. These tools cover mission-critical tasks like email
list segmentation and social media leveraging that turns attendees into brand
CampaignMonitor: This tool has a dashboard with tabs like campaigns,
automation, transactional, and insights. They also offer templates with drag-
and-drop editing.
MailChimp: A popular option for email marketing optimization, MailChimp
offers an extensive free version with many creative design options to choose
Hubspot: a platform that offers to integrate the social media account used to
promote the event and manage them from one platform with scheduling
feature and full access to the accounts.
Live surveys and Polls:
Getting feedback from event stakeholders is made possible with the help of
live event surveys and polls. These tools can be used before, during, and after
the event is held.

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Key Survey: Key Survey has a single integrated platform for collecting,
managing, and analyzing survey data. They also have fully customizable
Typeform: Typeform offers intuitive creator tools alongside interactive
features like GIFs and videos.
Survey manager by Google: a google marketing platform tool that recently
generated helps automate the surveys according to any data can be given such
as region, audience targeted… and generates a report that is easy to analyse
and handle.
Attendee networking apps:
Event app technology helps attendees make the most of their experience.
These apps, in particular, facilitate conversations, helps users arrange meet-
ups, and generally increases collaboration.
Swapcard: Swapcard offers some app details like push notifications and
sponsoring that helps boost event ROI for all participants.
Software integrations:
Software integrations are what ultimately create a seamless workflow for the
event planning process. There are three main types: open API integrations,
native integrations, and third-party integrations. Whichever kind ended up
using, event software integrations ultimately aid planners with efficiently
synchronizing multiple tools into one highly useful tech stack. Here's a look at
a couple of third-party integration platforms:
Zapier: Zapier helps its users integrate programs and allow them to work
together. They handle over 1,000 popular apps.
Mulesoft: This event software integration platform works with SaaS and
enterprise applications both in the cloud and on-premise.
Event Analytics and Actionable Insights:
Using KPIs to measure event success is necessary for measuring the impact of
the event marketing efforts. Event planning analytics help collect, organize,
and create actionable insights from data that could unlock the answers to
questions like event ROI and improvements that need to be made in the future.
Piwik: Piwik pro tracks data from event websites in a way that strictly
complies with new regulations. Create user profiles, re-target on the fly, and
integrate data with CRM.

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Activity Cloud: This tool is most effective for identifying when, where, and
how event organizers can reach customers. They handle a wide range of things
they can analyze including social media, marketing campaigns, usage history,
and more.
Bizzabo: From the event website to the event app to trends on event ticket
sales, revenue targets, and attendee feedback, Bizzabo is an event platform that
prioritizes data clarity.

To sum up, such technologies are categorized into three levels, Planning Level, Moderations
level and Evaluations level, and on each level, there are critical data flow and technological
facilitation, Besides providing event planners with data-backed insights, streamlined
workflows, and increased attendee engagement, event technology has become a staple for
modern productivity.

2. Event Resources Planning

What we call All-in-One platforms or Event Resources planning mainly discussed all above
in the first chapter, hereby, we present an example of an ERP (for Events) to demonstrate the
workflow and the points mentioned before, we examinate one of the main Event resources
planning cloud platform on (selected as best of 2018).


Full event execution and resources planning platform, “experience the smart solution” is
the official slogan of the trademark, they offer the best variated and a data-crossed cloud
solution in events.
In the following lines, we will get a review on their features and strengths:
Email campaigns:
Schedule Email Campaigns
Various choice from hundreds of professional templates
Creating and uploading own HTML templates and designs.
Track Every Single Email - Clicked, Opened, Bounced
Event Registration and ticketing:
Create Event in a few clicks or clone past Event

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Create Multiple Pricing & Multiple Sessions

Unlimited Promotions - Early Bird, Volume, Affiliate, Members...
Download the Attendee list and Event Financials in Excel
One-click Single and Bulk Badge Printing
Mobile-Friendly and Ready:
Engage Attendees in real-time, networking and mapping
Update Twitter, facebook
Speaker Bios, updates, keynotes, presentations
Promote Exhibitors and Sponsors through banner ads and one-to-one appointments
Live Dashboards:
Track Registrations in real-time
Track Sales by source - Campaigns, Affiliates, Promo Codes
Track Task progress
Track Email Clicks and Opens
Track Attendee Check-ins
Customize and visualize the tracking data needed in one-page interface
Print and generate automated recommendations based on AI and ML systems, and also
previous data
Affiliate management:
Manage Unlimited number of Affiliates
Create Social Media Channels
Create Unique Discount for each Affiliate
Affiliate Discounts Apply Automatically
Track Ticket Sales through Each Affiliate
Team Management:
Recruit Volunteers and /or official organisers Online from EventERP databases or out of
its network
Delegate Task to the Event Team
Create Unlimited Tasks
Track Task Progress including deadlines, reports, affiliated members,...
Download Team Roaster
On the day Event Operations (Moderating and management):
Check-in Attendees

