2022. Anh văn 2 (LIFE A2-B1) - Ôn tập 2 - Điền khuyết Đọc hiểu

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Lý Công Khanh, M.

Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)


Conversation 1
C = Customer, P = Pharmacist
C: Hello. I've got a _____(1)_____throat and a _____(2)_____nose. I feel terrible.
P: Have you got a _____(3)_____as well?
C: No, it's normal.
P: Well, you should take this _____(4)_____twice a day. It's good for a sore throat.
C: Thanks.
P: And try drinking hot water with honey and lemon. That helps.
C: OK. I will.
P: Oh, and you need a box of _____(5)_____If you still feel ill in a few days, see a doctor.
Conversation 2
P = Patient, D = Doctor
P: I’ve got an _____(6)_____in this ear. I couldn't sleep last night because it was so _____(7)_____
D: Let me have a look.... ah... yes, it's very _____(8)_____in there. What about the other one?
P: It feels fine.
D: Hmm. it’s a bit red as well. Do you feel sick at all?
P: No, not really.
D: Let me check your _____(9)_____. Yes, it's for it. You need to take one of these pills
_____(10)_____ a day for seven days. Drink lots of water and come back if you don't feel better.
1. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <1>
(A) bad (B) small (C) good (D) sore
2. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <2>
(A) runny (B) jogging (C) missing (D) walking
3. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <3>
(A) temperature (B) Celsius degree (C) degree Fahrenheit (D) degree
4. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <4>
(A) tree (B) leaves (C) medicine (D) pharmacy
5. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <5>
(A) candies (B) biscuits (C) cookies (D) tissues
6. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <6>
(A) headache (B) heartache (C) stomach (D) earache
7. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <7>
(A) clean (B) painful (C) fresh (D) comfortable
8. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <8>
(A) soft (B) normal (C) blue (D) red
9. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <9>
(A) paper (B) temperature (C) qualification (D) degree
10. Choose the correct word/ phrase to fill in the blank <10>
(A) two (B) three (C) twice (D) four

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

Although doctors have been warning about the dangers of cigarettes (11)________ over fifty years, the
number of people who smoke is still disturbingly high. These people are not (12) _____; they do worry
(13)________ their health; they know the risks they are (14)________ with their lives. They also realise
how much money they are (15)________ on cigarettes, yet they still find it almost impossible to give
them (16)________.
Smoking is also much more socially unacceptable now. A lot of people (17)________ to others smoking
in public places – I personally can’t (18)________ sitting next to a smoker in a restaurant, and I just
don’t go into (19)________ bars anymore because I know what the air will be like. But we have to
remember that most smokers do want to stop. Instead of criticising them, perhaps we should give them
a (20)________.

11. A. from B. for C. since D. during

12. A. ridiculous B. silly C. senseless D. childish
13. A. about B. over C. with D. around
14. A. doing B. making C. having D. taking
15. A. earning B. making C. wasting D. saving
16. A. in B. up C. out D. to
17. A. oppose B. protest C. object D. disagree
18. A. let B. stand C. allow D. like
19. A. crowded B. blocked C. filled D. solid
20. A. help B. support C. hold D. hand

(21)_____day, Jim Kendrick leaves home at five o’clock in the morning and drives to work. That’s not
unusual. (22)_____ of people get up early to drive to work. But Jim Kendrick’s work is 320 kilometres
away (23)_____ his home. It (24)_____ him three and a half hours to get from his home in San Antonio,
Texas to his job at the port in Houston. In the evening, he does the journey (25) _____, and gets home
at nine o’clock (26)_____the evening.
Recently, Jim (27)_____ a competition – ‘America’s Longest Commute’. He won $10,000, enough to
pay for his fuel for one year. Reporters asked Jim why he drives so far to work. He replied, ‘I have a
lovely house in San Antonio. I (28)_____ want to leave it. And I like the drive too. It gives
(29)_____energy. I’ll probably do (30) _____ journey for another five or ten years. Then I’ll look for a
job nearer home’.

