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foe es. EY ee eee __Fo a mone Sle Thal kills bry one thal merey Seer Ghyl GENTIORPWEN Cais Fev 5. Gss —livoon iadal lied Thole They ave Se ee, Fhaviingh ou The play € easy Indy Uschétna ashe 6 elit aang beSinig TaThe end died. aa se th carr a dear teat itoepa lates orbleck deciteun re sit iene Wie ately id she | pte Theie aie ven ly Mac beTh- ic_prahibi Ted To Kill_qhe ling + — x 1 Their was afannitlu celal Ele Walia tie 2.The king I's om vepresersta Tin o& Sod —_____ 3-The king Wasted Favela RernuneaTe sg. —_acheth +So—he GaisT* ju sh kill rT a ger eR a ae 4 hady macheth tried So hard To -canvlince Adac beth To-_CommiT_This crime —bul_—hedidn' Lb —agvee —— wi \)__Bhe _Tald him —bev_plan To —_plin The Crime —on. Tie leing/s Quad S—___— athe Five plephecies—f— weeks ee are of @lamus ond keldew sand ak Fey ToC sce belvag 9,-Mac beth slnaud _lbewraxe Macdutye = ho nan bach Ak a vomae can “(Sead dachélla = Banquo Noe “Sno Ee tNaex oF Isha Ss ws ust ee ee ee \ tere on... PRBIANANVAELELEBRELE DA BEE DEED DT ET DW a. a Subject: ———_______s,_ 7 he a aps dine C8}E nes The CIQKT Tol {¢ Supposed} aiuen Too king oc _gysoon Te rule acu and —de tides eet Thess... fleet gl Melyd SigBvS any They Can pmpnicies The Sale or (aaicide > Coram Ting pvalileite 4. tres ieo oiling gn Ul. Este Clas )) betes WacKare gs the Macha, a0 1 0485 lab plan-of Killing lis arn bition My black desires WGe las Kelepsheelp lice Mtn, 2 sf ie ~ -Corcsian Toles JA SSS ee anal is taut sand Eaul is Fai” sclateaus high ight The hypocrisy Thal peat... adopl. 7p lide Ttheiy Tue. Gx ‘Kote on Sprit SL id me of Mile ot harman ——lociny™ __gaid__lox lady acl Tn Shae tng 2uil_ Fram: Mae loega.niy, and —didn'l Gye aooul any thie) “oul The otter Ty. wg Sal at “ai atl eT You litte aman Said. Soy Nady Adatibel ln —and this _ digsith The hotse_Videv’S ThaL com _Godral Tthel ~ hase a Aa EOI ak Ww FSi el be gcd 5 Andi aen bei wT el “tho itness__ghoulé aed) ale Peclingy “utile Y saws _thel — : Hh i \ | oe = ig 9 eRe $$ pe a imsekme heve and it me Frona_the Chouln To the Toe “ToPfiull of divesT_crmelty® _ She CallS gad To help hey To» jnuevTed = Te bes wit “Adustulone FedTures Ta acheive hey goal and Shab is ~oCall o&@ eviL® nt gee tip A a eee 8 Ani cy epee Miso Wie Way “Ty ale because he —was—The feelesemiaTlon of God oy The -eavTn __, ike » ~Dundgan's harses_eal_each alher Chimneys were Slew dau —Sifanye_screams_oF death. The—catth was Fevevdns and lid shake Mee Ht | mn | asking Gor akind oF gargiienecs be Guse of he a De Se ee 3 Subject: rs Date: 11 fo! tes dlale “ely an_idid Gull_of Sarsindl dongy by_Esyaa ShaF ter” i a ee a et tM. sh a itt i i eg ee ee ee ee a a: OR en ee Oe eS Te al ee Date. Tt Hou Fale is PreSeriied ta “Tae pg) See Sree alsind_of emphasizing. Dt staal vena aTiod of Words and. phyases Ta haa he | Se ee noe aan eens Mae _chavacters do'T know. Subject AL AUS ait machete, bait Ta Thée noe hsm, Ale Rail pagcbeth boil Te thwe Chane ; —Ay hail macht, tat chedt eee Whe ana Phdta—is emake Conne chica bétiicen the a ideas | a-he is Thane ef Giamis.he—will_be—Thom of_cauder apd then he wil be come Win — ane Sell The thats | uilen he Lecane Thane of ciudor it mabe The ei ecstasy ees ais seianeene | Th damian bls aS T_enghchzeath tah {be Couge We Think “TheL heis berms deCeited begee— Qel_heté means La CheaTe. "Sauder —bangue’sS