Siamang putih-WPS Office

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Siamang putih

Long long time ago, in a coastal area of Tiku beach, West Sumatra, there lived a very
beautiful princess named Putri Julian. She was the daughter of a very wealthy ship’s
captain named Nahkoda Baginda and she was also the granddaughter of Tuanku Raja
Kecik, the king of Pagaruyung Kingdom. There were so many young men fell in love with
her but none of them were brave enough to propose her because of her beauty and her
wealth that these young men thought that they didn’t deserve her as they were just
ordinary people who worked as a fisherman or a ship’s crew.

Putri Julian waited for months for a handsome and wealthy man to come to her house and
propose her, but no one was coming. Putri Julian started to feel uneasy with this condition
and it made her locked herself in her room for days. The news about her condition finally
reached her grandfather, Tuanku Raja Kecik, and her grandfather decided to do
something about it

Tuanku Raja Kecik held a family meeting at the palace. Putri Julian’s father and mother
came to the meeting. They discussed about Putri Julian’s condition and tried to find
solution for it. After talking about that matter for hours, they came up with a decision. The
decision was to held a huge party for the folk so that everyone would gather in one place
and it would be easier for them to find candidates for Putri Julian.

The night before the big party began, Putri Julian met a fine young man named Sutan
Rumandang in her dream. She believed that this man was the one she was waiting forthis
whole time so she decided to told her dream to her parents and her grandfather. Based on
this story, Tuanku Raja Kecik asked his soldier to find this young man in the party. The
soldier asked every person who came to the party but until the party was over, a man by
the name Sutan Rumandang was never be found. Tuanku Raja Kecik was unsatisfied with
the result, so he decided to ask for help from the kingdom’s sorcerer. He asked the sorcerer
to locate Sutan Rumandang’s whereabout and make him come to their place. With his
magical powers, the sorcerer managed to fulfill Tuanku Raja Kecik’s request

One day, a ship dock at the pier. The ship was broken because it was hit by a storm. One of
Pagaruyung’s soldier saw it and walked toward the ship to check for survivors. He found
that the captain of the ship along with its crew were alive and well. The soldier went back
to the palace to report it to the king.

After hearing the report from the soldier, Tuanku Raja Kecik asked the soldier to bring
the ship’s captain to him. The soldier went back to the pier and returned with the ship’s
captain to the palace. All member of the royal family were there, including Putri Julian.
They were waiting in the palace to welcome the ship’s captain and when the soldier and the
ship’s captain entered the room, Putri Julian was so surprised to see the ship’s captain,
because he was the man that she saw in her dream. She told her mother right away that
this man was the one that she had been waiting for this whole time.

Tuanku Raja Kecik welcomed the ship’s captain kindly and he allowed the ship’s captain
to introduce himself. After that the ship’s captain introduced himself to all member of the
royal family in the room and he said that his name was Sutan Rumandang and his father
was a very wealthy man who lived across the sea. Tuan Raja Kecik and all member of the
royal family were so happy to hear it

Tuanku Raja Kecik didn’t want to wait any longer for this chance, so he explained his
intention right away to Sutan Rumandang. He said that he really wanted Sutan
Rumandang to marry his beautiful granddaughter, Putri Julian. Sutan Rumandang was so
happy to hear the request because from the moment he entered the room, he just couldn’t
move his eyes from the beautiful princess sitting next to the king. But he decided to refuse
the proposal because he wanted to be a successful and wealthy man first before he got
married with someone. The king and all member of the royal family understood his reason
and they agreed with him. They gave him their support by helping him to fix his ship. A
day before Sutan Rumandang sail with his ship, they held an engagement party of Sutan
Rumandang and Putri Julian at the palace. The next day, Putri Julian, her parents and her
grandfather went to the pier to say good bye to Sutan Rumandang. Putri Julian was so sad
to let Sutan Rumandang left with his ship but there was nothing that she could do to stop it.
So she just cried as she saw her fiance get in to the ship

Sutan Rumandang stood on the deck and waved his hand toward Putri Julian and her
family at the shore. Suddenly Putri Julian shouted and said “Be careful on your journey! I
wish you a good luck. Please come back as soon as you achive your goal. I promise I will
always wait for you and I will never marry someone else. If I break my promise, let me be a
Siamang”. After that Sutan Rumandang replied to Putri Julian “Thank you my love, I will
come back to you as soon as I can. I promise I will always be faithful to you. If I break my
promise let me sink with this ship to the bottom of the ocean”. After that the ship departed.

Ever since that day, Putri Julian waited for her fiance to return and marry her. She kept
praying to the God for the safety of her fiance and she also kept checking to the pier for his
ship every day. She had been waiting for two years but her fiance had not return yet.

One day a large merchant ship dock at their pier. The soldier who guard the pier reported
it to Putri Julian right away. Putri Julian and her family went to the pier in a rush when
they heard the news. But when they arrived at the pier, Putri Julian was so disappointed to
found that it was not her fiance’s ship. She was about to returned to the palace when she
saw the captain of the ship walked down from the deck. The ship’s captain was very
handsome and glamorous. Suddenly her disappointment disappeared. Within seconds, she
felt that her heart was caught by the handsome captain. She told her mother about her
feeling and her mother invited the captain to the palace. At the palace the ship’s captain
introduce himself to Putri Julian and her family. He explained that he was a wealthy man
and his father was a noble man from some place far away from that place. Tuanku Raja
Kecik and Putri Julian’s parents were so happy to hear that. They asked the ship’s captain
if he wanted to marry Putri Julian and he said “yes”. So they held a wedding party at the
palace. They invited all people in the kingdom.

On the wedding day, there are so many people attending the party. The groom and the
bride sat at the opposite side and in the middle there is a Penghulu who acted as the person
to legalized the wedding. The main event started, and the Penghulu started to ask a
question to the ship’s captain as the groom, he said “are you willing to marry her?”. And
the ship’s captain said “yes”. After that the Penghulu asked the same question to Putri
Julian. She was about to answer the question when suddenly she felt her body was in pain
and she jumped so high to the roof. Every person who attended the wedding watched it
when Putri Julian’s body started to change. White hair grew on all over her body and it got
thicker and thicker. All people run out of the palace as she turned into a White Siamang

Her family realized that it was because of she broke her promise to Sutan Rumandang.
They regretted it but it was too late. Ever since that day, the White Siamang would sit on
the roof of the palace looking at the shore as if she was waiting for Sutan Rumandang but it
was never happened until one day the White Siamang died. All people in the kingdom were
so sad and they burry the body in a special place. As for Sutan Rumandang, there was a
news about his ship were sink into the bottom of the ocean as he also broke his promise
because he got married with another girl

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