21. A. All B. Every C. Most D. Some

22. A. A lot B. Many C. Much D. Lots
23. A. from B. to C. after D. since
24. A. gets B. makes C. takes D. does
25. A. again B. still C. enough D. soon
26. A. on B. at C. in D. for
27. A. lost B. won C. competed D. beat
28. A. won’t B. didn’t C. can’t D. don’t
29. A. mine B. my C. me D. I
30. A. this B. those C. these D. there
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

The bear can be a dangerous (31) ________. The adult bear is very strong and it can kill a person.
Bears are (32) ________ at climbing trees and they can run very fast. But they cannot see well and,
(33) _______ most animals, they find food by using (34) _______ noses. There are seven kinds of
bear. The (35) _______ is the white polar bear, which is almost three metres tall. There are
(36)_______ kinds of black bear. (37) _______ lives in the forests of North America, and the other
lives in South-East Asia. But not (38) _______ black bears are black. They maỵ be dark brown or
a reddish brown. Everyone loves the black and white panda bear which comes from China. Not
(39)_______ pandas live in the forest today because (40) _______ is difficult to fìnd food

31. A. plant B. animal C. insect D. bird

32. A. lazy B. normal C. bad D. good
33. A. like B. same C. similar D. dislike
34. A. his B. our C. their D. its
35. A. largest B. larger C. large D. most large
36. A. a lot of B. one C. two D. many
37. A. another B. one C. single D. first
38. A. every B. both C. two D. all
39. A. a little B. any C. many D. much
40. A. it B. there C. they D. its

My name's Hannah, and I'm twenty years old. I've got a daughter (41) _____ Nicole. She's (42)
_____three now. I live in a small flat (43) _____ the city centre. It isn't a nice place to live. It's very
noisy and dirty and there is (44) _____ for Nicole to play.
I want to move out of the city and live (45) _____ the countryside. But it's very expensive to live
there. I will need to earn (46) _____ money to buy a house. There aren't (47) _____ flats for sale in
the small villages near here. I will need to buy a car (48) _____.
That's why I study at college. I'm studying Business. While I am at college, my mum looks
(49)_____ Nicole. My mum really likes spending time with her. In the evening, I work as a cleaner.
I clean people's houses. Nicole comes with me. She plays (50) _____ with her toys while I work.

41. A. calls B. called C. names D. name

42. A. nearly B. quite C. yet D. rarely
43. A. in B. on C. at D. next
44. A. where B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere
45. A. near B. at C. on D. in
46. A. any B. this C. enough D. too
47. A. much B. lot C. little D. many
48. A. too B. also C. then D. so
49. A. for B. after C. at D. up
50. A. quiet B. quieter C. quitely D. quietest
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

The first Elizabeth to be queen (51) _____ England lived in the time of William Shakespeare,
(52)_____ five hundred years ago.

Her father was Henry the (53) _____, a king who was famous (54) _____ he had six wives. (Not all
(55) _____ the same time of course!) Elizabeth's mother was Anne Boleyn, a beautiful and
intelligent woman. (56) _____ she could not give the king a son, so Henry (57) _____ another wife.

For many years Elizabeth's life was (58) _____ danger because (59) _____ the political and religious
problems of the time. However, she (60) _____ queen, and was queen of England for over forty

51. A. at B. on C. for D. of
52. A. almost B. in C. quite D. since
53. A. eight B. eighth C. eighty D. eighteen
54. A. why B. for C. despite D. because
55. A. at B. during C. with D. in
56. A. Although B. Despite C. But D. Because
57. A. removed B. received C. got D. took
58. A. with B. at C. on D. in
59. A. of B. were C. in D. for
60. A. made B. became C. did D. took

(61) _____ you believe in ghosts? Did you ever see (62) _____? Somebody once (63) _____ that
ghosts are like true love – everyone talks about it, but (64) _____ ever sees it.

Many (65) _____ believe that if somebody (66) _____ in a way that is not natural, their spirit
remains at the (67) _____ where they died.

It is easy not to believe (68) _____ ghosts in the day. But at (69) _____ in the morning, many people
change their (70) _____!

