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1- What are the characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature?

2- Write briefly on Anglo-Saxon’s pagan poetry with reference to Beowulf.

3- What are the writing features of Beowulf?

4- What are the social conditions in Feudal England?

5- How did the Norman Conquest influence the English language and


6- What are the essential features of Romance in the Anglo-Norman period?

7- What is the social significance of Piers Plowman?

8- What is the social significance of the Canterbury Tales?

9- What is the story of Knight’s Tale?

10- What are the features of Chaucer’s writing?

11- Write briefly on mystery plays.

12- Write about Morality plays.

13- The new way of English poetry came in the age of the Renaissance. Discuss

14- The Renaissance Age was a period of social mobility. Explain

15- what is the difference between classical and romantic types of plays?

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