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Edit and re-print Badges (with the possibility for stakeholders to modify any error in their
badges and submit it to re-printing)
Manage Session Entry
Manage Team Assignments in real-time and supervise any crisis online.
Gather performance report and generate recommendations using AI and ML.
Set up Box Office for Ticket Sales
Nominations and judging:
Accept nominations for persons, companies and Abstracts
Multiple nomination categories
Anonymous public polling
Weighted scores for Appointed Judges and Public Polling
Announce Winners
Membership Management:
Unlimited Membership Types
Rolling or Calendar Memberships
Online Secure Payment Gateway
Automated Renewal Reminders
Member Only Events

3. The ultimate guide to event evaluation process

After an event has finished – whether it was a huge success or a little bit disappointing –
it’s often tempting to just ‘get on with it’ and look ahead to the next event, without giving the
proper time and attention to evaluating the event just gone.
In an attempt to showcase how we approach an event process, we estate all details in the
next articles, heading to main objectives of:
Collect post-event attendee feedback
Review raw data
Analyse success with stakeholders
➔ Post-event attendees feedback collections
we can get relevant post-event attendee feedback in a number of ways. The easiest is to
send out a post-event survey immediately after the event has ended (with some kind of

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incentive to fill it out). However we can also hand out hard copies during the event or, if we
have the time and resources, we could call up a sample of attendees to ask them more in-
depth questions. Additionally, we can create a focus group or, if we have one, ask our
advisory group/steering committee. We can experience some ways as following:
Event Feedback Form of Questions
Here’s an example of the questions may want to ask on the event feedback form and the
order in which to set it out:
Introduction and thanks: it’s important to share gratitude for the attendee coming
along to the event. We may also want to mention here why we’re collecting
feedback, how and why the data will be stored and if the answers will be used
Overall rating: this is where we can ask a series of questions that will determine
how the attendee found then event overall. Most event feedback forms will use a
rating or scoring system (1-10) to make this as easy as possible for the visitor to
fill in.
Value for money and Time:
this is a good indicator of how valuable the attendee found the event and can be
measured by time, money or another variable.
Presentations and session evaluation:
this is where we can gather feedback on any entertainment, presentations or
sessions. Remember that not every attendee will have attended every session, so
make this personalised based on their behaviour, or give them the option to easily
skip sections that aren’t relevant.
Venue Evaluations:
this will allow you to ask if the attendee found the venue easily, what they
thought of the catering options and where else they might like you to host.
Net Promoter Score:
this question, known as a “Net Promoter Score” asks “On a scale of 1-10 how
likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?”. This allows us
to evaluate whether our attendees are detractors (not likely to recommend your
event) or promoters (likely to recommend your event).
Thoughts and feedbacks:
leave some space here for qualitative answers where the attendees can write any
thoughts they have for improvement.

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➔ Raw Data Review

we can get a lot from asking people questions, but we should also take a look at the
raw data for our event. If we used Eventbrite to ticket it (as an example), then we can
download our attendee list in an excel format in order to see all of the demographic
information we asked for (Google Forms generates a SpreadSheet organised and
linked to retrieve and treat all the data collected), as well as the answers to any custom
questions we asked (such as ‘what are your main goals for attending?’ or ‘where did
you hear about our event?’)

➔ Success analysis with the stakeholders

Finally, we should aim to schedule some dedicated time for the team 1-2 weeks after
the event has ended. It shouldn’t be too much later than this or memories will start to
fade and valuable insights will be lost, but it also shouldn’t be the day after the event
ends, as we need to let the dust settle, giving everyone time to reflect and prepare.
To sum up these operations in a practical way, we suggest to follow up with this model made
by EventBrite Corporations (UK based Company):
Pre-meeting Preparations:
Send this template to everyone attending the meeting and require them to spend time
filling it out independently so they come prepared.
Ensure all post-event data (such as survey answers) is available so the team can make
informed contributions.
Carve out enough time to not rush this, ideally a half-day or even a full day.
Part One: Post Event Evaluations:
It makes sense to start with the nitty-gritty and look at the details of the most recent event,
including what went well, what can be improved and how can focus more time and resources
on the activities that delivered the most value to the event and it’s attendees.
What Went Well?
How to approach this section?
Start the meeting on a positive note. It’s tempting to dive right into the parts that can be
improved, but it’s just as important to recognise and celebrate the good aspects too.