61. A. Have B. Do C. Would D. Did

62. A. this B. that C. it D. one
63. A. spoke B. told C. said D. asked
64. A. someone B. no one C. anyone D. everyone
65. A. persons B. person C. peoples D. people
66. A. is dying B. died C. die D. dies
67. A. place B. post C. position D. status
68. A. at B. of C. in D. on
69. A. 2.30 p.m. B. 24 o’clock C. 2.30 a.m. D. 2.30
70. A. mental B. minds C. opinions D. thinks

 71 
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

R = Reporter, L = Lorette
R: It’s about six o’clock (71)________________ the morning here in New Orleans and the streets
are very (72)________________. But in about six hours the city is going to have the biggest party
in the world, with thousands of (73)________________ from all over. However, Mardi Gras is
really about the local (74)________________ in the city. So, I’ve come to the
(75)________________ Tremé neighbourhood of New Orleans, where there are already some
people (76)________________ for the big day. So, I’ll try to speak (77)________________ some
of them … Hello? Hello?
L: Hello?
R: Hello. What’s your name?
L: Lorette.
R: Hi Lorette. You’re wearing a fantastic (78)________________. Are you going to be in the
(79)________________ this afternoon?
L: That’s right. Everyone is meeting at the (80)________________ at six fifteen and then we’re
going to ride through the city.
R: As I say, your dress looks (81)________________. Did you make it?
L: Yes, we all make our own costumes for Mardi Gras.
R: And do you have a (82)________________?
L: Sure. Here it is. I’ll put it on.
R: Wow. That’s (83)________________. So tell me – how important is Mardi Gras for the people
in Tremé?
L: It’s the most important part of the year. It (84)________________ people together.
R: Well, good luck this afternoon. You’re going to have a (85)________________ time, I’m sure!

71. A. by B. at C. on D. in
72. A. quiet B. noisy C. loud D. fun
73. A. companies B. visitors C. friends D. competitors
74. A. groups B. societies C. communities D. publics
75. A. delicious B. dull C. enormous D. traditional
76. A. preparing B. prepare C. prepared D. to prepare
77. A. for B. about C. with D. to
78. A. clothes B. costume C. decoration D. dress
79. A. band B. dispay C. parade D. demonstration
80. A. firework B. drum C. candle D. float
81. A. amazing B. ancient C. delighted D. dull
82. A. band B. mask C. candle D. parade
83. A. historical B. massive C. perfect D. miserable
84. A. takes B. transports C. carries D. brings
85. A. smart B. dedious C. upset D. great

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)


P=Presenter, D=David McLain

P: No one knows exactly the reason why some people live longer than others. Why are they so healthy?
Is it their diet? Do they go to the gym more than others? Well, one man is trying to answer these
questions and that man is explorer and journalist David McLain. He’s currently travelling to places and
regions with large numbers of people aged a hundred and over and asking the questions: Why are they
so healthy? What are they doing that the rest of us aren’t? At the moment, he’s working on the Island of
Sardinia in Italy, but he’s speaking to us right now on the phone. David, thank you for joining us today.
D: Hello.
P: So, first of all, tell us why you decided to visit Sardinia.
D: Well, Sardinia is an interesting place because men live the same amount of time as women. That isn’t
normal for most countries. Men normally die younger.
P: And does anyone know the reason why people live longer in Sardinia?
D: There are different ideas about this but possibly one explanation is that the family is so important
here. Every Sunday the whole family meets and they eat a huge meal together. Research shows that in
countries where people live longer, the family is important. But also on Sardinia, the older mother or
grandmother often has authority in the family. As men get older, they have less responsibility in
Sardinian culture. So, perhaps the older men have less stress, which means they’re living longer.
P: I see. So, do you think people live longer in traditional societies?
D: That’s an interesting question. It’s true that even on Sardinia the younger generation are eating more
food like chips and burgers. Also young people are moving to the city, so they are doing less exercise
because of their lifestyle. So, it will be interesting to come back to Sardinia in twenty years and see if
people are still living longer...

1. Who is David McLain?

(A) Photographer (B) Journalist (C) Reporter (D) Film maker
2. Where is he travelling to?
(A) the gym (C) an island in Italy
(B) different countries (D) his hometown
3. Where is he talking to the radio presenter?
(A) in the studio (B) on the phone (C) on television (D) at his house
4. Which statement is correct?
(A) In Sardinia, women live longer than men.
(B) In Sardinia, men don’t live the same number of years as women.
(C) In Sardinia, men live the same number of years as women.
(D) In Sardinia, men live longer than women.
5. How often do Sardinian families eat together?
(A) Always (B) Often (C) Rarely (D) Never
6. According to David, what is one reason why people live longer in Sardinia?
(A) Because men normally die younger in Sardinia.
(B) Because life in Sardinia is less stressful than in other places.
(C) Because the family is so important in Sardinia.
(D) Because people live longer in traditional societies.
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
7. What is NOT mentioned about the younger generation in Sardinia?
(A) They are eating more unhealthy food. (C) They are moving to the city.
(B) They aren’t doing much exercise. (D) They are living less longer.
8. What is NOT one of the topics that the speakers talk about?
(A) the age of men and women (C) food and exercise
(B) family life (D) sleep

