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Respiration t=] Sloe 44.4 DoPtants reat? 142 Oycotysis 149 Bermendatin, 144 Aorobie espirasion 145 The Respiratory Balance Sheet, 146 Amphiboti 147 Respiraiony resent Curren 14 Respiration in Prants Allof us bree le live. bul why is breathing so essential to le? What happens when we breathe? Also, doall ring organisms, including plants and microbes, breathe? Ie, now? Al ving organisms need eneray far carrying ow dafly He activites. be absorption, Gansport, movement, reacedetion ar even breathing, \Whiere does ll als enengy come Eom? We know we ea food for ener ~ but hens this viergy taken from food? How is this energy usllised? Da aod give Use seue amount of ener’? Do plants ‘eat’? Where do pats fet thelr energy from? And micro-organisms ~ for thelr energy requiremente, co they cat food? ‘You may wander ar the several questions raised abave ~ they may seem tobe very disconnected, Bilt reali, the process of breathing Is verynanch connected 1o the provess of release of energy fre food. Let us ryan understand how this happens, Allthe energy required fori processes Is obtaned by oxtdation of some macromolecules that we eall ‘loa’. Only green plants and ‘runobacterat can prepare their own fod: bythe process of photosynshests| they trap ght enengy and convert Icinto Ciemeal energy tha fs stored i the bonds of carbohydrates ike glucose, sucrose and starch. We must remember lal in wreea plants luo. nol all eels, Gssues and organs photosynthesise; only cells contatning chloroplasts, Giat are most alten located inthe superficial layers, earry oxt phatosynthest. Hence, eva, ‘green plants all other organs, tissues and cells that are non-green, eet fo6d for axktation. Hence, 168 has to be transtorated to all non ween parts, Animals are heterotrophic, Le, ey obtain food from plans Restuesiein Pass sliveetly herbivores) or indinccly (carnivores), Saprophytes like fing are dependent on deatl and decayinugmalier. Whal is iniporlant! Lo recuse is that utimately all the foot that ksrespire forlife processes comes from Pholosynihests, Ths ehapler deals wala otosynthesis of course, takes place within ihe chlaropiasts eukaryotes). wherens te In some plants, uncer ‘erlain con tons, ve energy contained in vespiralory substrates i not releases! fee inlo the ell or fn Stop, I released sn a leased by oxidation 16 respiration Is not (ar rather cannot be) used dircotly but ts used (0 synthesise ATP, which tsbroken dan whenever lad) needs ro be ublised. Hence, ‘This enezy trapped i. ATP Is ublsed hn various enerey-tequlrinu, processes ofthe organisms, anid the carbon skeleton produeed ducing respiration is ascel as procursors for biosynthesis of other molecules in tec 14.1 Do Puawrs Brevi? Wel, he answer ta this question i not quiteso direct. Yes, planta requler (0, for respiration t occur and! they also give out CO, Hence, plants have ‘systems in place taensure te availabilty of, Plans, unlike animals, have na spectalises ergans for ad lentils f irs, each plant part. inees one a (sown gus exchange needs. ‘There 1s very lille ansport of gases from “re par ater Seco Pi dota peop des {fargas oxehange- Roots, sirms and leaves eeepire at res far wor than SrnniS Ub Oui dusty phowsymeste ae lage volumes of ses ‘exchanged and, each Tea Is well adapted to take care of its own needs ‘durin these pestexs, When cells paotesynthiesise, avallabilly of O, fs nck 2 problem in these cells since O, & released within the cell, hid 228 Bioio “This true or leaves, you may ask, ut what about thick, woody stems and roots? In stems. the living cells are organised ma thin layers inside sand beneath: the bark. They also have openizus called lenticels The cells In the interior are dead and provtce omy mechanieal support. This, most cellsofw plint Lave at least a part of ther seface contact wi uThis| ‘nals faeiated by the loose packing of parenchyma cells tn eaves, stems ‘and roots, whicl provide an intercomnccted network of lr spaces, ‘The complete combustion of glucose, which produces CO, and HO as end products yells energy most of which is gwen out as Beat ls energy ts tobe use to dhe cel. 1 should beable to uilse ta synthesise other molecules thatthe cell requires, ‘Te strategy that Ue planc cell uses is fo catabolise the glucose molecule hn such a way that notall dhe berated energy goes out as eat, Theley is to ons gucose not in one step but in several sranl steps enabling some steps to be Just lange enough such thal Gie energy released ean be coupled to ATP ‘oe stony of respeation, any case. al Lving organisms retain the enzymatic machinery lo partially oxidise glucose wllhout the help of oxigen. “hs breakdowis bf glucose ta pyre acid Ie ealied glycolysis. 