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Successes: Celebrate what have done well! Did we reach and exceed our attendee numbers?
Did we save money on a venue? Did we create a clever new format that everyone loved?
Were our customer service team incredible this year?
Make sure everyone in the team finds at least one achievement they’re proud of, celebrate it
as a team, and see how it can be codified as a best practice, to be repeated and improved upon
next year.
If it makes sense, break things down functionally (marketing, sales, content, operations etc.)
Things To improve?
How to approach this section?
The really important thing for tackling this part of the meeting to make it about things and
processes, not people.
How can mistakes be avoided, processes improved and which tactics simply didn’t work as
well as we’d hoped?
Again, it’s better to try to get at least one idea from the whole team and celebrate it as a
way of moving on, learning and growing as a team.
If it makes sense, we should also consider breaking things down functionally for this section
too (marketing, sales, content, operations etc)

Increasing Event Returns (Revenues) on investments(ROI):

How to approach this section?
This is essentially about efficiency – of time and allocation of resources.
Has one of any actions produced good results, but taken an inordinate amount of effort to
achieve? Is it really worth doing again? This is where looking at Return on Investment can
really help prioritise better than only looking at absolute results.
Consider asking these questions:
What was the 20% that each team member did that achieved 80% of their results? Or what
was the most important 20% of their day-to-day time spent on?
Equally, what was the 20% of their work that delivered the least in terms of results? What
could they drop for the next event, or outsource, or automate?
If there is not sufficient data to make these kinds of decisions, how can tracking and
measurement be improved for next year?

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Part Two: Reconnect to the strategy:

The next stage of the post event review moves up from tactics and processes to one of values
and strategy. We should look at two critical components which are mainly as follows:
Event support toward the mission:
How to approach this section?
Start by reminding stakeholders of what the company’s mission is.
mainly, ask the following questions:
What aspect of the event most embodied the values and mission of our company?
What aspect of the event was farthest removed from our company’s mission and values?
Overall did this event live up to our ideals?

Event Support toward Customers needs:

How to approach this section?
Time to review whether the event met the needs of our target customers.
These are some of the fundamental questions should be asked during this stage of the
Who do we put on events for?
Did the attendee list reflect who were expecting to see there?
If not why not? Who did/didn’t come and what were the surprises?
Why did the attendees came?
Did it achieve their needs?
Were they satisfied?
What was the most common suggestion for change?
What was the most popular aspect of the event?
Would they miss it if we stopped running the event?
In addition, we should be checking whether our actual data support the personas we created.
Have our customer demographic shifted? Now is a great time to re-evaluate the ideal
customers, update those personas (or create them if there’s non)

Part Three: Evolve the event strategy:

Afterwards we’ve looked back at the event we’ve just run, it’s time to take those reflections
and start looking forward to our next event, and this time we start at the top: our strategy. To
be broken into four parts.
Target audience:

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How to approach this section?

All good event strategy needs to start with the customer. Luckily, we’ve just reflected on this
year’s audience, so we’re off to a flying start!
However, we need to dive a little deeper again.
To base our strategy on customer demographics isn’t that useful – we have to base it on their
needs and behaviours –.
Here are some of the questions should be considered:
What are their main concerns and opportunities?
What does our event provide that they can’t get elsewhere (key value)?
How does it scratch their itch?
What would the negative consequences be if it weren’t scratched?
Once we’ve answered these questions, we’re a long way down the road to a successful event
Another nice way to look at it is, if we overheard our customer trying to describe our event to
their friend, what would we want to hear them say about us or the event? Our strategy should
then be to create an event that would match their description.
Event Organisers Needs:
How to approach this section?
While it’s top priority to cater to our customer, we can’t forget about our own needs either!
What do we care about? Is it growth, profit, revenue, market share or something else entirely,
like leads, donations, social media buzz etc.?
Ideally, we’ll want to have one primary goal, and then 2-3 supporting goals.
Enterprise needs measurement:
How to approach this section?
“You are what you measure” is a common phrase these days. Once we’ve answered the
above two questions, we need to put in place metrics that keep everyone focused on the
agreed strategy.
For example, if we care about growth, maybe we’ll focus on month-on-month ticket sales and
not talk much about cost; if we care about profit then cost-per-acquisition may be much more
Spend some time working out with the team how can reflect our key goals in terms of
metrics, and ensure everyone is on the same page in terms of what ‘”success” looks like.