 J = Javier, D = Driver  J = Javier, T = Ticket office clerk

J: Hello? Are you the next taxi? J: A return ticket to the airport, please.
D: Yes, that’s right. T: OK. The next train goes in five minutes.
J: I’d like to go to the station, please. J: Right. That one, please.
D: Bus or train? T: First or second class?
J: Oh sorry. The train station. J: Second.
D: OK. Get in then. T: OK. That’s fourteen pounds fifty.
J: Wow! Can I pay by cheque?
 J = Javier, D = Driver T: Sorry. Cash or credit card.
D: There are road works up by the entrance. J: Oh no … Oh, one moment. Maybe I have
J: You can drop me off here. It’s fine. How enough left.
much is that? T: OK. Here you are.
D: Six pounds thirty. J: Which platform is it? T: Err, Platform six.
J: Sorry, I only have a twenty-pound note. Do
you have change?  A = Attendant, S = Shelley, J = Javier

D: Sure. So, that’s thirteen pounds seventy. Do A: Hello. Can I see your passport?
you want a receipt? S: Here you are. I don’t have a ticket because I
J: No, it’s OK thanks. Bye. booked online.
A: That’s OK. How many bags are you
checking in?
 S = Shelley, D = Driver
S: None. I only have this carry on.
S: Hi. Do you stop at the airport?
A: OK. Window or aisle?
D: Yeah, I do. Which terminal is it? North or
south? S: Err, I don’t mind but can I have a seat next to
my friend?
S: Err, I need to get to the … north terminal.
A: Has he already checked in?
D: OK. A single or return ticket? S: Single,
please. S: No, I’m waiting for him.

D: That’s two pounds. A: Well, I can’t …

J: Shelley!
S: Where have you been?
J: It’s a long story.
Conversation 1
9. Where is Javier now?
(A) At the bus stop (B) At the taxi rank (C) At the airport (D) At the train station
10. Where does Javier want to go?
(A) The taxi rank (B) The airport (C) The train station (D) The bus station
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
Conversation 2
11. How much is the fare?
(A) $3.60 (B) $6.30 (C) £3.60 (D) £6.30
12. Which statement is correct?
(A) Javier wants a receipt. (C) The driver doesn’t give the receipt to him.
(B) Javier doesn’t want a receipt. (D) Javier will receive the receipt later.

Conversation 3
13. Where does Shelly want to go?
(A) North terminal (B) South terminal (C) North station (D) South entrance
14. What type of ticket does she buy?
(A) Round-trip ticket (B) Return ticket (C) Single ticket (D) Double ticket

Conversation 4
15. How much is the ticket?
(A) £2.00 (B) £6.00 (C) £14.50 (D) £50.14
16. How does Javier pay for the ticket?
(A) Cheque (B) Debit card (C) Credit card (D) Cash

Conversation 5
17. What does Shelley give the woman?
(A) Bags (B) Passport (C) Carry-on (D) ID card
18. How many bags does she check in?
(A) Zero (B) One (C) Two (D) Three

Documentary 1
On a beautiful summer morning in Thailand, guests are arriving for a wedding. Some are arriving
in cars but the most special guests are riding, in traditional style, on the backs of elephants. Elephants
are as heavy as cars but they aren’t as fast, and most people also think elephants aren’t as
comfortable as cars. However, in Thailand these animals have great importance. The Asian elephant
became a domestic animal 5,000 years ago. In the past they transported soldiers to wars and worked
in the forests pulling up trees and carrying wood. Nowadays, it’s more common to see them
transporting tourists and people on special occasions, but they are as important as ever in Thai
Documentary 2
Lester Courtney and his wife spend a lot of time with their horses, not for leisure but for work. They
are traditional tree loggers who cut trees in traditional ways. They also transport the trees
traditionally – with horses. Once the trees are down, Dan and Maddy pull them away. They’re
Lester’s two horses. Lester has always used horses. Horses aren’t the fastest form of transportation
but Lester doesn’t believe modern machines are as good. It’s true that horses aren’t as strong as
lorries, or as fast, but Lester prefers working with animals. For one thing a horse isn’t as heavy as
modern machinery so it doesn’t damage the old forests. Lester also prefers horses because horses
aren’t as noisy.
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

