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Physics 210A Homework 2 solutions Winter 2022

Problem 1
A conducting slab is inserted partially (a distance x ) in between the plates of a parallel plate
capacitor as shown below. The plates are square with sides a long, and the separation between
the plates is d. The slab is d/2 thick and is inserted directly in the middle (so that there are
gaps of thickness d/4 between the edges of the slab and the plate).

(1) Find the force exerted on the slab by the capacitor plates (magnitude and direction).
You may ignore fringing fields
(2) The charge density on the capacitor plates is not uniform in the presence of the slab.
Find the charge density on the portions of the plate above and to the right of the slab.
Again, you can ignore fringing fields.
(3) It turns out that the fringing fields are actually responsible for the force on the slab!
Draw what the real electric field must look like around the slab and discuss why the
“fringing” field is responsible for the force on the slab. (Hint: charge doesn’t just show
up on the top and bottom surfaces of the slab)
(4) Discuss how it is possible to ignore the fringing field in the first part of the problem and
still get the correct answer for the force.
(Link to Solution: 1)

Problem 2
Zangwill 5.11 (Charge Induction by a Potential Patch)
The square region defined by −a ≤ x ≤ a and −a ≤ y ≤ a in the plane z = 0 is a conductor
held at potential ϕ = V . The rest of the plane z = 0 is a conductor held at potential ϕ = 0.
The plane z = d is also a conductor held at zero potential. Use Green’s reciprocity relation to
find the total charge induced on the entire z = 0 plane.
(Link to Solution: 2)

Problem 3
Zangwill 4.5 (Point Charge Motion in an Electric Dipole Field)
Place a point electric dipole p = pẑ at the origin and release a point charge q (initially at rest)
from the point (x0 , y0 , 0) in the x − y plane away from the origin. Show that the particle moves
periodically in a semi-circular arc.
(Link to Solution: 3)

Problem 4
Zangwill 4.8 (Two Coplanar Dipoles)
Two coplanar dipoles are oriented as shown in the figure below.
Find the equilibrium value of the angle θ0 if the angle θ is fixed. (Link to Solution: 4)
Problem 5
Zangwill 4.11 (The Distant Potential of Two Charged Rings)
The z-axis is the symmetry axis for an origin-centered ring with charge Q and radius a which lies
in the x−y plane. A coplanar and concentric ring with radius b > a has charge −Q. Calculate the
lowest non-vanishing Cartesian multipole moment to find the asymptotic (r → ∞) electrostatic
potential if both charge distributions are uniform. Hint: Use cylindrical coordinates (s, φ, z) to
perform the integrations.
(Link to Solution: 5)

Problem 6
Zangwill 4.22 (The Potential Outside a Charged Disk)
The Potential outside a Charged Disk The z-axis is the symmetry axis of a disk of radius R
which lies in the x − y plane and carries a uniform charge per unit area σ. Let Q be the total
charge on the disk.
(a) Evaluate the exterior multipole moments and show that
∞  `
Q X R 2
ϕ(r, θ) = P` (0)P` (cos θ) r > R.
4π0 r `−0 r `+2
(b) Compute the potential at any point on the z-axis by elementary means and confirm that
your answer agrees with part (a) when z > R. Note: P` (1) = 1.
(Link to Solution: 6)

Problem 7
Zangwill 4.23 (Exterior Multipoles for a Specified Potential on a Sphere)
(a) Let ϕ(R, θ, φ) be specified values of the electrostatic potential on the surface of a sphere.
Show that the general form of an exterior, spherical multipole expansion implies that
∞ X `  `+1 Z
ϕ(r) = Y`m (Ω) dΩ0 ϕ(R, Ω)Y`∗0 m0 (Ω0 ) r > R.
`=0 m=−`
(b) The eight octants of a spherical shell are maintained at alternating electrostatic potentials
±V as shown below in perspective view (a) and looking down the z-axis from above in (b).

Use the results of part (a) to find the asymptotic (r → ∞) form of the potential produced
by the shell.
(Link to Solution: 7)

Problem 8
An uncharged conducting sphere of radius R is placed in a region of (previously) uniform electric
field (E = Eo ẑ). The sphere polarizes in response to this external field. Find:
(a) The potential produced by the charge on the sphere everywhere in space
(b) The charge density on the surface of the sphere Make use of the interior/exterior spherical
multipoles (Legendre polynomial expansion).
(Link to Solution: 8)

If you spot a mistake please email me at

Answer to Problem 1
Let us start with part (2) of the problem. Let σ1 and σ2 be the surface charge densities on the
upper plate in the region above the slab, and the region no above the slab respectively. Since
the total charge on the upper plate is Q, we have
σ1 x + σ2 (a − x) = . (1)
Next, let the electric field above and below the slab be E1 ẑ, and
R the electric field between the
plates and to be right of the slab be E2 ẑ. Thus, computing E · dzẑ in the two regions, we
obtain two expressions for the potential difference between the two plates:
∆V = E1
∆V = E2 d.

