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OmniVista 4760 Nb of pages : 18 Date : 12 July 2005


This document is a guide to help you to solve known problems around Reports.

OmniVista 4760

1. TROUBLESHOOTING REPORTS.....................................................3

2. HISTORY......................................................................................3

3. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................3

4. HOW TO ?...................................................................................3
4.1. How to analyze a report issue .................................................................. 3
4.2. How to analyze Invalid/Partial data.......................................................... 3
4.3. How to escalate a report issue? ................................................................ 4

5. CORE DATA PROCESSING ...........................................................4

5.1. PCX side (OmniPCX 4400/Enterprise) ....................................................... 4
5.2. Loading ticket by OmniVista 4760 ............................................................ 5
5.3. Total calculation ....................................................................................... 5
5.4. Access to 4760 database by sql query ...................................................... 5

6. LOG FILE .....................................................................................6

6.1. Application status ..................................................................................... 6
6.2. Client logs ................................................................................................ 6
6.3. Server logs 4760\Logs .............................................................................. 7
6.4. Extension of log level ................................................................................ 7

7. KNOWN ISSUES ..........................................................................8

7.1. List of known issues .................................................................................. 8
7.2. Report launching error.............................................................................. 9
7.3. Designer Error ........................................................................................ 10
7.4. Generation Error .................................................................................... 10
7.5. Invalid Content ....................................................................................... 11

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OmniVista 4760

7.6. Export Misworking .................................................................................. 14

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OmniVista 4760


Edition 01 : Creation of the Troubleshooting Guide.

You will find in this document some help to troubleshot Report issue.

4. HOW TO ?

4.1. How to analyze a report issue

1. Localize the type of issue :
• Can’t access to report interface
• Can’t perform report generation
• Invalid content
• Bad export file
2. Check the list of known issue.
3. Check status and log file.
4. Check result given by predefined report.

4.2. How to analyze Invalid/Partial data

1. Check Loading parameter.

2. Check synchronization status :
• ftp of ticket files.
• load of tickets.
3. Check ticket data.
4. Check total calculation.
5. Check cleaning parameters.
6. Check result given by predefined report.

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OmniVista 4760

4.3. How to escalate a report issue?

1. Perform the analysis.

2. Supply from 4760 side:
• 4760 log files (a zip file from 4760\log).
• Loading and cleaning parameters.
• Report definition.
• Report generation result (export).
3. Supply from PCX side.
• Ticket files.
• From OmniPCX 4400/Enterprise filter setup for external accounting.
• From OmniPCX Office filter setup for external accounting.
4. Add some comment about the issue.


5.1. PCX side (OmniPCX 4400/Enterprise)

Process used: internal_tax

Maintenance command (from telnet windows):
• accview : to display accounting ticket
• ipview : to display IP ticket
• account save : save accounting data from buffer to a .dat file
• account compress : compress .dat file
Filter setup to generate ticket (from PCX configuration windows or mgr tool):
\ Application \ Accounting \ External accounting filter
PTP for users require to add incoming call in accounting filter.
To load ticket directly from pCX
1. Get the IP address of OmniPCX 4400/Enterprise.
2. Launch internet explorer.
3. Write in URL: ftp://PCXipadress/usr4/account@adfecx
4. Download the following file : Taxa*.dat, IP*.dat, *.pmm file.

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OmniVista 4760

5.2. Loading ticket by OmniVista 4760

During synchronization:
1. Tickets files are put under 4760\data\loader folder.
2. Then these files are inserted into 4760 sybase database.
3. And temporary files are deleted.

You can keep original ticket file by modifying loader service:

1. Select entry NMC\ServerName\server\loader\
2. Modify KeepTaxaFilesAfterLoading = 1

Filtering loading :
1. Launch Accounting Application.
2. Select Tab parameter.
3. Check PTP, Accounting filter.

5.3. Total calculation

By default only partial data for PTP is calculated in scheduler application.
Check the argument of the job cumul PTP:
♦ ptpType TRG,ATT, ATG perform total only for trunk group, attendant, attendant group.
♦ ptpType ALL perform total on all counters.

5.4. Access to 4760 database by sql query

These operations are not supported by Alcatel Hot line. Additionally there are no documentation on
4760 database format. However, Technical Support may need to get information extracted by SQL
To access to the database :
1. From Start Menu, launch Program > Sybase > Interactive SQL.
2. Specify dba login and password.
3. Tab Advanced select ODBC-Bridge (only from OmniVista 4760 R3.0).

To perform a query:
1. Write Select * form.
2. Use F7 key to get the list of available table and select the relevant table.
3. Use F9 key to run the query.

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OmniVista 4760

Sample query Result

Select * form Ticket Accounting data
Select * from Ticket order by StartdateTime desc Accounting data sorted by date
Select * from Ticket where ChargedNumber=’64323’ Accounting data of subscriber 64323
Select * from Ipticket IP ticket data

By default SQL display of the result is limited.
Size of a field will be truncated if more than 30 characters.
Total of line displayed is limited to the first 100 lines.
To get assistance on designing a client application that will read the database, please contact Alcatel
Professional services.