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SWOT analysis for an event strategy:

The last part in this section, we have to recognise that we never operate in a vacuum, so it’s
always worth undertaking a classic SWOT analysis to think about our Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats.
How to approach this section?
Considering all this point:
Strengths: Do we have the best trained staff? The most connected sales people? The best
known brand? Strengths should be company-specific attributes that give us a market
advantage and are difficult for competitors to replicate.
Weakness: Do we have a high staff turnover? Poor attendee retention rates? Very low
margins? Weaknesses are typically internal pain points that are within our control to rectify.
Opportunities: One opportunity will be to address our weaknesses, but typically we should be
looking at a broader market context. Are new technologies disrupting old competitors? Could
we create another event in a new location?
Threats: Again, these would normally be driven by external factors such as the market. Are
sponsors cutting budgets due to a global(or local) economic downturn? Could our biggest
competitor launch a similar event?...
Part Four: transformation of the event strategy to Goals:
Next up, Everyone needs something to aim for, So it’s time to agree on some team goals for
our next event, which we’ll break into three parts:
Audacious Goals:
How to approach this section?
Audacious: If we’re really going to break the mould and put on exceptional events and attract
the most ambitious and capable staff, then our goals should be big, ambitious and exciting to
motivate everyone.
Having these aspirational goals will go hand in hand with having a motivating mission,
making the team’s work tangible.
These kinds of goals might be to double the size of our event year on year; get mainstream
press coverage of it next year, have a big celebrity endorse it (and attend) through a strategic
influencer marketing plan, or simply make it the largest, global ‘must attend’ event of its
It’s important not to set too many of these. Ideally we should just have one or two that the
whole team can get behind and support, otherwise we’re asking for too much, fragmenting
resources and thinking too tactically for this section.

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SMARTizing the Goals:

How to approach this section?
All Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound. While it’s
important to have stretch goals (as described above), they should still be SMART, so we
don’t chase the wrong things, or set everyone up to fail, which can obviously be motivating.
In this section, we try to break down our big audacious goal(s) into 1-3 supporting smart
goals the team can target and manage.
Milestone as an approach of progress tracking:
How to approach this section?
It’s also important to break goals down into smaller chunks so we can see incremental
progress (or course correct if the progress isn’t there before it’s too late).
The timeframe for milestones will depend on the team and the goals, but they would probably
be weekly, monthly and, at most, quarterly – whereas the larger goals might be annual and
tied to the completion of the event.

Part Five: Creation of a plan:

Last but certainly not least in the event review process, we need to actually turn all of our
brainstorming and ideas into a plan! How do we actually actionize our strategy and achieve
our goals? Streamlining mainly these three steps:
How to approach this section?
Does the current team possess all the right skills needed to actionize the vision? Do we need
to hire more people? Or do we have enough manpower, but they need training and up-
What about other resources such as new technology? Do we have the right content
management system? The right marketing automation? Is there sufficient marketing and
promotional or design budget?Do we have the right budget to proceed to the planned actions?

Growth Tactics:
How to approach this section?
What specific ideas do people have to grow the event or make it better? Should we focus on
email marketing, social media or blogging? Should we outsource production or bring it in-
house? Do we need new software or a new website? Has someone got a cool new campaign
idea? What partners should we be approaching?

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This is a great time to brainstorm specific tools and campaign ideas to test for the next event.