Since Ei = σi /0 , we have

σ1 = 2σ2 (2)
E1 = 2E2 . (3)

From (1) and (2), we get

σ1 /2 = σ2 = .
a(a + x)
Now let us obtain the force on the slab. To that end, we first compute the net energy UE (x) of
the system as a function of the position x of the slab. From part (2), we obtain
E1 = E2 /2 =
0 (a + x)a
0 E 2
Now, using uE = 2
in all the regions, we obtain
1 1
UE (x) = ε0 E12 (axd/2) + ε0 E22 a(a − x)d

2 2
2ε0 (a + x)a

Since the charges are held constant, the force on the slab is given by F = − ∂U∂x
E (x)
, which
evaluates to
Q2 d
F=+ x̂
2ε0 (a + x)2 a
Thus, the slab is pulled into the capacitor.
Note that if we ignore fringing effects, looking purely at the electric field lines, it is apparent that
there is no horizontal force on the slab. However, it is in fact the fringing fields that cause the
slab to be pulled in. Assuming that Q > 0, the field line and charge density profiles are shown
in the figure below. The force on the slab is due entirely to the force acting on vertical surface
of the slab. The method above does result in the correct answer because changing x does not
change the energy corresponding to the fringing field, but it does change the percentage of the
field in the regions away from the edge of the slab, which is captured by our calculation above.
Answer to Problem 2
Label the top plate as conductor 1 , the bottom plate minus the finite square region as conductor
2 , and the square region itself as conductor 3 . We have ϕ1 = ϕ2 = 0 and ϕ3 = V . Our task is
to find Q = Q2 + Q2 . The reciprocity theorem reads
ϕ1 Q01 + ϕ2 Q02 + ϕ3 Q03 = ϕ01 Q1 + ϕ02 Q2 + ϕ03 Q3 ,
V Q03 = ϕ01 Q1 + ϕ02 Q2 + ϕ03 Q3
We choose the primed, comparison system as a parallel-plate capacitor where ϕ01 = 0 and
ϕ02 = ϕ03 = Φ0 . In that case, the preceding equation reduces to
V Q03 = Φ0 Q
Now, if A is the area of the entire lower plate, and Q0 = Q02 + Q02 , the definition of capacitance
tells us that
0 A 0
Q0 = Φ
V Q03 V QA (2a)2 4V 0 a2
Q= = Qd0 =
Φ0  A

Answer to Problem 3
The electrostatic potential and electric field of the dipole are
p cos θ p
ϕ(r, θ) = 2
E= [2 cos θr̂ + sin θθ̂]
4π0 r 4π0 r3
The initial condition is v = 0 when r = R = x20 + y02 and θ = π/2. Therefore, conservation of
energy guarantees that
1 2 qp cos θ
mv + =0
2 4π0 R2
On the other hand, the motion will be circular if the radial force equals the centripetal acceler-
ation, that is, if
mv 2 2qp cos θ
= −qEr = −
R 4π0 R3
This equation is identical to the energy conservation equation so the motion is indeed semicir-
cular. A moment’s reflection shows that the particle moves periodically back and forth along
the arc shown below.

Answer to Problem 4
Choose a polar coordinate system with pkẑ. The field produced by p in this system is
E= (2 cos θr̂ + sin θθ̂).
4π0 r3
At equilibrium, the potential energy V = −p0 · E is a minimum. In the pictured coordinate
p0 = p0 cos θ0 r̂ + p0 sin θ0 θ̂
V = − (2 cos θ cos θ0 + sin θ sin θ0 )
and the minimum energy occurs at
= − (sin θ cos θ0 − 2 cos θ sin θ0 ) = 0
This gives the final result as
tan θ = 2 tan θ0

Answer to Problem 5
In cylindrical coordinates (s, φ, z), the charge density of the inner ring is
ρ(s, φ, z) = δ(s − a)δ(z).
Since x = s cos φ, the x-component of the electric dipole moment vector is
Z 2π Z ∞ Z 2π Z ∞ Z ∞
px = dφ dssxρ = dφ cos φ dssδ(s − a) dzδ(z) = 0
0 0 0 0 −∞
The y-component vanishes similarly because y = s sin φ. The z-component vanishes because of
the factor δ(z). Hence, p = 0. The components of the primitive Cartesian quadrupole tensor
are Z ∞ Z ∞
1 2π
Qij = dφ dss dzri rj ρ(s)
2 0 0 −∞
All the off-diagonal elements are zero because of the φ-integration. The diagonal elements are
Qxx = Qyy = Qzz = 0

