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Social contact theory by Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and John


Thomas Hobbes: (social contract) This state of affairs is so oppressive that it is in the interest of rational
individuals to give up their natural freedom and rights in return for protection and security against others granted by
an all-powerful ruler or Leviathan.

The contract essentially binds people into a community that exists for mutual preservation. In
entering into civil society, people sacrifice the physical freedom of being able to do whatever
they please, but they gain the civil freedom of being able to think and act rationally and morally

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778): (Social contract) Rousseau adds the characteristic that it
must leave each individual subject only to his or her own will. Rousseau's solution as to how
this type of situation can come about is found in the idea of the general will.

John Locke: (social control) government was created through the consent of the people to be
ruled by the majority

Difference between Locke's and Hobbes's social control theory:

Hobbes was a proponent of Absolutism, a system that placed control of the state in the hands
of a single individual, a monarch free from all forms of limitations or accountability. On the
other hand, Locke favoured a more open approach to state-building.

What difference between J J Rousseau's version of social contract theory and Hobbes?
Underlying this basic difference is Rousseau's insistence that civil society must be based upon
the preservation of everyone's freedom and equality in contrast with Hobbes' insistence that
civil society must be based upon power and fear

difference between J J Rousseau's version of social contract theory and John Locke?

agree that the state exists to protect persons and property, Rousseau adds the characteristic
that it must leave each individual subject only to his or her own will. Rousseau's solution as to
how this type of situation can come about is found in the idea of the general will.

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