6.1. Application status

− Launch Report application:
There is a status area under the report area.

6.2. Client logs

FileName: NMCClient.log : client action log
Activation up to OmniVista 4760 R3.0
1. Edit the Runnmc.bat.
2. Change tracefile for tracefile C:\NMCClient.log
Activation from OmniVista 4760 R3.1
There is a default client log:
• On 4760 client PC, under 4760\lib\ext.
• On 4760 server PC, under 4760\Webclient\cgi-bin.

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OmniVista 4760

6.3. Server logs 4760\Logs

Log file Contents

NMCextractor.log Details about report data generation and export of report (when scheduled)
NMCViewer.log Details about report data generation and export of report
NMCAcc_Org.log Details on Accounting organization update: cost center creation, add rename
NMCLoader.log Details about loading accounting / PTP ticket: file or ticket rejected
Details about accounting clean
NMCloadIP.log Details about loading ip ticket: file or ticket rejected

6.4. Extension of log level

1. Launch Directory Application.
2. Select Tab System.
3. Expand the tree to NMC\server_Name\servers\
4. Edit the agumentlist of following service:
• extractor
• loader
5. Change TraceType 0 for TraceType --1 (minus one)

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7.1. List of known issues

Here the list of error that may occurs, more information on the next chapter.
Report country error

The branch with report definition is empty

Impossible to connect to LDAP server
Impossible to connect to the database

Designer error

Impossible to Modify / Import a definition

Lost of report Designer layout

Generator error

Database disk full ! Generation cancelled

Report generation does not end
Impossible to unmask data in report

Invalid content

No data in the accounting report

No data in the performance report: concern all type of counter
No or partial data in the performance report: concern subscriber, dect
Predefined PTP report: hour selection
Unmask report have still masked digit
Daily report and Monthly report show different value
Average value is not correct
Trunk to Trunk Blind Transfer causes cost to end up on the trunk and not the user
No accounting data allocated to node 9999
Report on all users: missing user in the report

Export error

Mail export is not performed: Invalid domain

Mail export : report file sent to the mail recipient defined in the previous scheduling
Excel report: added formula is not working
Excel report: cells layout is incorrect

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OmniVista 4760

7.2. Report launching error

The branch with report definition is empty (SR 1-30179001)

Check the log file of predefined report insertion:

Cause: Report insertion use a java process. This one requires a minimum of 256 colours for screen
display resolution.
Solution: Change screen display and launch an upgrade of 4760 to reload predefined report.

Impossible to connect to LDAP server (SR 1-26432501)

This message appear in the log sub window of report application.
Cause: You have tried to connect to 4760 server using IP address or fully qualified name
HostName.DnsSuffix, or a PC alias name.
Solution: Try to reconnect using 4760 server hostname.

Impossible to connect to the database

Message appear in the log sub window of report application.
Possible cause:
− A firewall may block the client connection to Sybase server: check the Sybase port (up to 4760
R2.1 : 2138; as from 4760 R3.0 new Sybase port: 30012),
− Nmc50database service is down,
− Extractor service may be down check the service status,
− Extractor service may use an invalid windows login (bad login declaration, bad password).

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OmniVista 4760

7.3. Designer Error

Impossible to Modify / Import a definition
On 4760 R1.x, the SQL query length was not checked, so it may be truncated at runtime resulting in
strange result or generation error.
As from 4760 R2.0, this SQL query length is checked (max size = 1024). The new control will
prevent to modify or import old 4760 R1.x definition that use large SQL query.

Lost of report Designer layout

Most of the Grouped definition have been designed like this
− detail counter data are selected in requester but masked in the designer;
− total formula are added in the designer
If you add a new field in the Requester, you will modify the detail part of the report and the detail
data will appear again in the designer
You need to delete manually in the designer all data present in the detail part.

7.4. Generation Error

Database disk full ! Generation cancelled (SR 1-27884428)

When Sybase database exceed 50% of disk capacity
− a warning alarm is sent to alarm server application.
− all report generation is cancelled with the error : disk is full
Check why you get less than 50% disk free,
If you have put external data on partition used by 4760 data ,
Remove this data
or change disk control like explained in this example
20% of disk used by external data
80% of disk may be reserved to 4760 data and defragmentation temporary file
=> disk control may be decreased to 50% of 80% = 40%

Report generation does not end

The problem happens randomly on 4760 R1.0 and R1.5 (FAQ 213-FR-TS-APC-0305)

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Impossible to unmask data in report

You have set your login name as member of the group Unmask Data, but still unable to unmask
This is not a right given to a report user.
If you want to unmask data in a report you have to ask all the people, defined as member of the
group Unmask Data, to come and write their password.

7.5. Invalid Content

No data in the accounting report

Report may have default filter that discard ticket with cost=0
(like the predefined report Cost by set)
− Check your carrier configuration,
− Change the report filter to display ticket with cost=0.