descendants —bsi\ Le Gme_laiing.s, ili anne pile eat aig itanee tes tad oom He. chised—nil a_da ai Thing “Tr Change. his fale. 3_To_be King ——STands nal “withine she e@seect fs shee G5 tn eee _The_pesrecL. means —he _Paanch S22 “the —peSSAbiiTy of.) his. events occuviing — “So_heshought Thu i928 _jmeoSible Sat \nin pearoing King le Cause ated q Was, _feple Sev ation oF Qed _— and DBancan _till —o14—be Ye Placed ann Ane Meg» _Se-Theil_ave_only TRuo po sSloitities——ei ther —O uncon Say Thelma Cheth “Cay. Succeed him —a5-—King 0 ‘hag Toki him s— : Gly Trg — theo dor yeb is ul Sartlaglical, 4 ‘oshales -So. my Single slate — of man Thal. Eunglioh_is “smathoved in=SufvalS-Ktmeeng Think — Lf i onrk_awtasTical, peste Thal he ionassned kining pe Duncan—-—and Th iS Thowgh hed Shaken his _mi thal he Cap ndl_acl of fancl isn in . Shor b_.1be pvanls 4 _ki Deacan—bul—he-conl Ble Chance wil have mee aking 4 uhy Chance — _mag lown me —wiThou, my Th wot “hance hele means otha S__he hefes Thal aos y ——— + TB oe weer ioagt quay ERA, Rak Cate fon our elds 2 “malar stalin canner alee Ulla Wfocae he dies, __ $4 ~ yma beTh oad Ta Takevan Go acTlon Tog —uhal he want _~ Ye canna -hofe thal Gate wil acb—_on Wis behalé — pate: 1} esac saci dade RG a vial Thaw: aL _plamised 2 Shhe—had_-neneof _machéth’s—uncevtainTy. she ad an_inlenTlon of -takig —an—aClicn Te make Sure Thal: he—iill be —The_teing ; , , ; ' Ba¥4s = of human Kindness a I x * ec. pees Ky en a ; Tact asgassinaTian —Guld. rananael uo — ay 4p hen yotry T apn } ae - Couse < IB Some THing Cthe crpums Bae Bevis of The | BOT caquence-and eaiCle iit bis ger Merce ee achéth —wiche SThacl only wiinyDuracosa at ok _any- bad conSeqrerces — Jot ie heve means tel | paachithJ@lly_knows al —acTians rave Conseanante s— a tall Sach ‘ Joa tye wit precede Sune bn this louciness™ ae this._poivsT ody sacl ct keeep Saying —thaT bets j Sy ceaxd — Catuayd and Guvane and be Sause oF “those Lueya$ he twas end To Kit Doan Casta. he —_—- ~ + z : Ww sy this dagger ubich {see \ebore ne The ~ handle ~Toward ons, \yand? _ hen aca Sau “the Fliting cage ha —__—— ied Dune jug aber 1T._ . a ae, SSS Gh PON ORY ee ~ ules mumbo 2 Ae an ete TeAE tale te the al aang 2 BMT. 4B appaveThons._4 Bevimes 4.2 ides oe Whal—cinauS Qheve 1S. _ediab\i shud iva Sceme 1 2 uitChes lightning and Thunder White cred dak sinisiey’ oF aTmms phere. _ Mou RA Nelo describe the Lewd ssevs 17h eo Calls tian _Laithered and uild “in Theis TT be pete Dral_They look nathing— “hike “The inheb\TanTS of thet eat“ | ir hearads® ForloiA and__shey Should be —tuoren_,-bil Th thin Te_itTeppreT Thal “they av Soot —tlae leat Rae glaks oly ne ah ep pele pam eo fair 1s Eel sind tail 1s fewt See ged der poh ate ‘5 Te “pA ACBETHS aT The Wee “BAALGUA tq —TheladePlay——-and pA. beegueiieg, of The slay, Because they siete —dekendigy —thaly CaaS, ecppaicl eat tales <<< and it _vefaws \e jab ety Teel chatcecs nlgnnist 37 - "y _ a Sense oF inctabiisy Te the Play eee Them and MACBETH and BAn@ue- a | | | | Subjects ——________1B! op, Ing ShakeSpeave opened ene 2 with, The ult |, <7 2-wit Chee ave GaPable of Credting ‘Studion Tht - ~ove_disTraclive_, How ever”, the PouevS ave limite 4! stthel pieehicws did the \itheS mebke for AHACBETH and RAN Guo 2 aon i SFacmMAcwer , they Said thol hewitt \e “thane of Claret!" scab send: later hewitt tbe aking. {for BAA ques —hewill_be Father