Improved Processes:
How to approach this section?
Going back to our notes on successes and mistakes from the event we’ve just ran.
Can we put in place specific workflows, reviews or sign-off processes, collaborative tools, or
other efforts that will help us sustain best practices and avoid bad ones?
If so, it should be noted down in this section.
This is the complete template: By EventBrite United Kingdom(CO.UK)

4. Artificial intelligence and personalisations

This is an edited post from Tim Groot, co-founder and CEO at Grip, a UK-based event

networking platform powered by AI.

we’ve probably heard it already — artificial intelligence (AI) is the one of the latest
Technology in this ERA and one of event technology of the moment. Plenty has been written
about the promise of AI in 2019, and event professionals will soon be expected to offer it as
part of their event technology solution.
But it’s important to identify what AI will solve for the event. The best AI enhances business
processes to build and customize customer engagement, and subsequently increase revenue.
AI is best used to enable enhanced, personalized attendee experiences with more meaningful
interactions that delight attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors alike.
To implement AI in a way that reflects the brand well, data is the key. Great AI relies on the
management and stewardship of data to deliver its promise, recognizing the challenges of
using meaningful event data enables AI to stay ahead.
In the following article we will estate four ways that feed and enhance AI in any event
through integtating it.
Personalisations and Recommendations Using AI:

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The biggest change AI is bringing to events this year is personalizing recommendations for
event attendees, exhibitors, and products on a scale that was previously unheard of.
Let’s say we’re an attendee at a 30,000-strong networking event. At a typical networking
event, we may be matched manually with other attendees according to a manual form which
we filled out with our interests. Not only is the match not always a good fit, the entire process
is tedious and expensive for event planners to manage.
An AI matchmaking engine can interpret data from social media profiles like LinkedIn and
Facebook that attendees would have already populated and recommend people to meet,
conference sessions to attend, or even products that would best suit their business interests.
Attendees can schedule meetings before the event starts, or indicate they are not interested in
the recommendations from the system, which helps improve the next set of
recommendations. It’s a virtuous cycle.
And it works. 55% of people surveyed say they made a connection using Grip’s (as a sample
of test) AI matchmaking engine that they wouldn’t have made otherwise. That’s because,
working with real-time recommendations, AI learns from our behaviour as we interact with
it, so attendees receive better recommendations the more they use it.
This also helps exhibitors get to know their potential customers, so they can plan time, space,
and staffing for the greatest visibility. They can also use this data to personalize their
offerings to attendees.
Of course, not all ‘smart’ business matchmaking systems are equal, so it’s better to conduct
research before any committement to any particular one.
AI chatBots and Interfaces Iess-Experiences (UILX):
Chatbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Yes, we’ve sniggered at the bloopers –
like what happened when Microsoft’s “Tay” AI system learnt racism and hate speech from
internet trolls in 2016 – but tech is improving and we’re seeing an increasing degree of
sophistication in the kind of assistance AI can offer at events.
Chatbots are easier to access for attendees, since they don’t require an app download or
website login. What’s more, AI-enabled chatbots to have the technological capability to learn
from previous interactions and personalize conversations. In the future, the technology could
enable events to move away from having a dedicated event app, having, instead, all event
content delivered through a Facebook Messenger chatbot as an example.

Anticipatory computing using artificial intelligence:

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No discussion about artificial intelligence is complete without a mention of “deep learning.”

Deep learning is a form of AI that relies on pattern recognition. In practical terms, this means
that the AI system takes sensory input, like data, and adds a component of reasoning to form
new actions based on that reasoning.
In real terms, this could translate to a system reading footfall and registration data at an event,
and then anticipating what logistical requirements are needed at the venue in terms of
beverages, food, and crowd control, as the event progresses in real time. It would make these
judgments based on data input from previous events of similar sizes and requirements, as
well as on-site feedback of demand for the services provided.
While this type of AI is available now, deep learning requires complex systems that take time
and expertise to build and run, so it may take another few years for the tech to become
popular in the events industry.
Data Protection and Integrity (GDPRs-General data Protection Rules-):
With all the talk of data input, comes concerns about data protection and integrity. While
increasingly sophisticated analysis is applied to data, a balance has to be struck between data
protection compliance while also encouraging creativity, innovation, and helping to ensure
data quality.
AI systems, for example, uses data to look for networking intent, and how well that was
satisfied. Users are anonymous to each other until and unless they indicate they are both
‘Interested’ to meet. And private messages are private. When we provide insights — at an
aggregated level — to event organisers and sponsors, it enables them to know which parts of
their event were the most effective, and where they got the best return on their investment
from. It’s important to strike this balance, drawing deep insights while protecting the
attendees’ privacy.

And yet the Question Remains: How could an event takes advantage using AI?
The events industry is competitive, and the ability to stand out relies on building an event
technology stack that streamlines the company’s (and it’s stakeholders) experience. In 2019,
using artificial intelligence will give the event a competitive edge. In 2019 and beyond, AI
will be expected by attendees, sponsors, and more.
Given the complexity of AI systems, it’s likely the event team will not have the capacity to
design and develop a rich AI experience in 2019. The quickest way to get up to speed is to

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use an event app with a convenient AI plug-in. As Grip’s API for example, enables
matchmaking engine to integrate with most app systems.