19. In documentary 1, what special event is happening?

(A) A Thai festival (B) A wedding (C) An engagement (D) An elephant race
20. What jobs did the Asian elephant do in the past?
(A) They transported guests to weddings and worked in wars.
(B) They transported soldiers and tourists in traditional occasions.
(C) They transported soldiers and worked in the forests.
(D) They transported guests to weddings and pulled up tress.
21. What kind of people do Asian elephants transport nowadays?
(A) Special guests and soldiers (C) Tourists and tree loggers
(B) Soldiers and tree loggers (D) Tourists and people on special events
22. What do loggers do?
(A) They cut down trees. (C) They transport trees in the forests.
(B) They spend a lot of time with horses. (D) They pull trees with modern machines.
23. Why does Lester prefer to use horses?
(A) They are the fastest form of transportation and they don’t damage the forest.
(B) They are as good as modern machines and they don’t make as much noise.
(C) They are heavier than modern machinery and they aren’t as noisy as machines.
(D) They don’t damage the forest and they don’t make as much noise.

I = Interviewer, W = Sandy Weisz

I: Normally we only hear bad news so it’s good to have some good news from time to time. For
example, did you hear in the news about Maria Garza? She was sitting on an aeroplane in Denver
airport with her one-year-old child when she saw a fire from the window. It was coming from one
of the engines. Did you read that? No? It was amazing. While the other passengers were running
to the exits, Maria climbed out of the window and onto the wing of the plane. She saved her
daughter’s life and she was pregnant at the time! So, in fact she saved three lives.
In today’s programme we’re talking about why some people are survivors. We want to know what
makes these people so special. For example, what are their personal qualities? Here to help us
answer that question is Doctor Sandy Weisz. Sandy is a doctor of psychology and an expert in
survival skills. So Sandy, what kind of person is a survivor?
W: Well, the story of Maria Garza is a good one because she showed a personal quality that all
survivors have.
I: Which is?
W: They are always decisive. They always think and move very quickly and so she saved three
lives. It’s an important quality in a difficult situation. Another important quality they need is
determination. For example, did you read about thirteen-year-old Bethany Hamilton? She showed
real determination. One day when she was surfing a shark attacked her and she lost an arm. It was
an incredible story. With one arm, she swam back to the beach.
I: Incredible, and there was another recent similar story …err that couple…the Carlsons.
W: Sorry, what were they doing?
I: They were sailing their boat when a wave hit them. The boat sank and they were at sea for thirty-
one days.
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
W: Oh yes, I remember that story. But they were experienced with boats so skill and knowledge
probably saved them more than anything else.
I: Right. So, what if I don’t have special personal qualities or skills? Is there anything I can do?
W: Yes, there is. Most survivors don’t normally take risks.
I: What do you mean?
W: Well, on an aeroplane, the survivors usually wear seat belts. At sea, you take extra food and
water. On a mountain, a climber always wears warm clothes…
I: Right. I suppose we normally think survivors are risk takers but in fact most of them are quite
W: Exactly. We all take risks—even when we walk across the road—but most survivors don’t take
unnecessary risks.

24. Which survivor escaped from a burning aeroplane?

(A) Sandy Weisz (C) Mr and Mrs Carlson
(B) Bethany Hamilton (D) Maria Garza
25. The main aim of the TV programme is to talk about _________.
(A) recent survival stories (C) the personal qualities of survivors
(B) the best survival stories (D) the bad news of of survivors
26. Doctor Weisz says all survivors _________.
(A) are decisive (C) are decisive and need determination
(B) need determination (D) are careful and take risks
27. The Carsons’ story is different to Bethany’s because _________.
(A) they were at sea for a long time (C) they didn’t have experience
(B) they were in the water (D) their boat was hit by another boat
28. Most survivors _________.
(A) don’t take risks (C) aren’t very careful
(B) often take risks (D) are incautious

Nowadays, every household produces electronic rubbish (or e-rubbish) - an old TV or computer
printer, or an out-of-date mobile phone we no longer need but when we throw these everyday items
away, not many of us know where these objects go. The journalist and photographer, Peter Essick,
decided to follow this e-rubbish to several difterent countries around the world.