of kings. ; ; 3 = 2 - al_ave the 3 Tale ment imeide by the apPa rior —Theopparirians sayy in ac Y 2 : — MACBETH Sheuld ben MACDUEE. —Aloman bein oF o Woman _@n bail AACBETH = No havim. wit come te hin unites yea ATLL Raraam ¢ = ood marches “TS Wim. et =m sighE hime a oily lady AM BETH ung unable Taki puacnI2: _ Because Se ene remin's her-of bev father. net hal does he hoe. G2 usage _ the Beles hal _MACB a yay Noe Thane ek Gouda’ cand sing, cada e ————— le epee Sas Tact Sens a descend ne Kings 1 (eoeoste ede iChat Tear aeseiapne more abou hi ae ee 4 eo Serna Og —PeSTeA SS ito pi Acbe il 22. _MACDuFE. 4 scot ‘land Fem 1 A The bey 22 > ow cnaay pn gai Et bn a eam =F PATS a DAngue? Amewerl vey ebb | EB $e Se EL EE Subject = ABs ay payee: Sul bd aware Ronaeu! hel 2 hae ve. ciyrnloslic. 2 SigniFicaince i alin: Siena ee Dp i aby ie hacia 42 MethoughE I heard a \hice c¥,, Sleep smnmare| _ Macbeth does murder” sleee- __ she sinnacosl. sleep Thal “jenits up The revel’ sleoue2Ps@iven“Thesaaz _déaTheaF each! do's. 2 Life, saves lecbastte!--beath_, _Blant. tek: hare smind se. bmi Vain bel Pepa chic QucL__Uias a Te Carina \nsy_vesicide. ox iy Dun Gan __knetuiing his destiny and ko i ye _Gramifed acYiminsl Gl He ail nol beable “To Slee of See = peace mis life = a ee see len et qlamis: hath _mufdeA skep-and ctherefores aouidor” _chall_Slee@_nosmmre_; Macteth-shall_ Shee? pamnare— Fr ac stlas’a eC Nang sine 0 Guide fe sl ao Slee Po see —a Kind _of rela\ ation. rhe heh ee Boe eee AN A Oo VV Vy | t a /?—_—_—. cera _means “the ged ond evi ite. 4 e the: ini menis. oF ny Trellis sath, — Win ust hanes Triples 74 __batray’sC__in _ —_deereSl_ _@nsequence Twas Said by“ loangue Ta sdescrilee Tht _eir sislers_. eS — — $i QM. Comey Sealing might. y D> Means evil alions of nalure 1 Saar the Tenderm eye ce piripul day An dwith. — nip blesdy ond invisable hand -cnGeb--and Tea To —pleces_theL _gvenE__toend _girichs keee me Pale ——aTer= Kiting Duncan he > ejers Te_aeTion Loe it all gvesD_Aulptiane’s —oCeanUnsh his blood £6 2 tle, This _my+band iil — woshs the the smaltittindinouS Seas! Vincarhiadineji_— is eager Vea oP yeh hae ve Peal@Tlan of the war have —roeane Tela acheth _g/bd_ Takivy —on-aélion —, the 2d jon New 1aaeenS __ayp__ _ golden bleed _meons tal Duncan lias a Kind nino. a Laiayed —-and_ Killed in: Ais cum_bed- —— a — | ; 4 rt res ae see OO | 2% iT wilt have Wood.5 “they ~ aig abel eomeeunnial __—aFfey- seeing, —bang.uo! be NGahst- _—Macleth. Laiaeoks | With the Idea “thal all_sthe—aTiens- _atad_eting S— the _he has dene will Take eVenge Ereca_tiina —— - ~ chamens the. re 1, simelty “seu_ scammers! Lue sie egg lady Macbata inthis pleg—is_ just gk Wil ass ytd oh ane sala te ptosis sal 7 anvlince — sina __ovines . — jects ——___9g. =o Date. venave Thom Macbeth ~— = . vet Slate Ta§TsAdalComa's pig te tbe—goad king or pil. 2s aoe — , a SS: SE SSS RE ARI ee Baa ppenmance us (eal ity» 2 —chataclers who appeared logal _Cammited "The _maSk__ Lelnous ava te fai Is Fo if ie sthe__witthe's _prophicles weve Suppased Ta be gead , bul iT _disTroyed syacheTh's Lik, DO ate: tt se = 2. Sabi i re & Soliloquy s> — Technique—>all_devises used Byy. he write ro show his jdeo-et his message -—___—__— Spliloquy)s-s Toe \arin-cuotds (¢salusn means abione ond —uhoquimeons to speak. Re ts maeans— atallkiny _-to__oneselE

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