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1. Company Identification and choice importance:

Winner electronics specializes in the design and realization of technical solutions for
industrial automation based on electronic and electrotechnical components being the
exclusive representative DANFOSS drive Algeria and integrator SIEMENS automation,
The solutions granted to our customers are in full respect of the quality of the services.
Why Winner Electronic?
Winner electronic is a company specializing in the industrial services, sales and installations
sector that's why we wanted to see the impact of the event in this type of company where the
target is different because it is not from business to consumer but from business to business,
moreover this company has already made the experience of the events which brought these
fruits on the short and the long term and which prospered and to help to have more visibility
and of notoriety

2. Industria Offer:

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3. Winner in Chart:

4. Pollutec Introduction
Pollutec fair is the international exhibition of equipment, technologies and environmental

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The show is positioned as the reference event for environmental professionals. It is also a
showcase of environmental solutions for industry, the city and the territories, and a
springboard for market innovation and international development.
The show is an opportunity to establish new Algerian and international contacts, keep abreast
of market developments, legislation and get in touch with industry professionals.
Pollutec Algeria invites you to meet the essential actors of the market, from the local and
territorial administration to the eco-industrialists, through the manufacturers, industrialists
and design firms.

5. Budgeting
Before all things, it is essential to define the budget before establishing the event organization
and to think not to exceed the budget establishing all expenses in logistics and personal
expenses, communications, expenses of lodging, expenses of insurance that secures the event
if an unexpected event occurs.
6. Targeting
the target is clearly Business to business, yet it’s essential to acquire new customer in the
This is an already targeted event that aims to touch the sector of hydraulics (water) and
pollution so it will facilitate the company to choose the communication elements to exhibit
for example a speed variator danfoss VLTs (aqua drive)

7. Objectives
-Enlighting the company
-create a safe environment for potential customers
-fidelizing of existing customers
-Gain notoriety
- stand out from the competition
-Acquisition of new customers
-increase the visibility on the networks
-To know the values of the company
-Create machines dedicated to the sectors of water (hydraulic)
- Satisfy our customers

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8. value
At the event, the environment must inspire confidence, security, stability, mastery and
strength (to create this atmosphere we must put in place sober and chic colours.

9. Message
-the exclusivity of the service offered to customers
-experience in automation and electronics and electrochemical.
-the expertise of our equipment
-the quality of our products
-Value of our Partners (Partnership is everything)

10. Media Planning overview

budgeting Target Objectives Message Media support


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1M DZD Industrial Notoriety Security One2One

circles appointment
Visibility Confidentiality
Factories Emailing
Security Technology
Storage Invitation
unites Fidelity
Aqua Guarantee
industries Online journals
Website blog


Press Conference

11.Media Support
The media use are not too many because it is a business to business including our use of
emailing (sending invitations by mail)
Eventually, the announcement of the future event by the articles post on reviewed specialize
newspapers electronics, press conference, especially LinkedIn company Platform and

12. The organisation of the event

Pre-Event and D-day: First of all we have to organize many online meetings with our partner
Danfoss France in presence of the general manager, the technical director, the sales manager,
the communication and events manager to set up the communication strategy and final
objectives To reach and agree on the dates, the venue, the rental of the event and then to
integrate the team members within the company in order to share with them our decisions and
define the role of each from taking care of invitations via, budget (estimate, load, travel,
places, hotels, food ..) to Logistics and supplying; Total support of our partners delivered as
they arrive in Algeria, as well choosing the elements to exhibit during the event.
Making sure to respect the deadline, make calls, valuing our communication Aspects,
printing flyers, goodies, placards, notebooks, Business cards, flash drives for potential
customers etc. We will integrate with our meetings all the tactical steps that we will organize
and databases of our existing customers as well prepare surprises for the potential customers,

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For Press Conference, we invited some of the journalists of the specialized magazines in the
industrial suppliers.