In particular, Essick found a lot of e-rubbish goes to Ghana. There, he saw mountains of old
computers in the local markets The sellers resell some of them but not much equipment works.
Instead, they recycle the broken computers by melting the parts inside. These parts contain a little
metal such as copper or even gold sometimes. However, this process recycling is dangerous for the
workers because it produces a lot of toxic chemicals.

As a result of his journey. Peter Essick thinks it's important to stop exporting e-rubbish. It is bad for
the environment and it is bad for people's health. Instead, he belleves manufacturers need to produce
more eco- friendly electronics in the future. in other words, electronic products which you can
recycle cheaply, safely and in the country where they were made
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

29. What example of electronic rubbish is NOT mentioned in the article?

(A) old television (C) out-of-date laptop
(B) old computer printer (D) out-dated mobile phone
30. According to the article, how many of us know where our e-rubbish goes?
(A) a little (B) a few (C) a lot of (D) many
31. Who is Peter Essick?
(A) a photographer and a journalist (C) a seller in Ghana
(B) the author of this article (D) a manufacturer
32. How many of the computers do sellers in Ghana resell?
(A) not many (B) mountains (C) not much (D) a little
33. In paragraph 2, what does the word ‘melting’ mean?
(A) becoming hard, and often turning to ice (C) causing a liquid to change to a gas
(B) heating an object until it turns to liquid (D) becoming impossible to see
34. How much metal of the computers contain?
(A) a lot of (B) much (C) a little (D) a few
35. Why is the process of recycling these parts so dangerous?
(A) Because the parts inside are melted.
(B) Because these parts don’t contain much metal.
(C) Because it produces a lot of toxic chemicals.
(D) Because exporting e-rubbish is stopped.
36. In paragraph 2, what does the word ‘toxic’ mean?
(A) local (B) bad (C) dangerous (D) poisonous
37. How much e-rubbish does Peter Essick think we should export?
(A) much (B) a little (C) none (D) all
38. Why should exporting e-rubbish be stopped?
(A) Because manufacturers need to produce more eco-friendly electronics in the future.
(B) Because it’s not good for the environment as well as people’s health.
(C) Because you can recycle electronics products cheaply and safely.
(D) Because you can recycle electronics products in the country they were made.

V: Thank you for calling Teco Art dot com. Your call is important to us. For information about our
latest products, press one. For orders, press two. For problems with your order, press three… All
our customer service assistants are busy. We apologize for the delay. Your call is important to us.
One of our customer service assistants will be with you as soon as possible.
C: Good morning. Can I help you?
J: Hi, I’m calling about an order for a Computer Circuit Board Clock from your website but I
received an email saying I have to wait seven more days.
C: One moment… Do you have the order number?
J: Yes, it’s 8-0-5-3-1-A.
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C: Is that A as in Alpha?
J: That’s right.
C: Is that Ms Jane Powell of 90 North Lane?
J: Yes, it is.
C: Hmm. Can I put you on hold for a moment?
J: Sure.
C: Hello?
J: Yes, hello.
C: I’m very sorry but this product isn’t in stock at the moment. We’ll have it in seven days.
J: I already know that. But it’s my husband’s birthday tomorrow.
C: I see. Well, would you like to order a similar clock? We have an Apple iPod one for thirty-five
J: Hmm. I really like the one I ordered.
C: Oh, I’m sorry about that. Would you like to cancel the order?
J: Yes, I think so. How does that work.
C: Well, we’ll refund the amount of thirty-nine pounds to your credit card.
J: OK. Thanks.
C: And would you like confirmation by email?
J: Yes, please.
C: Let me check. Your email is J-powell at S-mail dot com.
J: That’s right.
C: Is there anything else I can help you with?
J: No thanks. That’s everything.
C: OK. Goodbye.
J: Bye.

39. What information does the customer service assistant ask for and check?
(A) lastest product (B) online order (C) order number (D) receipt number
40. Why does Jane want the clock quickly?
(A) She has a problem with her order.
(B) She has to wait for one more week.
(C) It’s not in stock at the moment.
(D) It’s for her husband’s birthday the next day.
41. How much does the other clock cost?
(A) $35 (B) £35 (C) £39 (D) £90
42. What does Jane decide to do?
(A) She decides to cancel her order. (C) She waits for seven more days.
(B) She would like to order a similar clock. (D) She sends an email to confirm her order.
43. What will the customer service assistant email her?
(A) the confirmation of cancellation (C) credit card number
(B) the amound of refund (D) confirmation of the refund
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