No data in the performance report: concern all type of counter

Read the synchronisation detail status in the scheduler, to check if PTP counter has been inserted in
4760 database.
Possible error cause:
− Software lock 51 47xx Performance is not present on PCX
− License control by 4760 is corrupted: checking accounting licence when trying to load
performance counter: error message No Accounting license.
Last error never happen on most site except for the following configuration:
− Accounting and Performance licence purchased on PCX,
− Only Performance purchased on 4760.
Contact technical support to solve this initialisation issue.
The problem is solved as from 4760 R3.1

No or partial data in the performance report: concern subscriber, dect

By default subscriber is not taken into account by PTP.
In the PCX, you have to:
− enable PTP, that will only generate the waiting duration in PCX PTP counter,
− enable accounting ticket for incoming call.

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OmniVista 4760

In the 4760, system directory,

− Specify load PTP.
In the 4760, accounting module:
− On the tab Configuration, check Users, DECT.
In the 4760, scheduler module
− Browse the daily and weekly job and modify manually the PTP counter calculation task.
− On tab definition, edit parameter line.
− Replace “–PTP ATG ATT” by “–PTP All”
When all these parameters are properly set, you have to wait for daily task execution.
If this task is not yet performed:
− Launch a synchronisation,
− From accounting module, launch PTP counter calculation (take care to select users).

Predefined PTP report: hour selection (FAQ170-FR-TS-CBS-0208)

Before 4760 R1.5.09, the hour selection and display was using second.
After 4760 R1.5.09, you have to select the HH:MM:SS format

Unmask report have still masked digit

In the mask profile you have to specify:
− How many digits will be mask for standard report.
− How many for unmask report.

Daily report and Monthly report show different value (SR1-49673061)

Take care that daily counter and monthly counter have not same storage time.
Example, if current date is 15 April 2005:
− Daily counters covers the period from 15 January to 15 April 2005.
− A Monthly report on month=January is correct.
− A Daily report on month=January contains only data from 15 January to 31 January.

Average value is not correct

In case you have performed the report by yourself take care to define the proper formula for
average computation.
Invalid report:
Average=Average (all average duration by set) = 10 + 2 / 6

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OmniVista 4760

Subscribers Number of Call Average duration

62341 3 00:10:00

62342 15 00:02:00

Average formula 00:06:00

Corrected report:
Average=Average (all calls for the selected subscribers) = ((3*10) +(15*2)) / 18

Subscribers Number of Call Average duration

62341 3 00:10:00

62342 15 00:02:00

New average formula 00:03:20

Trunk to Trunk-Blind Transfer causes cost to end up on the trunk and not the user (SR1-49584851)
By default PCX ticket are allocated to the trunk, but in PCX configuration you can change trunk
parameter and specify to allocate the ticket to the users.
For DPNSS such management was not available until D3.314.7

No accounting data allocated to node 9999

When PCX generates ticket for a subscriber not present in the PCX network: Fax Server, PCX
connected via QSIG the subscriber node information is set to 9999.
The feature Ticket on subscriber, which is not released, if activated on PCX, will prevent 4760 to load
this ticket.

Report on all users: missing user in the report

Report does not display data for subscriber that has not generated call.
Set a subscription cost to get at least one ticket for each subscriber.

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7.6. Export Misworking

Mail export is not performed: Invalid domain

The windows account granted to Extractor service must be written like this:
− For 4760 integrated in domain: WindowsDomain\Login
− For 4760 integrated in workgroup : ServerName\Login
If the WindowsDomain does not exist extractor not be able to use this account and the log file will
have this warning: Invalid domain.

Mail export : report file sent to the mail recipient defined in the previous scheduling
If you schedule a generation + export based on the same report definition but with different filter.

5:00 Report cost by sent on users=64323 sent to
5:00 Report cost by sent on users=64324 sent to
Mr Martin may receive the report with data linked to the set of Dupont.

To prevent such issue schedule the report at different time or create a suite ob Task in the scheduler
and add a 1-2 mn delay between current job and next job.

The source of this problem if solved under 3.0.16 , however we still recommend to schedule all
report generation at different time.

Excel report: added formula is not working

If you want to add a formula, it will give no result

Subscribers Duration

62341 00:10:12

62342 00:23:12

My Sum Formula 0

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OmniVista 4760

1. In excel menu, select Data\Convert.
2. Go through the 3 steps of conversion.
3. The last step will transform cells as standard format.
4. Then formula will work.

Excel report: cells layout is incorrect

Cells width is not taken into account in the excel export.
In this example the viewer and excel view is compared.

Viewer View Excel View

Subscribers Duration Cost Subscribers Duration Cost

62341 00:10:12 4,23 62341 00:10:12 4,23

62342 00:23:12 9,15 62342 00:23:12 9,15

Total cost 13,38 Total cost 13,38

To correct excel layout, in the example add a cell before total cost via the designer.

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