The day of the event there is a logistics to provide, as we must ensure and Reassure that
everything is in order and if there are any unforeseen to resolve Once we put in place the
scenario that we decided.
We had to negotiate to select the on-place suppliers as well to put our team in standby to
verify and follow up fornicating, logistics and technical issues, issues such as the Readiness
of the Exhibition Space and guests place.
One of the most complicated aspects given was necessary to play is the satisfaction of the
customers and visitors in term of place design, the choice was quite delicate as we do not
have a huge budget. However, it was successful in term of organizing and scenographic
lookout tainting.
At the restaurant level, we quickly established partnerships with local business, to be able to
provide lunches for the Guests, VIPs that are invited and ensure that the amount of food is
sufficient and Quality-Good to satisfy our Stakeholders.
At the level of the place choice it was not easy because we have several machines but our
objectives was to create an exhibition inspired by an aquarium dedicated to the sectors of
water (hydraulic) The goal was to present the speed variator VLTs aqua drive of the Danfoss
brand trying to simulate a watered and humid environment with the ability to function
naturally. knowing that Danfoss is the leaders on the fields of hydraulics operations, yet we,
somehow, wasn’t hundred per cent able to simulate a real situation.
The feedback is where the future of the company will be played if it is successful it means
that the achievement of our objectives is on track and therefore more likely to retain our
customers, attract new customers but also the feedback from journalists Success is based on
positive feedback.
Due to the lack of IT resource (back then) we used paper copies of survey questioning about
the level of understanding of what is the company, what are the main services it provides and
what are the products in full description.
Results were extremely satisfying and over-expected, yet integrating them in an IT platform
for deep analyse and archiving is still in the process.

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1. Emailing:
➔ Sourcing:
We use Google Forms to integrate contacts that are interested in industrial integration of
drives and automation devices, after then, we create a database of all contacts specified by
field of industries, company, Region and production capacity, this way we can know every
detail about what are their needs to bring to the fair space for demonstrations on the D-day.
Those Forms will be sent via Email and To be shared on LinkedIn and WINNER Website

➔ Email Template:

It’s with great honour we count you as our most privileged customers since 2000s

As our company is one of the best market leaders, it will participate from (specific date) to
(specific date) at (Polytech industries fair), at (specific location in Oran).

On this occasion, we invite you to the inauguration of our stand dedicated to the industrial
community in Algeria.

We will be pleased to confirm your presence before (via this link), so that we can set up a
great welcoming presents.

In the Attachments, you’ll find a new presentation of Winner Electronic for more information
and products.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, our respectful greetings.

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Communications and Event manager
Winner Electronics

PS: Link to the form: http://bit.ly/WinnerAlgeria it’s embedded on the words (this link)
Search via Google Engines

➔ Bulk Email:
Sending Bulk email will proceed in two phases:
Phase one: sending it to the existing databases of all customer we already have their contacts.
Phase Two: Sending it the customers we acquired their information from the application form
from LinkedIn And/Or website

PS: We used BITLY links management platform to analyse data collected from each click on
the link, Mainly data related to Device, Timing, Platform, locations, type of lead

2. In place Survey:
To oversee the performance during the Fair days we suggested to set up a Tablette Device
that contains a form, for evaluations, polling and needs expressing, this form mainly contains
the following:
➔ Non-Mandatory Section
This section contains general information about the person assessing whether is
physical or moral (institution) we set it as non-mandatory so anyone could put
information anonymously, but yet the choice up to them to estate their data. This way
we can guarantee more results and more evaluations.
➔ Mandatory evaluations
This section contains the evaluation questions, generally, they are scaling type of question
from 1 to 5 (one is bad and 5 is excellent) so it wouldn’t take much time in both of evaluation
and data processing later on.
Yet some questions had to be open so we can get the exact idea of the customer, like what
you learned through your journey in our space?

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➔ Inquiries
In this section, we estate questions related to the devices exhibited in the space and try to get
to know what people understood exactly and what are the devices mostly needed and which
commonly comprehended in term of the device performance, yet there is a part in which we
ask customers if they want to have a demonstration of a device In location so we can keep in
touch later on with them (applicable for customers who filled their contacts above)
3. KPIs
PolyTech Event hosts yearly approximately 8000 passengers in a 50% rate of traffic in the
industrial field, as we will be exhibitors for the second time in row we preferred to set a KPIs
based on the site information, mainly as follows:
Number of customers retained: 20
This operation falls on Commercial agents deployed on the D-day
Social Media Engagements and real attendance: 60%
we considered the number of subscribers as 100% and the real attendees is the percentage
represent it, so we define this KPI as 60%
PS: We Planned to have A live streaming on the D-day to reach the maximum number
possible and to give opportunities to the once who couldn’t be there. This will raise the real
attendees’ rate as well.
Average support solution time: 5min per visit
People usually in fairs tend to ask many questions, sometimes some are irrelevant which
causes time longing, we set a limit score to explain, demonstrate and acquire the needs of any
customer in a minimum time amount, this will benefit the customer to spend less time and get
all the idea, 3min 30 is the ideal timing to explain everything yet we added 1min 30 so it can
cover questions and any inquiry .
Net Promoter Score: +50
Promotion on the event aims to create advocates for the company image, as we go
negative means we are performing but yet it’s not enough to only sell, but to create promoter
for the brand that recommends and tell what they have seen, +50 is excellent level and that’s
our aim. If we passed excellence to world-class this would be the best option ever.