 I = Ian, A = Abdullah  J = Joanna, S = Sally

I: Hi Abdullah. How’s it going? J: Hello, Sally. How are you?
A: Good. I finished all my courses today so I can S: Fine, thanks. It’s been a busy week.
relax. J: Yes, I imagine. When do you finish?
I: Great. Maybe you’ll have time for some S: Tomorrow.
travelling and sightseeing now.
J: Oh, really. I didn’t realize it was so soon.
A: Maybe. But I think I’ll take it easy this
S: Well actually, my flight home is on Saturday.
J: But you’re staying for another week?
I: Oh! Well, why don’t you come to my house?
My family is coming over. We’re having a S: No.
barbecue in the back garden. It’ll be fun. J: Oh. Well, what are you doing tonight?
A: Thanks, but I have a few things to do at home S: Nothing at the moment. I’ll be at my hotel.
and it’s with your family so you probably don’t J: Well, would you like to come out for dinner?
want other people there... Let’s go somewhere this evening.
I: No, really. Don’t worry because I’m inviting a S: Really? I’d love to.
few people from our class as well. So you’ll J: Of course. I’d like to take you to my favourite
know people. I’d really like you to come. restaurant.
A: OK. Thanks, that would be great. Is it a special S: That would be wonderful. I’d like that very
occasion? much.
I: Well, my oldest sister has a new baby girl, so J: Great. Let’s go straight after work. I’ll meet
it’s a bit of a celebration for that. you downstairs in reception.
A: Oh! So I should bring something. S: OK. What time?
I: No, please don’t. It isn’t like that. There’s no J: I finish at six. Is that OK for you?
S: Sure. I’ll see you then. Bye.

Conversation 1
44. What event does Ian invite Abdullah to?
(A) a course at school (C) a sightseeing tour
(B) a travelling trip (D) a barbecue at his house
45. What will Abdullah do this weekend?
(A) Study (C) Relax
(B) Travel to somewhere (D) Do a part-time job
46. Why does Abdullah decline the invitation at first?
(A) Because he has nothing to do.
(B) Because he has to do gardening.
(C) Because he thinks it’s a family affair.
(D) Because he has to visit his friend’s house.
47. How does Ian convince Abdullah to come?
(A) He doesn’t want other people there except Abdullah.
(B) He tells Abdullah he’s inviting others from their class.
(C) He says that Abdullah know his family members.
(D) He will celebrate the party at their class.
48. What does Abdullah need to get?
(A) Nothing (B) A present (C) Some flowers (D) Some money
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Conversation 2
49. When is Sally leaving?
(A) on Saturday (B) tomorrow (C) next week (D) at the moment
50. Where does Joanna invite Sally?
(A) to lunch at the café
(B) to lunch at the airport
(C) to dinner at her hotel the airport
(D) to dinner at her favourite restaurant
51. How does Sally respond to the invitation?
(A) She will answer later. (C) She declines it.
(B) She hasn’t decided yet. (D) She accepts it.
52. Where will they meet before they go to the restaurant?
(A) Upstairs (B) In reception (C) At the elevator (D) At the front door
53. What time will they meet?
(A) At 6am (B) Around 7pm (C) After 6pm (D) Before 6pm

Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He was born
in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of fourteen. Several years later he spent one
year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York. For a few 5 years after that he
roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry. He returned
to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for
undergraduate poetry. After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia with the help of
a Guggenheim fellowship.
His novels include Not Without Laughter (1930) and The Big Sea (1940). He wrote an
autobiography in 1956 and also published several collections of poetry. The collections include The
Weary Blues (1926), The Dream Keeper (1932), Shakespeare in Harlem (1942), Fields of Wonder
(1947), One Way 15 Ticket (1947), and Selected Poems (1959).
A man of many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist. As an older man in
the 1960s he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans to
popularize black writers. Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American 20 literary
history, and he is seen as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the period when a
neighborhood that was predominantly black produced a flood of great literature, music, and other
art forms depicting daily city life for African-Americans.