We conclude that the distant electric field of this ring is
Q Qij 3ri rj − r2 δij Q Qa2 x2 + y 2 − 2z 2
ϕa (r) = + = +
4π0 r 4π0 r5 4π0 r 8π0 r5
The potential of the outer ring is similar except with opposite charge. The monopole terms
cancel and the quadrupole terms add. Therefore, the asymptotic potential is a pure quadrupole:
Q (a2 − b2 ) x2 + y 2 − 2z 2
ϕ(r) =
8π0 r5

Answer to Problem 6
(a) The exterior moments are
4π ∗
A`m = d3 rρ(r)r` Y`m (θ, φ)
2` + 1
Since Q = d3 rρ(r) = 4πR2 σ, we must have ρ(r) = (σ/r)δ(cos θ)Θ(R − r) as the volume charge
density of the disk. This gives
Z 1 Z 2π Z ∞
4πσ ∗
A`m = d(cos θ)δ(cos θ) dφY`m (θ, φ) drr`+1 Θ(R − r).
2` + 1 −1 0 0
But r
Z 2π
1 ∗ 2` + 1
dφY`m (θ, φ) = P` (cos θ)δm,0
2π 0 4π
so r
4π σR`+2
A`m = 2πP` (0)δm,0 .
2` + 1 ` + 2
Substituting this into the exterior multipole expansion,
∞ `
1 X X Y`m (Ω)
ϕ(r) = A`m `+1
4π0 `=0 m=−` r
and using Y`0 (θ, φ) = 4π
P` (cos θ) gives the desired result,
∞  `
Q X R 2
ϕ(r, θ) = P` (0)P` (cos θ) r > R.
4π0 r `−0 r `+2

(b) The potential on the z-axis of the disk is

σ n√ 2
Z 2π Z R
σ drr o
ϕ(z) = dϕ √ = R + z 2 − |z|
4π0 0 0 r2 + z 2 20
q z n p o
= 1 + R2 /z 2 − 1
2π0 R2
On the other hand,
∞ ∞
√ Z t
s X Z t
X t`+2
1+t −1= ds √ = P` (0) dss = P` (0)
0 1 + s2 `=0 0 `=0
` + 2

and P` (1) = 1. Therefore, (2) is indeed the same as the multipole expansion evaluated at θ = 0.

Answer to Problem 7
(1) The general form of an exterior, spherical multipole expansion is given by
∞ X
X Y`m (Ω)
ϕ(r) = A`m r > R,
`=0 m=−`

where Z

A`m = ρ (r0 ) r0` Y`m
(Ω0 ) dV 0
2` + 1
On the surface of the sphere,
∞ X
X Y`m (Ω)
ϕ(R, Ω) = A`m
`=0 m=−`
Z ∞ X ` Z
0 0 0
X A`m
ϕ (R, Ω ) Y`0 m0 (Ω ) dΩ = `+1
Y`m (Ω0 ) Y`?0 m0 (Ω0 ) dΩ0 .
`=0 m=−`

The orthonormality of the spherical harmonics gives the expansion coefficients as

A`m = R `+1
ϕ (R, Ω0 ) Y`?0 m0 (Ω0 ) dΩ0 .

∞ X `  `+1 Z
ϕ(r) = Y`m (Ω) ϕ (R, Ω0 ) Y`?0 m0 (Ω0 ) dΩ0 r > R.
`=0 m=−`
(2) By examining figure (b), it is clear that we need the potential to change signs every time
φ is an integer multiple of π/2. Thus, m = ±2, which in turn implies that ` ≥ 2. For
the asymptotic form of the potential we need only keep the lowest value of ` necessary.
Examining figure (a), we can see that the potential must change signs every time θ is
an integer multiple of π/2 as well. It is clear that Y22 ∝ sin2 θ does not satisfy this
requirement. However, Y32 ∝ sin2 θ cos θ ∝ cos θ − cos 3θ does. Thus, the potential must
be a linear combination of Y3±2 and must equal ±V at r = R. That is,
 4 r  4
R 2π R
ϕ(r) = V 2 (Y32 + Y3−2 ) = V sin2 θ cos θ cos 2φ, r → ∞
r 105 r

Answer to Problem 8
Let the potential within the conductor be C. Since the charge induced on the sphere’s surface
must be azimuthally symmetric, we can use the exterior multipole expansion to obtain

X Al
ϕ(r > R) = −E0 r cos θ + Pl (cos θ).
At r = R, this is equal to a θ independent constant C. Equating the above expression to C and
using the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials, we obtain
A0 = CR,
A1 = E0 R3
Al = 0 ∀l 6= 0, 1
Thus we have
E0 R3
ϕ(r > R) = + − E0 r cos θ
r r2
The charge density at the surface of the sphere is then
σ(θ) ∂ϕ ~ · r̂
=− = − ∇ϕ
ε0 ∂ n̂ r=rS
= 2 + 3E0 cos θ
The total charge on the sphere is zero. This implies that C = 0. Thus we have
= 3E0 cos θ
ϕ(r > R) = E0 r − 1 cos θ
ϕ(r ≤ R) = 0

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