14.2 Gircovrsis “The term glycolysis has orstnnted from the Greciewor, sand ysis for splitting. In this process, ghurase i ‘oxdaton to form, Mo moleukhotigrise aed Fans tisavame dered Ror sucrose, whieh is the end profvet af photosynthesia, or from store Restuesiein Pass 229 carbobyedrates, Sucrose is converted tna ghucose aud uctose by the enzyune. invertase. ane these ‘sx monosaccharides realy enterthe ghycolytic pathway - i joey is phosphorylaed form ofghicose Gene Pabcophote hen isomerises #9 produce fructose-6 + ® Dhue Siete ag _luonse and fructose are same, The various steps. aoe SF 2 Boa prone {o rive Iovestee Qt plostsie jycolysis, please note the steps at peed Asta) Seti exon Corsyuteaecratreriniae mage “gi Sonate © Soxe 2 trun eon 103 atte «ao he Tructose 1, G-bisphosphate fe split) a mat sites into dihydroxyacctone phosphate and _ Gebsradrace ai redox equivalents we removed lin Wie Lorin of two hivar jaioms) from PGAL and transferred # * Miosphoenolpyruvate (oa molecul TAL is oxidised ary a Gamsaewnay Fo scaedant | ©) ‘wilh inorganie phosphate t get converted . 2 pte se Bos a) Figure 14.1 sips oF aveiysis Pyruvie acid is then the lycolysis. What is the melabolie late of pyruvate? Tats depends on the cellular need. 280 Bower adopt Kev! cycle which is also called as aeecbic eeapiration. This requires (©, sappy 14.3. Ferwewtariox nantes mmmrnee ‘onanism ke seme bacteria prosace steps involve are shown in Figure 142. ‘agent is NADIIAIL” whl is reoniised to chucse caetey bon ATP, Aso he process oe U lst ive GAC AN Mc Sta produced, What ta Oi nel APS (na sai ns synthesised (calculate how many ATP arc = Siieiond an deduct the numberof ATE llised during elyeolysis) when ope molecule, of glucose ts formented tp alcotil oF Tactic Snape + wa S-Phmaptioglyerie to sae maximum concentration of alcohol in beverages that are naturally fermented? Tau d you Think alcoholic beverages of yswvie aed Btbanel*CO, Alcohol content pester Gian Gus coven vallon ae obtained? Figure 14.2 Major pathways of anacrobie What tien is the provess by whielt respiention organisms can camry out complete oxidation of glucese and extract the energy stored ta Restuesiein Pass 2st synihesise a larger mumber nls led for cellular ‘metabolism? his type of respiration is most eoumon in higher orgasms. We wil Jookeat these processes the meet sect. 14.4. Aone Reseranion dhe Bal into ees cycle = ENS nleresling to ole thal the firsepreces lakes lave the matrix of the mitaehonctra while the second proness Is Ineatsd on The {nmer membrane of he mltochundea, ‘whieh is formed by the doolytc caluboliso of carbohydrates In the cytosol 1 Fractions catalysed by pyruvic dchydrgonase require he partiipation of several eoenygmee, including NAD" ankd Cosnsan Pavesi CoA YMA pea > Ase Cun CO, NADI uring this provess, produced rom one ghucose molecule during hyeotysis) ier che selenlst Har Krebs whe ‘rat elucicated it 14.4.1 Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle 282, Bower oa inthe rematningsteps 0 Savery Coa is ined man wDOkA altngtheeyeter cate Dur ng peated the oe coe Coupled easton Gr?’ comer to GDP ain = SRS co, _esmuttaneons hein ef ATP om ADP ~ “Cie Also tera ce ptm Gr eye er: tous SMO! Nabe retees to HADI Tt lone pot oe a there PAD? is etuved to FAD My. The Ga* come scm cree 2, Stu nation ot acyl Cala he TCA semi Ee Gearequco econ epitnta Os encne ant Coe, MIME Ghee the meer ofthese per Sta dn adlitins also resnires rexeneradton. of NAD* and FAD* from NADH and ADH, respeetively, The simmary equmalion for this phase of respiration may be writen as follows rma aon i ac, ‘We have tll now seen tat ghicose as heen broken down to release ©, and cigiat molecules of NADIL + [1% twa of FADU, have been ssyntlesived