54. Where was Langston Hughes born?

(A) New York (B) North Carolina (C) Spain (D) Missouri
55. What provided Hughes with assistance for his travel to Spain and Russia?
(A) his job as a reporter (C) a college study program
(B) a literary fellowship (D) his career as a soldier
56. What did Hughes do during the later years of his life?
(A) write short stories (C) popularize African-American writers
(B) write about life in Harlem (D) support racial equality
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
57. Langston Hughes was all of the following EXCEPT
(A) a journalist (B) a poet (C) an historian (D) a novelist
58. What is the main topic of this passage?
(A) American twentieth-century writers (C) African-American writers
(B) the life of Langston Hughes (D) the Harlem Renaissance

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm writing this email because I've got some important news to tell you. I'm getting married! Isn't
that great?
It all happened last night. We were having dinner in a very nice Italian restaurant when Jake
suddenly became all quiet and said he had something to tell me. He looked so serious that I was
afraid he was going to break up with me or tell me he had a terrible illness, but then he took a little
black box out of his pocket and put it in front of me. I opened it and inside was an engagement ring
and he just said, 'Will you marry me?' I was so excited that I didn't even stop to think about it and
replied, 'Yes, of course I will, silly!' And I put the ring on my finger. So there we were, engaged!
Then we spent the rest of the evening making plans. Can we have the wedding at your house? You've
got such a big, beautiful garden that it'll be perfect. We are going to wait until after my final exams
in June and I thought a good day would be 10th July. That gives us eight months to plan everything.
It should be enough time, especially as we don't want a big traditional white wedding - just a big
party with our best friends and family. We're not going to start a family straight away because I
need to get my career going, and I might even decide to stay on at university and do a master's, but
before we do that, we're going to travel round the world for a year. Jake can take a career break for
that time; his office have already said it's OK. It's so exciting!
Anyway, I have to get to class now. I'll phone you tomorrow.
Your loving daughter,

44. Lucy ____.

(A) goes to school (C) works in an office
(B) is a university student (D) has got married already
45. Jake told Lucy he ____.
(A) was worried about something serious
(B) was seriously ill
(C) wanted them to get engaged
(D) was writing an email to his parents
46. When Jake asked Lucy, she ____.
(A) replied immediately (C) didn't know what to say
(B) didn't say anything (D) told him an important news
47. Jake and Lucy are going to have ____.
(A) a big white wedding (C) a party at a very nice Italian restaurant
(B) a traditional wedding (D) a fun celebration
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48. After the wedding Lucy is going to ____.
(A) go back to university (C) have a baby
(B) go abroad (D) break up with him

Welcome to the Baggleton! This guide will help you find your way around the town. If you are
reading this, you are probably staying in one of our fine hotels: either in the historic city centre or
by the sea. Although our town is a small one, we have one of the best transport systems in the
country and wherever you want to go, you will find a method of transport that suits you.
To go to the wonderful sandy beach at Longshore, you can take the metro. There are two stops: get
off at Port station if you want to have lunch or dinner at one of our famous fish restaurants
overlooking the old port. After dinner, you can walk along the beach and get on the metro again at
the next stop, which is called Sandygate. From Port station it’s a five-minute walk to the restaurants
and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk along to the other end of the beach to Sandygate station.
For those of you who prefer the bus, or for those who don’t like walking, the number 3 bus runs
along the length of the beach with five stops between Port and Sandygate. From the end of the
beach, the bus then goes into the town centre, which is a pleasant one-hour ride. Alternatively, take
the metro from Sandygate and get off at Mullet station, which takes only 40 minutes. During rush
hour it can take longer if you drive your own car.
You can buy tickets from your hotel, from any shop or restaurant or from special ticket machines.
Single tickets cost one euro each, return tickets are one euro seventy cents and for those of you
planning to use public transport a lot, a seven-day ticket costs eight euros and gives you unlimited
travel on all the buses, trains and of course on the metro too. Many of our office workers who live
by the sea take advantage of the weekly ticket. The metro is open from six o’clock in the morning
until midnight, but the buses run all night long.

49. Who was the guide written for?

(A) commuters (B) tourists (C) pedestrians (D) taxi drivers
50. Which metro station is nearest to the restaurants?
(A) Port (B) Sandygate (C) Mullet (D) None of them
51. Which is the best type of transport for people who want to get off half-way along the beach?
(A) walking (B) metro (C) taxi (D) bus
52. What's the cheapest type of ticket for commuters?
(A) a return ticket (C) a one-way ticket
(B) a single ticket (D) a seven-day ticket
53. Which is the fastest way to get from the beach to the town centre?
(A) bus (B) car (C) metro (D) train

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