4. Graphics
➔ Bi folders

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➔ Training brochures

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➔ Danfoss Brochures

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➔ Simens Brochures

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➔ Winner Electronics Brochures

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5. LinkedIn promotional Plan

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As we are already communicating in LinkedIn and the website blog we are Planning our
Social media marketing Totally via linkedIn , this table is a period of two months promotions
once per week and additional two posts in the last minutes before the D-day



Month 01

Day TIM CONTENT Objective Content


Day1 12:00 We're Back getting people to know Picture of Winner Team
AM we are actually back in a salut people
new upcoming event

Day 12:00 Application To gather information Application Form + Design

2 PM Form about people interesrted of registrations
in our event

Day 6:00 Game Of Guess get people to engage and desing of people guessing
3 PM comment with content that evolve
people to guess which event
we are back on

Day 9:00 Results raise the reach and Reults and official
4 PM engagments announcement of the event,
place and dates with
promotional video

Month 02

Day 12:00 Flash back represent our showcase the previos events
1 and ur presence value

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AM acheivements ( album)

Day 12:00 Company Get to know More Winner electronic official

2 AM Presentation presentation including GPS
link, picture of the HQ and
the staff memebers

Day 3:00 Simens and Get to know what we Presentation of integrating

3 PM Danfoss Drives provide systems we use us product
Presentations and what they do, amainly a
brief showcase for what's
coming at the event

Day 6:00 Customers and get to know what we Showcase our top customers
4 PM implementation have done and clients with video
presentations articles and pictures to value
the core activity we do

Day 9:00 Countdown encreasing Reach Countdown for the event

5 PM start officially a week before
the event

Day 9:00 Meet you Get to invite officially official invitation includes a
6 PM tomorrow teaser video about on-site
preparations and how the
team is super excited to
meet the visitors

6. Trello
Integration of trello as a platform of follow up and management enables the organising
team to set tasks with deadlines and keep tracking them, all online, mainly the tasks are being
generated by the event manager and executive board, tasks are constantly being generated
and done in due and reported to the management, it enables the team to collaborate and keep
their movements outside with no need to meet each step in specific location.

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The integration trello have such as drive uploads, task labels, meeting features all of those
helps the productivity of the team and facilitation of the task flow.
This is a general picture of trello dashboard

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Visibility and Branding are two most important pillars of any company, event field is one of
the most fabulous and adventurous Marketing aspects, however, taking care of all the details
is the option that lead positively or negatively to an impact, that impact influences directly the
image of the company.
Understanding what are the needs for an event is the most efficient step in event organising,
as Decart describe once “the why is the key to our objectives,'' the why itself is not enough
but how we proceed, what is needed, when, where, with who, all these are pillars to
successful event.

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In a way or another, every traffic we have during an event needs to be analysed and to
understand the behaviour of customers, what are the ways to keep them longer and focused,
the means for best message delivery and the suitable platforms to manage all these, a
customer is definitely a brand ambassador, making their adventure the best as possible is
what contribute directly to our branding and visibility.
Experiencing an event must be a real unforgettable experience for stakeholders, the main
objective is the branding of course, but the minors objectives we don’t mind are the once
what make any event distinguished from the rest, that is the point must any host understand
and care the most.
Smart experience are one of the ways to reduce efforts and time, and to move smart not fast,
organisers feel more accurate and organised and attendees are so happy about roaming the
whole event from it’s born to surveys and thank you letters in only one handed platform, this
may be the main objective but the data we collect from each reach, click, behaviour are
priceless to the upcoming events, DATA are what matters.
We believe event is all about the details, as we craft each one we are designing a symphony,
any missing part will, surely, create an impact,however, is it the impact that any company

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