besides just wo moleetles of AIP in TOA eyole, You may be wondering why we have been discussing respiration at all~nelter O, thas come iio the picture nor the promised Targe number of ATP has yet vee syntesised. Also what is lhe role Wie NADH + Hand RADE, Usa is aynthesisedLe1 us now understand the role oF ©, tn respiration and how ATP i synthesised, Figure 14.9 The Cine act eye 14.4.2 Electron Transport System (ETS) and Oxidative Phosphorylation pathuray a ne cartier to {called the (gure 14.4) ‘pleecrons from Restuesiein Pass 233 produved in the mitveliondslal matrix ‘Gusing etre set eve ae ont any | mcrmmiome atramts) ge lee “are then iransferre Tuan Tocated ‘within the inner membrane, Ubiguinanse x cquuvalenis va 3 that is generated fring eceation of succinate the ets NADIE depen sgcid cycle. The reduced ub§qumone (ubiquino)) is then oxidised with the tronfer of electrans fa cytochrome e vin = fo the outer surface of the inner a ‘niembrane-and acts as a mobile carver Geom ve) Tansferofa Ut and 1, Deer wen the electrons pass from one carrier to another vin compl 1 to 1 in Sara ees a fay ie inp AF AD Shepp Tessa molecules sythesived depends on the nature af the electron donor. ithough the aerobic process of i used for ie see process Ui or dns reason that dhe PrOGesB Se 234 Bower ‘transport systems utilised in symiestsing ATP swith the help of ATPeynttiase (enmplex¥). This complex consists of ira major components, F ster ne ap suid K,(Figare 14.5) 2H = “The passage of protons Uirouh the sitchen ane Ft channe! is coupled tothe catalstiosite ofthe F, Sener Mocie ‘component forthe priucton of ACE. Figure 14.5 Dingmmatic proentatin of ATP ssymthesie in itochondea 14.5 Tue Respmarory BALANce SHEET uN Feary thiscan vemain ana “These ealewintions can be msde only on certain aestimptions that There fs a sequential, orderly pathway funetioning. with one ssubstrite forming; theniext an! with glyealsis, TCA eyede and ETS, pathiony following ane after another. The NADH syathestsed i wlyevlysis is trausfersed into ie mitochondria and underyors oxidative phosphorylation, None of me intermediates in he pathway are wilised fosyethesise any other compound. only guonse tsbema respired -np ober alternative subsiratesare fenleringgin tie pathivay at any of Uieiermediary stayes, Bt thiskind of assumptions are not really vale ina iving system: all paliwrays work simultancously and donot take place one alter anor: “substrates enter the pathways and are withdraie from as and when necessaty, ATP is tiised aa and when needed: enzymatic rates are controlled by multiple means, Yet, it i$ use 19 do this exereige 10 appreciate the beauity and ellicfency of the ling system tn extraction sand sloring eneray. Hence. [Now let us compare fermentation and aezobte respiration: © Rermentation aecounts for only a partial breaklown of ghuense ‘whereas in nerve respiration itis completely degre #9 CO, ane HO. ‘In fermentation there isa net gain of ony nwo moieeisles of ATP for each molecule of yioper degraded to pyruvie acid whereas many Allcarbohyérates are “usually firs converted Inta glucose before they are used for respiration, (Other substrates can also be ressred, as has been mentioned eater, bal shen thes do nat entcr the resratony pathoray atthe ast stop See Fyenre 14.6 to ace the points of entry a eferent substrates in the re=pinatory padhsay, Pats would need io be bron dovavinto glycerol anc ally acids rst fatty acids were to be respired they would frst be degraded to facctyl CoA and enter the pathway. Glycerol would enter the pathway after being converted to PGAL, The provetns would be degraded by protease and ie individu ano es fatter deamination) pend onthe strucaare would enter te pathway at some stage within he Krebs yee or even as pyruvate of acetyl CoA. ‘Sce respiration invuls bresiclown of substrates, the respira ‘cee us lonily bece- sonsidered a cabal process id ‘the Fespiratory pauhway av a ealalolic paws Bul is this wnderstanding correct? We have discussed above, al which poials ia he expiratory pally liferent substrates would ener Usey were (o be spire ad Used ta derive energy, What tmportane wo recognise 9 Cal ts hese very

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