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Differential equations First-order linear differential equations

differential equations – Equations that contain • separable DE – DE which can be

derivatives of functions. expressed in the form

order of differential equation – The order of the

highest-order derivative existing in the
differential equation. where P and Q are solely functions of
x and y, respectively. Separable DEs
degree of differential equation – The exponent can be solved by integrating both sides.
(degree) of the highest-order derivative existing
in the differential equation. • homogeneous DE – DE in which
substituting x with kx and y with ky
orthogonal trajectories – A family of curves that yields the original DE. Homogeneous
are “perpendicular” to another family of curves. DEs can be solved by letting either one
Orthogonal trajectories satisfy the differential of

whichever leads to simpler equation,

and then solving the resulting equation
where OC is the original curve, and OT is its as if it is a separable DE.
orthogonal trajectory.
• exact DE – A DE of the form P dx + Q
elimination of arbitrary constants – The dy = 0, where P and Q are both
process of constructing a differential equation functions of x and y, is exact if and
from a family of curves so that all the arbitrary only if
constants are removed.

law of growth and decay – The change in .

quantity of an entity P at any time t is directly
proportional to the quantity of P. The solution is given by

where k > 0 means growth and k < 0 means where the union means listing all the
decay. unique terms in the two integrals.
Newton’s law of cooling – The change in • non-exact DE – A DE of the form P
temperature T of an object at any given time t is dx + Q dy = 0 such that
directly proportional to the difference between
the temperature T of the object and the
temperature of the environment T0. .

Case 1: If is
a function of x only, then the
integrating factor is

Higher-order linear differential equations
Case 2: If is a
An nth-order homogeneous, linear differential
function of y only, then the integrating equation takes the form
factor is

where the y’s are functions of x, and the ’s
In both cases, multiply the integrating are real coefficients with . The
factor to the original equation, and then corresponding characteristic equation is
solve the resulting equation as if it is an
exact DE.

• first-order linear DE (FOLDE) – A DE If the characteristic roots are ,

of the form then the general solution to the DE is given by

where the ’s are real coefficients.

where P are Q are solely functions of x
only. The solution is given by Special case 1: If the roots are equal, for
example, , then the general
solution becomes

where is the integrating

factor. Special case 2: If two roots are complex
conjugates, for example, and
• Bernoulli DE – A DE of the form , then the general solution becomes

where P and Q are solely functions of x

and n is a positive integer greater than 1.
The solution to Bernoulli DE is obtain by
substituting , and then treating
the resulting equation as if it is a FOLDE.

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